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Комплекс практических занятий по дисциплине БД.02 Иностранный язык

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

 «Югорский государственный университет» (ЮГУ)



(филиал) федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения

высшего образования «Югорский государственный университет»

(ННТ (филиал) ФГБОУ ВО «ЮГУ»)














по дисциплине БД.02 Иностранный язык










г. Нижневартовск






Данный комплекс практических занятий, предназначен для обучающихся 1 курсов всех специальностей очной формы обучения, составлен в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом

         Комплекс практических занятий призван помочь обучающимся в изучении учебной дисциплины БД.02 Иностранный язык.

Результатами работы по данному комплексу практических занятий являются:


 У1 -  сформированность ценностного отношения к языку как культурному

феномену и средству отображения развития общества, его истории и духовной культуры;

У2 -  сформированность широкого представления о достижениях национальных культур, о роли английского языка и культуры в развитии мировой культуры;

У3 – развитие интереса и способности к наблюдению за иным способом


У4 – осознание своего места в поликультурном мире; готовность и способность вести диалог на английском языке с представителями других культур, достигать взаимопонимания, находить общие цели и сотрудничать в различных областях для их достижения; умение проявлять толерантность к другому образу мыслей, к иной позиции партнера по общению;

У5 – готовность и способность к непрерывному образованию, включая  самообразование, как в профессиональной области с использованием английского языка, так и в сфере английского языка;


У1 – умение самостоятельно выбирать успешные коммуникативные стратегии в различных ситуациях общения;

У2 – владение навыками проектной деятельности, моделирующей реальные ситуации межкультурной коммуникации;

У3 – умение организовать коммуникативную деятельность, продуктивно общаться и взаимодействовать с ее участниками, учитывать их позиции, эффективно разрешать конфликты;

У4 – умение ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку зрения, используя адекватные языковые средства;


У1 – сформированность коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции, необходимой для успешной социализации и самореализации, как инструмента межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире;

У2 – владение знаниями о социокультурной специфике англоговорящих стран и умение строить свое речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике; умение выделять общее и различное в культуре родной страны и англоговорящих стран;

У3 – достижение порогового уровня владения английским языком, позволяющего выпускникам общаться в устной и письменной формах как с носителями английского языка, так и с представителями других стран, использующими данный язык как средство общения;

У4 – сформированность умения использовать английский язык как средство для получения информации из англоязычных источников в образовательных и самообразовательных целях.

Комплекс практических занятий состоит из 5 разделов, начинается каждый раздел представлением лексических единиц, предназначенных для активного усвоения обучающимися и направленных на  расширение и активизацию лексического минимума изучаемым темам.




1. Learn the words:

family – семья


father – папа

sister – сестра

brother – брат

uncle – дядя

aunt – тетя

cousin – двоюродный брат/ сестра

nephew – племянник

niece - племянница

grandmother – бабушка

grandfather – дедушка

husband – муж

wife – жена


2. Read, translate and learn the words:

Professions: pupil, student, doctor, teacher, bookkeeper, nurse, housewife, lawyer, driver, worker, pensioner/ retired, businessman.

Height: tall, short

Weight: thin/slim, thick/fat

Face: round, oval, long

Eyes: big, small, brown, blue, green, grey, black

Nose:  straight, short, turned-up

Hair: long, short, dark, fair, blond, grey

Character: kind, nice, clever, annoying, generous, strict, patient, open


3. Put the verbs to be/ to have into the correct form. Write these phrases in negative form:

1. His name ... Paul. 2. He ... tall. 3. His eyes ... brown. 4. His face ... oval. 5. His hair ...red.

1. She ... blue eyes. 2. You ... brown hair. 3. He ... an attractive smile. 4. They both ... long face and straight nose.


4. Put the questions for sentences:

1. She is short. 2. Her eyes are green. 3. Her hair is long and curly. 4. She has a new dress. 5. They have a sister. 6. You have a brother.


5. Read the text:

My name is Ann. I am 15.  I live in Nizhnevartovsk. I am a student. I study at the technical school.

         I am tall. My hair is short and fair. My eyes are big and brown. I have a straight nose.

         My hobby is reading books and swimming.  I have many friends and I like to go for a walk with them.

         I have a family. My family is not large. It consists of 5 members. I have a mother, a father, a grandmother and a brother.

         My mother’s name is Galina. She is 40. She is a bookkeeper. She is tall and thin. Her eyes are green. Her hair is fair. She has a turned-up nose. She is a very nice and patient woman.

         My father’s name is Dmitry. He is 45. He is a doctor. He is tall. His hair is dark and short. His face is round. His eyes are grey. He is kind and strict.

         My grandmother is a pensioner. She is 60. Her hair is grey. Her eyes are blue. She is very kind and I love her very much.

         My brother’s name is Vladimir. He is 19. He is a student of the University. He is tall. His hobby is music. He likes rock music and play guitar well.

         I love my family very much and we like to spend our time together.


6.  Describe the members of the Ann’s family:

1.Ann’s family is…

2. It consists of…

3. She has…

4. Ann’s mother’s name is…

5. Ann’s mother is…

6. Ann’s father’s name is…

7. He is…

8. Her brother’s name is…

9. He is…


7. Answer the questions:

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Is your family large or small?

4. How many members does your family consist of?

5. What are your  parents’ names?

6. Do you have brothers or sisters?

7. What other relatives do you have?


8. Who is the most beautiful person in your opinion? Describe her/him using the following scheme:

1. I think that the most beautiful person is…

2. He/she is …(tall/ short)

3. He/she is …(thin/ thick)

4. He/she has….(long/short hair)

5. Her/his hair is …(dark/fair)

6. Her/his eyes are…(color)

7. I like her/him because….


9. Translate into English:

1. Это - Ник. 2. Он высокий. 3. У него голубые глаза и темные волосы. 4. У него овальное лицо и прямой нос. 7. Нику 16 лет. 8. Он – студент.


