Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыКомплект оценочных средств учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык специальности 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет

Комплект оценочных средств учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык специальности 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет

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Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное

образовательное учреждениеРеспублики Крым

«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»





Заместитель директора

по учебной работе

                      ____  О.Г. Сердюкова

            «____»  ______  2020г.







                                                      УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ

                                              ОГСЭ. 03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК


в рамках основной профессиональной образовательной программы

по специальности среднего профессионального образования

38. 02. 01  Экономика и бухгалтерский учет

Форма проведения оценочной процедуры: дифференцированный зачет












                                                           Феодосия,2020 год




Организация - разработчик: Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Республики Крым «Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


Разработчик: преподаватель  иностранного языка  Лазуренко С.В.






Комплект оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык

рассмотрен и одобрен на заседании цикловой комиссии

 филологических дисциплин.

Протокол № ___  от «___» _____2020 г.

Председатель цикловой комиссии                       _________   З.Ф. Гурьянова




















I.Паспорт комплекта оценочных средств


1.1.Общие положения

Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств (КОС) предназначен для оценки результатов освоения образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины


КОС включает контрольные материалы для проведения промежуточной аттестации в форме зачета- 3 семестр, итоговой аттестации в форме  дифференцированного  зачета – 4 семестр.

КОС разработан в соответствии с основной профессиональной образовательной  программой по специальности среднего профессионального образования

38. 02. 01  Экономика и бухгалтерский учет.

Общие компетенции формируются в процессе освоения ОПОП в целом, поэтому по результатам освоения учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык возможно оценивание положительной динамики их формирования.


1.2.Результаты  освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке


Предмет оценивания

Показатели оценки

Критерии оценки

Типовое задание






Знания / Умения:


З.1Лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем)

иностранных текстов

профессиональной направленности

З2.Грамматический минимум,

необходимый для чтения и перевода

(со словарем) иностранных текстов

профессиональной направленности

У 1.Общаться (устно и письменно) на

иностранном языке на

профессиональные и

повседневные темы;

У 2. Переводить (со словарем)

иностранные тексты



У 3.Самостоятельно

совершенствовать устную и

письменную речь, пополнять

словарный запас.


ОК.1 Понимать сущность и социальную  значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

ОК.2Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

ОК.3 Принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести за них ответственность.


ОК4. Осуществлять поиск информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и  личностного развития


ОК5.Использовать информационно- коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

ОК.6Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, (потребителями).

ОК.7Брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды( подчиненных), результат  выполнения заданий.

ОК.8Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации.

ОК.9Ориентироваться в условиях частой смены  технологий в профессиональной деятельности.



- знание 1200-1400

лексических единиц, грамматического минимума

необходимых для чтения иперевода (со словарем)

иностранных текстов





-понимание высказываний собеседника;


-устное и письменное сообщение,  изложение информации на заданную тематику;


-извлечение необходимой информации из различных источников;


-использование отраслевых и общих словарей, справочников на иностранном языке;




-самостоятельное пополнение

лексического запаса;


-использование компьютерных технологий для обработки и передачи иноязычной информации, представление ее  в различных формах.


-правильное воспроизведение языковых ( лексических, грамматических) средств;


- построение речи в соответствии с языковыми нормами;


-ведение связной беседы по предложенной коммуникативной ситуации;

- аргументирование  ответов;


-использование основных видов чтения в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи;

-письменное изложение о себе в форме, принятой в стране изучаемого языка.




Тестовые задания :

- клоуз- тест;

-множественного выбора;

-перекресного  выбора;

-завершения/ окончания;

-исправления ошибок;

-множественного выбора;

- тесты замены/ подстановки;


лексические диктанты;

синквейны, ментальные карты, кластеры;

лексико-грамматические упражнения;

вопросно- ответные упражнения;

диалоги/ монологи;



контрольные работы;

эссе, рефераты, рецензии;

учебные проекты;

презентации в программе PowerPoint.


























1.3 Система оценки освоения  программы учебной дисциплины

Знать лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) минимум


Оценка «ОТЛИЧНО»: знание  обучающимся 90-100% лексических единиц.

Оценка «ХОРОШО»: знание обучающимся 70-80% лексических единиц.

Оценка «УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО»: знание  обучающимся не менее 50% лексических единиц.

Оценка «НЕУДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО»: знание обучающимся  менее 50% лексических единиц.

Знать грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем)

иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности

Оценка « ОТЛИЧНО»:допущение обучающимся не более 1 ошибки, впоследствии самостоятельно исправленной.

Оценка « ХОРОШО»: допущение обучающимся не более 2-3 ошибок.

Оценка « УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО»: допущение обучающимся4-5 ошибок.

Оценка «НЕУДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО»: допущение обучающимся более 5 ошибок.

Перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности


Оценка «ОТЛИЧНО»: при переводе обучающимся соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы.

Оценка « ХОРОШО»: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические


Оценка «УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО»: обучающимся  допущены 4-6 грамматические/лексическиеошибки.

Оценка «НЕУДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО»: обучающийся допустил свыше 7 ошибок.

Общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и

повседневные темы

Оценка «ОТЛИЧНО»: при ответе обучающимся используются полные распространенные предложения справильным порядком слов. Допустима 1 ошибка, которую  обучающийся сам исправит.

Оценка « ХОРОШО» : при ответе используются обучающимся полные распространенные предложения справильным порядком слов. Допустимы 2-3 грамматические/лексические ошибки.

Оценка «УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО» :при ответе обучающимся используются полные распространенныепредложения. Допустимы 4-5 грамматические/лексическиеошибки и/ или деформацияпорядка слов в предложении.

Оценка «НЕУДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО»: предложения  обучающегося неполные, соблюден неправильный порядок слов, обучающийся допускает свыше 5 ошибок.









2. Комплект оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык

2.1. Входнойконтроль

Вариант 1.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в действительном и страдательном залоге

1.Nobody ( to see) him yesterday.

a) saw   b) was seen  c) was seeing

2. The telegram ( to receive) tomorrow.

a) received  b) was received   c) will be received

3. He ( to give) me this book next week.

a) gave  b)  will give   c) was given

4. The answer to this question  can ( to find) in the encyclopedia.

a)find      b) be found   c) to find

5. We ( to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation

a) shown  b) will show   c) are showing

6. Yuri Dolgoruki( to found)  Moscow in 1147.

a) found   b) was founding  c) founded

7. Moscow University ( to found) by M. Lomonosov.

a) found  b) was founded  c) founded

Эталон ответов









Вариант 1

















Choose the correct variant

1.You can  (to find)  interesting information about the life in the USA.

     a) to find   b) find   c) finding

2.Budapest ( to divide)  by the Danube into two ports.

a) divides  b) is dividing  c) is devided

3.We ( to call) Zhukovski the father of the Russian aviation.

a) call  b) called  c) are calling

4.We ( to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation.


a) shown  b) will show   c) are showing

5.YuriDolgoruki ( to found)  Moscow in 1147.

       a) found   b) was founding  c) founded

6.Bread ( to eat) every day.

     a) eats  b) is eaten  c) eat

      7. Mushrooms ( to gather) in autumn.

    a) gathered   b) are gathered   c) gather


Эталон ответов









Вариант 2




















2.2. Текущий контроль

                                Объект оценивания « Знание лексики»

Оценка  знаний З1, умений У1,У2,У3, общих компетенций ОК1, ОК2, ОК4, ОК5, ОК6, ОК 7


Тема «Моя семья и друзья»

Вариант 1

1.Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations

молодежь, дружба, подросток, взаимоотношения между родителями и детьми, современная жизнь, разрешение, умение, зависеть, взаимоуважение, доброта.

