Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыИсследовательский проект Learning English Grammar the Fun Way. The Use of Board Game to improve students’ Grammar mastery

Исследовательский проект Learning English Grammar the Fun Way. The Use of Board Game to improve students’ Grammar mastery

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Learning English Grammar the Fun Way.

The Use of Board Game to improve students’ Grammar mastery




































1. Introduction                                                                                                3 – 4

2. Significance of the Study                                                                           5

3. The Advantages of Using Board Game                                                      6

4. Board Game to Improve Grammar Mastery                                               7

5. Results and Discussion                                                                               8

Conclusion                                                                                                      9

References                                                                                                      10





































 1. Introduction


English has complicated sets of grammar rules, which make it a challenging language to master. Many non-native learners struggle with these rules and encounter difficulties in understanding them. Some students, in particular, are unable to apply the different parts of speech and types of tense in English accurately in their speaking and writing. Hence, using the right approach to study grammar is essential to help the students learn it effectively. It is a language board game, designed specifically for the beginner-level learners of English in schools. When learning grammar becomes a game, it takes away the monotony that appears to associate with it. Instead, the game aspect comes to the foreground where the learners believe that they are playing a game. The board game is a useful tool for learning the English grammar items, which could help reduce the learners’ anxiety and motivate them in the learning process.



English language learning can be a dreary and frustrating task, where constant effort is required to understand and apply this target language in order to master it. For weak students, learning the English grammar is even more daunting due to the complexity of grammar rules.  For this reason, language games can serve as a way of learning grammar, which can be incorporated as one of the activities in class. Language games are an invaluable tool as they offer the elements of fun and meaningfulness in language learning. They are also a means of motivating students to learn, as well as sustaining their interest and focus in the learning itself. When learning grammar is formatted into a game, it removes the monotony that seemingly relates to it. Instead, the game aspect comes to the forefront where students believe that they are playing a game. This encourages them to use language while playing the game, and thus, making learning more effective and meaningful.


 Problem Statement


English grammar has its sets of complicated rules which present challenges for learners to master them. Most non-native students are unable to apply the different parts of speech and types of tense in English accurately in their writing and speaking. In their attempt to apply the language skills, most grammar rules are normally confused, leading to common occurrences of erroneous structures in their speaking and writing. Therefore, it is essential to adopt an effective  approach in order to learn grammar effectively to the students, especially those of the beginner.




The main objective of this project is to offer a creative and fun tool for learning grammar to the beginner-level for English language learners  in schools. For this reason, we have come out with  language games.  This is a project that integrates fun, simplicity and practicality in order to motivate the students to learn grammar in class. We believe that by employing this game in English grammar lessons, it will create a platform for a meaningful exchange of communication for the students. Hence, the board games can possibly offer a better option for motivating the students to learn.


Thus, the object of our study is the process of learning English language.


The subject of our study is a board game designed and carried out in the process of learning English language.


On this basis, we can formulate the following hypothesis: if we use board games at the classroom, then learning will be more attractive to students, it will contribute to a better mastering of the material, increase learning motivation and cognitive activity of students.































1. Significance of the Study

The researcher hopes that this research can give contribution especially about the use of board game in improving students’ grammar mastery. The researcher also hopes that this research will be useful for the teachers, the students and for the school 66.


For the students


This research expected to encourage the students mastering English lesson, the students feel relax and enjoy when they learn English lesson, and solve their problem in learning grammar because the teacher use the suitable method in teaching.

For the teacher


The positive impact of this research can support the English teachers to apply this technique in teaching grammar. They can develop and use new methods in order to make the students enjoy and relax in teaching learning process.


For the school


The output of the study will help achieve higher quality of education, because of the well-trained teachers and good performance of the students.
























3. The Advantages of Using Board Game


Board game can be method that will give many advantages for teacher and the students                                                                                                                 

A.Through playing board game, students can learn English they way children learn their mother tongue without being aware they are studying; thus without stress, they can learn a lot.


B. Even shy students can participate positively.


C. Motivate pupils to want to learn English by using interesting and enjoyable learning activities. E.g., project work, board game, drama. It means learning by playing.


D. Create warm and happy atmosphere where teacher and pupil enjoy working together.






























4. Board Game to Improve Grammar Mastery


The goal of language learning is communicative competence.


 However, most of students consider that grammar is the most difficult part of English language. Therefore, it is important to increase students’ motivation to learn grammar. Motivation is the thoughts and feelings were have which make us to do something, continue to want to do it and turn our wishes into action.


One of the best ways of reinforce students’ motivation in learning grammar structure is taught by using game. There are two kinds of game; they are competitive game and Co-operative games. Game is an activity with rules, a goal, and an element of fun. Game can make the teaching learning process fun and enjoyable because it creates fun and enjoyable but in disciplined atmosphere.



Board game makes them more competitive because during the play board game, each student should make the sentences correctly and then they are allowed to make the next sentences.


If one of them makes the sentence incorrectly, they should remake the sentence so the sentence is correct. The student who makes all sentences correctly and finishes quickest is the winner.
























5. Results and Discussion

The respondents’ feedback about the board games


Survey Questions









I enjoy playing the board games.






I like the colourful and fun features of the board game.






I learn something new when I play the board game.






I can improve my grammar skills when I play the board game.






The board game encourages me to communicate in English

with friends.






Using the board game is a fun way of learning the grammar







The questions in the board game are clear and can be easily







I will play the board game with my friends and family

members in class or at home





The board game is a practical and meaningful way of learning

the grammar items.






A grammar lesson should include grammar games as part of

the activities.









Board games are indeed a useful and practical tool which can be integrated in grammar lessons to assist language  learning. They motivate learners and promote meaningful language use in a fun-filled environment.










































1. Coughlan, Neil. “Board Game Materials.” ESL-Lounge (May 5, 2010), www.esllounge.

2. com/board-gamesindex.shtml  (accessed June 21, 2010).

3. Johnson, Alexis. “The Learning Game – Researchers Study Video Gaming Principles That Apply to Education. An Interview of James Gee, Ph.D.”

4. Wisconsin Technology Network Business News Wire (September 21, 2003), www.wistechnology.com/article.php?id=243 (accessed June 22, 2010).

5. Teed, Rebecca. Game-based Learning. http://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/games (accessed May 26, 2010).

6. Umstatter, Jack. Brain Games: Ready-to-use Activities That Make Thinking Fun, Grades 6 -12. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.




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