10. Finish the following sentences:

1. When a woman is married she has a…

2. When man is married he has a …

3. If wife and husband have a baby they are…

4. If my  aunt has a child I have a…

5. If my brother has a daughter I have…

6. If I have a nephew my brother has…

7. If I have a child my mother is…

8. Your father's sister is your …

9. Your sister's husband is your …

10. Your mother's mother is your …

11. Your sister's daughter is your …

12.Your son's son is your …

13. Your sister's brother is your …

14. Your mother's brother is your …

15. Your uncle's son is your …

16. Your brother's son is your …

17. Your mother's father is your …


11. Read and translate the dialogue. Cross out the words you don’t really need to say:

A: Where are you from?

B: I am from Greece.

A: Have you got any brothers or sisters?

B: Yes, I have got brothers and sisters. I have got two brothers and three sisters.

A: Do you often see them?

B: No, I do not see them often. They live in different cities.


12. Read and chose the correct word:

Hi, John!

       How are you? This is my family. My parent’s names are Emily and Peter. My dad is tall with short, straight hair. My mum is tall and thin. Her hair is short and curly. My sister Karen is eight years old. She has got long, dark hair and a small nose. My brother Mark is nine years old. He has got short, fair hair, big green eyes and a big nose.

       Well, that’s all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send me a picture if you can.

Bye for now,


1.     Daniel is writing to John/Peter.

2.     There are four/five people in Daniel’s family.

3.     Peter/Mark is Daniel’s dad.

4.     Emily is Daniel’s mum/sister.

5.     Mark has got short/long, fair hair.

6.     Daniel’s mum is tall and thin/fat.

7.     Karen is 8/9 years old.


13. Listen to two people having a conversation. What is the relationship between them?

1. They are old friends.

2. They are classmates.

3. They are husband and wife?


Listen again.  Choose the correct information:

1. Marco has two brothers and a sister/two sisters/ no sisters.

2. Marco’s father/ mother/ brother is a school teacher.

3. Marco can speak three/ four/ five languages.

4. Inge’s father is forty/ forty-eight/ fifty years old.

5. Marco lives/ doesn’t live/ wants to live with his parents.

6. Marco has a wife and a son/ and daughter/ but no children.


Look at the answers and complete the questions from Marco’s and Inge’s conversation. Listen again and check:

1. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

    Yes, I do.

2. Are __________________ in Italy?

    Yes, they are.

3. _____________ do you speak?


4. What ___________________ teach?


5. _______________are they?

    They are both forty.

6. _______________with them?

    No, but we live in the same city.

7. _____________OK?

    Oh, yes. Sure.


14. Read the article from the magazine:

Russian family

What is it like the family tradition? What stories did your grandmother tell you? What is your grandfather’s name? What is the name of your great-grandfather?

         Many of the Russians cannot answer these questions. The family traditions are lost for them. A group of people who have the same name and sit together in front of a TV set is not yet a family.

         Here are family statistics in Russia. 80 per cent of women and 70 per cent of men marry by the age of 25. More than 40 out of 100 marriages end in divorce. About 50 per cent of divorcees do not want to marry again.

         Many young families have material difficulties. Thus, they have to ask for the assistance of their parents. Most young families do not want to live together with their parents after they get married but 50 per cent of them have to.

         The revival of the family should start with the revival of its traditions. The people need family shops, cafes, cinemas.

divorce – развод

divorcee – разведенный


Answer the following questions:

1. Can you answer the questions at the beginning of the text?

2. What are the marriage statistics in Russia?

3. What difficulties do young families have?

4. What should be done to improve the situation?



My flat

1. Learn the words:

House – дом

floor = story – этаж

block of flats – многоквартирный дом

flat – квартира

porch – подъезд

landing -  лестничная площадка


hall – прихожая

living-room – гостиная

bed-room – спальня

kitchen – кухня

bathroom – ванная

balcony – балкон

Furniture – мебель

table – стол

chair – стул

sofa – диван

bed – кровать

cupboard – шкаф для посуды

wardrobe – шкаф для одежды

mirror – зеркало

bookshelf – книжная полка

book car – журнальный столик

carpet – ковер

lamp – лампа


TV set – телевизор

washing machine – стиральная


microwave oven – микроволновая печь

vacuum cleaner – пылесос

fridge – холодильник

tape recorder – магнитофон


cosy – уютный

comfortable – удобный

new – новый

big – большой

small – маленький

one-room – однокомнатный

two-room – двухкомнатный

one-storied – одноэтажный

two-storied – двухэтажный

light – светлый

Parts of room:

floor – пол

ceiling – потолок

wall – стена

corner – угол

window – окно

door – дверь


Prepositions: in – в                               on the left - слева

                      on – на                             on the right - справа

                      above – над                      in the centre –в центре

                      under – под                      in the middle – по середине

                      behind – позади               in front of -перед

                      inside – внутри                in the corner – в углу

                      between –между              at the window –на окне

                      by –около


2. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives: comfortable, three-room, new, big, five-storied:

         We have a … flat. Now we have a … flat. It is in the … block of flats. The kitchen and the hall are… . The flat is… .


3. Finish the sentences:

1.We live in a …-room … . 2.There are three rooms in our … . 3. Our flat is on the … .


4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

         1. The chair is … the table. 2. The lamp is … the table. 3. The book is … the table drawer (ящик) 4. The table is … the lamp. 5. The bookshelf is… the desk. 6. The carpet is … the middle of the room. 7. the book is … the table. 8. The picture is … the wall. 9. The sofa is .. the right.


5. Tell what is there in the classroom. Use “there is/ there are”.


6. Read and translate the following international words:

         Lift, comfortable, television, electricity, telephone, central, piano, sofa, technical, lamp, corridor, aquarium.


7. Translate the following word’s combinations:

         To live in a good flat, on the ground floor, new block of flats, large and comfortable, two-room flat, two windows, sofa by the window, picture on the wall, comfortable and cosy, light furniture.


