Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыФонд оценочных средств, 2-4 класс

Фонд оценочных средств, 2-4 класс

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Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку

2-4 класс, УМК «English», авторы С. Тер-Минасова, Л. Узунова.

2 класс

Контрольная работа № 1




Контрольная работа № 2

Контрольная работа № 3





Контрольная работа № 4


Контрольная работа № 5


Контрольная работа № 6





Контрольная работа № 7








3 класс

Контрольная работа №1

Контрольная работа № 2

Контрольная работа № 3




Контрольная работа № 4


Контрольная работа № 5




Контрольная работа № 6





Контрольная работа № 7


4 класс

Контрольная работа № 1

1. Sally tells us about her friends Tim and Betty. Listen (No. 1) and tick () the correct answers.




is from Belfast



is from Edinburgh



is from London



is in London now



 is Irish



 is Scottish



likes rugby



enjoys visiting museums



likes sunny weather



is very friendly



2.  Say what you know about Tim and Betty.

3. Read some interesting facts about the UK, then tick (v)   the correct answers.


The English national drink is tea.
The Irish national colour is green.
Football is a very popular sport in Great Britain.
When two English people meet, they like to talk about the weather.

Children in Britain go to school when they are 5 years old.

Queen Elizabeth II has her favourite pets, they are her little dogs.

1) What's the favourite drink in England?

coffee □      tea □  apple juice □

2) Which part of the UK has green as its national colour?
Scotland □     Wales □    Northern Ireland □

3) What ball game is very popular in Britain?

football □    rugby □       basketball □

4) What do the English like to talk about when they meet ?

museums □    sports □    weather □

5) What do English children do when they are 5 years old?

read books □ go to school □   play at home □

6) What are the favourite pets of the English Queen?

cats □    dogs □       she has no pets □

4. Complete the sentences.

1) E_  _  _  _  _     , S_  _  _  _  _  _  _ , W_  _  _  _ and N_  _  _  _  _  _  _    I_  _  _  _  _  _  _         are parts of the UK.

2) Edinburgh is the с_  _  _  _  _  _     of Scotland.

3) The UK is the c_  _  _  _  _  _ where people speak English.

4) People who live in Wales are W_  _  _  _.

5) You can see a lot of London m_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ and m_  _  _  _  _  _    from the London Eye.


Контрольная работа №2

l.  Put the words in the correct form.

1. I _____ just (visit) Mr. Groat, a popular singer. have just visited.

2. He _____just (talk) to me.____________________________________________

3. We ______already (listen) to his songs. ________________________________

4. They______ already (play) his music on TV. ____________________________

5. Mr Great______        just (start) a new album.          _________________________

6. People______ not (watch) his new video yet. ____________________________

7. He ______not (invite) any people yet. ______________________________________

2. a) What can you get from the TV Shop? Listen (No. 2) and tick (Ú)

trainers □   socks □    a coat □   a sweater a dress  

a T-shirt   □   jeans □   a hat   □  a cap  □   a shirt □
a blouse □ trousers □   shoes □   boots □   a skirt  □

b) Listen again and tick the words that you hear,
snowy □   cloudy □   rainy   □   sunny  □  cold  □  warm  □

hot    □   frosty  

3. Read the text and complete the sentences.


Ted made a funny robot yesterday. His name is Toby. He has just started to walk and speak. He is wearing a cap, a shirt and long trousers. Also, he has got white socks and black shoes. Toby needs the sun. When it is shining, he looks happy. But when it gets cloudy, he looks a little bit sad. He switches on a lamp and says, "This is my little sun."

Ted  made a _______________________________________________________________________

Toby has just started to _________________________________________________________

He is wearing _____________________________________________________________________

He looks happy when __________________________________________________________

When the weather is bad, he _____________________________________________________

4. Look at the pictures. Say and write:

what the weather is like;

what you will put on.



Контрольная работа №3

1. Listen (No. 3) and guess what the animals are. Write the numbers in the chart.





a sheep


a bear


a duck


a polar bear



2. Think of an animal and describe it to your friend.
Guess your friend's animal.

My animal is ________________________________. It lives ______________________.

It's like ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________.It can____________. It likes _______________________.           

3. Complete the conversation and read it.

Hetty: Joe, ______________________ever _________________a wolf?

Joe: Yes, I have seen two __________________________ at the zoo.

Hetty: That's great! Did ___________________________________________of wild animals there?

Joe: Yes, I took pictures of monkeys, foxes and polar bears.

Hetty: How interesting! ___________________________________any birds there?

Joe: Yes, I saw some _________________________on the lake.

4. Put the words in the correct order and write the sentences.

1) you, ever, Have, to, been, the, zoo?


2) seen, they, a polar bear, Have, before, ever?



3) I, never, a  sheep, seen, at, have, the circus.


4) taken, She, never, a picture, has, a wolf, of.

) has, A        duck, in the grass, hidden.