2.Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations

Being young means,solve youth problems, a lack of communication, attention to children, get on withsmb,advice,to have got a lot of experience,to share knowledge,avoid problems.


Вариант 2

Agree or disagree:

  1. Youth is probably the best time of our life.
  2. For teenagers it is the most difficult time.
  3. Parents mustn’t help their children solve youth problems.
  4. There is often a lack of communication between parents and their children.
  5. Teenagers don’t get on well with their parents.
  6. Parents must check their children all time.
  7. The ability to solve or avoid family problems depends on children and parents.

Вариант 3

Describe Victor and Dmitri.


Relationship between parents and children


Everyone says that youth is probably the best time of our life. Being young means love, friendship and romance, new discoveries and so on. But we must know thatfor teenagersit is the most difficult time. That`s why parents must help their children solve youth problems. It can really help construct good relationship between parents and children.

But in our modern life there is often a lack of communication between parents and their children. Lack of the love and attention to children can make them unhappy.

As for me, I get on very well with my parents. Whenever I have problems with my friends or with my schoolwork, I know they are always there to listen and give advice. They have taught me a lot. They have got a lot of experience and they have always happy to share their knowledge with me. But sometimes my Mum and Dad seem to think I`m still a kid. When I go out with friends, I always have to be back home by ten o`clock and they call me on my mobile to check where I am. I have to ask permission for almost everything I do. It doesn`t seem fair sometimes but I anyway love my parents very much and I think they are the kindest in the whole world.

In conclusion, the ability to solve or avoid family problems depends on children and parents. If the relationship between parents and children is based on love, mutual respect, and kindness, the family will be happy.




Тема «Жизнь  современного студента в России и за рубежом»

Вариант 1


1.      Read the text and ask as many questions as you can.


Education in Britain


In England and Wales compulsory school begins at the age of five, but before that age children can go to a nursery school, also called play school. School is compulsory till the children are 16 years old.

In Primary School and First School children learn to read and write and the basis of arithmetic. In the higher classes of Primary School (or in Middle School) children learn geography, history, religion and, in some schools, a foreign language. Then children go to the Secondary School.

When students are 16 years old they may take an exam in various subjects in order to have a qualification. These qualifications can be either G.C.S.E. (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or "O level" (Ordinary level). After that students can either leave school and start working or continue their studies in the same school as before. If they continue, when they are 18, they have to take further examinations which are necessary for getting into university or college.

Some parents choose private schools for their children. They are very expensive but considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities.

In England there are 47 universities, including the Open University which teaches via TV and radio, about 400 colleges and institutes of higher education. The oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. Generally, universities award two kinds of degrees: the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree.



Вариант 2


Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations


Compulsory, age, nursery school, foreign language, secondary school, exam, subject, Certificate, "O level" (Ordinary level), university, private school, expensive, education, higher education, opportunity, bachelor, master.


1.      Answer the questions


1. When does compulsory school begin?

2. How long does a child stay in compulsory school?

3. What subjects do children learn in Primary School?

4. What kind of exam do students have to take when they are 16?

5. Do students have to leave school at the age of 16 or to continue their studies?

6. How do private schools differ from the regular ones?

7. How many universities are there in England?

8. What is the Open University?

9. What kinds of degrees do universities award?








Тема «Моястрана»




1. Complete the following sentences:

  1. Moscow is the main …., …., …. and ….. centre of our country.
  2. Moscow is a modern …..
  3. For the period from …. to ….. the capital was moved to …...
  4. Moscow is situated on the ….
  5. The heart of the city is ……
  6. The Kremlin is a real …. of …...
  7. Moscow State University was founded by …. … in …..


2. Choose the correct variant:

1. Moscow was founded over ….. years ago.

а. 700  b. 800  c. 600

2. Moscow is also one of the largest with the surface of …. sq km.

а. 790  b. 870c. 880

3. Moscow State University is …. in Russia.

а. the most important  b.       b. more important        c. much important

4. The Parliament and the Government of Russia are seated in Moscow as well as the …...

а. Prime-minister                    b. President     c. State Duma

5. The heart of the city, the Kremlin, is the city ….. the city.

а. inside                      b. outside                    c. round

6. Moscow State University was founded by famous Russian ….

а.  architect     b. scientist                   c. engineer

7. Moscow is one of ….in the world.

a.       much populated                 b. more populated                  c. the most populated


Вариант 2



Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is the main economic, political, educational and cultural centre of our country.

In Moscow there are most important state institutions. The Parliament and the Government of Russia are seated here as well as the President.

Moscow is a modern mega polis. With over 10 million people it is one of the most populated in the world. It is also one of the largest with the surface of 880 sq km.

Moscow has a long history. It was founded over 800 years ago by Grand Duke YuryDolgoruki in 1147. In the beginning it was a rather unimportant town, but year after year it grew into a significant city when, finally, in the 16th century it became the capital of the country. For the period from 1712 to 1917 the capital was moved to St Petersburg.

Moscow is situated on the Moskva river, which flows through the whole city. 

The heart of the city, the Kremlin, is the city inside the city. It was built in the 12th century. There are many churches and museums inside the Kremlin as well as various governmental institutions. The Kremlin is a real masterpiece of architecture.

On the territory of the Kremlin there are the Tsar-cannon and the Tsar-bell which have never been actually used. There are also many museums and galleries in Moscow holding masterpieces of fine arts.

In Moscow, there are many theatres of world level.

Moscow is also a scientific city. Moscow State University is the oldest and the most important in Russia. It was founded by famous Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov in 18th century.

Moscow is a magnificent city.


Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the capital of Russia?
  2. How large is the population of Moscow?
  3. When Moscow was founded?
  4. By whom Moscow was founded?
  5. When the Kremlin was build?
  6. When Moscow did become the capital of Russia?
  7. What can you see on the territory of the Kremlin?


Тема «Страны изучаемого языка»

Вариант 1

Put the words in each group in order according to their size (the smallest first, the largest last).


