Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока и презетация по теме "Языки Британских островов", 11 класс, Спотлайт

Конспект урока и презетация по теме "Языки Британских островов", 11 класс, Спотлайт

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План-конспект урока английского языка


Класс: 11-А  


Дата: понедельник 05.03.2018г. (1-й урок)

Тема урока: Языки Британских островов. Монологическая речь.

Цели урока:


·         Освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности ЛЕ по теме “Languages of the British Isles”.

·         Научиться составлять краткий пересказ текста.

·         Развивать компенсаторную и социокультурную компетенции.


·         Развивать память и внимание.  

·         Развивать навыки чтения, письма, говорения, аудирования. 

·         Расширять кругозор обучающихся.


·         Воспитывать чувство уважения к культуре чужой страны.

·         Воспитывать культуру общения.

Тип урока: комбинированный урок (урок усвоения новых знаний и применения знаний и умений).

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, мультимедийная
презентация, карта Великобритании, учебник Spotlight 11.

Методы и формы работы: словесный метод, наглядный метод, поисковый метод, проблемный метод, фронтальный метод; парная, индивидуальная работа.

Ход урока:

1.     Организационный момент и приветствие. Time:1 min. (8.00-8.01)

Good morning, my dear pupils and teachers! I am glad to see you! (slide 1) Today is Monday, the fifth of March. So, welcome, we start! Look at the screen, please. Here are my wishes to you for the lesson. (slide 2)

2. Речевая зарядка. Time: 1 min. (8.01-8.02)

How are you today? Did you have a good weekend? What is the latest news in the world? (politics, sports, music) What happened in our country/city last week?

3.     Проверка домашнего задания. Time: 1 min. (8.02-8.05)

Now, let’s check your essays. The topic was: All children should learn English from a young age. I’m ready to listen to your opinions on this topic.

4.     Введение в тему (listening). Time: 3 min. (8.05-8.08)

Are you ready to listen, read, write and speak?  You’ll have such an opportunity. So, let us start our lesson and we begin with a legend. So, look at the screen and listen (slide 3). The legend goes:

The whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. People came from the east, they found a plain in the land of Mesopotamia; and they dwelt there. They said one to another: let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. They said: let us build a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth (slide 4). And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which even the children of men were building. And the LORD said: the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. So I’ll go down, and confound their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech.
So the LORD scattered them abroad from there upon the face of all the earth: and they stopped building the tower (slide 5). Therefore the name of it is called Babel.

Now, tell me please, do you get the idea what we are going to speak about?  (Languages) And do you know the fact that English is not the only one language on the British Isles? No? So, let’s find it out, you’ll be surprised…

5. Актуализация знаний. Time: 4 min. (8.08-8.11)

Форма и метод работы: словесный метод, фронтальная беседа.

Answer my questions:

·         What languages do you know?

·         What languages are the most spoken?

·         What is the UK?

·         What countries speak English?

So, from the legend you know how the languages spread all over the world. But there are also some scientific hypotheses. Do you understand what a hypothesis is? OK, here is so called Anatolian hypothesis. Watch a video (slide 6).

6.1. Подготовительная работа перед чтением текста. Time: 4 min. (8.11-8.15)

·         Well, now I would like to focus your attention on the language family tree (slide 7). So, how many languages are spoken in the British Isles? Which is the oldest? – We don’t know so far. That’s why we must read the text to find out.

·         But before we do it, here are some new words for you from this text (slide 8) (хоровая работа над произношением). Please, open your word lists at the end of  your student’s books to find their meanings. I will give you some time for that. Are you ready? Let’s check!