8. Answer the questions:

1. Where do you find a toaster and a kettle?

2. Where do you find shampoo, soap, and a shower gel?

3. Where do you find a TV and a sofa?

4. Where do you find a washing machine, soap powder and dirty socks?

5. Where do you find lavatory paper, air freshener and a seat cover?

6. Where do you usually cook meals?

7. Where do you usually wash clothes?

8. Where do you usually eat dinner?

9. Where do you usually sit on the sofa and watch T.V.?

10. Where do you usually store food?

11. Where do you usually sleep?


9. Read and translate the text:

My Flat

         I live in Nizhnevartovsk in Mira street in a new block of flats. Our flat is large and comfortable. It is on the tenth floor of a sixteen-storied block. Our flat has three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall.

         Our living-room is large. It is light because it has a big window. There is a sofa on the right and two armchairs on the left. There is a book car between the armchairs. In front of the sofa there is a TV set. There is also an aquarium in the living -room. There are some pictures on the wall opposite the sofa. I like our living- room and I like to spend my free time watching TV and reading there.

         I have my own room. It is small but very cosy. There is a sofa on the left. By the wall opposite the window there is a wardrobe. There is a desk in the room. Above the desk there is a bookshelf. In the corner of the room there is a TV set and CD player. There are some posters of modern singers on the walls.

         Our kitchen is big and comfortable. The furniture in the kitchen is not dark, it is light. The table is near the window. The fridge is in the corner. The chairs are by the table. We usually have breakfast and supper in the kitchen.

         We like our flat very much. We often invite our friends and relatives to see us.


10. Fill in the gaps:

1. Our flat is large and …

2. It is on … floor.

3. Our flat has three rooms, a… , a … and a hall.

4. Our living-room is … .

5. There is a … on the right and  two … on the left.

6. There is a book car … the armchairs.

7. I have my own… .

8. In the…  there is a TV set and tape recorder.

9. Our kitchen is … .

10. … is near the window.

11. We…  our flat very much.


10.  Answer the questions:


1. What street do they live on?

2. Is their flat big?

3. How many rooms are there in their flat?

4. What is there in the living room?

5. What is there in the boy’s room?

6. What is there in the kitchen?

7. Do they like their flat?


1. What street do you live on?

2. What floor is your flat on?

3. How many rooms are there in your flat?

4. What is there in your living room?

5. Do you have your own room?

6. What is there in your room?

7. What is there in your kitchen?

8. Do you like your flat?

9. Is your flat comfortable and cosy?


11.  Translate the following sentences:

1. Наша квартира большая и светлая.

2. Мы живем на пятом этаже пятиэтажного дома.

3. В нашей квартире две комнаты, кухня и прихожая.

4. Гостиная большая и уютная.

5. В гостиной находится диван, два кресла, телевизор.

6. Справа от телевизора стоит книжный шкаф.

7. На кухне стоит светлая мебель.

8. Мне нравится наша квартира.


12. Say what is it:

1. A place where people live is _______;

2. A furniture you can sit on is ________;

3. A large comfortable chair is _______;

4. A furniture you can sleep on is_________;

5. A table at which we can read and write _______;

6. A furniture which we use to keep books is_______;

7. A thing we watch every day is _______;

8. A place where we store our food is ________.


13. Form sentences from the table:



A living-room

A dining-room

A bedroom

A bath-room

A kitchen

A study

A flat




a room for bathing.

a room for sleeping.

a room for cooking.

a room for studying.

a room for eating.

rooms on one floor of the house.

a room for receiving guests.


14. Say which of these things are in your bedroom, your living room, your kitchen. Use there is/are:

bed, microwave oven, kitchen table, cupboard, mirror, wardrobe, arm chair, carpet, sofa, fridge, chair, book car, tape recorder, telephone, TV set, cups, picture.


15. Look at the picture of the room, put the missing words in the description:

             This is a bedroom. There is a big white___________ opposite the door and there is a ________ near the ___________ with my computer on it. There is a __________ by the wall between the _________ and the __________.  The ___________ is in the corner of the room. There is an __________ by the bed. The __________ is on the floor in the middle of the room.



16. Chose “is” or “are”:

1. How many rooms …there in your flat? 2. There … three rooms in our flat. 3. How many bedrooms … there in the house? 4. … there a bathroom? 5. There … a small table and a tape recorder in my room. 6.  … there any books on your desk? 7. How many programmes … there on your TV? 8. There … two beds and a table in my bedroom. 9. There … a sofa and three armchairs in the sitting –room. 10. … there any carpets on the floor?


17. Here is the empty room. Draw or write any piece of furniture you like wherever you want. Compare your drawer to your groupmate’s picture. Describe your room:


18. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words:


My Flat

         I live in a sixteen-________ building in the centre of our city. I live with my parents in a ________ three-room flat on the tenth floor.

         My ________ has three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a________. The ___________is large and light, its large __________ faces the main street. In this room there is a sofa and two__________. By the wall opposite the armchairs there is a__________, and a tape recorder. On the wall _________ the sofa there is a large picture. A _________ is on the floor in the middle of the room.

         Our _________ is small. There are two______, a dressing table with a mirror and a __________ there.

         My room is_______. There is a ________by the wall. To the left of the sofa there is a desk with a computer. To the right there is a__________. I have a lot of books and there are book _________ in my room. There is also an armchair in the  _________of the room.

         Our _________ has all modern conveniences. There is a, a microwave oven, a__________, and many other things. The furniture in the kitchen is_________. There is a large table with four chairs in the middle of the kitchen. Our kitchen is very cosy.

         We like our flat very much. We often invite friends and relatives to our place.


19. Some people live in unusual houses. The owners of the houses have different opinions about living in them:


         Rick: We live in lighthouse It’s great. We live near the sea and I can go swimming every day. The lighthouse is far from the town. It is quiet here. I go to school by bicycle. There are only two rooms and a kitchen in the house. But the rooms are very cosy and romantic. I would like to live here all my life. But my mother thinks it is better to live in an ordinary house.