1. city continent tributary county country

2. road peak footpath track lane

3. mountain hillock shore hill range

4. forest tree copse beach wood

5. pond lake ocean sea cape

6. gorge plain waterfall hollow valley

7. gulf ridge inlet bay cove

8. cliff brook river estuary stream

Вариант 2

 Put the words and expressions in the box into their correct category


1. city continent tributary county country

2. road peak footpath track lane

3. mountain hillock shore hill range

4. forest tree copse beach wood

5. pond lake ocean sea cape

6. gorge plain waterfall hollow valley

7. gulf ridge inlet bay cove

8. cliff brook river estuary stream


beach _ cape _ capital _ cliff _ coast _ coastline

congestion _ conurbation _ cosmopolitan _ densely-populated

depopulation _ desert _ fertile _ glacier _ highlands

industrialised _ irrigation _ mountainous _ mouth _ overcrowding

peak _ peninsula _ plateau _ pollution _ (coral) reef _ ridge

shore _ source _ summit _ tide _ tributary _ under-developed

urban sprawl _ vegetation _ waterfall _ wave

Geographical features associated with water and

the sea:

Geographical features associated with land, hills

and mountains:

Words and expressions associated with

agriculture and rural land:

Words and expressions associated with towns





Тема «Популярные туристические маршруты»


1.Fill in the missing words  in the sentences. Choose from the  words  in the box.

1.      Appointment  2.  Badge  3.  Deal 4.  Floor 5.  Identify card  6.  Lift 7.  Main building 8.  Main gate   9.  Office   10.  Reception desk  11.  Receptionist  12.  Secretary  13.  Security  guard   14.  Sign


You arrive  at ______. 2. You show______. 3. The ______ lets you  go through. 4. You enter the ____. 5. You walk to the ______. 6. You give your  name to the _____. 7. You have an ______ with Mr. Power at 9. 8. You____ your name in the  visitor’s book. 9. You pin your _____ to your coat. 10. You find the ______. 11. You go to the top. 12. Mr. Power’s _____ meets you. 13. She takes you to Mr. Power’s _______. 14. Mr. Power says, “ Hi, we  have a ______”.


1.Write  amounts of  currency.

Ten euros-,  ten dollars ninety- five - ,  fifty thousand yen-.

2.Match the two parts to make more phrases for arranging  a meeting.

1.      Is Friday                   a.  would be fine

2.      Can we                      b.  we meet here?

3.      Where shall we         c. arrange a meeting?

4.       Can we fix a time    e.good for you?

5.      Would Thursday       f.  a meeting next week?

6.      Why don’t                 g.  seeing you next week.

7.      I  look  forward to     h. check my  diary

8.      OK, Thursday           i.  be convenient for you?

9.      Can we have             j.to meet?

Эталон ответов





















1.Complete paragraphs 1 - 12 with the most appropriate word or expression from the box.


apartment _ appartment hotel _ boutique hotel _ chalet _ commercial hotel

guest house _ hotel garni _ luxury hotel _ motel _ tourist hotel

villa _ hostel


1. The __________ we stayed at was right by the beach. It had three bedrooms (all en-suite), a

beautiful living / dining room, a huge kitchen, front, back and roof gardens and its own swimming pool.

2. The __________ we stayed at when we went skiing in Austria had two double bedrooms, a large living room with open fireplace, a small kitchen and terraces at the front and back with fantastic  views over the Alps.

3. It's on the fourth floor. It has two twin rooms, a living room with a Murphy, a small kitchen, a

wonderful bathroom with a spa bath, and a small balcony overlooking the swimming pool.

4. David and Buddug Evans are delighted to invite visitors to spend a long weekend in 'Green Briars',  the most delightful __________ in Llandudno. Join us for delicious home cooking, traditional  comfort and a real Welsh welcome!

5. The 'Ball and Chain' is probably the most exciting and interesting __________ to open in London this  year. Not only is it set in the former Chingwall prison, with single, twin and double accommodation   in the old cells, but all the fascinating artwork has been done by prisoners in real prisons around the  country. Outstanding levels of comfort and service are guaranteed.

6. Driving when tired is one of the most common causes of accidents, so why not break your journey  at the Crossways __________. Situated on the A542 between Bunnyhutch and Birdiebath, we offer  a choice of comfortable rooms, including three large family rooms, two restaurants and a bar.

Ample, secure parking is also provided.






Barcelona tourism – http://www.barcelonaturisme.com

On the language bar select English. Click on ‘Where to eat in Barcelona’ in the middle of the page. In the restaurants search engine use the drop-down menu next to Category to select Catalan and then click on Search. In the list of search results, you can click on the Location button for each restaurant to see its position on a map of Barcelona. You can also click on the +information button to learn more about each restaurant. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click on Forward to see more restaurants. Fill in the table.

Name of restaurant

Address and interesting

places in the area

Average cost of meal per person

Information about the food

Your impressionfrom thephotograph


Тема «СМИ и их влияние на человека»


Вставьте в текст слова по смыслу


Attitudeslocalculturessocialdemocracysocialtiesnewtechnologyforeignthepopulationviewseducatepolitical leaders television programs foreign products the usual answers


Advantages and disadvantages of  TV

We talk to various people from different countries about their …..about TV. Does TV …….or stimulate? Or it is a drug or tranquilizer used to control…….. There are some……, e.g. “TV has been the greatest instrument of ……..in Western European socialites”, - said Mr. Smith from British film institute. Some people disagree, 90 % of TV programs in some countries are……. And some people think and feel, that TV has disrupted local culture and…... Why do developing countries introduce TV? Perhaps government  do it for prestige, to show that they have introduced ……into their societies. Another possible reason is that ………want their people to see them on TV. TV is a very expensive medium and many countries don’t have the technology and the money to make their own……. The result is that most countries are dependent on TV of Britain and America. It is easier and cheaper to buy ……mainly soap operas. So, a lot of people feel that TV is a danger to …….in some countries. How do people usually answer the question: “What are you going to do tonight?” or “What are you going to do at the weekend?” In other words how do people spend their free time. Some 20 or 30 years ago …..used to be “We are going to the theatre” or “We are going to the party” or “We are having some friends round”. Now you are very often hear “We are going to stay at home and watch the television”.


Вариант 2

1.      Translate into Russian

mass media                                                          

to meet eminent people                                      

to shape public opinion                                      

means of communication              

toinfluence audience advertising  

public relations                            

to play a crucial role in smth      

forming public opinion                

to be made up of smth                


to provide news output                

to force attention to smth            

to build up a public image          

capacity to act autonomously     impartial                                  



2.Make up your own sentences using these words

Attitudes,local cultures,   social democracy,social ties, new technology, foreign,the population,  views,educate,political leaders,  television programs, foreign products,the usual answers.

3.Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word has been given

The mass media refers to the people and organizations that provide news and i……….(1) for the public. Until recently these were mainly n………..(2), t…….(3), and r………(4). Today, computers play a very big part. The I………..(5) is a computer system that allows millions of people around the world to receive and exchange information about almost everything. Ordinary post has been taken over by e……….(6) which stands for e……..(7) mail because it is sent m…………(8) to each other quickly and cheaply. Ordinary p………..(9) is now referred to as “snail-mail” and one wonders if the p……..(10) is a job in danger of extinction


Тема «Образование в России и за рубежом»

                                                               Вариант 1

Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations

Compulsory,age,nursery school,foreign language,secondary school, exam,subject,Certificate,"O level" (Ordinary level),university,private school,expensive,education,higher education,opportunity,bachelor, master. 


Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations

opportunity for studying, sociallife, abroad, futureprofession, to enjoy, free time, hobby and pastime,practice and improve language skills, fee,lection and training session, dormitory,to chat, boring, excitement.












Read the text

Education in Britain


In England and Wales compulsory school begins at the age of five, but before that age children can go to a nursery school, also called play school. School is compulsory till the children are 16 years old.

In Primary School and First School children learn to read and write and the basis of arithmetic. In the higher classes of Primary School (or in Middle School) children learn geography, history, religion and, in some schools, a foreign language. Then children go to the Secondary School.

When students are 16 years old they may take an exam in various subjects in order to have a qualification. These qualifications can be either G.C.S.E. (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or "O level" (Ordinary level). After that students can either leave school and start working or continue their studies in the same school as before. If they continue, when they are 18, they have to take further examinations which are necessary for getting into university or college.

Some parents choose private schools for their children. They are very expensive but considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities.

In England there are 47 universities, including the Open University which teaches via TV and radio, about 400 colleges and institutes of higher education. The oldest universities in



England are Oxford and Cambridge. Generally, universities award two kinds of degrees: the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree.



Answer the questions:

1. When does compulsory school begin?

2. How long does a child stay in compulsory school?

3. What subjects do children learn in Primary School?

4. What kind of exam do students have to take when they are 16?

5. Do students have to leave school at the age of 16 or to continue their studies?

6. How do private schools differ from the regular ones?

7. How many universities are there in England?

8. What is the Open University?

9. What kinds of degrees do universities award?


Тема «Деловые письма. Виды деловых писем и  их структура»


1)          2 Victoria Street


                                                                                                                    OX2 006


                                                                                                                   January 15th



3)       Dear Sally,


4)      Thank you for your lovely birthday card, I have not written sooner as I      

wanted to invite you round and would never find a suitable time.


5)     We are having a small party next Friday night to celebrate Tony’s return From Canada, and   

we would be very happy if you and Simon could join us, around 8 p.m.


        Do come if you can.


6)         Looking forward to seeing you.


7)     Yours,


8)     Margery


Вариант 2

Fill the blanks with the following sentences

a) I am writing with reference to your advertisement in today’s paper concerning possible work with English-speaking tourists

b) I look forward to hearing from you in the near future

c) Before I can consider the job I need to know what the hours of work and pay would be

d) I can communicate well and fairly fluently



Dear Sir/Madam,

1_______. I am very interested in doing this kind of job and will be available from the beginning of the next month. I need to know exactly when the job would start. I should say that my level of English is god. 2_______. I have spent time on holiday in Britain and really enjoy meeting people from other countries. I have always been interested in the history and culture of my local area. 3_______. I would like to know more about what “be responsible for the general welfare of your group” means and what they could involve. I am afraid that I will only be available for interview in the evening (due to present work commitments). 4_______.

 Yours faithfully,

 Ingrid Nelson


Тема «Устройствонаработу»

Вариант 1

Match the verbs 1 to 6 to the nouns a – f to make word partnerships

1. to train a) a vacancy/post

2. to shortlist b) an interview panel

3. to advertise c) the candidates

4. to assemble d) references

5. to make e) new staff

6. to check f) a job offer


Which of these words would you use to describe yourself in a workor study situation? Use a good dictionary to help you. Add any other usefulwords.

motivated • confident • reliable • proud

dedicated • loyal • determined • charismatic

honest • adaptable • resourceful • meticulous









Тема «Собеседованиесработодателем»

                                                   Вариант 1

Read a leaflet from a recruitment agency giving advice about interviews. Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs A – E. There are three extra headings.

1. contact details 5. survey results

2. shock tactics 6. hypothetical questions

3. attitude 7. one person's experience

4. appearance 8. advice


When it comes to interview questions, it pays to expect the unexpected.

This is a true story of one candidate's experience. This is how his interviewers greeted him: 'We've been interviewing candidates all morning and we're getting bored. Do something to impress us’. Then the interviewers got out their newspapers and started reading them. The candidate said, 'Well, I've been waiting in this office for more than two hours because you've been running late. Actually I'm not impressed by your organisation and not sure I want to work for you. Goodbye.' The interviewee walked out, was invited back the next day and was

offered the job.






How would you act in a situation like this? That interview was rather extreme, but a lot of employers have turned to

using 'killer questions' or 'shock tactics', such as these: ‘Tell me something about yourself that you have never told anyone’. 'Which three famous people would you invite to a dinner party and why?' 'We have employed people from your university, and they haven't been good. Can you tell us why you think you'd do better?' Killer questions often come early in the interview and are aimed at throwing the candidate off guard. By surprising the candidate with an original or difficult question, interviewers can get an honest reaction and an unplanned response. They also want to see candidates think through their responses calmly.


Interviewers also ask candidates other kinds of difficult questions to see how they react under pressure. For example, they may ask a hypothetical question related to work, such as: 'Imagine you are an employee in customer

services. What would you do if an important customer was very rude to you?' However, some experts think that hypothetical questions are not useful because they only generate hypothetical answers. They prefer candidates to talkabout their past experience.



So, what should you do in these circumstances? Imagine: an interviewer has asked you a 'killer question' and you just don't know how to answer it – your mind is blank. Remember, the interviewer isn't interested in your response

as much as the way you respond. So, stay calm, take a few deep breaths and buy some time, e.g. 'Actually, that's interesting. I haven't thought about it, but maybe I'd …’ It’s a good idea to practice asking and answering some of these questions with friends. You can find some typical 'killer questions' on the front of this factsheet.

E _______________

J0BS4U have prepared three other leaflets, full of hints and tips about interviews. We can be reached in the following ways: Telephone 01865 701813







Тема «Резюме»

Вариант 1

Complete the text using the following words or phrases

curriculum vitae (CV) / resume probationary period

interview covering letter

application form psychometric test

These days many applicants submit their ......................... 1 speculatively to companies they would like to work for. In other words, they do not apply for an advertised job but hope the employer will be interested enough to keep their

CV on file and contact them when they have a vacancy. When replying to an advertisement, candidates often fill in a / an ……………………….2 and write a / an ................. 3. The employer will then invite the best candidates to attend a /an …………….4. Sometimes candidates will take a / an......................5 before the interview to assess their mental ability and reasoning skills. These days it is normal for successful candidates to have to work a / an ………………. 6 in a company. This is usually three or six months; after that they are offered a permanent post.





