Инфоурок Английский язык СтатьиЭссе по английскому языку на тему: "The future of mankind is in the hands of the teacher."

Эссе по английскому языку на тему: "The future of mankind is in the hands of the teacher."

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муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Школа №75»





«Будущее человечества в руках учителя»











Крекотина Дарья Андреевна          


Перекальская Валентина Сергеевна




Рязань, 2023 год




municipal budgetary educational institution "School No. 75"





"The future of mankind is in the hands of the teacher"










Krekotina Daria Andreevna


Perekalskaya Valentina Sergeevna






Ryazan, 2023



In the modern world, the idea that in the nearest future the profession of a teacher will become obsolete, its place in the school may well be taken by a robot with innovative artificial intelligence, which will be able to give knowledge to children with the same success, has begun to gain popularity.  But is it true that the role of a teacher is only to give knowledge to the younger generations?  That the teacher is just an intermediary between information and facts and children?

      Once V. Hugo said: “The future of mankind is in the hands of a teacher”, but was he right in this statement, because at the time when he lived, his contemporaries had no thoughts that information technologies would someday appear, which  can replace teachers?  Maybe a robot can really replace a teacher without any problems, and nothing will change, or everything will even improve, because its performance is many times higher than a human one?  Unfortunately no.  I don’t think so at all, because a teacher is not only a middle link between knowledge and young minds, a teacher is, first of all, a mentor.

      Any interactions in society are emotions.  A person is a very sensitive being and contact is important for him, it is important to listen and understand that they are listening to you, share impressions, opinions, emotions and receive all this in return.  A robot is a machine.  Yes, of course, he is more enduring, faster, more efficient and does not get tired at all, but he is artificial, not alive, and he will not be able to understand your emotions and feelings and share his own, because he simply does not have them.  Then how can he become a real mentor to his students, become an example for them?

      The teacher transfers knowledge to the child, but at the same time, the teacher is always ready to listen, give advice, reassure, help, understand and feel.  Who, if not a teacher, will be able to guide a lost little soul on the true path.  A teacher is a truly great and difficult profession, because he shares with his students not only scientific knowledge, but also life experience, gives that warmth, because of which he is called a second mother.  This is how much we recognize the teacher's work, because it is he who helps pave the way to the beginning of adulthood, it is in his company that the child spends most of his day, it is with him that he learns to be a man.  A robot will not be able to provide such an emotional return as a person, which is why the profession of a teacher should remain relevant in the future, because it is thanks to him that a person grows into a person, and does not turn into an electronic machine!


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