         Mrs. Wilson: In summer we lived in a caravan. Living there had some advantages and some disadvantages. We lived in a quiet area, not far from the schools and shops. There was only one room in the caravan and a place where to cook. We had electricity and gas there but there was no water and central heating. It was not very convenient. So I was happy when we bought a small summer house.


         Ellis: I can’t say that I love living in a teepee. It is romantic and unusual. But my friends have ordinary house and are happy to live there. They have all modern conveniences. And in the teepee we have not any electricity, no running water, nothing. And it is very small for a family. I wish I had my own room.


Fill in the table. Tell about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a lighthouse, in caravan, or a teepee.

















20. Put the sentences in the correct order to make the conversations.

- We live in a lighthouse.

- No, we don’t.

- Where do you live?

- Do you live in an ordinary house?

- Do you like living there?

- It’s romantic and unusual. But I think it’s better to live in an ordinary house with all modern conveniences.


- Do you live in a quiet area?

- Yes, we do. We have gas, electricity, running water and central heating. It is very convenient.

- Do you have all the modern conveniences?

- Do you live in an unusual house?

- No, we don’t. We live in an ordinary house.

- Yes, we do. And our house is not far from my school.


21. Tell would you like to live in one of these houses, use the plan:

I would like to live in … Because …

I would not like to live in… On the one hand… But on the other hand… That is why…


22. Work with the following text:

English House

Do you know anything about English houses?

A.  Learn the words:

suburbs – пригород

         close – близко

detached house – отдельный дом (особняк)

semidetached house – двухквартирный дом

         roof – крыша

         terraced houses – террасный дом

         entry – вход

         upstairs – верхний этаж

         downstairs – нижний этаж

         lawn – газон, лужайка

B.  Read and translate the text:      

Many families in London live in flats, but most people live in their own houses in the suburbs. Most people living in the suburbs work in London. They catch the morning train to town and come back in the evening.

 The houses are not always very big, and they are often built very close together. The ceiling is only about ten feet high as usual in England. In England they have to keep their houses warm the most of the year, so almost all ceiling are built low.

 The Englishmen may live in a detached house (the house of their own) or in a semidetached house (two houses under one roof). Many people live in "terraced houses", usually two storied houses that are connected to each other. Each entry belongs to one owner and is considered to be a house.

Most English houses are two storied but the Englishmen do not talk about the ground floor and the first floor. They say upstairs and downstairs.

Downstairs there is a living room, a dining room, a sitting room and a kitchen. Upstairs there are bedrooms, bathrooms and children's rooms.

The front garden consists mostly of a grass lawn. The Englishmen are proud of their houses. They say that "There is no place like home" and "My home is my castle".


C. Say whether the following sentences are true or false:

1. Many families in England live in their own houses.

2.  Most people living in the suburbs work there.

3. Most of the houses have a terrace.

4. The ground floor is upstairs.

5. There is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen on the ground floor.

6. The ceiling in an English house is high.

7. There are gardens in front of the houses.

8. The Englishmen are proud of their houses.


D. Fill in the gaps :

1. Most Englishmen live in …

2. The houses are not very …

3. There is a living room, a dining room, …

4. Upstairs are …, and bathrooms.

5. In England they have to keep their houses …

6. Garden consists mostly of …


E. Answer the questions about the text:

1. Where do many families in London live?

2. What houses are called "terraced houses"?

3. What rooms are there downstairs in an English house?

4. What rooms are there upstairs in an English house?

5. Are Englishmen proud of their houses?


F. These sentences are broken in half. Use eight pieces to make four complete sentences. Then write sentences in the space below.

1) Many English families…

2) There are two…

3) The bedrooms and a bathroom…

4) The living room, the kitchen and a hall…


a) …are downstairs on the ground floor.

b) …live in flats, but some people have got their own houses.

c) …floors in the traditional English house.

d) …are upstairs on the first floor.


D. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Большинство англичан живут в собственных домах.

2. Многие семьи живут в пригороде и ездят на работу в Лондон.

3. Английские дома небольшие и строятся рядом друг с другом.

4. Террасные дома соединены друг с другом.

5. Первый этаж – это нижний этаж.

6. В верхнем этаже распложены спальни и ванные комнаты.

7. В английских домах обычно низкие потолки.

8. Перед домом располагается лужайка.


23. Describe the house of your dream use the following questions:

1. How many rooms are there in the house?

2. How many floors are there in the house?

3. Is there a dining room?

4. Is there a living room?

5. What is there in the living room?

6. How many bedrooms are there in the house?

7. Where is the bathroom?

8. What is there in the kitchen?

9. Is there a garage?

10. Is there a swimming pool?

11. What furniture is there in the house?

12. Is there a garden in front of the house?



24. Listen to the dialogues.

A. Listen for the first time. What places do they ask about? Why?

B. Listen again. Which sentences are true?

Conversation 1

a)     The chemist’s is on New Street.

b)     It’s on the right.

c)     It’s next to the clothes shop.

Conversation 2

a)     There are lots of good places to eat in the area.

b)    The café is on the Dixon Road.

c)     It’s next to a shoe shop.

Conversation 3

a)     The bookshop is on the corner of Chester street and Hale road.

b)    It’s on the right.

c)     It’s opposite a supermarket.





My working day

1. Learn the words:

working day – рабочий день

week-days – будние дни

to wake up – просыпаться

to get up- вставать

to make bed – заправлять кровать

to do morning exercise – делать зарядку

to wash face – умываться

to brush teeth – чистить зубы

to take shower –принимать душ

to dress – одеваться

to have breakfast – завтракать

to go to the technical school – идти в техникум

to go by bus – ехать на автобусе

to go on foot – идти пешком

to begin – начинаться

to have lessons – занятия

break – перемена

to have dinner – обедать

to go home –идти домой

to have rest – отдыхать

to do homework – делать домашнее задание

to go for a walk – идти на прогулку

to have supper – ужинать

to go to bed -  идти спать


2. Translate the following phrases into Russian:

Working day, week-days, wake up, get up, make my bed, take a shower, take a bath, do morning exercises, wash myself, have breakfast, have porridge and a glass of juice for breakfast, dress, clean teeth, brush my hair, drink, leave for.