Complete the sentences with a suitable word or word combination

applicant a vacancy, interview

a covering letter financial package

a headhunter a reference

a probationary period resume

a shortlist


a) The starting salary of the successful .....applicant... will be decided on

the basis of qualifications and experience.

b) The usual American English word for 'CV' is '………………….'.

c) Our company has ……………. for a graduate in economics.

d) Applicants will be called for ………………… between 10 and 16 April.

e) We ask all our new employees to work ............................ of between one and three months.

f) The interview panel will draw up …………………. of only five candidates.

g) Please send ……………………. together with your CV.

h) It is usual to ask your previous employer for ……………………. When you apply for a job.

i) For high performers, a good …………… is not all that matters. They need a challenge as well.

j) They hired ……………… to attract some executives from a rival company.













Тема «Денежные единицы стран»

                            Вариант 1

Match Russian and English equivalents. 1. tomint


a) относиться (к…)


2. torefer


b) определять


3. toreplace


c) исходить, происходить


4. todetermine


d) чеканить


5. toindicate


e) сдавать в залог


6. topledge


f) указывать


7. toderive


g) надписывать



h) разнообразить



i) замещать



j) рассматривать



                                                                Вариант 2

Which of the statements is not true?

1. The currencies of the world’s economies have names and backgrounds.

2. The name of the Japanese currency is the “yen”.

3. The penny has the same origin as the word “pawn”, and originally meant “to pledge”.

4. In Turkey the currency is called “peso”.

5. In Spain the currency was called peseta, meaning “small peso”.


 Which of the following is true?

1. The currency “franc” wasn’t used in Switzerland.

2. In Italy the currency was called “lira” based on the Latin “libra” meaning






3. The former German “mark” and the Finnish “markka” derive their names from different words.

4. The “riyal” in Saudi Arabia and Qatar and the “rial” in Iran are based on German words.


Вариант 3

Complete the sentences with the words from the text

1. The names of the world’s major currencies have diverse …

2. Some names refer to the … used in determining the value of coins.

3. The names of such currencies as krone and krona describe the currencies, originally … by the king and the queen.

4. Today, the … has been replaced by other symbols, but the name remains.

5. Some currencies contain such … metals as gold and silver.

a) weight

b) precious

c) backgrounds

d) crown

e) minted


Тема «Внешняя и внутренняя торговля России»


translate the definitions of the underlined words

1. Auction is a public sale at which articles are sold to the highest bidder.

2. Bargain is an agreement establishing what each party will give, receive, or perform in a transaction.

3. Bear is a person who sells shares in anticipation of falling prices to make a profit on repurchase.

4. Bonus is something given, paid or received above what is due or expected by employees.

5. Bull is speculator who buys in anticipation of rising prices in order to make a profit on resale.

6. Commodity is something that can be bought or sold, especially basic food products or fuel.

7. Dividend is a portion of a company’s profits paid to its shareholders.

8. Fine is an amount of money that you have to pay because you have broken the law.



Choose the answer which best completes the meaning of the sentence.

1. Advertising is a kind of public announcement which describes the benefits of using a product or service. We can use advertising to increase the sales of our product or service. We expect to find advertising… .

a) at school

b) in the factory

c) on the land

d) on TV and radio



2. There is an expression, “It takes money to make money.” We know that capital can be used to make something of value. Therefore capital can refer to … .

a) a basic factor


c) raw materials

d) bankruptcy





3. A creditor is a person to whom the business owes money. Who of the following is most likely to be a creditor?

a) an entrepreneur

b) an employee

c) a banker

d) a manager


4. Labor changes raw materials into finished goods. Paper is an example of a finished good. The raw materials would be … .

a) physical work

b) wood

c) finished product

d) land


Тема «Внешняя и внутренняя торговля англоговорящих стран»

Вариант 1

Pick up some product you have with you (a mobile phone, a laptop, a watch, a jacket, a bag, etc.) and describe it using the following expressions without naming the object. Let your partners guess what it is.

It is made in … (country of origin) …

It is sold … (distribution channel) …

It is advertised … (media)…

It is in the … (€40 to €50) price range.

I bought it because … (your own reason) …

Вариант 2

A recent survey named the brands below as the world’s top ten. Which do you think is number one? Rank the others in order

Marlboro, Nokia, Mercedes, General Electric, Intel, IBM, Microsoft,

Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Disney



Answer the questions


1. How long has England existed as a unified entity?

2. When was the union between England and Wales enacted?

3. When was the legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland implemented?

4. When was the name the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland adapted?

5. What is Northern Ireland?

6. Was Great Britain the dominant industrial and maritime power of the 17th century?

7. Is there a connection between France and Great Britain today?

8. Is the United Kingdom a member of the European Monetary Union?

9. Where is the United Kingdom located?

10. What climate has the United Kingdom?

11. What landscape has Great Britain?

12. What are the lowest and the highest points of the country?

13. What are official languages in Great Britain?

14. What are the natural resources?





Тема «Банки. Роль банков в нашей жизни»

Вариант 1


  1. Choose the correct variant

Open an account today!

Open an account with Grimleys Bank, and start benefiting from our great 1 rates /

levelsof interest and 2 small / low charges. With over 3,000 3 branches / outlets,

you'll never be far from us, and unlike many other 4 high street / town centre

banks, we're open all day on Saturdays.

Grimleys customers can 5 take money / make withdrawals from more than a

million 6 cash dispensers / money machines worldwide, and of course you'll

receive a 7 cheque book / book of chequesand a 8 paying

card/ debit card within a few days of opening your account.

Computer-users may be interested in our e-account - all the

benefits of a regular Grimley's 9 current / day-to-day account,

with the added convenience of being able to view your 10 lists /

statementsand 11 make / do payments online.

Whether you're opening your first current account, 12

switching/ changing from another bank or simply want to take

advantage of our 13 range / variety of savings accounts, you'll

be glad you chose Grimleys – the bank that always 14 makes /

putsthe customer first.


Вариант 2

А. Match the method of payment with the definition.

1. Credit card

2. Debit card

3. Charge card

4. Cheque

5. Traveller'scheque

6. Charge account

a. A piece of paper which transfers money from your account to

somebody else's account.

b. Similar to a credit card, but usually operated by a chain of shops or

other retailer.

c. The money is deducted from your bank account almost immediately.

d. These can be exchanged for foreign currency, or in some cases

used instead of cash.



e. You owe the card provider money. You can pay it back in one

installment, or over a longer period if you wish.

f. You owe the retailer money.






Тема «Видыбанков»


1.Choose the correct term according to its definition

1. Foreign markets where companies in one country can compete openly with companies in other countries are called … a) international markets.

b) open markets.

c) internal markets .

2. Export-import banks provide low-cost loans, called … that help stimulate exports.

a) export credits

b) credits

c) import credits

3. Products made by the companies in their own country are called …

a) imported goods.

b) locally made products.

c) barter goods.

4. Foreign competition makes companies more …

a) idle and inefficient.

b) profitable and prosperous.

c) efficient and competitive.

