Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока английского языка в 7 классе с использованием краеведческого материала

Конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе с использованием краеведческого материала

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    Конспект урока с использованием краеведческого материала


Тема: “Welcome to Primorye

Развитие речевой компетенции учащихся на уроках английского языка на основе аналитического чтения.


             Развитие устной речи на основе чтения разных типов текстов и разных стратегий чтения.



             1. Учить учащихся связывать тему текста с заглавием.

             2. Учить учащихся определять тему текста, устанавливая что представляет собой текст.

             3. Учить учащихся понимать основную мысль текста на иностранном языке и излагать его содержание.

             4. Учить восприятию языковых средств и их точному пониманию в тексте.

             5. Учить извлекать полную фактическую информацию из текста.

             6. Учить учащихся осмыслению извлеченной информации


Стратегия чтения:

       1. Ознакомительное чтение (извлечение основной информации).

       2. Поисковое/просмотровое чтение (получение общего представления о читаемом материале).

       3. Изучающее чтение (полное и точное понимание информации и ее критическое осмысление).


 Ход урока.


I.  Вступительное слово учителя. Введение в проблему.


              We live in Primorye. Primorye  is a native place for us. Primorye today is the most populated territory among the Far – Eastern regions of Russia. Over 2.5 million people live here.

 Primorye is one of the most exotic place in the world and its excellent   nature   attracts  lots of tourists from all over the world. Unfortunately tourist business is not developed in our region. Primorye is  considered to be a suitable place for travelling.   We love our   land and   want everybody could enjoy its beauty. Today we introduce you our region. It can become an ideal place for travelling.


II. Речевая зарядка.


T. First of all let’s discuss why people travel. What are the reasons for travelling?

P1, P2, P3, …  to discover new places;

                         to study history, geography;

                         to learn wildlife;

                         to learn languages;

                         to have a rest;

                         to enjoy new interesting areas;

                         to expand outlook;

                         to meet new friends.


III. Основная часть.    My native land  is Primorye.


Pre-Reading exercises (Предтекстовый этап)


 1. Can you guess what the text is about judging by the title?


       2. What do you think of the following 

names: Ussuriyskaya Taiga, Shmakovka, Sikhote Alin;

figures: V.K. Arsenyev, Muravyov-Amursky;

plants: lotus, cedar, ginseng;

animals: the Amur tiger, Himalayan bear.


       3.  Read the first sentences of the paragraphs and say what questions will be described in them.


     4. Look through the text and choose the words denoting: 1) plants; 2) animals; 3) natural resources.

    Write them in two columns.


     5. Give the first form of the following irregular verbs.

    began, went, were, became, had, made, spent, hold, met


     6. What do you know or what have you heard about the subject you are going to read about?


While-Reading Exercises (Текстовый этап)


  1. Look at the map of Primorye. Read the text about this region.


                                      My native land Primorye.


            Land and sea, valleys and hills, rivers and lakes, bright hot sun and showering rains, soft snow cover in winter and awakening nature in spring – that is Primorye.

            Primorye is located in the East of Eurasian continent. In the south and east it is washed by the sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. It borders with Khabarovsk Region  in the north, China in the west, Korea in the south west. The sea routes from Chukotka and Kamchatka, the Kurils and Sakhalin meet here. Numerous lines connect the region with dozens of harbours in the Pacific and Indian Oceans: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hong – Kong, Yokahama, Osaka, Tokyo and others.

Primorye is a part of the Russian Federation and has territory of 1659 thousand square km. The Maritime Region has an open exit to the Pacific Ocean. Three – fourth of the territory is covered with the Sikhote – Alin Mountain Range. Two third is occupied by the Ussuriyskaya Taiga. There are about 50 small and large rivers there. The Ussuri, the Bikin, the Rasdolnaya rivers are the biggest and the deepest of them. Primorye's flora and fauna represent a combination of plants and animals, temperate climatic zones and subtropical forests.

 The Ussuriyskaya Taiga is a veritable botanical garden saving the Dauria larch, the pine, the silver fir, different kinds of maples and birches, the Manchurian nut – tree, the Amur cork – tree, the ash, the oak, the white Amur lilac, the lime, the choke cherry  tree, rhododendron and many oth There are some rare species. For example, locally known as cedar, the Korean pine, one of the most valuable species, is called "red pine" for its beautiful pink wood.There are some rare species. For example, locally known as cedar, the Korean pine, one of the most valuable species, is called "red pine" for its beautiful pink wood.

            Cedar, the king of taiga, and legendary ginseng and eleutherococus, tigers and deer, leopards, Himalayan bears, sables and pheasants and many other unique species of plants and animals   have made the Ussuriyskaya Taiga famous far outside Primorye.

Primorye is rich in natural resources such as tin and lead, zinc, silver and gold, coal and iron, marble and spar, sulphur  and manganese. Primorye`s share in the national economy is rather  considerable. Primorye produces up to 90% of Russian boron products, 80% of fluorine – spar, 12,5 % of wolfram concentrate, over one third of fish products.