3. Translate the following phrases into English:

 просыпаться, вставать,  заправлять свою кровать, принимать душ (ванну), умываться, одеваться, чистить зубы, причесывать свои волосы, делать утреннюю зарядку,  завтракать,  уходить в техникум, есть яичницу и кофе на завтрак, рабочий день, будние дни.


4. Read and translate the text:

In the morning

My name is Nick. I am a first-year student. On week-days I usually get up at 7 o'clock. I make my bed, open the window and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom where I clean my teeth and wash my face. If I have enough time I take cold and hot shower. After bathroom I go back to my room where I dress and brush my hair. In 10 minutes I am ready for breakfast. I usually have a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich for breakfast.

After breakfast I put on my coat, take the bag and go to the technical school. As I live not far from the technical school it takes me only 5 or 7 minutes to get there. I don't want to be late for the first lesson so I come to the technical school a few minutes before the bell. I leave my coat in the cloakroom and go upstairs to the classroom.


5. Answer the questions:

1. When does Nick get up?

2.  Does he do his morning exercises?

3. What does he have for breakfast?

4. What does he do after breakfast?


6. Translate into English:

1. Я просыпаюсь в 7. 15 .

2. Я встаю и делаю зарядку.

3. Я иду в ванну, умываюсь и чищу зубы.

4. Я заправляю кровать

5. Я завтракаю в 7.30.

6. Я ухожу в техникум в 7.45.

7. Мне нужно 15 минут, чтобы добраться до техникума.


7. Answer the questions:

1. When do you get up?

2. Do you do your morning exercises?

3. Do you take shower in the morning?

4. Who makes breakfast for you?

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? (a cup of tea, fried eggs, porridge, fruits, a cup of coffee, bread and butter, a  toast, honey, yogurt, a glass of juice, cheese, a hamburger)  

6. When do you leave for technical school?


8. Fill in the table:


What you do



I get up



I go to the bathroom, I wash myself, clean teeth and take warm shower                

















9. Translate the questions  into English:

1. Когда ты встаешь?

2. Ты чистишь зубы?

3. Ты принимаешь душ по утрам?

4. Что ты ешь на завтрак?

5. Когда ты уходишь в техникум?


10. Translate into Russian:

go home,  have dinner, have a rest, make telephone calls, do homework, have supper, get ready, watch TV, read newspapers, go to bed, go for a walk, attend sport club, have soup and fish with potatoes for dinner, take bath in the evening, stay at the technical school.


11. Translate into English:

занятия начинаются в 8.15, я иду домой, я отдыхаю, я обедаю, я ем суп и мясо с овощами на обед, я звоню друзьям, я читаю книги, я иду на прогулку, я остаюсь в техникуме, я готовлюсь к урокам, я посещаю спорт клуб, я смотрю телевизор, я иду спать.


12. Read and translate the text:

My working day

After breakfast I go to the technical school. I usually go by bus, but sometimes my father drives me to the technical school in the car. My lessons begin at 8.15. Usually I have 3 or 4 lessons a day with 10-minute breaks between them. There is also a 35-minute break for dinner. My classes are usually over at 15.35.

After classes I go home and have dinner there. I usually have soup for the first course and hot meat or fish with some vegetables for the second. Then I drink a cup of tea or milk.

After dinner I have a short rest, read news, make some telephone calls. Then I do my homework. We study many subjects and it takes me two hours to do the homework. Sometimes I go to the library to get ready for my practical classes or to write a report.

In the evening I go for a walk with my friends. When I come back home I have supper with my parents, watch TV if there is interesting program or a good film, play computer.  Twice a week I go to the technical school in the evening to play volleyball. I’m a member of the volleyball team and we have our training rather late. At 11 o’clock I go to bed. 11.


13. Answer the questions:

1. What time do the lessons begin?

2. What does Nick do after classes?

3. What does he usually have for dinner?

4. What does he do after dinner?

5. When does he have supper?

6. When does he go to bed?


14. Translate into English:

1. Занятия начинаются в 8.15.

2. У нас обычно по 4 пары в день.

3. После занятий я иду домой.

4. Я обедаю дома.

5. Я обедаю в столовой.

6. После обеда я отдыхаю.

7. Я читаю новости и смотрю телевизор.

8. Я звоню друзьям.

9. Я делаю домашнюю работу.

10. В 7 часов я ужинаю

11. Я иду на прогулку.

12. Я иду спать.


16. Fill in the table:


What you do



I get up



I go to the bathroom, I wash myself, clean teeth and take warm shower                

















17. Translate the questions into English:

1. Когда заканчиваются занятия?

2. Что ты делаешь после уроков?

3. Где ты обедаешь?

4. Что ты делаешь после обеда?

5. Когда ты ужинаешь?

6. Когда ты идешь спать?


18. Tell 10 – 15 sentences about your working day. Use the following questions:

1.What time do you get up?

2. Is it light when you get up?

3. Do you do your morning exercises?

4. Do you take shower in the morning or in the evening?

5. What time do you usually have breakfast?

6. What do you eat for breakfast?

7. How do you get the technical school?

8. What time do your lessons begin?

9. How many lessons a day do you usually have?

10. Where do you have dinner?

11. What do you do in the evening?

12 When do you go for a walk?

13. What time do you go to bed?


19. Read the dialogue. Make your own dialogue using the model:


Ann: Hello, Mike! How are you? I am so glad to see you!

Mike: Hi, Ann. I’m fine.

A.: Where do you study now?

