Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыИсследовательская работа по английскому языку на тему "Сравнительный анализ английских лимериков и русских частушек"

Исследовательская работа по английскому языку на тему "Сравнительный анализ английских лимериков и русских частушек"

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Comparative study of English limericks and Russian chastooshkas






Автор: Сабитова Алина

ученица 7А класса


Галямова Г.К.,

учитель английского языка




2017 г.


1.     Introduction                                                                                             3

2.     The main part

2.1.          The theoretical details of the origin of English limericks

and Russian chastooshkas                                                                     4

2.2.          The special features of the genre «limerick»                                           6

2.3.          The special features of the genre «chastooshka»                                     8

2.4.          The comparative study of limericks and chastooshkas                            10

3.     Conclusion                                                                                               11

4.     Literature                                                                                                 12

5.     Sites                                                                                                          13


It is well known that customs and traditions of the people especially are shown in folklore. Folklore is defined as stories that originated orally and sometimes have no authors.

One of the ways of understanding another culture is to analyze its literary works.  English and Russian literature mainly reflects their culture and provides a wide variety of genres. One of them is limericks and chastooshkas which I was interested in.

Limericks are the works of English speaking countries. But chastooshkas are typical for Russian folklore. Thus, poetry is an element of folklore.

According to my hypothesis it is worthy to study the similarities and the differences between English limerick and Russian chastooshka.

In this connection, I set up the following goals:

1) to study the historical origin of limerick and chastooshka;

2) to identify the special features of the genres;

3) to compare the English limericks and Russian chastooshkas;

To achieve these aims I have tried to solve the following problems:

1) to find out the origin of the history of these humorous works of folklore;

2) to give the description of the English limericks and Russian folk songs;

3) to reveal their features;

4) to reflect the common and distinctive features.

Object of research is English limericks and Russian chastooshkas.

Subject of research is the similarities and the differences between English limerick and Russian chastooshka.

Research methods: studying the literature and works of the given subject; the analysis of the studied literature; the comparative study of English limericks and Russian chastooshkas.

This material can be used at English lessons as additional material on phonetic charging, enrichment of vocabulary or just for development of creative abilities of students.

The main part

2.1. The theoretical details of the origin of the English limericks

and the Russian chastooshkas.

The origin of the actual name «limerick» for this type of poem is obscure and is still being debated. The term was first officially documented in England in 1898, in the New English Dictionary, but the form itself is much older.

It is generally taken to be a reference to the city of Limerick in Ireland, and may derive from an earlier form of nonsense verse parlor game which traditionally included a refrain that ended «Come all the way up to Limerick? »

It may be possible that in the early 1700s soldiers returning from the War of the Spanish Succession brought the limerick to Ireland from the European mainland.

It's interesting that some of the earliest published limericks were related to taverns and drinking. One might speculate that people had a few drinks, «loosened up», and then began competitions in which they sang or chanted bawdy songs and poems, perhaps at times in competitions, with the winner getting a free drink, applause, or a kiss from a serving wench. It may have been hundreds of years before literary types started to take limericks seriously enough to start writing them down.

In any case, by 1776 limericks had been published in «Mother Goose’s Melodies». Shortly thereafter when Mother Goose nursery rhymes began to attain fame, the limerick became famous also.

Limericks are often associated historically with Edward Lear, whose first published limericks appeared in «A Book of Nonsense» in 1846, although his poems were not called limericks at the time. But Lear didn’t invent the form. It appears that during his stays at Knowsley Hall in the 1830s, he discovered a book, «Anecdotes and Adventures of Fifteen Gentlemen», which contained limericks published by John Marshall in 1822. Two similar books had been published around the same time: Anecdotes and Adventures of Fifteen Young Ladies and The History of Sixteen Wonderful Old Women. It seems likely that these books employed a form that was already popular at the time, and that Lear liked the form and began using it himself.

As for chastooshka, in Russian: часту́шка, derives from «часто» - «frequently», or from «части́ть» is a traditional type of short Russian humorous folk song with high beat frequency, that consists of one four-lined couplet, full of humor, satire or irony.

Some people suppose that such songs had been sung and danced under by the street performers (skomorohi). Others are convinced that chastooshka as a special song form, appeared before the middle of the last century.

