Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыIt's my birthday разработка урока по английскому языку, 5 класс Spotlight

It's my birthday разработка урока по английскому языку, 5 класс Spotlight

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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе

ФИО: Федотова Р Н

Тема цикла: Special days

Тема урока: It’s my birthday!

Тип  урока: Урок обобщения и систематизации полученных знаний.

 Цели урока:

       1. Обучающая:

-  в говорении: развитие  умений  использовать   изученные лексические единицы.

- в чтении: развитие  умений чтения с выбором необходимой информации

- в аудировании: восприятие информации на слух.

       2. Развивающая:

         - развитие умения работать с таблицей;

        - развитие языковой догадки, внимания, памяти;

        - развитие способности и готовности общаться.

       3.  Воспитательная:

          -  способствовать  развитию чувства  уважения к традициям празднования дня рождения в разных странах ;

         -  совершенствование  умения   работать в парах,  в группах,  слушать друг друга, с уважением относиться к мнению партнера.

Планируемые результаты.

Личностные УУД:

-формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию;

-формирование коммуникативной компетенции в общении и сотрудничестве  со сверстниками;

-формирование устойчивой учебно-познавательной мотивации и интереса к учению

Регулятиные УУД:

-осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникаитвной деятельности на английском языке.

В ходе урока учащиеся научатся:

- самостоятельно ставить новые учебные цели

Коммуникативные УУД:

-формулирование собственного мнения;

-организация и планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками;

-использование адекватных языковых средств для отображения своих мыслей.

В ходе урока учащиеся научатся:

-учитывать разные мнения и интересы;

-вступать в диалог, соглашаться и не соглашаться.

Познавательные УУД:

-построение логических рассуждений,

-освоение ознакомительного, поискового чтения

Используемая технология: обучение в сотрудничестве, ИКТ

Информационно-технологические ресурсы: учебник «Spotlight 5» Ваулина Ю., Эванс В., Дули Дж., Подоляко О.; дидактический материал по теме «День рождения»; аудиозаписи, презентация.




Ход урока:

I.   Организационный этап

Teacher: Good day, children! Glad to see you. 

 Sit down please. Let's begin our lesson.

II. Этап постановки цели урока, учебной проблемы. Мотивация учебной деятельности.

Teacher: Oh we have a guess, who is it?

               And what is it?

Pupil: It’s a teddy bear! And this is a box.

Teacher: Ok, let’s open! Oh, there are a lot of interesting things! And there are two letters!

Teacher: Alex read the first letter.

Pupil: READ the letter.(письмо)


Teacher: And, are you ready to answer? What day has a bear?

Pupil:  Birthday!

Teacher: And what is the theme of our lesson?

Pupil: Birthday.


Teacher: Yes, you are right! Today we are going to speak about birthday. The theme of our lesson is: “It’s my Birthday!” and let's start with the association. What do you imagine when hear “Birthday”?

Pupil: Balloons, party hats, food and drinks, cake, candles, clown, flowers, presents, friends, music, games, songs, parties.



Teacher: Good of you! Now let’s read a letter number 2! Жанна, read it!

Pupil: read (письмо 2)

Teacher: But at first find the mark table on your desk! You have already known how to work with it! This sigh will help you to remember about you mark table!


Teacher: Let’s do the task №1. Равдат, read it (чтение)

Pupil: read (task)


III.          Этап проверки домашнего задания.

Task 1 (парная работа)

I like birthdays very much. Usually we dance, eat different tasty food, play games. And how do you plan your birthday?

Teacher: Will it be easy for you?

Pupil: Yes, we did the plan at home.

Teacher: OK, Work in pairs, Exchange your home works and give a mark for work. Now you have a mark and SIGN


Task 2 (индивидуальная работа)

Let’s go shopping! There are a lot of foods in the store. Divide the words in fruits, vegetables, drinks, berries.  Could you tell me where I can find apples, water and others, please?

Teacher: Find the task 2

 pine apple, grapes, chicken, water, tomatoes, cranberry, milk, potato, orange juice, wild berry, banana, orange, apple juice, coke, cherry, onion, mineral water

Have you finished?

0-2        mistake – “5”

2-3    mistakes – “4”

4-6    mistakes – “3”

<6     mistakes – learn words!




Task 3 (групповая работа)

Now I know where and what I can buy! Now I have a lot of products. Can you divide them into 2 groups and put them in the basket?

 (cakes, bread, meat, sweets, apples, eggs, potatoes, soup, porridge, butter, jam, tomatoes, lemons, honey, tea, bananas, oranges, pineapples, juice, rice, water, biscuits, pasta, oil, apples, coffee, orange juice).


Teacher: Children, find the task number 3. In what way can we divide them? По каким признакам можно разделить данные слова на 2 группы?

Teacher: And now let’s check you tasks, exchange works and check.

 1-2 mistakes – “5”

3 - 5  mistakes – “4”

6-9 mistakes – “3”

<10 – learn the rule!