M.: Well, I entered the technical school.

A.: How fine! You are a student now? How many lessons a day do you have?

M.: I have 3 or 4 lessons a day.

A.: So few?

M.: Yes, but they last 80 minutes and I finish my study at 2.30 p.m.

A.: I see. And what do you do then? Maybe we’ll go for a walk together someday?

M.: Then I go home and do my home task, sometimes I go to the library.

A.: And in the evening?

M.: In the evening I have a rest, watch TV, play computer or go somewhere with my friends.

A.: So you are  very busy. Call me if you’ll have time.

M.:OK, good buy!

A.: Buy!


20. Read the following sentences about Brian Johnson and put it in the correct order:

1. Here is a typical day for Brian Johnson.

2. He goes to work by underground.

3. He gets up at 7.30.

4. He works for an advertising agency in Manchester.

5. It takes him 30 minutes to get to the agency.

6. He usually has lunch in the agency canteen.

7. He starts work at 9 o’clock.

8. He has breakfast at 8 o’clock.

9. He goes to bed at about 11 o’clock.

10. After dinner he watches TV or goes out with his wife.

11. He finishes work at 5.

12. Then he goes home and has dinner.


21. Do you know anything about the typical working day of the British pupils? Read the following timetable and find out whether you were right:

Life at school is similar everywhere. Each school day is divided into lessons of 40 – 50 minutes with 10 – 20 minutes breaks between them. Here is the “Bell Times”:

8.40 a.m. – School begins

8.45 a.m. – Registration

8.50 a.m. – Assembly bell

9.00 a.m. – Pupils move to lessons

9.05 a.m. – Lesson 1

9.45 a.m. – Lesson 2

10.25 a.m. – Lesson 3

11.05 a.m. – Break

11.25 a.m. – Pupils move to lessons

11. 30 a.m. – Lesson 4

12.10 p.m. – Lesson 5

12.50 p.m. – Lunch time

1.40 p.m. – Afternoon school begins

1.45 p.m. – Registration

1.50 p.m. – Lesson 6

2.30 p.m. – Lesson 7

3.10 p.m. – End of normal lessons. Start of additional lessons, clubs, team practices.



22. Translate the sentences:

1. Я встаю в 7 часов и иду в ванну.

2. По утрам я делаю зарядку.

3. Он идет в техникум в 7.45.

4. Она добирается до техникума на автобусе.

5. Занятия начинаются в 8.15.

6. Обычно у меня 4 пары.

7. После занятий я иду домой.

8. Дома я отдыхаю, делаю уроки, смотрю телевизор.

9. Вечером я гуляю с друзьями.

10. Я ложусь спать в 11 часов.



Traits of character

1. Learn the words:

 honest – честный

just – справедливый

responsible – ответственный

intelligent – умный

busy – занятой

talented – талантливый

understanding – разумный

kind – добрый

industrious – трудолюбивый

equitable – справедливый

careful – аккуратный

clever – умный

optimistic – оптимистичный

cheerful – веселый

shortcoming – недостаток

stubborn – упрямый

lazy – ленивый


2. Read and translate the text:

Traits of Character

Friends play an important role in our live but we often don’t know how we make friends. While we get on well with a lot of people we are friends with only a few people.

As for me I have only one very closer friend. My friend’s name is Nick. We are of the same age. We live in the same block of flats and we see each other almost every day. He is a good friend. He is very honest and just. I trust him a lot and I’m sure that I can rely on him in any situation. Nick is only 17 but he is very responsible – he finishes whatever he stats. He has only one shortcoming. He is a bit stubborn. He is interested in computers and he is a first-year student of the technical school now. He is not lazy and always tries to do everything in time. In general my friend is an interesting person. He is well-read. He is fond of modern pop and rock music. He goes in for sports. He plays basketball and football well. Nick has got a great sense of humor. Nick is very optimistic and cheerful person and I like to spend time with him.

His father is a lawyer. He is very intelligent man and knows everything about the law. He is very busy and industrious man. We respect him very much because he is equitable and a good adviser.  Nick’s mother is a music teacher she is very talented woman. She is very understanding and kind.


make friends – подружиться

get on well – хорошо ладить

trust – доверять

well-read – начитанный

sense of humor –чувство юмора


3. Agree or disagree with the phrases below:

1.  Nick is a good friend.

2.  Nick does not go in for sports.

3.  Nick is in the army now.

4.  He has got a sense of humor.


4. Answer the questions:

1.  Do friends play an important part in our life?

2.  How old is Nick?

3.  What is he like?

4.  What is he interested in?


5. Answer the questions:

1.Have you got many friends?

2. Who is your best friend?

3. When did you make friends?

4. What is your friend?

5. How old is he/she?

6. What is he/she like?

7. Do you often spend time together?

8. What is your friend’s hobby?

9. Is he/she a good friend?


6. Read the words and distribute them into the table below:

affable – вежливый

double-faced - двуличный

good-humoured –с хорошим чувством юмора

cruel - жестокий

communicative – коммуникабельный

devoted- преданный, верный

uncommunicative – некоммуникабельный

gentle – мягкий, добрый

friendly – дружелюбный

intolerant - нетерпимый

modest – скромный

sullen - угрюмый

discreet – сдержанный

proud - гордый

generous – щедрый

revengeful - мстительный

haughty – надменный

witty – сообразительный

greedy – жадный

forbearing – терпеливый

earnest – серьезный

calm – спокойный

sincere – искренний

false – лживый

tactless – бестактный



Good traits of character



Bad traits of character









8. Give the antonyms to the following words:

tactful, friendly, greedy, false, witty, gentle, forbearing, sincere, double-faced


9.Find the synonyms to the following words:

         witty, communicative, serious, clever, kind, friendly


10. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of person will never attract attention?