It  is one of the few genres of traditional Russian folklore, the texts are not learnt by heart especially, and in many cases they are improvised.

Their main purpose is the expression of a certain attitude to the events and facts in a wide variety of thoughts, feelings and moods. As in any lyrical work, thoughts and feelings need to be expressed in rhymes, no extent in time.

The first Russian folk song were written in small towns, lively villages located on main roads, places of construction work, which flocked many people.

The first Russian chastooshkas were only performed during parties, holidays. They were accompanied by dances. Since the late nineteenth century they become, and the creation, and the existence of predominantly female genre of folklore.

Chastooshkas are usually sung as well by a group of people with balalaika or garmon.


2.2. The special features of the genre «limerick»

While reading and studying limericks I paid attention to some specific features. All limericks have a strict form of construction and the way of rhyme. A limerick is a five-line humorous poem with an AABBA rhyme scheme. The form appeared in England in the early years of the 18th century. It was popularized by Edward Lear in the 19th century, although he did not use the term.

A limerick has five lines, with three metrical feet in the first, second, and fifth lines and two metrical feet in the third and fourth lines.

From a folkloric point of view, the form is essentially transgressive; violation of taboo is part of its function. Lear is unusual in his creative use of the form, satirizing without overt violation. Limericks are in accentual verse, which means that the satisfactory construction of a line is determined by the number of accents with little or no regard to the number of syllables. In this it differs from metered verse, which is accentual-syllabic, taking account of both the pattern of accents and the number of syllables. Because the syllables are not counted, accentual verse has certain flexibility.


Limericks are not only acquaint English language learners with great poetic samples typically English humor, but an excellent material for the production of correct phonetic organization of English speech.

         Here are the words about them English scientist John Nores:

«…English is a stress-timed language. This means, briefly, that the main stresses in an utterance will fall at approximately regular intervals, no matter how many 'weak' syllables intervene. It is this phenomenon which causes speakers of other languages to comment on the English speaker's «slurred» speech. Another way of overcoming this problem of teaching stress patterns is by using the 'limerick', the comic verse form which relies for much of its effect on the strongly marked rhythm. Teachers could demonstrate and encourage students to read aloud some of these verses:

There 'was a young 'lady of 'Niger, Who 'smiled when she 'rode on a 'tiger. They re'turned from the 'ride With the 'lady in'side -And the 'smile on the 'face of the 'tiger. As can be seen, the rhythmic pattern involves the stressed syllables each in the first and second lines, two in the next two lines and three once again in the final, fifth line…»

It is about 500 years old, and held to have first been used as a distinct form at the end of the sixteenth century. The limerick was popularized by Edward Lear in A Book of Nonsense, which includes many limericks as well as other poems, for example «The Owl and the Pussy Cat»

Edward Lear has been called the «father» of the limerick because he helped popularize the form.

There was an Old Person of Dundalk,

Who tried to teach fishes to walk;

When they tumbled down dead,

He grew weary, and said,

I had better go back to Dundalk!

3) the main characters

People from

There was an Old Man of Dumbree,

Who taught little Owls to drink Tea;

For he said, «To eat mice

Is not proper or nice»

That amiable Man of Dumbree.

4) the content

5) the performance

6) the vocabulary

2.3. The special features of the genre «chastooshka»

A chastooshka is a simple rhyming poem which would be characterized derisively in English as doggerel. The name originates from the Russian word «часто» – «frequently», or from «части́ть», the meaning is «to do something with high frequency» and probably refers to high beat frequency of chastooshkas. They are almost always an improvisation.

Rhyme is one of the few genres of traditional Russian folklore, the texts are not learnt by heart especially not unlearn previously, and in many cases compose on the go.

1) a form of construction:

The basic form is a simple four-line verse making use of an ABAB, ABCB, or AABB rhyme scheme.


2) the way of rhyme

The last foot of a chastooshka line is often a single stressed syllable rather than a full trochee, but no other structural variations are generally allowed. Due in part to this rigid structure, the tune used to sing them is standardized, but varies among different regions of Russia.

3) the main characters

4) the content

Chastooshkas cover a very wide spectrum of topics, from lewd jokes to political satire, including such diverse themes as love songs and Communist propaganda.

After each chastooshka, there is a full musical refrain without lyrics to give the listeners a chance to laugh without missing the next one.

