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“ Do your parents understand you ?”

9 класс

Учебник : «Happy English» К. Кауфман

Учитель : Шляпцева И.Д.

Цели и задачи урока:

 1. Ознакомить учащихся с новой лексикой и  отработать ее употребление в устной речи и чтении.

2. Повторить сложное дополнение.

3.Стимулировать устную речь учащихся.

4. Развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся.

5. Воспитывать толерантность в общении.

Оборудование: магнитофон, кассета, диск.


I Орг.момент. Good morning boys and girls. My name is Irina Danilovna, and I’m glad to see you. I hope you’ll work hard and don’t let me down.

The theme of our lesson is “ Do your parents understand you?” As you can guess from the title we are going to speak about the relationship between you and your parents, between the teenagers and the grown ups. So let’s start our lesson.

II. First of all we have to review our grammar “ Complex Object”. I’ll remind you, that Complex Object is a noun or a pronoun in the objective case plus the infinitive. It is with To after the verbs want, would like, expect. And it is without  To after the verbs make, let. For example:

I want you to learn English.

I expect her to come in time.

My parents expect me to do chores.

Do you remember this? Of course, you do.

III. Now children, listen to the new words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker:

1.     to pay attention to smb/ smth – обращать внимание на кого-либо/ что-либо

2.     to behave – вести себя

3.     behavior – поведение

4.     to obey smb/ smth – слушаться кого-либо, выполнять что-либо

5.     to embarrass smb – приводить кого-либо в замешательство

6.     to treat smb like a child – относиться к кому- либо, как к ребенку

7.     to grow up – вырастать, становиться взрослым

8.     to get mad with smb – сердиться на кого-либо

9.     to nag smb – пилить кого-либо

10. to drive smb mad – сводить кого-либо с ума

11. to do chores – делать работу по дому

12. relationship – взаимоотношения

13. pocket money – карманные деньги

14. No matter how much I object – Как бы я не возражал.

15. I couldn’t care less. – Мне все равно.

16. They don’t understand a thing. – Они ничего не понимают.

IV. Now children, try to translate from Russian into English:

1.     Мои родители хотят, чтобы я вел себя хорошо. ( My parents want me to behave well).

2.     Они хотели бы, чтобы я их слушался. ( They would like me to obey them).

3.     Я не хочу, чтобы они относились ко мне как к ребенку. ( I don’t want them to treat me like a child.)

4.     Моя мама заставляет меня делать работу по дому. ( My mother makes me do chores.)

5.     Родители не позволяют мне иметь карманные деньги. ( My parents don’t let me have pocket money).

V. Well, children as far as I know, every family has a lot of problems. I have asked many pupils and they think that the main problems are:

1. Parents nag their children.

2. Parents don’t pay attention to their children.

3. Parents always want to know what’s going on in their children’s life.

4. Parents don’t give their children any pocket money.

5. Parents don’t like their children’s music.

Do you agree with them? You do. So, I must say that you have the same problems too. Well, let’s discuss them.

1.     Parents nag their children.

* Do your parents nag you? Why? ( They don’t like the clothes I wear, because I like bright and modern clothes but they buy me casual jeans and sweaters.)

* Do you study well? ( Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t, because I don’t like all the subjects.)

* You have to do chores, don’t you? ( Yes, I do. But sorry to say, I am lazy and I don’t like to clean my room and wash the dishes.)

Do you want your parents to nag you? No, I don’t.

2.     Some children think, that their parents don’t pay attention to them at all.

* What does it mean? ( It means that my parents are always busy. They have no time to me.) ( When I want to talk to them, Mom tells me to go and ask Dad, and Dad tells me to go and ask Mom.)

* Would you like them to pay you more attention? ( Of course, I would.)

3. But other children think that their parents always want to know what’s going on in their children’s life.

* Do you agree with this? ( Yes, I do.)

* Do your parents want to know what’s going on in your life? ( yes, they do)

* How do they do that? ( They always control me.)

* Give some examples, please. (** When I make a new friend, they want me to bring him to our flat.** If I want to go to a party, they lecture me how I should behave and when I should come. They phone me every hour to check where I am.) So they embarrass you in front of your friends, don’t they? Yes, they do.

* What would you like your parents to do? ( I would like them to trust me.)

4. The next problem is that parents don’t give their children any pocket money.

* Is it a problem? ( Yes, it is.)

* Why do you need pocket money? (** I want to be more independent. ** I want to spend it on something I like.)

* Give some examples, please. ( I want to go to the cinema or to the café with my friends. I want to spend it on my telephone. I want to buy some interesting books or disks.)

* Is it important for you to make your own decision how to spend money? Yes, it is.

5. And  the next problem is that  parents don’t like their children’s music .

* By the way, what music do you like?

* Who is your favourite  singer?

* What is your favourite group?

 You see children, your parents used to be younger too. And their parents didn’t like their music either.

·        Do you happen to know what music they used to listen?

·        Have you ever heard about such groups as “ Modern talking,” “ the Beatles”, “ Bonny-M”?

·        Have you ever listened to their music? You have. Glad to hear it. And now, sit comfortable, please and enjoy this lovely music.

·        Do you like it?

Well, children, sometimes your parents complain about the same problems too. And they send letters about their problems to magazines and newspapers. Let’s read their letters and name the problems(page 129).

a)     What is the problem? (Parents want to control their daughter.)

b)     What is the problem? ( Parents don’t pay any attention to their son)

c)     Name the problem, please. ( Parents don’t let their son decide what to do).

d)    Name the problem, please. ( Parents want to know what is going on in their son’s life).

VI. Now, children let’s make the model of the ideal relations between the parents and their children. There are some cards with phrases on your desks. Choose the card which will help you to improve the relations with your parents and stick it on the blackboard , please. Thank you.

VII. Well, children today we have tried to discuss some main problems between the parents and their children. Sorry to say, these problems are as old as our world. So, let us be more patient, more polite to each other. Let us like and respect each other. Remember: “Treat somebody as you want to be treated”.

 You will grow up, you will have your own children and I don’t want you to have problems with them.

And as a result of our lesson listen to the poem and let it help you to understand your parents ( page 119).

Thank you for your work. Good bye.

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