Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему: "Do you know Britain?"

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему: "Do you know Britain?"

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План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку  №2

                                                                                                                                                                     September, 23                                                               


Topic: Do you know Britain?

Цель:  - формирование навыков общения и творческого мышления;                                                                                                                

              - развитие личности через творческую деятельность.

Задачи:  - развить творческие способности учеников в коллективе;

                -  развить коммуникативные умения.


Ход урока.

Today we are going to have a quiz. For this we are going to have teams. And we need a quiz-master too. I think I’ll be the quiz-master. So we have two teams. Now choose a name for yourselves.

Right. The Lions. The Tigers.

Ok. Now listen while I explain the rules.

I’m going to ask someone in the first team a question. If he or she can answer correctly I’ll give the team five points. If he or she doesn’t know the answer he can ask his team-masters for help. If they get it right I’ll give the team three points. But if they give the wrong answer or no answer, I’ll ask another team.

Is everything clear?

Ok. Let’s play. We’ll see who get most points. Ready? This team The Lions go first.        


Конкурс 1.  “Do You Remember?”

1.     How many parts of the country are situated on the island of Great Britain? (3)

2.     What river is the capital situated on? (on the Thames)

3.     Who is officially the head of the country? (Queen Elizabeth II)

4.     What is the seat of the British government? (the Houses of Parliament)

5.     Who is the National Hero of Britain, the defender of the poor people? (Robin Hood)

6.     What are the oldest English universities? (Oxford and Cambridge Universities)

7.     What is the London home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)

8.     Where is London Zoo situated? (in Regent’s Park)

9.     How many parts are there in the United Kingdom? (4)

10.Who was the Leader of the Norman Conquest? (William the Conqueror)

11.What is full name of the country? (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

12.What was the first most terrible prison in Great Britain? (the Tower)

13.Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral? (Sir Christopher Wren)

14.What is Covent Garden? (a tourist shopping centre)

15.What is a double-decker? (a bus)

16.What is Big Ben? (one of the most famous clocks in the world).


Конкурс 2. “Famous People. Who Were They?”

1.     He was English. He was born in 1564. He was a writer and an actor. He died in 1616. (William Shakespeare)

2.     He was born in 1889. Later he lived in the USA. He was a film actor. (Charlie Chaplin)

3.     He was born in 1859. He was a writer. He wrote stories about Sherlock Holmes. (Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle )

4.     She was born in 1891. She wrote 75 detective stories. She died in 1976. (Agatha Christie)

5.     He was born in November 1697 in Grub Street in London. He was a portrait painter. He painted “Marriage a la Mode”. (William Hogarth)

6.     He was born in 1881. He was a micro-biologist. He discovered penicillin. (Sir Alexander Fleming)

7.     He was the first Englishman in Russia. (Richard Chencellor)

8.      He was born in 1847 in Scotland. He invented the telephone. (Alexander Bell)

Конкурс 3. “Captains’ Competition”

Give the name of each tourist site/attraction.

1.     Here you can see wax models of famous people. (Madame Tussaud’s)

2.     This is the Queen Residence in London. (Buckingham Palace)

3.     MPs debate and argue here, and there is a clock tower with a famous bell in it. (the Houses of Parliament)

4.     This building was rebuilt by Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London in 1666. It has a famous “Whispering Gallery”. (St. Paul’s Cathedral)

5.     English kings and queens are usually married here. Many of them are also buried here, as well many famous writers. (Westminster Abbey)

6.     This place has a monument to Admiral Nelson. (Trafalgar Square)

7.     This round place is often called the Centre of London. There is a statue of Eros in the middle of it. (Piccadilly Circus)

8.     It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now. (The Tower of London)    


Заключительный этап.

Ok. Well done. Today The Tigers won completion.

You’ve done good work today. That’s why I give everybody excellent marks.

Stand up! Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. You may be free. Good bye!



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