           Primorye is famous for its natural mineral water in the area of  settlements Shmakovka, Lastochka, Chistovodnoye. The sea of Japan is rich in biological resources such as fish, crab, trepang, mollusc.

          In the second half of the 17th century one of the first Russian explorers V.K. Arsenyev and Muravyov- Amursky discovered, explored and described the Ussuriskaya Taiga and small harbours for ships.

          The capital of Primorsky Region is Vladivostok. Now it is the main administrative, scientific, financial, educational and cultural centre of our region. Vladivostok is the biggest city – port of Russian Far East. It is the city of students. The High Marine College by Admiral Makarov, the Marine Academy by Nevelskoy, the Far Easter University are well-known all over the Far East.  


2. Look at the sentences and correct them if necessary:

- Primorye is washed by the Pacific Ocean.

- It is situated in the northern part of Russia.

- The territory of Primorye is about 150 thousand square kilometers.

- Primorye's fauna is very poor.

- Vladivostok is the capital of our region.

- The sea of Japan is rich in biological resources.


3. Read the text and give the title to each paragraph.

- Geographical position.

- Flora and fauna.

- Natural resources.

- Famous people.

- The capital of Primorye.


4. Write out of the text the sentences with the word - resources.


5. Make up the sentences with the following words and word – combinations.

In the Far East, unique species, Shmakovka.


6. Read the text and choose the sentences in which you find the description of: a) the beauty of Primorye; b) the Ussuriyskaya Taiga; c) Vladivostok.


6. Find and read the sentences you think are the most important in the text, and read those which you find the most interesting.


7. Make three groups. Each group gets:

- the geographical map of Primorye;

- short information about flora and fauna, mountains and rivers, nature resources;

- new words with the transcription to help you to read new geographical names.

Read the texts and put them in correct order to make the story about Primorye.

The task for group 1

            Land and sea, valleys and hills, rivers and lakes, bright hot sun and showering rains, soft snow cover in winter and awakening nature in spring – that is Primorye.

            Primorye is located in the East of Eurasian continent. In the south and east it is washed by the sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. It borders with Khabarovsk Region  in the north, China in the west, Korea in the south west. The sea routes from Chukotka and Kamchatka, the Kurils and Sakhalin meet here. Numerous lines connect the region with dozens of harbours in the Pacific and Indian Oceans: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hong – Kong, Yokahama, Osaka, Tokyo and others.

The task for group 2

The Ussuriyskaya Taiga is a veritable botanical garden saving the Dauria larch, the pine, the silver fir, different kinds of maples and birches, the Manchurian nut – tree, the Amur cork – tree, the ash, the oak, the white Amur lilac, the lime, the choke cherry  tree, rhododendron and many oth There are some rare species. For example, locally known as cedar, the Korean pine, one of the most valuable species, is called "red pine" for its beautiful pink wood.There are some rare species. For example, locally known as cedar, the Korean pine, one of the most valuable species, is called "red pine" for its beautiful pink wood.

            Cedar, the king of taiga, and legendary ginseng and eleutherococus, tigers and deer, leopards, Himalayan bears, sables and pheasants and many other unique species of plants and animals   have made the Ussuriyskaya Taiga famous far outside Primorye.

Primorye is rich in natural resources such as tin and lead, zinc, silver and gold, coal and iron, marble and spar, sulphur  and manganese. 

           Primorye is famous for its natural mineral water in the area of  settlements Shmakovka, Lastochka, Chistovodnoye. The sea of Japan is rich in biological resources such as fish, crab, trepang, mollusc.


The task for group 3

          In the second half of the 17th century one of the first Russian explorers V.K. Arsenyev and Muravyov- Amursky discovered, explored and described the Ussuriskaya Taiga and small harbours for ships.

          The capital of Primorsky Region is Vladivostok. Now it is the main administrative, scientific, financial, educational and cultural centre of our region. Vladivostok is the biggest city – port of Russian Far East. It is the city of students. The High Marine College by Admiral Makarov, the Marine Academy by Nevelskoy, the Far Easter University are well-known all over the Far East.  


Post-Reading Exercises (Послетекстовый этап)


1. Share the information. Don't forget to use the map, pictures. (Students speak and listen to each other in order to get first outlook.)


2. Answer these questions.

   - Is Primorye an exotic and interesting place to discover?

   - Is Primorye's region interesting from historical point of view?

   - Is geography of our area unusual?

   - Is it interesting to study flora and fauna on the territory of Primorye? What interesting species do live here?


IV. Итоги урока. Выводы.

   T:  Well, you see Primorye has a lot of interesting and really exotic places which are worth seeing. 

       Soon you’ll leave your school and choose profession. Keep in mind, Primorye is waiting for you. There is a lot of work to do. Get the education and come back to your native land. Welcome to Primorye.

2. Выставление оценок.



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