5. To encourage a new trading partner a government … restrictions and barriers. a) imposes

b) tightens

c) removes


Вариант 2


1.Translate the sentences paying attention to the modal verbs can, may, must, should.

1. Foreign investments in local companies can provide jobs for unemployed people.

2. Before cooperating with a new company one should determine its wealth.

3. It may happen that you have no money to buy a wanted thing.

4. By using exchange rates a salary in yen could be converted into U.S. dollars.

5. Our agreements and contracts must be signed by authorities from both sides.

6. The bankruptcy of the company might be result of an unfruitful management.

7. You mustn’t forget to pay taxes regularly.



2.Fill in the gaps with proper time conjunctions: before, during, when, since, until.

… the last few months investors were watching US stock markets rather nervously. The problem with US technology and telecom stocks began last March and … this tendency was caught, share prices at large companies crashed. … the beginning of the summer such companies as Intel, Apple and others announced lower profits. The investors feared that … the US companies were unable to improve the situation, the demand for PC’s would fall. It is known that … the prospects are like that the investors begin to sell all the business even … they are successful.




What is business?

Business is a word that is often used in many different languages. Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed. Today, we say, that business is the production, distribution and sales of goods and services for profit.

Business can be a commercial organization such as company, shop or store, factory or plant. So, business is a combination of 3 activities: production, distribution and sale.


What is banking?

Banking is the transactions carried on by any person or firm engaged in providing financial services to consumers or businesses.

Banks are organizations that carry out the business of banking, taking deposits and using those deposits to make loans.

There are many different types of banks:

-central banks

-commercial banks

- saving banks

-merchant banks

- universal banks and others.

What is money?

Money is the means of payment or medium of exchange. Money refers to coins or paper notes with their value printed on them. People buy and sell goods in exchange for money. When we receive money regularly we think of it as income , pension, benefit, salary, grant or scholarship and others.

The money in use in the country is currency.


Тема «Маркетинг»

Вариант 1

You can see some expressions and word – combinations connected with money. Try to find what they mean.


1. To put money into … a) … to marry someone whose

1. To put money into … a) … to marry someone whose

family is rich.

2. Funny money… b) … to be very rich.

3. To roll in money… c) … money that you earn very


4. Money for jam… d) … to use your money in order to

make a profit.



5. Pocket money… e) … a small amount of money you

can use to buy small things.

6. To marry into money… f) … money that has been printed



1.      D 2. F. 3. B. 4. C. 5.E. 6.A.







                                                      Вариант 2


Advantages: Disadvantages:

You (I) can buy whatever you (I)want You are afraid to lose your money You can travel all over the world Everybody asks you(me) to lend

You have a lot of free time money

You can never be sure if people

like you or your money

You needn’t work It’s difficult to find real friends

You can always help your relatives You need a bodyguard

and friends Many rich people suffer from bad

You don’t have to worry about habits (drugs, alcohol problems) your education People are jealous of your wealth

You can give away some money

to charities

Вариант 3


Fill in the gaps using the past tense of verbs from the box.


* buy *sell *win *lose *waste *pay *find *cost *spend *give


1. My car was five years old, so I ____ it and ____ a new one.

2. It was very sad when I ____ my watch in the street. It was a present from my wife and it _____ her a lot of money. Fortunately, somebody ____ it the next day and took it to a Police Station.

3. I ____ over ₤ 2.000 for my computer, but it isn’t worth very much now.

4. My father ____ me ₤50 last week but I ____ most of it on a ticket for a concert on Friday.

5. Last week somebody ____ ₤1000 in a game on TV. It was incredibly exciting.

6. I’m afraid I ____ my money on those CDs because I never play them.


Тема « Основымаркетинга»

Вариант 1

Read and translate the text

Marketing is the process of planning, designing, pricing, promoting and  distributing ideas , goods and services, in order to satisfy customer needs, so as to make a profit. Companies point out  how  the special characteristics or features of other products  and services possess particular  benefits that satisfy the needs of the people who buy them. Non-profit organizations have other, social, goals, such as  persuading people not to smoke, or to give money to people in poor countries, but these organizations also use  the  techniques of marketing. In some places, even organizations such as  government departments are starting to talk about, or at least think about their activities in terms of the marketing concept.





Вариант 2

Read and translate the text

                                                        The four Ps

The four Ps are:

Product: deciding what to sell

Price: deciding what prices to charge

Place: deciding  how it will be  distributed and  where people will buy it

Promotion: deciding  how the product will be supported with advertising, special activities, etc.

A fifth P which  in sometimes added is packaging: all the materials  used to protect and present a product  before it is sold. The four Ps are useful summary of the marketing  mix, the activities that you  have to  combine successfully in order to sell.  The  next four units look at  these activities in detail. To market a  product is to make a plan  based on this combination and put  it into action. A marketer or marketer is someone who works in this area. Marketers often  talk about  market orientation : the fact that everything they do is designed to meet the needs of the market. They may describe themselves as market- driven, market-led or market-  oriented.



In the right column find the definition to the words in the left column:


1. a manager .               a. a person who buys regularly from a particular

store or firm

2. an assistant .             b. the female partner in a marriage

3. a professor               c. a professional reviewer of literature, art, music

4. a customer                d. someone who manages a company, department,


5. a critic                      e. a person holding a subordinate position

6. a wife                       f. a woman who has not married again after her

husband’s death

7. a widow                   g. a university teacher of the highest rank.



Answer the questions:


1. Why did the manager offer the professor the ten-cent series?

2. Why did the manager lose all the interest in the professor and dismiss

him from his mind?

3. Why did the fashionably dressed lady insist on having the latest book?

Was she really interested in the most recent literature?

4. 4. The professor stood buried in a book; the lady was idly turning over

the pages – what do these sentences tell you of these two customers?

5. Whom did the manager consider his real customers?

6. Why did the manager say quite different things about the same book to

different customers?

7. Did the manager have a high opinion of all his customers? Find the

place in the story to illustrate this.

8. What was his only aim?



Complete the following passage by choosing from the words in the box to fill in the gaps. The first has been done for you.

Imports        exporting      profit  margin       market research       commission           stock(s)

Agents         invoices       foreign                   customs                   certificates             export



Importing and (1) exporting are the two  aspects of foreign  trade: a country spends money on goods it (2) and  gains money through its  exports. Valuable though ( 3) trade   is for keeping  domestic prices  down by creating  competition at home  and providing  large markets abroad, governments  may have to put  restrictions on it, which they usually  do by subjecting imports to ( 4)  duties or  by  restricting some types of exports. Customs authorities  must make sure that  imported goods are not sold  at lower price than that in their country of origin; to assess  the domestic price they require  consular ( 5)  or (6)  of value and origin. Large firms may have  their own  import and (7)  departments, but both  large and small firms deal with clearing  and forwarding (8) who  handle all  the  details of  transporting cargo. When goods are sold abroad, buyers who are stockists will have to pay  for (9)  for which they will not receive payment for some time; they must, therefore, work on  a higher ( 10)  to cover this.  Many buyers prefer to become  foreign agents  who work on ( 11); they will not then  have to pay for the goods but they  must obtain  the highest  possible prices when the goods are sold. So,  after careful ( 12) ,  a manufacturer can sell  to a large export market if   has the right  products


Вариант 6



Оптовая торговля является частью системы маркетинга. Она

представляет собой систему сбыта для поставки товара на рынок.