Sometimes they are used as a medium for a back-and-forth mocking contest. Improvisation is highly valued during chastooshka singing.

A chastooshka is a short Russian folk song. They have humorous contents and are talked verbally.

Sometimes several chastooshkas are delivered in sequence to form a song. Originally chastooshkas were a form of folk entertainment, not intended to be performed on stage. Often they are sung in turns by a group of people.

Following the 1917 Russian Revolution, chastooshkas varied considerably in content from region to region. In some areas hit particularly hard by the grain requisitioning of the Soviet regime during the Civil War, such as Riazan, peasant chastooshka tended to be bitterly hostile.[1] In other places, particularly those in close proximity to Moscow, "Soviet chastooshkas" favorable to the Bolshevik government were sung and recited.[1]

In the early 1920s chastooshkas were used by Young Communists in organized village gatherings as a form of anti-religious propaganda, subjecting the church and the rural clergy to ridicule using the traditional rural poetic form. Given the difficult economic circumstances of the Soviet peasantry in the late 1920s and 1930s, chastooshkas overwhelmingly took an anti-government form, with the singing of anti-Soviet couplets a common practice at peasant festivals of the period.

5) a musical performance:

Chastooshkas are usually sung as well by a group of people with balalaika or garmon.

Usually humorous, satirical, or ironic in nature, chastooshkas are often put to music as well, usually with balalaika or accordion accompaniment. The rigid, short structure (and, to a lesser degree, the type of humor used) parallels the poetic genre of limericks in British culture.

Sometimes several chastooshkas are delivered in sequence to form a song. After each chastooshka, there is a full musical refrain without lyrics to give the listeners a chance to laugh without missing the next one. Originally chastooshkas were a form of folk entertainment, not intended to be performed on stage.

6) the vocabulary


2.4. The comparative study of limericks and chastooshkas.

While doing our work I have examined those similar forms of poetry have the following common and different features:

The similarities

English limericks

Russian chastooshkas

the genres of folklore

the forms of poetry

the exaggeration of a sustainable image of a man

there is a spirit of fun and satire

they are easy to remember

briefness and shortness bring them together



The differences

English limericks

Russian chastooshkas

form and rhyme



the main characters

people from different countries and cities, sometimes animals

young men and women


oral form of communication

are sung by a group of people with balalaika or garmon






The research studied the genres of folklore from both cultures. The findings show that folklore is a unique genre in literature; it carries cultural values of different groups of people.

While doing my work I have come to conclusion that there are common and different features between English limericks and Russian chastooshkas.

         Despite of different culture and different languages these forms of poetry can have the similar features, i.e. the same content which is often of a bawdy and humorous nature, the exaggeration of a sustainable image of a man, similar characters. In both genres there is a spirit of fun and satire, they are easy to remember. Exactly briefness and shortness bring them together. Every limerick and every chastooshka always give us vivid image about them. In other words chastooshka is a type of English limerick but in Russian culture.

         As for differences they are following:

o   the way of rhyme;

o   the strict form;

o   the performance;

Chastooshkas are usually sung as well by a group of people with balalaika or garmon.

         Through the comparative study of the form, rhyme, characters, which they undertake, I realize that there are more common than differentiating features in both genres.



1. Английские стихи для детей. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Сост. В.А. Верхогляд, 3-е изд. М., «Просвещение»,1992.

2. Белкин А. Р. «Лимерикон, или Всемирная история в лимериках» М., 2006.Е.

3. Вишневская Г. М. Методические указания для работы над ритмом английской речи на материале лимериков (limericks). Иваново, 1989

4. Дубровин М.И. «Книга для ежедневного чтения на английском языке». Изд.2-е, М., «Просвещение», 1978.

4. «Мир бессмыслиц. Лимерики, старые и новые», составитель К.Н. Атарова, Радуга, 2003.

5. «Мир вверх тормашками» (Английский юмор в стихах).  «The Topsy-Turvy World». Составитель Н.М. Демурова. М.,1974.


1. Сайт, посвящённый творчеству Эдварда Лира

2. Избранные лимерики от Анатолия Белкина

3. https://ironicpoetry.ru/category/limeriki/

4. http://funnyenglish.su/english-limerick/limeriki-na-russkom

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