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Essay "The new school through the eyes of a young teacher"

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‘The new school through the eyes of a young teacher’


‘Every day, as for the first time, you enter to your home school,

The teacher is waiting for you and your class;

There are thousands of new discoveries’


            I think every teacher, partial to his or her profession, is interested in what the school in the future will be. In general, every year there are a lot of changes in education, someone thinks it is to the good, others, in particular, outrage so many changes in the educational system. In other words, no one stays indifferent to this issue. I often thought about it. What is for me, as a young teacher, the school of the future? What characteristics should have the school in the XXI century?

            My successful school of the future – is a school, where understanding among teachers, leaders, children and their parents is on the first place. The main purpose of my school of the future will be to teach and bring up children, but not to write and collect a huge number of different reports and documentation, as it is happening now. In this school, the children will and able to acquire knowledge, and teachers gladly give them the knowledge and the parents are the companions of the school and teachers are not on the sidelines, or even worse, be configured categorically against them. Also, in my understanding, the school of the future must be a promising and prestigious educational institution. And in such a school there will be no shortage of personnel; young professionals, who have graduated from higher educational institutions will go working themselves. Moreover, the profession ‘teacher’ will be the first on their list and desirable, and they will not despair in it. And after that, there will be a teacher, opening to everything new, understanding child psychology and characteristics of students, knowing his subject. His aim is to help children find themselves in the future, to become independent, creative and self-confident people. The teacher of the new school is a creative, diversified, highly moral man with an active lifestyle, partial to his work and to the destiny of his disciples.

            It will be the important fact that there will be favorable creative climate within the team. There must be not formal, but compulsory mentoring of more experienced teachers the beginners who do not have the experience, so called, young teachers. This approach will ensure continuity and understanding of generations in education; give tradition and history in reliable hands of the young and already professional junior colleagues. By no means, the fair wage and excellent social guarantees provided by the government and the district for such schools will attract attention. This will create the additional conditions for attracting the worthy professionals to work at school.

            New school is a center of interaction with both the parents and the local community, and with the institutions of culture, health, sports, recreation and other social organizations. School of the future as a center of leisure will be open on weekdays, on weekends and school holidays for concerts, plays, sports events, and will be a family-friendly place. Also, students across the country, regardless of the area of the village, where this school is situated, will be able to communicate distantly with students of other countries.

            School of the future will be a modern building with original architectural and design solutions, with a functional school architecture – dining room with a healthy and delicious meal, a media library and a library, a high-tech educational equipment, broad-banded Internet, literate textbooks and interactive training aids with lots of conditions for sports and creativity. I believe that the creation of favorable conditions at school will form a completely new educational environment and allow to release harmoniously developed personality into adulthood, able to set goals and to choose he appropriate means for achieving them, the person who will be free to communicate with others and defend their points of view without aggression, who will make contribution to the positive development of society. For this purpose, our school will provide opportunities for the next generation of development ways of thinking that do not contradict the norms of ethics, aesthetics and cultural traditions.

            Theretofore, we, the teachers of schools, must work, overcoming all difficulties, teach children, improve our own experience and every time, entering the class with a smile on our face, remember the great words: ‘From century to century sounded the call of visionary, ‘Master, educate your disciple, to sit at his feet!’


Adamovich E.N., English teacher, Zatobol school-gymnasium

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I think every teacher, partial to his or her profession, is interested in what the school in the future will be. In general, every year there are a lot of changes in education, someone thinks it is to the good, others, in particular, outrage so many changes in the educational system. In other words, no one stays indifferent to this issue. I often thought about it. What is for me, as a young teacher, the school of the future? What characteristics should have the school in the XXI century?

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