Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыКомплекс лексических упражнений по теме "Education.Student's life"

Комплекс лексических упражнений по теме "Education.Student's life"

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Use the collocation matrix opposite and choose the suitable verb to fill the gap. If the exact word in the sentence is not in the vertical column of the matrix, look for something that is close in meaning.

1. The management have ………. an agreement with the union which will guarantee no strikes the next three years.

2. Now I have ………………. all my responsibilities to my family, I feel I can retire and go round the world.

3. The church building fund has failed to ……………….its target $250,000.

4. I never thought I would …………….. my ambition, but now I have.

5. Very few people ………… all their hopes  and dreams in life.

6. We hope the two sides …………. A compromise and avoid war.

7. I am afraid that little scheme of mine didn’t …………….  off.



1. Put each of the following words in the correct passage below.

Courses                      last                  degree

Studies                        graduate         grant  

Student                       keen                fees


Harry is 21. He passed his school exams with good marks and left school at 19. Now he is at university. He is a (a) ____ and he receives a (b)____ from the state to help him pay the university (c)____ and his personal expenses. He is very (d) ____on his subject, Maths. And it was useful to him in the future. He works hard  and enjoys his (e)____ university (f)____ in Britain usually (g)____for three years. After this, Harry hopes to (h)____. A good (i)____will get him a good job.


2. Put the correct word from the following list in each space below.


from    in        with    between         of        at         to         on


1. Bobby started school ___ the age of five.

2. They have a holiday ___ Christmas.

3. There’s a holiday ___ the summer, too.

4. The teachers  ___the staff are very young.

5. Sally goes ___a secondary school.

6. She’ll probably pass ___good marks.

7. Harry’s  ___ university.

8. He gets a grant ___ the state.

9. Maths will be useful ___ him ___the future.

10. Betty’s a teacher ___ English.

11. She’s a graduate ___Sussex University.

12. She has a degree ___ English Literature.

13. Her pupils are ___ 12 and 18.

14. She is very strict ___ them.


Explain the difference between …

1. To sit an exam and to set an exam

2. to take an exam and to pass an exam

3. compulsory and voluntary

4. to educate and to bring up

5. a pupil and a student


Ex. 3 Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct space in the passage below.

State    terms   seminar           degree             co-educational           private            primary         

Tutorial                      graduate         nursery school            grant               secondary                   lecture

Break up         compulsory    fees      academic


When children are two or three years old, they sometimes go to a (a)___, where they learn simple games and songs. Their first real school is called (b)___ school. In Britain children start this school at the age of five. The (c)___ year in Britain begins in September and is divided into three(d)___. Schools (e)___ for the summer holiday in July. (f)___education begins at the age of about eleven, and most schools at this level are (g)___, which means boys and girls study together at the same classes. In Britain education is (h) ___ from five to 16 of age, but many children choose to remain at school for another two or three years after 16 to take higher exams. Most children go to (i)___ schools, which are maintained by the government or local education authorities, but some children go to (j) ___ schools, which can be expensive. University courses normally last three years and then students (k) ___, which means they receive their (l) ___. At university, teaching is by (m) ___ (an individual lesson between a teacher and one of the students), (n) ___ ( a class of students discussing a subject with a teacher), (o) ___  (when a teacher gives a prepared talk to a number of students) and of course private study. Most people who receive a university place are given a (p) ___ by the government to help pay their (q) and leaving expenses.


Ex. 3 Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct space in the passage below.

State    terms   seminar           degree             co-educational           private            primary         

Tutorial                      graduate         nursery school            grant               secondary                   lecture

Break up         compulsory    fees      academic


When children are two or three years old, they sometimes go to a (a)___, where they learn simple games and songs. Their first real school is called (b)___ school. In Britain children start this school at the age of five. The (c)___ year in Britain begins in September and is divided into three(d)___. Schools (e)___ for the summer holiday in July. (f)___education begins at the age of about eleven, and most schools at this level are (g)___, which means boys and girls study together at the same classes. In Britain education is (h) ___ from five to 16 of age, but many children choose to remain at school for another two or three years after 16 to take higher exams. Most children go to (i)___ schools, which are maintained by the government or local education authorities, but some children go to (j) ___ schools, which can be expensive. University courses normally last three years and then students (k) ___, which means they receive their (l) ___. At university, teaching is by (m) ___ (an individual lesson between a teacher and one of the students), (n) ___ ( a class of students discussing a subject with a teacher), (o) ___  (when a teacher gives a prepared talk to a number of students) and of course private study. Most people who receive a university place are given a (p) ___ by the government to help pay their (q) and leaving expenses.



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