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Итоговая промедуточная аттестация для 7класса

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Промежуточная итоговая аттестация для 7 класса.

Вариант - I

1.      Прочитайте текст и отметь, какие утверждения после него соответствуют содержанию (Т), какие – нет (F), а о чём в тексте не упоминается (NS).


Botany is the study of plant life. In early times people studied plants because they were important as food. Then primitive medicine men became interested in botany. They had to know the plants that could kill people or help them. And that was the situation with botany and medicine for hundreds of years.

In the sixteenth century people began to write books about plants. Those writers were the “fathers” of modern botany. In the nineteenth century, the English scientist Charles Darwin studied plant and animal forms and his work helped botanists to get a better understanding of how plants as well as animals developed.

1.      People have been studying plant life since long ago.__________

2.      The world “botany” comes from a Greek word.__________

3.      Botany has always been a part of medicine._____________

4.      People wrote books about plants in ancient times.________

5.      Charles Darwin was interested in plant and animal species.________


2.      Выбери и обведи соответствующие варианты из данных в скобках.


1.      Jane is ill and has to (make/stay) off fat food.

2.      Never (give/stay)up hope.

3.      Please never play with these kids, (give/stay) away from them.

4.      I would like to (talk/make) my friend out of this dangerous climb.

5.      Nobody could (take/hand) in what he wanted to say.

6.      The plane will (make/take) off in a quarter of an hour.


3.      Используй суффиксы –able, -an, -er, -ing, -tion, -ly, -y,  чтобы образовать новые слова. Впиши их в предложения.


1.       The best football __________________s get a lot of money.

2.       Many _____________________s decorate their homes on special days.

3.       How big is your ________________of mugs?

4.       Jane has been keeping to a ____________ diet since March.

5.       Some days ago Jill had a _______________ with the manager.

6.       What a _______________little kitten!

7.       Last winter was frosty and _____________ long.









4.      Прочитай дефиниции (1-7) и напиши слова, которые они определяют.


1.      Useless material that people throw away is _________________________.

2.      Surrounding in which a person or an animal lives is their ___________________________.

3.      A large Australian bird whose cry sounds like laughter is a __________________________.

4.      The gases we breathe is ________________________________.

5.      The American word for “autumn” is ____________________________.

6.      Any small animal with six legs whose body has sections is an _________________________.


5.      Выбери и обведи соответствующие варианты из данных в скобках.


1.  John, have you done everything (yourself/yourselves)?

2.  Poor Nick got very ill and had to go to (-/the) hospital.

3.  The apple pie tasted really (good/well).

4.  There were two boys on the football field. One was Tom, the new pupil, (another/ the other) was my classmate Richard Wilson.

5.  The pain was so strong, I could (hard/hardly) breathe.

6.  There were (a few/ a little) magpies and some crows in the tree.



Промежуточная итоговая аттестация для 7 класса.

 Вариант - II

1.      Прочитайте текст и отметь, какие утверждения после него соответствуют содержанию (Т), какие – нет (F), а о чём в тексте не упоминается (NS).


We used the word “zoo”  for “zoological garden”. And a zoological garden is a place where people keep living animals. Why do we keep wild animals in zoos? First of all, because everyone is interested in animals. Then scientists are able to watch animals and to learn many important things by studying them.

The first zoo we know about Appeared long ago in China. A Chinese emperor who lived in 1150 BC started it. There were many kinds of deer, birds, and fish in it. It was similar to our modern zoos, but common people couldn’t come there to see the animals. It was open only for the emperor and his men.

1.      A zoo means a zoological garden,________

2.      It is cruel to keep animals in zoos.________

3.      The first zoo appeared in Europe.________

4.      There were no loins or tigers in the first zoos.________

5.      The first zoos was open to the public.________


2.      Выбери и обведи соответствующие варианты из данных в скобках.


1.      Aunt Alice decided to (take/make) up gardening.

2.      Could you, please, come to the office at six to (talk/hand) the problem over.

3.      The boy gave me a letter and (made/ stayed)off.

4.      Mum asked me to (hand/make)  out the chocolates to the children.

5.      My younger brother never (stays/makes) up till midnight.

6.      Robert how can you (talk/give) back to your parents?


3.      Используй суффиксы –able, -an, -al, -er, -ful -tion,  и приставку un- чтобы образовать новые слова. Впиши их в предложения.


1.       The professor’s ___________ is only a toy, not a real car.

2.       The teacher asked us to write two _______________sentences.

3.       A _________________came to our school to take an interview.

4.       Read the text from this ________________ magazine.

5.       The water is dirty, it is not ____________________

6.       May I ask you a _____________________question?

7.       His flat was large but ____________________________











4.      Прочитай дефиниции (1-7) и напиши слова, которые они определяют.


1.      A pain inside your ear is______________________.

2.      The sound of laughing is _____________________.

3.      A group of animals or plants whose members are close relatives is a _____________________.

4.      A place where people leave useless, unwanted things is a _______________________.

5.      The number of years you have lived is your ____________________________.

6.      A place where almost no plants can grow because there is very little rain is a__________________.


5.      Выбери и обведи соответствующие варианты из данных в скобках.


1.      I like it when red, yellow, and brown leaves fall to the (land/ground) I autumn.

2.      I have been writing my book (since/for) two years.

3.      The doctors say that the (ill/sick) boy has to go to hospital.

4.      Dao we have (enough computers/computers enough) for everybody?

5.      In the evening the flowers smell (wonderful/wonderfully).

6.      After her long ship (journey/voyage), Carol felt tired.


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