6.2. Чтение текста. Time: 5 min. (8.15-8.20)

(slide 9) Ученики слушают запись, следят и читают самостоятельно. (reading)

6.3. Выполнение послетекстовых упражнений. Time: 11 min. (8.20-8.31)

·         Now you are ready to answer the previous questions: So, how many languages are spoken in the British Isles? (6) Which is the oldest?  (Brythonic)

·         (парная работа) And now please work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions (slide 10). Keys:

a.      Roughly 20% of the population.

b.     Yes. In a Welsh colony in Argentina.

c.      About a third of the population.

d.     Speakers of Scottish Gaelic and speakers of Irish Gaelic.

e.      Manx Gaelic has not native speakers left.

f.       Cornish has regular news broadcasts.

g.     English, when the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain in the 5th century A.D.

And now, use underlined words in the following sentences. Let’s do it in a written form (slide 11). You have 4-5 minutes to do that. (самостоятельная работа, writing). Now, let’s check. Keys:

1)    occupation

2)    invasion

3)    roughly

4)    declining

5)    native

6)    revived

7)    fluently

7. Relaxation. (slide 12) Time: 2 min. (8.31-8.33)

 Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out. Let’s pretend it’s summer. You are in the forest. The weather is fine. A light wind is blowing. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing. (Pause).

Your troubles float away. You love your relatives, your friends. They love you too. Learn to appreciate every good thing. The Earth is full of wonders. You can do anything. You are sure of yourself, that you have much energy. You are in good spirit. 

Open your eyes. How do you feel?

8. Ролевая игра. Time: 7 min. (8.33-8.40)

Roleplay. You are a participant of a linguistic conference. Prepare a report and tell the audience about one of the Indo-European languages (speaking). Обучающиеся выходят по очереди к трибуне и рассказывают об одном языке.

9. Рефлексия. Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок. Time: 5 min. (8.40-8.45)

Итоги урока подводятся с помощью поговорки (slide 13):

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. – Границы моего языкаэто границы моего мира.

Now tell me please, if the lesson was interesting for you. Or was it boring and difficult? What new facts have you learned today? What surprised you?

Your home task is to do exercise 5 page 113. Using Internet try to find information about languages spoken in our country.

You worked very well. I can give you…

Thank you for the work. The lesson is over. Good-bye.


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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Monday, the fifth of March

    1 слайд

    Monday, the fifth of March


    2 слайд




  • 3 слайд

  • 4 слайд

  • 5 слайд

  • 6 слайд

  • Indo-European Languages CelticWelshIrish GaelicScottish GaelicManx GaelicCorn...

    7 слайд

    Indo-European Languages
    Irish Gaelic
    Scottish Gaelic
    Manx Gaelic
    Cornish Gaelic

  • occupationinvasionfluentlyroughlynativestate of being entered and controlled...

    8 слайд

    state of being entered and controlled by a foreign army

    forcible entry of an army
    into a foreign country

    becoming less
    and less frequent

    brought back to existence
    original (of a country)

    (spoken) well


    9 слайд


  • What percentage of Wales speak modern Welsh? Is there any where else in the...

    10 слайд

    What percentage of Wales speak modern Welsh?
    Is there any where else in the world where Welsh is spoken?
    What percentage of Ireland can speak Irish Gaelic?
    Which language has no native speakers left?
    Which speakers of different languages have no difficulty in communicating?
    Which language has regular radio broadcasts?
    Which language is the most recent to the British Isles?

  • 1. During the German ____________ of Europe, many people learned the German l...

    11 слайд

    1. During the German ____________ of Europe, many people learned the German language.
    2. The wall around the fortress protects it from ___________ by enemies.
    3. ___________ half of all the students in the school can speak English fluently.
    4. The number of French speaking Canadians is ___________ due to changes in the language laws.
    5. She speaks Italian, but her ________________ language is Spanish, as she grew up Spain.
    6. Hebrew was an extinct language until it was __________ in the 19th century.
    7. After living in France for almost twenty years, he speaks French _____________.

  • Celtic harp

    12 слайд

    Celtic harp

  • The limits of my language mean the limits of my world

    13 слайд

    The limits of my language
    the limits of my world

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