2. What kind of person will never do a silly thing?

3. What kind of person will never fail his friend?

4. What kind of people are often lonely?

5.  What kind of people are often with friends?

6. What kind of people are often think only about themselves?

7. What traits of character should have a teacher?

8. What traits of character should have a doctor?

9. What traits of character should have your fiend?

10.  What traits of character should have your future wife/husband?

11. What traits of character should have your future children?


11. Match these characteristics with the correct definitions:


A person who

likes to give orders

has good manners

talks a lot

is interested only in himself          

likes to be around people

tell the truth

always helps his friends

doesn't like working











12. Describe one of your group mates without naming him/her. Use this plan:

1. Appearance (height, hair, eyes, clothes)

         e.g.: He is tall/short.

                 His hair is dark/ fair.

                 His eyes are blue.

2. Hobbies and interests.

3. Traits of character.



Our technical school


Learn the following words:

technical school - техникум

finish – заканчивать

take exams – сдавать экзамены

pass exams – сдать экзамены

level pass – проходной балл

full-time student – студент очного отделения

part-time student – студент-заочник

term-time – семестр

first-year student – студент 1-ого курса

department – отделение

full-time department – очное отделение

part-time department – заочное отделение

studies – занятия

study - учиться

hour – час (учебных занятий)

do well – хорошо учиться

break – перемена

lunch break – большая перемена

canteen – столовая

take meals – принимать пищу

gym – спортивный зал

library – библиотека

reading hall – читальный зал

laboratory (lab) – лаборатория

workshop – мастерская

academic session – учебный год

attend – посещать

lecture – лекция

practical training – практика

term – семестр

hostel – общежитие

group mate – одногруппник

group register – учебный журнал


2. Put the following verbs in Past Indefinite form:

     be, live, leave, get, take, have, do, begin, go, come, study, contain.


3. Read and translate the following international words:

     finish, examination, polytechnical, mathematics, container, department, laboratory, class, period, practice, modern, specialist.


4. Translate the following words and combinations:

     to finish, good marks, to pass exams to the technical school,  to be a first year student, full-time student, lunch break.


5. Read and translate the text:


      In June I finished school with good marks. I passed my exams and in August I entered the technical school. The level pass to our technical school for my specialty was … . My level pass was… . Now I am a full-time first- year student.

      Our technical school occupies one large building. It runs full-time and part- time departments. There are 3 departments in our technical school. Our technical school has a very good library. It contains a lot of books. There is a large reading-hall on the ground floor.  There is also a gymnasium on the ground floor of the technical school. Our classrooms are large and light.

      Our studies begin at 8.15. Usually we have 4 (four) lessons a day. We have a lunch break at 11 o’clock. We have a good canteen and we take our lunch there.  Sometimes we have practical training at the workshops.

      The academic session began on the first of September and will end in June. Every day we attend lectures. I do well because I want to become a good specialist. At the end of the term we take exams and we try to pass them successfully.


6. Translate the phrases:

окончить школу с хорошими оценками, проходной балл равен, студент, дневного отделения, проходить практику, стать хорошим специалистом, стараться сдать экзамены.


7. Answer the questions:

1. When did you finish school?

2. What was the level pass to the technical school?

3. What was your level pass?

4. How many departments are there in the technical school? 

5. How many lessons a day do you usually have?

6. Is there a library in your technical school?

7. Where do you have your practical training?

8. Do you do well?


8. Insert the missing words:

1.Last year I … school.

2. My … was 90.

3. I am a … student.

4. Our lessons … at 8.15.

5. We … our lunch at the canteen.

6. Our library … a lot of books.

7. We have … at the workshops.

8. The … begins in September.


9. Translate the following sentences:

1. В прошлом году я окончил школу.

 2. Я сдал экзамены в техникум.

 3. Теперь я студент первого курса.

 4. Обычно у нас 4 урока.

 5. Практику мы проходим в мастерских.

 6. Я посещаю занятия каждый день.

 7. Я хорошо учусь, потому что я хочу стать хорошим специалистом.





My name is Peter. In June I finished school and in July passed my exams at the technical school. The level pass to our technical school was 7. I got 4 in Russian and 5 in mathematics. So me level pass was 9. Now I am a full-time first-year student.

Our technical school is not far from our block of flats and I can easily get there by bus. It takes me 25 minutes to get to the technical school. Sometimes I go there on foot. And though it takes me an hour it is healthy to walk.

Our technical school occupies two buildings. It runs full-time and part-time (evening) departments. There are several departments at our technical school. Our studies begin at 9 o’clock, usually we have six hours a day. We have a lunch break at 12 o’clock. We have a good canteen and during our lunch period we take our meals there. There is a gym on the ground floor. Our library is on the second floor.  It contains a lot of textbook and fiction. It is opened from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. in term-time. There is a large reading-hall in our technical school and we often do our homework there. Our classroom and laboratories are large and light. Our labs have modern equipment. The workshops where we have practical training are on the ground floor.

The academic session begins on the first of September and ends in June. Every day we attend lectures and have practice.

I do well because I want to become a good specialist. At the end of the term we take exams and I’ll try to pass them successfully.

Some of our students live in the hostel. It is not far from our technical school. It takes them ten minute to get to the technical school.



Exercise 1. Answer the questions

1.      Is Peter a full-time student?

2.      Is the technical school far from Peter’s house?

3.      How can Peter get to the technical school?

4.      How much time does it take him to get there?

5.      When do studies begin?

6.      When have students a lunch break?

7.      Where do they take meals?

8.      What is there on the ground floor?

9.      Where is a library?

10.  Where have students practical training?

11.  When does academic session begin?

12.  How often do students take exams?

13.  Does Peter do well? Why?


Exercise 2. Finish the phrases

1.      Peter …….. …….. in June.

2.      He ……… ……… in July.

3.      Now he is …………….. .

4.      The studies ……… at 9 o’clock.

5.      Students ……. …….. in the canteen.

6.      Students do their homework in ……… ……. .

7.      Students …….. ……… …… in the workshops.

8.      Students attend ……….

9.      Students ………… at the end of the term.

10.  Peter ….. ….. because he wants to become a good specialist.


Exercise 3. Correct the wrong phrases

1.      Peter studies at University.

2.      He is a part-time first-year student.

3.      He does well.

4.      Peter always goes to the technical school on foot.

5.      The lunch break is at 12 o’clock.

6.      Peter has dinner at home


Exercise 4. Translate into Russian

A first year student, a full-time department, a part-time department, a full-time student, hours, a library, a reading-hall, to become a good specialist, a lunch break, a term, to pass exams, to take exams, a gym, a lecture, practical training, to attend lectures, to do well, a hostel, equipment, a canteen, a gym, to get to the technical school, it takes 5 minutes, it is healthy to walk.


