Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока Английский язык, 4 класс. Урок № 12. The world of Fairy Tales (раздел Мои любимые сказки)

Конспект урока Английский язык, 4 класс. Урок № 12. The world of Fairy Tales (раздел Мои любимые сказки)

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Конспект урока

Английский язык, 4 класс.

Урок № 12. The world of Fairy Tales (раздел Мои любимые сказки)

Цели урока:

Познакомиться со сказками стран мира.

Задачи урока:

Научиться интерпретировать сказки мира, различать и описывать героев, уметь определять автора произведения на основе прочитанного материала. Развить навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма.


Рассказ о сказочных персонажах произведений мира. Знакомство с культурами разных стран через сказки. Лексические единицы по теме урока.

Ожидаемые результаты:

Мы узнаем сказки различных стран мира, сможем рассказывать про мораль и героев произведений. Мы научимся сравнивать фольклор разных культур.

Учебник: (учебник, которому соответствует урок):

Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс Английский язык. 4 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. — М.: Просвещение, 2018. — (Английский в фокусе)

In this lesson

  • You will listen, read, and speak about fairy tales in the past.
  • You will learn to speak about the main characters with regular verbs.
  • You will know the culture of some countries of the world.

Ключевые словаLast week/month/Sunday, two days ago, yesterday. Did/didn’t. . Swim, meet, think, be, go, have, tell, do, answer, ask, call, cry, say, start, clear, warm, fat, ugly, kind, little

Блок 3. Тестовые вопросы.

Task 1. Solve the puzzle and choose the answer. (мозаика).

Ответы: fish

Task 2. Find in the story and write the irregular verbs. (ввод с клавиатуры).

Mrs Fish and her daughter Faye are swimming in the sea. The water is clear and warm. “Can I swim around, Mum?” Faye asks her mum. “Yes, of course,” Mrs Fish answers. So Faye swims on and on until she meets a seal. Faye thinks that the seal is fat and ugly. “Hello, Fat!” Faye says to the seal. “Hello, Little!” says the seal. Faye is very sad. She starts to cry and goes back to her mother. “Oh, Mother!” she says. “That fat and ugly seal is not kind at all. He says I’m little, of all things! I’m not little, right? Look! I have got a tail!” “That’s strange,” Mrs Fish says. “Let’s go and ask the seal.” So Mrs Fish and her daughter go to the seal. “Good morning, Mr Seal,” says Mrs Fish. “Good morning, Mrs Fish,” says Mr Seal. “Tell me Mr Seal, why do you call my daughter little?” “She calls me fat, so I call her little. We should be kind to people, so that people are kind to us!”

  1. ___________
  2. ___________
  3. ___________
  4. ___________
  5. ___________
  6. ___________
  7. ___________
  8. ___________










Task 3. Match. (ребус-соответствие)

  1. be
  2. do
  3. go
  4. have
  5. meet
  6. swim
  7. tell
  8. think
  1. did
  2. had
  3. met
  4. swam
  5. thought
  6. told
  7. was
  8. went


1 g

2 a

3 h

4 b

5 c

6 d

7 f

8 e

Task 4. Write the words. (клавиатурный тренажер).

  1. eb _ _
  2. etem _ _ _ _
  3. evah _ _ _ _
  4. ithkn _ _ _ _ _
  5. llet _ _ _ _







Task 5. Find and circle the words. (Филворд)












Task 6. Fill in the crossword with the Past Simple forms of the verbs. (английский кроссворд)


По горизонтали

3. swim

4. cry

6. say

7. meet

По вертикали

1. answer

2. have

5. call


По горизонтали

3. swam

4. cried

6. said

7. met

По вертикали

1. answered

2. had

5. called

Task 7. Colour regular verbs in the tale. (выделение цветом)

Mrs Fish and her daughter Faye are swimming in the sea. The water is clear and warm. “Can I swim around, Mum?” Faye asks her mum. “Yes, of course,” Mrs Fish answers. So Faye swims on and on until she meets a seal. Faye thinks that the seal is fat and ugly. “Hello, Fat!” Faye says to the seal. “Hello, Little!” says the seal. Faye is very sad. She starts to cry and goes back to her mother. “Oh, Mother!” she says. “That fat and ugly seal is not kind at all. He says I’m little, of all things! I’m not little, right? Look! I have got a tail!” “That’s strange,” Mrs Fish says. “Let’s go and ask the seal.” So Mrs Fish and her daughter go to the seal. “Good morning, Mr Seal,” says Mrs Fish. “Good morning, Mrs Fish,” says Mr Seal. “Tell me Mr Seal, why do you call my daughter little?” “She calls me fat, so I call her little. We should be kind to people, so that people are kind to us!”


Mrs Fish and her daughter Faye are swimming in the sea. The water is clear and warm. “Can I swim around, Mum?” Faye asks her mum. “Yes, of course,” Mrs Fish answers. So Faye swims on and on until she meets a seal. Faye thinks that the seal is fat and ugly. “Hello, Fat!” Faye says to the seal. “Hello, Little!” says the seal. Faye is very sad. She starts to cry and goes back to her mother. “Oh, Mother!” she says. “That fat and ugly seal is not kind at all. He says I’m little, of all things! I’m not little, right? Look! I have got a tail!” “That’s strange,” Mrs Fish says. “Let’s go and ask the seal.” So Mrs Fish and her daughter go to the seal. “Good morning, Mr Seal,” says Mrs Fish. “Good morning, Mrs Fish,” says Mr Seal. “Tell me Mr Seal, why do you call my daughter little?” “She calls me fat, so I call her little. We should be kind to people, so that people are kind to us!”

