Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыДидактический материал по грамматике английского языка по теме "Количественные местоимения"

Дидактический материал по грамматике английского языка по теме "Количественные местоимения"

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 Правило на повторение


Much – with uncountable nouns in questions and in negative statements. In affirmative statements we prefer a lot of, lots of, plenty of. à  I haven’t got much money so let’s stay home tonight


Many - with countable nouns in questions and in negative statements. In affirmative statements we prefer a lot of, lots of, plenty of.  à There aren’t many apples left. Remember to buy some, please


A little - with uncountable nouns. It has a positive meaning. “A little” indicates that the quantity is enough  à I have a little time left if you’d like me to help you.

Little -  with uncountable nouns. It has a negative meaning. “A little” indicates that the quantity is not enough- we’d prefer more. à  Hurry up! There’s little time left. We’ll miss

A few - with countable nouns. It has a positive meaning. “A few” shows that the quantity is enough 

à There are a few eggs  in the fridge. You can make a cake

Few with countable nouns. It has a negative meaning. “Few” indicates that the quantity is not enough- we’d prefer more. à Mary has few close friends. She is often lonely


A lot of, lots of, plenty of – to talk about large quantities with both uncountable and countable nouns in the plural in affirmative sentences. à There are lots of hotels in the city centre.

à We have lots of restaurants in our town. àJohn has plenty of money so he can afford long holidays.

                       REMEMBER We omit of when a lot / lots is not followed by a noun.




I.Choose the correct answer

1. Jake has had  --- wine. He’s drunk.

    a) much          b) a lot of

2. Keith hasn’t got ---- work today.

    a) much          b) lot of

3. There were --- pretty girls at the beach.

    a)much                 b)a lot of

4. Mike hasn’t got --- grandchildren.

    a) many                b) a lot         

5. We picked --- apples at the farm.

   a) lots of                b) much

6. Mr Burns didn’t get --- sleep last night.

    a) much                b) lot of

7. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have got a --- children.

    a)many                 b) lot of

8. There were --- people on the queue at the bank.

a) many                    b) lot of


II.Complete the sentences with much, many or a lot (of).


1)      There are _______ of children in the art competition this year.

2)      Helen hasn’t got  _______ friends. She’s very shy.

3)      Don’t buy any more potatoes. We’ve got a _______.

4)      I didn’t get _______ gifts for my  birthday

5)      There aren’t _______ tourists here this summer.

6)      How ________ people came to your party? Not ______ . I was very sad.

7)      There isn’t _______juice in the fridge. Did you drink it all?

8)      We don’t get _______ snow here in winter but we get _______ rain.

9)      John eats _______ of fish. He loves it.

10)  I don’t have _______ money with me. Can you give me some?


III.Complete the sentences with much, many, a few  or a little.


1)      There aren’t ____________ pencils on the table.

2)      There are ____________ chairs in the classroom. I don’t think we need any more.

3)      I have _______________ money left so I can lend you some.

4)      There isn’t ____________ coffee in the pot. Can you make some more?

5)      Do you know ____________ people in this village?

6)      I’ve got ____________ flour so I can make a cake.

7)      She has ____________ free time so she can help you.

8)      My sister has a stamp collection but she hasn’t got ____________ stamps yet.

9)      Do you drink ____________ milk?  No I don’t. I drink only ____________.

10)  There’s ____________ meat in the fridge. We can make something for lunch.


       IV.Complete the sentences with much, many, a few, few, a little or little

1.      There isn’t ____________ time left. We have to leave now!

2.      Have you got ____________ minutes? I’d like to talk to you.

3.      Be quiet children! You’re making too____________ noise and I can’t hear anything!

4.      There’s only ____________ butter left. You must buy some more!

5.      There are ____________ eggs left in the fridge. Who ate them all?

6.      Helen’s made ____________  notes for the history tests but she needs to make more.

7.      It’s ____________ chilly out today. Take your sweater!

8.      I’ve got ____________ eggs. Would you like me to make an omelet for you?

9.      _______________ people went to John’s party. Not many people like him.

10.  He can’t go on holiday this year as he’s got ______________ money.

11.  There’s not ____________ hope for Kit. He’s got a fatal disease.

12.   There aren’t ____________ forests left in Europe .

13.  It was really windy so there were ____________ people at the beach today.

14.  The test was really difficult so only ____________ students passed.

15.  I like driving early in the morning as there is very ____________ traffic on the roads.


V.Complete the sentences with much, many, a few, few, a little, little or a lot


Yesterday was a beautiful day. The sun was bright and there were (1) __________ clouds in the sky. Ashley and Brian went to the beach for a picnic. They took a picnic basket with (2) ____________ of food. The packed (3) __________ sandwiches and (4)__________ bottles of water. They also took (5)__________ apples and some orange juice.

On the way to the beach they ate  (6)__________ biscuits and (7)__________ chocolate. When they arrived they saw that the beach was very crowded.  There weren’t (8)_________ places left to put their beach umbrellas. They got back in their car and drove (9)__________ further to the next beach but it was no better. There wasn’t (10)__________ space there for them to sit down. Finally they returned to the car and went home and  ate their food in the garden!


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