Обычно эта система непрямая (от производителя к оптовику, отрозничного торговца к потребителю или через более сложные связи).Она включает в себя оптовых торговцев, оптовых посредников икомиссионеров. Около двух третей товара приобретается на правахсобственности. Часто оптовая торговля является сферой деятельности

малого бизнеса. Оптовики очень облегчают процесс торговли, таккак, работая с постоянными оптовыми торговцами, владельцумагазина не обязательно содержать большие складские помещения сбольшим ассортиментом товара. Онидействуютчерезсвоиконторыпооптовойпродаже.



Choose from the words in the box to complete the passage. The first has been done for  you.


cargo     documents       services      consignments       forwarding       Excise      destination

shipping       manifest       cleared



The (1)  carried  by a ship  is listed in the (2) , which  is a list of the  bills of leading covering all the (3) on what vessel  for the voyage. It is just one  of the (4) that  are involved in the shipping of goods; the  insurance policy and commercial invoice are among the others. The Customs and (5) authorities will examine all these. Clearing and (6) agents are often  used to  handle  the transportation of goods. They will arrange for the loading and unloading  of the goods  and arrange all the dock (7) that  are needed. The (8)  marks are described in the manifest, which is again  inspected when the goods  are (9) through Customs on reaching  their (10).


Тема «Реклама»

Вариант 1


Товарный знак – обозначение, отличающее товары разныхизготовителей. Товарные знаки могут быть словесными (сочетаниеотдельных букв, цифр или фамилия), изобразительными (рисунки,графические символы, сочетания цветов), объемными (формаизделий или упаковки) и т.д. Товарный знак –важный объект промышленной собственности.Он выполняет функции гарантии качества товараи его рекламы. Товарный знак используется какво внутренней, так и в международной торговле.

Право на товарный знак, как правило, приобретается путем регистрации лицензий в

государственныхорганах. Товарный знак в практике многих стран стал товаром.


                                                         Вариант 2



Товарный знак «Кока-Кола» оценен в 3 млрд. долларов. Корпорация «Нестле» купила фирму «Роунтри» за 2,5 млрд. долларов. Стоимость товарного знака водки «Столичная» оценивается на внешнем рынке в 400 млн. долларов. Это равняется десятилетнему объему продажи водки, реализуемой за рубежом с этим товарным знаком. За лицензию на модели одежды В.М. Зайцева американская фирма «Интерторг» заплатила 2,01 млн. долларов. При оценке стоимости приватизируемых государственных предприятий также необходимо учитывать рыночную стоимость товарного знака.



Match the words (1 – 8) with their definitions (a – h)

1. luxuriousa) extremely small

2. fashionableb) the place where a company or organization has its offices

3. tinyc) a series of actions intended to produce political or social


4. leatherd) very expensive and comfortable

5. headquarterse) money that you make from your business


6. profitf) made to look like something real

7. campaigng) popular at a particular time

8. fakeh) a strong material made from animal skin













Complete each sentence with an appropriate word

1. Now we are going to our …… which are situated in the centre of the


2. The ….. is directed at the ……….. of our goods.

3. When did you …… this product?

4. We have more than 1000 ….. working in our offices.

5. Last year our ….. rose by 15%.

6. Is your bag made of …..?

7. These goods were found out by the police to be …… .

8. If we ………. well we’ll make good ……… next year.



9. This is the most ……….. costume I’ve ever seen.

10. Our …….. will ………. at 6p.m tomorrow.





Label each item 1 for advertising media, 2 for methods of advertising or 3 for verbs to do with advertising.

directories 1 persuade publicize sponsorship

run mailshots promote cinema

commercials public transport place free samples

exhibition billboards launch leaflets

point-of-sale posters word of mouth radio

target endorsement research sponsor

press Internet slogans television




 Choose the most suitable word from the words in brackets to complete the sentences

1. Viacom Outdoor is an advertising company that specializes in placing adverts on (billboards/public transport/television) such as buses.

2. Some perfume companies provide (leaflets/commercials/free samples) so that customers can try the perfume on their skin before they buy.

3. Advertising companies spend a lot of money on creating clever (slogans/directories/mailshots) that are short and memorable such as the message for the credit card Access: ‘Your flexible friend’.

4. Celebrity (exhibition/research/endorsement) is a technique that is very popular in advertising at the moment.

5. If news about a product comes to you by (word of mouth/press/Internet) someone tells you about it rather than you seeing an advert.


6. If you have something to sell, you can (target/place/launch) an advertisement in the local newspaper











Prepare the answers for the following questions


1. What is matrix organization?

2. What are the functions of brand managers?

3. What does P&G produce?

4. What new products does P&G launch in this country?

5. Does P&G use direct investment abroad? Give some examples.

6. What can you say about the advertising methods used by P&G?

7. What is the buyers’ market of P&G?

8. Does the company possess chain stores?

9. What is the trademark of P&G?

10. What kind of a company is P&G? Is it a multinational company?

11. What is the price policy at P&G? Does P&G use seasonal discount?

Does the company use zone pricing, promotional pricing, going rate

pricing, odd (off-even) pricing?


































Объект оценивания « Знание  грамматики»


Оценка  знаний З1, умений У1,У2,У3, общих компетенций ОК1, ОК2, ОК4, ОК5, ОК6,ОК 7, ОК8


Тема  «Времена группы  Indefinite/ Simple»



Choose the correct variant.

1.The students … in the Russian museum last night. Last month they … in the Hermitage.

A) are, was;B) were, will be;C) will be are;D) were, were;E) are, were.

2.The children … not upset, they … very angry.

A) were, are;B) are, are;C) will be, were;D) is, is;E) is, are.

3.Theneighbours …not happy because her children … too noisy.

A) was, were;B) will be, are;C) was, are;D) are, are;E) were, will be.

4.I … sorry. They … not at the office at the moment.

A) am, are;B) am, were;C) was, will be;D) were, were;E) will be, are.

5.How … you? – I … not very well today.

A) was, was;B) is, am;C) will be, was;D) are, am;E) are, are.

6.… you a doctor? – yes, I ….

A) is, is;B) are, am;C) am, am;D) am, is;E) are, are.


7.I was sure he ... the letter.

A) posted;B) had posted;C) was posting;D) posting;E) to post.

8.I think the weather ... fine next week.

A) willbe;B) would be;C) was;D) is;E) has been.




Choose the correct variant.

1. … this book since my childhood.

A) don’tread;B) haven’t read;C) didn’t read;D) won’t read;E) am not reading.

2..Did you buy any bread? – No, I ... any bread, but I... some milk.

