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From the history of the Internet

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  • Yamnoe High School«History of the Internet: what year appeared and for what w...

    1 слайд

    Yamnoe High School
    «History of the Internet: what year appeared and for what was created»
    Semenova Anastasia Igorevna
    Student 10 class

  • Computer without the Internet today-thing seems to be useless. Of course, thi...

    2 слайд

    Computer without the Internet today-thing seems to be useless. Of course, this is the most convenient tool for communication, finding everything and even making money. But this was not always the case-originally the network was invented entirely for another purpose.

  • How it all began?So, for what the Internet was created, in which year appeare...

    3 слайд

    How it all began?
    So, for what the Internet was created, in which year appeared and who were its first users? «Parents» worldwide network are considered, by itself, the United States, the Ministry of defence in 1957 year yet visited the need to retain (in case of war) a reliable system of exchange of operational information. The mission to establish the first computer network was blamed on the shoulders of several leading American academic institutions.

    Thanks to a generous investment by the Ministry of defence, already in 1969 year was commissioned a project called ARPANET, which combined the information network of its creators: UCLA, Stanford Research Centre, Universities of the States of Utah and California. Soon this system due to its effectiveness and universality began to develop actively and became particularly popular with scientists of the time.

  • “Perelomnaya night» in the history of the creation of a networkWhat year inve...

    4 слайд

    “Perelomnaya night» in the history of the creation of a network
    What year invented the Internet, we already know. But what date is the day of his birth? This October 29, 1969 year. This day is now beginning point of its entire history. Let us recall the events of that day, or rather night. It all began in 21:00, when the first full session between California and Stanford. The transfer of information was carried out by an employee of the University of California, Charlie Cline, and took her into Stanford Bill Duvall, acknowledging receipt of each character by means of telephone communication. But, as the saying goes, the first pancake is always lumpy, so after the introduction of a system of three characters (LOG) failed. Blonde head of American science for one and a half hours of connect and 22:30 work resumed: Bill Duvall acknowledged receipt of complete command network logon (LOGON).So if they ask you what year created the Internet, albeit the most primitive, answer with confidence: October 29, 1969 year.

  • Email-push to the massesWell and then went like clockwork. Already three year...

    5 слайд

    Email-push to the masses
    Well and then went like clockwork. Already three years, October 2, 1971 year was invented so popular today means of communication is email. The first code messaging programs created in the ARPANET consisted of 200 rows. This resource is the handiwork of Ray Tomlinson, BBN Technologies, a leading engineer who symbol, which to this day serves as a separator between user name and domain address. This symbol we proudly call "dog".Introduction e-mail to the masses was a decisive event in the history of the development of the Internet. In what year was the first email address is no longer important. The main thing is that thanks to him, still imperfect then became a global network, enabling to imagine millions of interested users.

  • World debut1973 year is considered the beginning of the international popular...

    6 слайд

    World debut
    1973 year is considered the beginning of the international popularity of cyberspace, because through the transatlantic telephone cable, United Kingdom and Norway were connected to American information system. And after 10 years the ARPANET was renamed-the Internet. What year did the term which we today proudly call the World Wide Web? In the year 1983.At this time the Internet has become not only a means of sending e-mail, but also a platform for posting news and announcements. In 1984 year invented the domain name system, which was supposed to provide easy-to-use robot with Internet addresses. In the same year was created another major collegiate network NSFNET, which compete with the ARPANET.

  • The birth of modern means of communicationOnline Fellowship today would not h...

    7 слайд

    The birth of modern means of communication
    Online Fellowship today would not have been possible if it had not developed a protocol IRC, that translated into ordinary speech signifies nothing more than a "chat". Internet without it would not be the Internet. The year has started service to communicate in real time?

    1989 year marked the emergence of a true world wide Web. This idea came to mind Tim Barnesu-Lee, who suggested the link available at that time information networks into one single, the so-called World Wide Web. Do it by hyperlinks. At the same time appeared on the HTTP protocol, HTML was developed.

  • ARPANET had ceased to exist relatively recently-in 1990, and all because of t...

    8 слайд

    ARPANET had ceased to exist relatively recently-in 1990, and all because of the NSFNET, which surpassed it in many ways. Just a year after that premiered a new browser NCSA Mosaic, with the result that the World Wide Web has become a public means of communication. Already as of 1997 the year of the Internet came out of around 10 million computers and more than a million domains were registered.
    Now you know what year created the Internet, why and who did it. Whatever it is, it's one of the greatest achievements of science technology, which for many years was an integral part of the modern world.

  • Thank you for your attention!

    9 слайд

    Thank you for your attention!

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