Контрольная работа № 4

1. Listen to Big and Bug (No. 4) and tick ( Ú ) the correct answers.

1) Big wants to go

to the museum  to the theatre       

to the cinema   on an excursion 

2) Bug says he is

surprised □                          tired         lazy          busy

3) Big doesn't want to spend time with Bug 
wants to spend time with Bug 

4) Bug thinks that cartoons are

fine □                         silly □            funny         □         great

5) Bug chooses

a comedy □              a cartoon a film about the USA 

2. You are getting ready for a Thanksgiving or Christmas party. Discuss (обсуди) with your friend what you have to do. Read the text and write "yes" or "no".


Johnny and Jane have spent a great day in New York. In the morning, they played football in Central Park. They wanted to learn how to climb, but they couldn't, because they had to go to the lesson. After lunch they went to a museum. Then they went to the zoo and took pictures of wild animals. In the evening they went to the cinema to watch an old American comedy. They enjoyed it very much. They wanted to go shopping, but it was late and they had to  go home.

Johnny and Jane spent two days in New York. _No__

They went to Central Park in the morning. _________________________

They learned how to climb there. _________________________________

After lunch they went to the theatre. _______________________________

They didn't like the comedy. _____________________________________

They went shopping in the evening. _______________________________

4. Complete the chart with the words from the box.







Places of interest
















Контрольная работа №5

1. Complete the sentences.

1) Dinos were the biggest (big) animals in the world.

2) Flamingos are the ____________________________________________ (beautiful) birds in the world.

3) The blue car goes as _____________________________________(quickly) as the red car.

4) Monkeys are as  __________________________________________(funny) as clowns.

5) Dogs are  __________________________________________________(clever) than cats.

6)  Romy thinks that festivals on the Earth are  _____________________________ (interesting) than on her planet.

2. Read the text and answer the questions.


The British usually have meat and vegetables for dinner. One of the vegetables is potato. Carrots and cabbage are also very popular. On Sundays the British have a traditional Sunday Roast[1] Dinner. They have roast meat or chicken, vegetables and Yorkshire pudding.

They also eat jam and ice cream for dinner.

What do the British usually have for dinner?


What dinner do the British have on Sunday?


3. Listen to the text (No. 5) and answer the questions.

How do people cook tasty soup?


What do they fry eggs with?


What do they put in fruit salad?


What food does Jane like most of all?



4. Say what food you like and what food you can cook.


Контрольная работа № 6


1. Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs and write down your answers.

1) Have   you   ever   been   (be)   to   the   sea?

Yes,   I   have   been   to   the   sea.  /  No,  I   have   never   been   to   the   sea.   

2)___________ you    ever _____________ (fly)   to    Europe?_______________________________

3)___________you ever __________ (read)  books about Asia? ______________________

4)__________ you ever ___­­_____ (speak) to Australians? ___________________________

5)__________ you ever ___________ (draw) pictures of nature? ______________________

6) __________you ever ____________ (wear) a warm coat in summer? _______________


2. Listen to the text (No. 6) and tick the correct answers.

1) Jim flew to

Canberra □  Ottawa □    Sydney □    London □

2) Jim went there at

4:30 a.m. □ 5:30 a.m. □    5:45 a.m. □ 5:45 a.m. □

3) Jim got to that city at

7:15 p.m. □ 7:30 p.m. □ 7:45 p.m.   □    8:15 p.m. □    

4)Jim spoke

English and French □      English and Russian □    French and Russian □     English □


3. Read the text and tick (Ú) the correct sentences.


Have you ever been to the hottest and the coldest places on the Earth?

The coldest and windiest continent is Antarctica. People cannot live there all the time. But people from Europe,  Asia, America, Australia and Africa go there for a short
time and do science.

The African continent is the hottest, with the biggest desert in the world — the Sahara. A lot of people live and work in Africa. They speak and understand more
languages than on any other continent.


1. The coldest place on the Earth la Antarctica. □

2. People can live in Antarctica all the time. □

3. People from all over the world do science in Antarctica.

4. The African continent is the windiest. □

5. The biggest desert is in Africa. □

6. People in Africa do not speak many languages. □


4. Make a plan of your visit to Australia. Say and write where you will go and what you will do there.




Контрольная работа № 7

1. Complete the words. We use them when we say how often we do things.

o_  _  en, n_  _  _r,  so_  _  _  _шеs, _  _  _  _  ys, га_  _  _ у

2 a) The sentences are mixed up. Put them In the correct order and you will learn what Willy is good at.

1. He plays it every Sunday with his friends.

2. Before the game Willy's dad said, "Good luck, son."

3. They were the winners and they were very happy.

4. Willy is fond of baseball.

5. Willy and his friends won the baseball game.

6. Yesterday there was an important game.

7. He is a good player because he can run very fast.

b) Write 4 sentences about Willy. Use ex. 4a.
l. _____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________

3. Listen to the text (No. 7) and tick (Ú) the correct answers.

1) Where does Kate often go with her friends?

to the fun park □   to the skating rink □      to the mountains □

2) Where does she like to go with her parents?

to the skating rink □       I to the forest □     to the mountains □

3) How often does Kate go climbing?

often □        rarely        sometimes        never

4) What does she think about climbing?

it's not interesting □        it's easy □   it's difficult

5) What did she win yesterday?

a football game □  a volleyball game □       a basketball game


4. You are the director of a sports school. Say what sports your students do. Invite children who like sports to your school.


[1] roast [roust] — запекать, запечённый

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