A) bought / am buying;B) am buying/ bought;C) didn’t buy/ bought;

D) bought/ bought;E) don’t buy/ bought.


3.Choose the correct variant.

A) Do his brother swim very good?

B) Is his brother swim very good?

C) Does his brother swim very good?

D) Do his brother swim very good?


E) Have his brother swim very good?

4.Choose the correct variant.

A) Do the shops open at 9 o’clock in the morning?

B) Does the shops open at 9 o’clock in the morning?

C) Do the shop open at 9 o’clock in the morning?

D) Are the shops open at 9 o’clock in the morning?

E) Is the shops open at 9 o’clock in the morning?

5.Choose the correct variant.

A) Do his mother cooks tasty?

B) Is his mother cooks tasty?

C) Does his mother cook tasty?

D) Do his mother cook tasty?

E) Has his mother cook tasty?


Эталон ответов






























Тема « Употребление активного и пассивного залога»

Вариант 1

Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent, PastилиFutureSimplePassive.

1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. 11. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 13. My question (to answer) yesterday. 14. Hockey (to play) in winter. 15. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 16. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. 17. His new book (to finish) next year. 18. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 19. St. Petersburg (tofound) in 1703.

Вариант 2

Передайте следующие предложения в PassiveVoice, обращая внимание на место предлога.

E.g. We often speak about her. — She is often spoken about.

1.We thought about our friend all the time. 2. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 3. The teacher sent for the pupil's parents. 4. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 5. Nobody slept in the bed. 6. The neighbour asked for the telegram. 7. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention. 8. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 9. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday. 10. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 11. Nobody lived in that old house. 12. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that subject.




Вариант 3

Передайте следующие предложения в PassiveVoice.

E.g. Mother waters the flowers in the evening.

The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother)

1. A marble pavillion protects the house. 2. The boys will paint the roof of the house. 3. Tom Sawyer whitewashed the fence. 4. Her daughters gave her three beautiful dishes as a birthday present. 5. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday. 6. Our mother tells us stories every evening. 7. Lydia will show you a new book of pictures. 8. A boy showed her the way. 9. They will send us a box of fruit. 10. Five or six small children followed them. 11. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields. 12. Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the thickest part of the forest. 13. The waves carried the boat away. 14. We shall do the translation in the evening. 15. They water the flowers regularly. 16.  You promised me these books long ago, 17. Bessie's father gave her a complete set of Walter Scott's works. 18. Irene's husband brought her some beautiful shells from the south. 19. The explorers gave the newspaper reporters a long interview. 20. Mr. Wilson will teach you English. 21. The doctor ordered me a month's rest from studying.


Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Activeили PassiveVoice.

1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147.9. Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov.10. We (to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.





























2.3 Контрольные работы для проведения промежуточной аттестации

                                    Контрольная работа № 1

 Раздел « Вводно- коррективный курс»

Оценка  знаний З1, З2,умений У1,У2,У3, общих компетенций ОК1, ОК2, ОК4, ОК5


                                       Вариант 1

       1.Поставьте прилагательное в нужную форму:


 Germany is  (big) than Poland.


 You are  (best) girl I’ve ever met.


 The New Year is  (wonderful) holiday in the year.


 It will be  (cold) tomorrow than it is today.


 It was  (bad) day in my life


     2.Употребите необходимую форму простого времени:


 I  (go) to the cinema once a week.


 He  (is) at home yesterday.


 Every night the lion  (go) down to the river to drink some water.


 Jane  (visit) her grandparents a week ago.


 They  (discuss) itsoon.


            3.Напишите глагол в соответствующем времени


 My sister  (work) at an institute.


 We  (found) this company ten years ago.


 We  (write) letter to our parents now.


 It  (be) hot tomorrow.


 My grandmother  (sleep) at this time yesterday.



Вариант 2


1.Поставьте прилагательное в нужную форму:



1.The book is  (expensive) than that one.


2. He is  (smart) man in the world.


 3.The Vatican is  (small) state in Europe.


4.You are  (lucky) than I am.


5. Mary is  (beautiful) than her sister



2.Употребите необходимую форму простого времени:



 It  (snow) last night.


2 My mother  (speak) three language.


3 We  (meet) at 5 o’clock tomorrow.


 4My bus  (start) in 3 minutes.


5 He  (buy) a new computer yesterday.



3.Напишите глагол в соответствующем времени




 My parents  (come back) just.


 We all  (make) mistakes.


 When  (see) you again?


 They  (work) together since 2009.


 By 5 o’clock yesterday I  (do) my homework and at 5 I (play) football.




Контрольная работа № 2

Оценка  знаний З1, З2,умений У1,У2,У3, общих компетенций ОК1, ОК2, ОК4, ОК5


Раздел « Деловой иностранный язык»

Вариант 1

1.Open the  brackets using ActiveorPassiveVoice.

1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147.9. Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov.10. We (to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.

2.Fill in the gaps using the past tense of verbs from the box.


* buy *sell *win *lose *waste *pay *find *cost *spend *give


1. My car was five years old, so I ____ it and ____ a new one.

2. It was very sad when I ____ my watch in the street. It was a present from my wife and it _____ her a lot of money. Fortunately, somebody ____ it the next day and took it to a Police Station.

3. I ____ over ₤ 2.000 for my computer, but it isn’t worth very much now.

4. My father ____ me ₤50 last week but I ____ most of it on a ticket for a concert on Friday.

5. Last week somebody ____ ₤1000 in a game on TV. It was incredibly exciting.

6. I’m afraid I ____ my money on those CDs because I never play them.





1.Open the  brackets using Present, Past or Future Simple Passive.

1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons.

2.Which of the statements is not true?

1. The currencies of the world’s economies have names and backgrounds.

2. The name of the Japanese currency is the “yen”.

3. The penny has the same origin as the word “pawn”, and originally meant “to pledge”.

4. In Turkey the currency is called “peso”.

5. In Spain the currency was called peseta, meaning “small peso”.


 Which of the following is true?

1. The currency “franc” wasn’t used in Switzerland.

2. In Italy the currency was called “lira” based on the Latin “libra” meaning






3. The former German “mark” and the Finnish “markka” derive their names from different words.

4. The “riyal” in Saudi Arabia and Qatar and the “rial” in Iran are based on German words.





1.Open the  brackets usingPresent, Past orFuture Simple Passive.

1. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 2. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 3. My question (to answer) yesterday. 4. Hockey (to play) in winter. 5. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 6. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. 7. His new book (to finish) next year. 8. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 9. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.10.Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov.

2.Match the words (1 – 8) with their definitions (a – h)

1. luxuriousa) extremely small

2. fashionableb) the place where a company or organization has its offices

3. tinyc) a series of actions intended to produce political or social


4. leatherd) very expensive and comfortable

5. headquarterse) money that you make from your business


6. profitf) made to look like something real

7. campaigng) popular at a particular time

8. fakeh) a strong material made from animal skin


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