Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииИсследовательский проект на тему: "Как стать Королем Англии."(11 класс)

Исследовательский проект на тему: "Как стать Королем Англии."(11 класс)

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  • How to become the king of England?Completed by: Denisova Daria Age: 16 years...

    1 слайд

    How to become the king of England?
    Completed by: Denisova Daria Age: 16 years old
    Head: Perekalskaya Valentina Sergeevna
    Ryazan, 2022

  • Tasks:Learn about the history of the origin and development of inheritance la...

    2 слайд

    Learn about the history of the origin and development of inheritance law in England.
    Find and analyze information about the order of succession to the British throne, the criteria for succession at the present time.
    Find out if it is possible for an ordinary person to become the king or queen of England.
    if you understand the structure of the succession to the English throne, learn about its order, then an ordinary person can become the king or queen of Britain.

  • In 1685, James II Stuart took the English throne. He was a Catholic, and ther...

    3 слайд

    In 1685, James II Stuart took the English throne. He was a Catholic, and therefore he considered it necessary to suppress the English Church and spread Catholicism.
    History of the birth of the order of succession

  • The people did not like this, so they decided to invite the ruler of the Neth...

    4 слайд

    The people did not like this, so they decided to invite the ruler of the Netherlands, William of Orange, the husband of the eldest daughter of James II, Mary, with a proposal to take the English throne.

  • Criteria for heirs to the throne at the time King William determined the firs...

    5 слайд

    Criteria for heirs to the throne at the time
    King William determined the first order and criteria for succession to the throne: Catholics, as well as persons who married them and their descendants, were deprived of the right to occupy the throne, the king had to join the Anglican Church, preference was given to the eldest son of the monarch.

  • Criteria and order of succession to the English throne in modern times On Apr...

    6 слайд

    Criteria and order of succession to the English throne in modern times
    On April 25, 2013, the new Succession to the Throne Act was signed into law by Queen Elizabeth II.

  • The Succession Act establishes equal rights to the succession to the throne f...

    7 слайд

    The Succession Act establishes equal rights to the succession to the throne for representatives of the British royal family of both sexes by seniority. In addition, the law allowed monarchs to marry Catholics, but the requirement that the monarch himself belonged to the Anglican Church remained in force.

  • Current Ruler of EnglandCurrently, after the death of Elizabeth II, power pas...

    8 слайд

    Current Ruler of England
    Currently, after the death of Elizabeth II, power passed to her eldest son - Charles, Prince Royal.

  • Based on the information received, it can be concluded that one can become th...

    9 слайд

    Based on the information received, it can be concluded that one can become the king or queen of England in two cases: to be born into a family of monarchs and wait for their term, or to successfully marry one of the representatives of the royal family. An example of this is the wife of William, Duke of Cambridge, son of the current King of England Charles III, Catherine Middleton.

  • This work is devoted to the history of the origin and the order of succession...

    10 слайд

    This work is devoted to the history of the origin and the order of succession to the throne in England. We found out that order and criteria first appeared in the 17th century under King William.
    Next, we took a look at the changes that currently determine the order of succession to the English throne, as well as who currently holds the British throne.
    As a result, we have identified two main ways to become the king or queen of England: to be born an heir or to successfully marry.
    Thus, all the tasks of the project were achieved.

  • REFERENCES:1.https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BB_III_(%D0%...

    11 слайд

    2. https://iz.ru/1394196/2022-09-12/pochemu-printc-charlz-stal-korolem-karlom-iii
    3. https://tass.ru/info/15699643
    10. https://im.kommersant.ru/Issues.photo/NEWS/2022/09/08/KMO_096855_29530_1_t222_212714.jpg
    11. https://media.tatler.ru/photos/619770c711ec3507f4f58d8b/16:9/w_2560%2Cc_limit/GettyImages-113266541.jpg
    12. https://proza.ru/pics/2015/06/13/688.jpg
    13. https://diletant.media/upload/medialibrary/e1e/e1e631fef8de2f3c7857ec0c23606d5f.jpg
    14. https://s0.rbk.ru/v6_top_pics/media/img/1/41/755157574296411.png
    15. https://homsk.com/upload/media/posts/2021-04/12/kak-gollandec-vilgelm-iii-oranskiy-zahvatil-britanskiy-tron_1618235930-b.jpg
    16. https://www.ok-magazine.ru/images/cache/2021/4/12/fit_795_547_false_crop_3813_2144_0_198_q90_792911_c218cf9aefb5ab6cefa066320.jpeg

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