IV.         ЭТАП ФИЗМИНУТКИ Today the bear has a birthday, let’s have a rest and dance!


V.          Этап чтение


Костя – read the task

Task 4

Friends! I’m sure that you know a lot about birthdays! And what can you say about birthdays in Britain and China, open the page 100, there is a very interesting text!


Teacher: Let’s do the task, open the page and look at the title of the text. How do you think what is “treats”? (Different types of food)


How do you think what is the text about?

Настя: ……

Teacher: And now listen to the text and check your answer (аудиозапись)

Now I want you to read the text and find what people do on birthday parties in different countries.


Ok, are you ready? what is the text about?

Алина: ……

And how do people in Britain celebrate their birthdays?

София: ……

Teacher: And what about Chinese?



Предполагаемый ответ:

And now tell me – what is the text about!

Алина -  The text is about the special types of food (birthday cakes, sandwiches, chocolate biscuits, noodle soup, red eggs) British and Chinese people eat when they celebrate their birthdays.

And what differences are between Britain and Chinese traditions?

(София) In Britain people invite their friends to parties and everyone gives a small gift. They have a birthday cake and lots of food. They decorate their houses and play games. (Руслана) Chinese people eat noodles and red eggs. They decorate their houses with red paper and have parties with their families. They also get money in red envelopes.

And now “SIGN

I can read the text –

I can translate the text -

I know what is the text about –

I know differences between Britain and Chinese traditions in birthday celebration –

I can retell the text -



VI.              Этап развития умения вести диалог побуждение

Вика – read the last task

Task 5

And now imagine you are planning a birthday party. Decide what food you need. Ex. 3, page 100 helps you!


Teacher: Let’s work in pairs. Use the expressions from the exercise.


And now let’s listen your dialogues.




VII.       Этап рефлексии

You are perfect today! But our lesson came to the end.

Tell me please what did you learn today?

Ответы детей: Tradition in birthdays in Britain and in China, repeat the words, and countable and uncountable nouns.

And now write down your home task -

And where is our bear? Let’s sing him a song.

And it’s time to surprise! Open the box and help yourself.

The lesson is over! Good bye!














“Dear boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you! Today I have a special day. Look at me, open the box and you will guess. My day is the topic of your lesson!”







“I’m very happy today. It’s my birthday and let’s play. Can you do my tasks? At the end of the lesson you’ll have a surprise. Let’s go!”






“I like birthday very much! Usually we dance, eat different testy food, play games. And what about you? How do you plan your birthday party?”







“Let’s go shopping! There are a lot of foods in the store. Divide the words in fruits, vegetables, drinks, berries.  Could you tell me where I can find apples, water and others, please?”




“Now I know where and what I can buy! Now I have a lot of products. Can you divide them into 2 groups and put them in the basket?”




“Friends! I’m sure that you know a lot about birthdays! And what can you say about birthdays in Britain and China, open the page 100, there is a very interesting text!”



And now imagine you are planning a birthday party. Decide what food you need. Ex. 3, page 100 helps you!
























1) (работа с текстом)Алина -  The text is about the special types of food (birthday cakes, sandwiches, chocolate biscuits, noodle soup, red eggs) British and Chinese people eat when they celebrate their birthdays.


2) (работа с текстом) (София) In Britain people invite their friends to parties and everyone gives a small gift. They have a birthday cake and lots of food. They decorate their houses and play games.


3) (работа с текстом) (Руслана) Chinese people eat noodles and red eggs. They decorate their houses with red paper and have parties with their families. They also get money in red envelopes.



































pine apple, grapes, chicken, water, tomatoes, cranberry, milk, potato, orange juice,

wild berry, banana, orange, apple juice, coke, cherry, onion, mineral water

























0-2 – “5”

3-6 – “4”

7-9 -“3”

<9 – learn words

pine apple, grapes, chicken, water, tomatoes, cranberry, milk, potato, orange juice,

wild berry, banana, orange, apple juice, coke, cherry, onion, mineral water

























0-2 – “5”

3-6 – “4”

7-9 -“3”

<9 – learn words

cakes, bread, meat, sweets, apples, eggs, potatoes, soup, porridge, butter, jam, tomatoes, lemons, honey, tea, bananas, oranges, pineapples, juice, rice, water, biscuits, pasta, oil, apples, coffee,

orange juice













№1 home work


№2 (dividing the words)

0-2 – “5”

3-6 – “4”

7-9 -“3”

<9 – learn words


№3 (countable   /  uncountable)

1-2 mistakes – “5”

3 - 5  mistakes – “4”

6-9 mistakes – “3”                                         

<10 – learn the rule


№ 4 Reading                         Total:


“+”; “-“    I can read the text 


“+”; “-“    I can translate the text


“+”; “-“     I know what is the text about


  “+”; “-“      I know differences between Britain and Chinese traditions in birthday celebration


“+”; “-“        I can retell the text


№5 (dialogue)


Teacher’s mark







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