Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонкурс стихотворений: “Burns Night”

Конкурс стихотворений: “Burns Night”

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Poetry Contest

“Burns Night”

















УчительАленчикова С.А.




г. Люберцы




Данное мероприятие предназначено для учащихся 8-х классов. Целью мероприятия является формирование коммуникативных умений,  развитие социокультурной компетенции и эстетического вкуса учащихся. Мероприятие рассчитано на 90 минут


Цели: знакомство с обычаями и традициями Шотландии, биографией и творчеством Роберта Бернса.

Задачи: развитие навыков монологической речи, тренировка выразительного чтения стихов, исполнение песен русских композиторов на стихи шотландского барда.

Ход английского конкурса

Сompаre 1: Dear friends, we are happy to welcome you at our annual English Language party. This year it is dedicated to Scotland and its distinguished poet Robert Burns.

Compare 2: We’d like to begin our contest from the unofficial Scottish anthem “The Flower of Scotland”. It refers to the victory of the Scots, led by King Robert the Bruce, over England”s King Edward II in 1314.

Compare 1:   Oh, flower of Scotland

                        When will we see you like again

                        That fought and died for

                        Your wee bit hill and glen

                        And stood against him

                        Proud Edward’s army

                        And sent him homeward

                        Tae think again.

Compare 2:   The song is sung in Gaelic. In Russian it sounds like that:

                        О, цветок шотландский!

                        Ты воином нашим был во времена

                        Святого короля. Ты кельтский спас народ

                        И благодарна навсегда тебе твоя земля.

Compare 1: We ask you to stand up and listen to the anthem of Scotland.

                        (звучит шотландский гимн)

What do we know about Scotland?

Выходят учащиеся с буквами:

Scotland is situated in the north of Great Britain

Celtic tribes of Picts and Scots were the native people of Scotland

One of things that associates with Scotland is a kilt

The tartan of the kilt represented a clan - a big Scottish family

Lakes in Scotland are called “lochs”

Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee and Edinburgh are the biggest cities of Scotland

Now the Scots revive their old traditions and the Gaelic language

Don’t miss a chance to visit Scotland

Compare 1: What are the things you associate with Scotland?

Группа учащихся с плакатами выходят на сцену.

Pupil 1: The Highlands. These misty mountains sweep down into deep valleys called glens and heather moors. This area has lots of castles which once belonged to large family groups called clans.

Pupil 2: Bagpipes. Bagpipes are musical instruments. Their deep, wailing sound once led the Scots into battles. Every Scottish town or village has its own bagpipe band.

Pupil 3: Haggis. Scotland’s best-known food is haggis, a sheep’s stomach stuffed with meat and oats. It is served with mashed potatoes and turnips on special occasions.

Pupil 4: Whisky. Scotland is famous for whisky - a strong alcoholic drink. It is made with barley and Scotland’s fresh Highland water.

Pupil 5: Tartan. Tartan is a checked cloth traditionally worn by Scots. There are hundreds of patterns from different clans.

Pupil 6: Nessy. A hump-backed monster is said to live in Loch Ness. You can decide whether it really exists. There are lots of rumours but none has seen that prehistoric dinosaur.

Pupil 7: Robert Burns. He is Scotland’s best-loved poet. He was born on the 25th of January 1759. He lived in Alloway and Dumfries. Both places have Robert Burns centres. His birthday is celebrated on Burns Night by Scots all over the world.

Pupil 8: Bonnie Prince Charley.”Bonnie” means ‘’good-looking”, “nice”. Prince Charles Edward Stuart was the grandson of the last Scottish king. He was Scotland’s national hero of the 18th century, who fought against the English but was defeated. The folk composed a song about him. It is known as “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean””.

(Ученики поют песню “My Bonnie””)

Compare 1: Dear friends, would you like to take part in a quiz? Show your knowledge about Scotland, please.


1. The Celts are

1. animals                                2. mountains                            3. people

2. Gaelic is a

1. language                              2. book                                    3. poet

3. “‘A Flower of Scotland’’ is a

1.national flower                     2. English anthem                   3. Scottish anthem

4. Caledonia is a poetic name for

1.Scotland                               2.Wales                                   3. England

5. A kilt is a

1. kind of weapon                   2. skirt                                     3. sporran

6. A tartan is a

1. musical instrument 2. fabric                                   3. skirt

7. A bagpipe is a

1. plastic bag                           2. musical instrument 3. national emblem

8. A haggis is a

1. part of the traditional costume 2. place where people gather 3. cherished national dish

9. “‘My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean’’ is a song about

1.Bonnie Prince Charles 2. beautiful girl who lives in France           3. a  kind of hat worn by women

Compare 2. Now our pupils will show you the play



‘’Robert Burns - the Bard of Scotland’’.

The list of characters:

The Voice

William Burns

Agnes Brown


John Murdoch


Jean Armour

A gentleman from Edinburgh


The Voice:

And now fancy that we are in 18th century Scotland. In a poor farm-kitchen a table is pushed to the window. A man is writing something on a sheet of paper. A candle is burning stuck in an empty bottle. The light of dawn is coming through the narrow window. The writer is Robert Burns, the farmer-poet, the pride and glory of Scotland. He is writing a new poem. This poem is about good old time.

