Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыИспользование сказок при изучении английского языка.

Использование сказок при изучении английского языка.

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Kitten Smack barely waited for morning. He really wanted to ride new roller skates as soon as possible!


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

The day turned out to be clear and sunny. And only in the distance a tiny cloud loomed in the sky.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!Smack was rolling, spinning and tumbling on roller skates, and the cloud was approaching.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

It was growing. It was getting darker. It was turning into a big cloud.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

Smack tried to deceive her.




He went to the left.


Then - to the right.


But the cloud was floating straight towards him.


She was already close!


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

And then it started to rain.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

- I don't play like that, — the kitten was upset.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

At home, the kitten tried to dry the fur.


He dusted himself off.


He waved his paws.


He squeezed his tail.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

But he was still wet.


"Nothing," Smack decided. - I'll dry while I'm playing.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

It remains only to figure out what to play.


- I thought of it!  Smack exclaimed.


He went to the living room and attached a race track.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

It was a very good track. The bump rolled faster and faster, and then...


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

Smack raised one paw, then the other. There were dirty puddles on the floor. And, as it turned out, not only on the floor.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

Mom didn't like it at all.


"Go outside for a ride—" she said.


"I can't," Smack sighed. - It's raining outside.


center]Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it![/center]

Smack suddenly realized that he was hungry.


He went to the kitchen to get ice cream.


In the kitchen, the younger sister was decorating fish sticks with icing.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

Music was being broadcast on the radio.


- Meow-rock!  Smack exclaimed. - My favorite song!


His paws danced of their own accord.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

Smack accidentally pushed his sister. The little sister flew all over the kitchen.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

- Go for a ride outside, - said the sister.


"I can't," said Smack. - It's raining outside.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

Smack went to the dining room.


He came up with something else to play!


"Let's play high chairs," he said to the Cheesecake.


Smack rushed to the chair...


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop!

... and fell under the table.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

Dad didn't like it at all.





"Go outside for a ride—" he said


"I can't," Smack sighed. - It's raining outside.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

Smack went to the hallway to take off the rollers.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

He did not see that his sister was walking towards him.


Fish sticks flew into the air.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

My sister tried to catch them, but she didn't succeed.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

- Oh!  Smack shouted.


But he managed to pick up the plate and save the fish sticks.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

Mom and Dad heard the screams, ran out into the hallway and bumped into Smack. Fish sticks still scattered down the corridor.


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!


Everyone rushed to catch them, but they slipped on dirty puddles and rolled down the corridor - straight into the hallway and onto the street.


- No!  Smack shouted. - It's raining there!


Kitten Smack. Rain, rain, stop it!

But the rain had already stopped, and a rainbow was shining in the sky.

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Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников

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Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

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