Exercise 5. Translate into English

Идти пешком, занятия начинаются в…, перемена, большая перемена, семестр, столовая, спортивный зал, класс, лаборатория, мастерская, лекция, посещать лекции, хорошо учиться, практические занятия, проходной балл, оборудование, общежитие, техникум, сдавать экзамены, сдать экзамены, студент 1-ого курса, дневное отделение, заочное отделение, несколько отделений, добираться до техникума на автобусе, это занимает 25 минут, обедать в столовой.

Exercise 6. Ask your groupmate


Variant 1

1.      Далеко ли техникум от твоего дома?

2.      Как ты добираешься до техникума?

3.      Когда начинаются занятия?

4.      Посещаешь ли ты все лекции?

5.      Хорошо ли ты учишься?


Variant 2

1.      Ходишь ли ты в техникум пешком?

2.      Сколько уроков у тебя каждый день?

3.      Когда у вас большая перемена?

4.      Где ты обычно обедаешь?

5.   Когда студенты сдают экзамены?


Exercise 7. Translate into English


Variant 1

1.      Петя учится в техникуме.

2.      Техникум находится недалеко от его дома.

3.      Петя добирается туда на автобусе.

4.      Он учится хорошо.

5.      Он посещает все лекции.

6.      Петя делает домашнее задание в читальном зале.

7.      Он хочет стать хорошим специалистом.

Variant 2

1.      Петя  - студент первого курса.

2.      Занятия начинаются в 9 часов.

3.      Каждый день у него 6 уроков.

4.      Во время большой перемены Петя обедает в столовой.

5.      Иногда Петя возвращается домой пешком.

6.      Это занимает у него один час.

7.      Гулять полезно для здоровья.


Exercise 8. Get ready to speak about your studies using the questions below


1.      Where do you study?

2.      Is the technical school far from your house?

3.      How do you get to the technical school?

4.      How much time does it take you to get there?

5.      When do studies begin?

6.      How many lessons have you every day?

7.      When do you have a lunch break?

8.      Where do you take meals?

9.      Do you attend all lessons?

10.  Do you do well? Why?


Exercise 9.

The subject which covers drawing, painting, and sculpture is called ___

The subject which includes equations, fractions, addition and subtraction is ___

The study of land forms and population growths are included in ___

The study of the periodic table, gasses, liquids, acids and alkalis is called ___

The study of motion, mechanics and energy is part of ___

The study of composers, concerto's quavers and blue notes is all included in __

The subject of what has happened to the cultures and countries of the world is ___

Money, banking, the country's growth patterns and taxation are all studies in ___

The natural world and the study of life and plant forms is called ___

Running, playing tennis, and other sports are part of ___


American Universities and Colleges

1. Learn the words and phrases:

to require for admission – требовать при поступлении

elementary and secondary schooling – начальное и среднее образование

graduation from the standard secondary school – окончание средней школы

curriculum - программа

to lead to – приводить к чему-либо

to be the central unit – быть центральным звеном

educational institution – образовательное учреждение

professional school – профессиональный колледж

 graduate college - аспирантура

to provide programmes for study research –предоставлять программу обучения

beyond the level – выше уровня

Junior colleges – первая ступень колледжа


2. Read and translate the text:


Higher education in the United States includes educational programmes which usually require for admission 12 years of elementary and secondary schooling.

The most common type of higher education is the college. It requires for admission graduation from the standard secondary school; its four-year curriculum leads to the bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences.

An American college is known by various titles such as the college of liberal arts, the college of arts and science, the college of literature. The college may be the central unit around which the university is organized or it may be a separate entity, independent from the University.

The University in the United States is an educational institution comprising a college of liberal arts and sciences, a professional school leading to the professional degree and a graduate college or school. A graduate college provides programmes for study research beyond the levels of the bachelor’s and first professional degree.

The word “university”, however, is also used in a broader sense, for almost any type of educational institution offering instruction beyond the level of the secondary school.

In addition to colleges and universities there is a large number of professional schools, separate from universities. They provide preparation in one or more professional fields, such as law, music, or theology. Junior colleges or professional schools do not offer the full four-year curriculum leading to a degree.

The colleges in the United States differ greatly in size – they may include from 100 to 500 students and more. Most of the larger institutions fall into the category of universities, the largest being University of California, State University of New York, Columbia University and others.


3. Answer the questions:

1. What do higher education institutions in the USA require for admission?

2. What degree does the college lead to?

3. What kind of preparation do professional schools provide?

4. What is the size of colleges and universities in the USA?

5. What famous Universities of the USA do you know?


4. Translate the sentences:

1. Для поступления в университет или колледж в Америке необходимо закончить среднюю школу.

2. В США существует несколько типов вузов: колледж, университет, профессиональный колледж.

3.Университет обычно состоит из колледжа гуманитарных и естественных наук, профессионального отделения и аспирантуры.

4. После 4 лет в университете студент получает степень бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук.

5. Аспирантура предлагает программы выше уровня степени бакалавра и первой профессиональной степени.

6. Университет может иметь колледж в своем составе;  колледж может входить в университет или быть самостоятельной единицей.

7. Профессиональный колледж – это учебное заведение, существующее отдельно от университета.








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