(Из глубины сцены на авансцену выходит William Burns)

William Burns:

My name is William Burns. In 1750 I became an independent farmer.With my own hands I built a clay hut and married a pretty girl, Agnes Brown, with beautiful eyes and a soft singing voice and brought her to my modest house.

(Agnes  подходит и берет мужа под руку)


We lived happily because my husband was a hardworking man. We had seven children. We called our first son Robin. He was born on the 25th of January 1759. The storm was terrible that day. The wind blew the roof off and I with my new-born son had to seek shelter in a neighbour’s house.

William Burns:

Agnes told our children wonderful stories. They listened to her with delight. They were fantastic tales about devils, ghosts, fairies and witches. Later Robin put much of them into his poems


John Murdoch:

I am John Murdoch. I was a teacher in a small school in Ayr. Two Burns’ brothers Robert and Gilbert studied at my school for some time. I taught them grammar, history, English poetry and prose, even Latin and French.  The boys were my favourite pupils. But the hard work on the farm made it impossible for Robert and Gilbert to continue their studies.

(Gilbert подходит к John Murdoch)


Robert and I had to do a man’s work helping our father. He was seriously all at that time. We lived very poorly. I could drive the plough and Robert was a dexterous ploughman. I helped him to trash and reap. And very often Robert composed poems and songs.


Robert:( задумчиво откладывает  перо)

I  wrote my first poem at the age of fourteen. The country girl Nell was helping us in the field.

(Nell  поет “‘A Red, Red Rose’)

Robert: -  Nell, what song are you singing?

Nell:-  It was composed by a country boy.

Robert:-  I saw no reason why I might not rhyme as well as he. My first poem I named ‘Handsome Nell’’.

Nell читает стихотворение.

                                    O Once I loved a bonnie lass

                                    Ay   and  I love her still.

                                    And whilst that virtue warms my breast,

                                    I’ll love my handsome Nell.

                                    She dresses aye sae clean and neat,

                                    Both decent and genteel,

                                    And then there is something in her gait

                                    Gars ony dress look weel.

(Группа учащихся танцует шотландский танец)

Jean Armour:

My name is Jean Armour. Robin and I met each other at a dancing party. It was love at first sight. But my father, a rich mason, forbade me even to see my bonnie. I knew I couldn’t wish for a better friend and a more devoted husband. We secretly married


A gentleman:

In 1786 a small volume of ‘Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect’’ was published Robert Burns was introduced to famous people in Edinburgh. We were enchanted by his modesty, his brilliant conversation and his behaviour. He was awarded with a grant which he used for several tours to the Highlands.

Robert Burns:

I admired lovely landscapes and lochs of the Highlands and all their splendid beauty. It was an enjoyable experience for the poet. I knew I was the son of Scotland and my heart was in the Highlands.

(Читает стихотворение ‘My Heart’s in the Highlands’)


The Voice:

Robert Burns lived a short life full of hard physical labour. But millions of people loved and remember him. His poems are recited and his songs are still sung.

 (Артисты выходят на поклон)

Compares: We continue our party. Our pupils are ready to recite poems of  Robert Burns and sing the songs composed by Russian musicians.



1. Poem ‘John Baleycorn’’

2. Песня “Любовь и бедность” из кинофильма “Здравствуйте, я Ваша тетя”. МузыкаВ. Казенина

3. Poem ‘’Óh Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast’.

4. Песня “В полях под снегом и дождем”. Музыка А. Градского.

5. Poem ‘Song”’

6. Песня “Красная роза” из кинофильма “Школьный вальс”. Музыка В. Шаинского.

7. Песня “В моей душе покоя нет”” из кинофильма “Служебный роман”. МузыкаА. Петрова.

8. Song ‘’Äuld Lang Syne’’ is sung by all pupils.

Compares.Thanks to all the participants of our English Language party. We wish you luck, happiness and peace. Our concert is over.



1. Dictionary of Britain: лингвострановедческий словарь / сост. Г.Д.Томахин. - М., Астрель; АСТ, 2005

2. English and American Literature. A course of lectures for schools and universities. - Saint Petersburg, Corona print, 2004

3. Sophy Tahta. First Book of Britain. Usborne Publishing Ltd, Usborne House, London, 1992

4. K.V. Veselukhina, L.I. Kovaleva. Extra-Curriculum Work - Leningrad, Prosveschenie, 1978

5. Robert Burns. The Poetic works. - Moscow, Raduga Publishers, 1982.








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Краткое описание документа:

Данное мероприятие предназначено для учащихся 8-х классов. Целью мероприятия является формирование коммуникативных умений, развитие социокультурной компетенции и эстетического вкуса учащихся. Мероприятие рассчитано на 90 минут

Цели: знакомство с обычаями и традициями Шотландии, биографией и творчеством Роберта Бернса.

Задачи: развитие навыков монологической речи, тренировка выразительного чтения стихов, исполнение песен русских композиторов на стихи шотландского барда.

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