Инфоурок Английский язык СтатьиДоклад “Realization of the Cultural Project of Multilingual Education at the English lessons”

Доклад “Realization of the Cultural Project of Multilingual Education at the English lessons”

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Realization of the Cultural Project of   Multilingual Education at the English lessons
               Multilingualism means “the use of several languages ​​within a certain social community (first of all of the state); the use by an individual (group of people) of several languages, each of which is chosen in accordance with a specific communicative situation”[1].
For me, multilingualism is not only a high goal set by our First President, and to which everyone should strive. The concept of "multilingualism" for me as a future teacher is also filled with some aspects of a professional plan.
What is the relevance of this study? First, the study of any language is impossible without at least a partial understanding of the mentality of native speakers, their imagery and culture. It is necessary to cultivate a sense of tolerance and internationalism, a positive attitude of the individual. Secondly, develop a positive attitude to the cultural values ​​of Kazakhstan and other counties. And finally, cultivate feelings of respect for patriotism, pride in their homeland, an educational institution. To achieve the results of working with three languages ​​in the classroom, we, the future teachers need to develop our own self-education, the practical use of the state language. In the classroom of the English language, interdisciplinary communication with the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​is constantly conducted. Pupils like working with texts in English, where words in Kazakh and Russian are found, they need to be translated into English and retell all text in English. Texts in this case are taken simple and small in size, so as not to cause a sense of fear among students and unwillingness to read. (It is autumn now. The days are short and the nights are long. It often rains and when it rains it is very cold. There are a few flowers in the garden and fields. But sometimes the weather is  fine. The sun shines and it is warm.) 
It takes a lot of time for a teacher to thoroughly think through and plan lessons of this kind, to make didactic handouts, to make the right choice of texts, and you try to find texts that are consonant in three languages.
At each lesson, at the organizational stage, for the development of multilingualism, I use psychological trainings, such as “Wish another”, where pupils in the circle tell each other some wishes: Pupil1: I wish you happiness! Pupil 2: I wish you good luck! Pupil 3: I wish you good day! Another effective training for the development of polylingualism can be applied at the beginning of the lesson, prompting students to name the date in three languages. The effect of the constant automatic consolidation of the necessary vocabulary will certainly be. Knowing of Kazakh, Russian foreign languages ​​becomes a part of personal and professional activity of a person. All this on the whole causes the need for a large number of citizens who  professionally speak several languages ​​and in connection with this have real chances to take a position in society that is more prestigious in both social and professional terms. I am sure that a competent and proper implementation of the three languages ​​will enable graduates not to get lost in any environment.
Working with three languages ​​is not an easy task; the teacher himself must be oriented in all three languages, be able to explain one or another phenomenon in order to show students by example that mastering three languages ​​is possible. Can a student, after a good, conscientious learning of a foreign language, communicate with foreigners? Of course he can. Let it be the most primitive communication at the level of questions and answers “yes” or “no” and the simplest sentences, but it will be, and this is the most important thing. This is what will cause the desire to improve their knowledge in the study of foreign languages, this is what will raise the student in the eyes of his peers, parents and others.
               And the desire to learn the languages ​​of other nations is the beginning of good relations with the peoples themselves. Great Abay said: "Knowledge of a foreign language and culture makes a person equal with this people." But at the same time, we must face it: one desire is not enough. Pupils need to talk, convince them that learning is a big job, the fruits of which they will reap in the future. And the more conscientious the student will work in the lessons of the Kazakh and English languages, the easier it will be in his life. Learning foreign languages ​​is difficult for those that are not the languages ​​of our communication.
But the correctness of the expression of their thoughts, their conciseness, clarity, brevity - too, has not been canceled, and for this you need to learn and comprehend the rich Russian language. This is the work of both the student and the teacher, it can be said that 75% depends on the student’s perseverance, and the remaining 25% is from the teacher, a person who is always happy to share everything he knows himself. Multilingualism is a requirement of modernity, and it is unreasonable and not far-sighted to ignore it. “Polycultural education in Kazakhstan is one of the most important areas.“We must release a competitive student who has a broad outlook, who can not only use the technique, but also own the culture of the word. We must strive to form the student, as a communicative person, capable of active life in a multinational environment. The teacher in the classroom should create a favorable educational environment for learning three languages: English, Kazakh and Russian. When organizing educational and cognitive activities, the teacher should use both modern teaching methods and forms of organization of educational activities of students, thanks to which it would be interesting and comfortable for them to learn three languages” [2].               All this, undoubtedly, activates the process of learning, increases the motivation and interest of children to learn languages. "Who does not know foreign languages, does not know anything about his own" (I. Goethe). “One language leads you into the corridor of life. Two languages ​​open all the doors on the way. ”(Frank Smith). [3]These two statements, as well as the statement of Abay, emphasizes that great importance has always been attached to the knowledge of foreign languages, this is not someone else's whim, but the dictates of the times in which we live.”
Multilingualism contributes to the formation of an open person - open to the world, people, good and ready to work for the benefit of other people.


1. www.thoughtco.com ›

2. N.A. Nazarbayev New Kazakhstan in the new world  //A.. — 2007. — 1 марта. — № 33 (25278).

3. -  С.Х.Карин «Мысли и изречения», Алма-Ата – 1964, с.384

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The purpose of this work to introduce information about methodical recommendations on the introduction of multilingual education at the English lessons.

The objectives of this study:

- to introducemultilingual education asa part of educational program;

- to investigate the best ways of teaching three languages;

- to study examples of innovations in learning English

The object of this work is multilingual education at the English lessons, and the subject is the best ways of teachingEnglish language in new conditions. The goal is to study the practical examples, expanding the outlook of students and cultural mutual enrichment by mastering three languages .

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