Task 8. Match. (ребус-соответствие)

  1. answer
  2. ask
  3. call
  4. cry
  5. say
  6. start
  7. говорить
  8. звать
  9. начинать
  10. отвечать
  11. плакать
  12. спрашивать


1 d

2 f

3 b

4 e

5 a

6 c

Task 9. Solve the puzzle and choose the answer. (мозаика).

Ответы: seal

Task 10. Find these words in the tale and type them. (клавиатурный тренажер)

Mrs Fish and her daughter Faye are swimming in the sea. The water is clear and warm. “Can I swim around, Mum?” Faye asks her mum. “Yes, of course,” Mrs Fish answers. So Faye swims on and on until she meets a seal. Faye thinks that the seal is fat and ugly. “Hello, Fat!” Faye says to the seal. “Hello, Little!” says the seal. Faye is very sad. She starts to cry and goes back to her mother. “Oh, Mother!” she says. “That fat and ugly seal is not kind at all. He says I’m little, of all things! I’m not little, right? Look! I have got a tail!” “That’s strange,” Mrs Fish says. “Let’s go and ask the seal.” So Mrs Fish and her daughter go to the seal. “Good morning, Mr Seal,” says Mrs Fish. “Good morning, Mrs Fish,” says Mr Seal. “Tell me Mr Seal, why do you call my daughter little?” “She calls me fat, so I call her little. We should be kind to people, so that people are kind to us!”

  1. прозрачный _ _ _ _ _
  2. тёплый _ _ _ _
  3. толстый _ _ _
  4. уродливый _ _ _ _
  5. добрый _ _ _ _
  6. маленький _ _ _ _ _ _


  1. clear
  2. warm
  3. fat
  4. ugly
  5. kind
  6. little

Task 11. Find and circle the words. (Филворд)












Task 12. Put the words in the correct order. (восстановление последовательности)

  1. sister/a month/went/My/ago/shopping.
  2. three/I/washed/weeks/ago/the dishes.
  3. Sam/sea/swam/Last/year/in/the.
  4. yesterday/thought/her/about/Mila/trip.
  5. table/tennis/night/played/last/We.


  1. My sister went shopping a month ago.
  2. I washed the dishes three weeks ago.
  3. Last year Sam swam in the sea.
  4. Mila thought about her trip yesterday.
  5. We played table tennis last night.

Task 13. Write the words. (клавиатурный тренажёр)

Ученик ставит буквы в словах в правильный порядок и впечатывает их в клеточки.

  1. sawner _ _ _ _ _ _
  2. tarts _ _ _ _ _
  3. amrw _ _ _ _
  4. guly _ _ _ _
  5. leitlt _ _ _ _ _ _


  1. answer
  2. start
  3. warm
  4. ugly
  5. little

Task 14. Choose the answer. (выбор из выпадающего списка)

Mrs Fish and her daughter Faye swam/swimmed in the sea. The water be/was clear and warm. “Can I swim around, Mum?” Faye ask/asked her mum. “Yes, of course,” Mrs Fish answered. So Faye swam on and on until she met/meeted a seal. Faye thought/think that the seal was fat and ugly. “Hello, Fat!” Faye sayed/said to the seal. “Hello, Little!” the seal answered.








Блок 4. Контрольный модуль.

Вариант 1

Task 1. Write the words. (клавиатурный тренажер)

1. iswm _ _ _ _

2. etme _ _ _ _

3. ktnih _ _ _ _ _

4. eb _ _

5. ksa _ _


  1. swim
  2. meet
  3. think
  4. be
  5. ask

Task 2. Complete the story. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. Kathy _____ (visit) her granny yesterday afternoon.
  2. Mike and Dan _____ (dance) all night at the party last weekend.
  3. My dad _____ (cook) pizza and tomatoes last Sunday.
  4. Dina _____ (play) the guitar yesterday.
  5. Nicolas _____ (listen) to pop music last night.







Task 3. Choose the answer. (выбор ответа из выпадающего списка)

  1. Kim ____ Brad Pitt last month.



  1. I ____ a horse for the first time last Saturday.



  1. Mary and Julie ____ to a concert last night.



  1. Cindy ____ a new jacket yesterday.



  1. Did John ____ the game?




  1. met
  2. rode
  3. went
  4. bought
  5. win

Вариант 2

Task 1. Write the missing letters. (ввод с клавиатуры пропущенных букв)












Task 2. Write the past forms. (ввод с клавиатуры)

be ______

do ______

have ______

meet ______

swim ______


was, were





Task 3. Put the words in the correct order. (восстановление последовательности)

  1. her/Saturday/Last/invited/lunch/all/friends/Fiona/for.
  2. decided/She/to/barbecue/have/a.
  3. the/was/The/barbecue/garden/in.
  4. father/food/Fiona’s/the/cooked.
  5. lunch/After/played/everyone/and/danced/games.


  1. Last Saturday Fiona invited all her friends for lunch.
  2. She decided to have a barbecue.
  3. The barbecue was in the garden.
  4. Fiona’s father cooked the food.
  5. After lunch everyone danced and played games.


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