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Дидактический материал по теме “A healthy living guide.” (FAST FOOD)

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I. Read the information below about  fast foods and drinks.


hero sandwich / submarine sandwich

A sandwich made of a large roll or small loaf of bread sliced lengthwise and filled with various hot or cold meats, cheeses, vegetables, and relishes is called several different things in the United States, including hero, hoagie, grinder, submarine, torpedo, poor boy, Coney Island, and Italian sand­wich. All these words or their special senses originated in American slang or informal usage.

submarine sandwich: Fresh submarine sandwich with ham, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and onions isolated on white background Фото со стока

       submarine sandwich: Fresh submarine sandwich with ham, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and onions isolated on white background Фото со стока    Two of the names imply that the sand­wich is a lot to handle: hero and hoagie (or hoagy), the latter be­ing perhaps an altered form of hoggie. Grinder suggests a machine for crushing, and teeth are known informally as grinders. Submarine (or sub) and torpedo call to mind the cigar shape of some hard-crusted rolls. Poor boy conveys the notion of a whole meal packed into a relatively inexpensive sandwich; indeed, some poor boys are said to contain all the courses of a full meal, from appetizer to dessert. Italian sandwich (or Italian hero) calls to mind the peppers, spiced meats, and other foods served in many Italian restaurants. Coney Island came about by as­sociation with the Brooklyn, New York, amusement park that is almost as famous for its eateries as for its rides.

A Dagwood sandwich, named after Dagwood Bumstead, a character in the comic strip "Blondie," is somewhat differ­ent from these long, overstuffed sandwiches. It is tall, with various fillings often made from apparently incompatible foods and stacked in layers between ordinary slices of bread.


frankfurter / hot dog

A frankfurter is a smoked sausage, usually of beef or beef and pork, that is made in cylindrical links a few inches long. It, together WITH FRANKFORTE , Frankfurt, Frankfort,  and the informal frank, were named after the German city Frankfurt am Main, where it might or might not have been introduced cen­turies ago.

This type of sausage goes by several other names in the United States. Wiener, short for winerwurst, the German word for "Vienna sausage," is in turn often shortened in casual speech to wienie. Another informal term, hot dog, typically describes a frankfurter served hot in a long, soft roll, with mustard, relish, and "the works." It is believed to have been coined about 1900 by the American cartoonist T. A. Dorgan, whose drawing of a dachshund on a bun probably furthered the popular notion that the sausage was made of dog meat. Fastidious eaters will be glad to know not only that frankfurt­ers, by whatever name, are not made of dog meat, but also that the membranous casings, whether of cellulose or the cleaned intestines of slaughtered animals, are now usually removed before packaging.




espresso / cappuccino

Even though they have not driven out the traditional wa­tery brew that passes for coffee in many parts of the United States, European-style (especially Italian) drinks prepared with darkly roasted coffee are gaining in popularity. The ingredi­ents and the order in which they are combined vary some­what, but the following drinks are typical of those served at American coffeehouses and in more and more homes.

Espresso is prepared in a special machine that forces steam, under pressure, through finely ground coffee beans. To the dismay of self-proclaimed purists, some people change the first 5 to an x. Yet this is an apt variant, because both espresso and expresso come from a Latin verb meaning "to press out, express," the way juice is pressed or squeezed out of fruit. The strong, smooth black cofee is served in a demitasse, or very small cup, often with a twist of lemon.

Espresso macchiato (or simply macchiato, which means "spotted" in Italiani is espresso served in the usual small cup but topped with a bit of foamy steamed milk.  An ingredient in many of these espresso drinks, the milk, is placed directly under a steam spout next to the one through which the coffee whooshes.

КАРТИНКА espresso / cappuccinoCappuccino is espresso to which foamy steamed milk is added. Often topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon or cocoa, it is served in a cappuccino cup, which is about the size of a teacup. The Italian word cappuccino, some say, is an indi­rect reference to the brown habit worn by the Capuchin fri­ars of the Franciscan order.

Caffe latte (literally "coffee-milk") is espresso poured into steamed milk. It is served in a latte glass, a tall muglike glass with a handle. Not all English-speakers spell the Ital­ian word for coffee the way Italians do: with two fs and a grave accent on the e. Some adopt the French or Spanish spelling, cafe, though they may drop the acute accent.

Cafe au lait, a French import, is much like the Italian caffe latte, except that equal parts of steamed milk and strong brewed coffee (not espresso) are combined in either a cup, a latte glass, or a bowllike mug without a handle. Like lait, the Spanish word leche means "milk," so cafe con leche, like cafe au lait, means "coffee with milk."

Caffe mocha is steamed chocolate with espresso poured into it. Topped with a sprinkle of cocoa, it is served in a latte glass.

Caffe Borgia is a mixture of steamed chocolate and or­ange rind with espresso poured into it. Like caffe mocha, it is topped with a sprinkle of cocoa and served in a latte glass.

II. Write a menu for a students' canteen. You can add more foods.


III. Combine drinks and sandwiches into a snack.



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Разработка содержит познавательные тексты "Что такое hero sandwich / submarine sandwich, frankfurter / hot dog,espresso / cappuccino, о происхождении данных слов. Данные тексты могут быть использованы для развития навыков чтения, монологического высказывания.Учащимся предлагается составить меню для школьной столовой.

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