Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока на тему: "Путешествие" (8 класс)

Конспект урока на тему: "Путешествие" (8 класс)

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Урок в 8 классе на тему: «Путешествие»


Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативных навыков по проблеме «Почему люди любят путешествовать?»

Задачи урока:


·         систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Путешествие»;

·         применить на уроке все виды речевой деятельности;

·         активизировать работу каждого учащегося.


·         развивать способность к сравнению и обобщению информации;

·         развивать мышление, логическую догадку, фантазию при обсуждении темы посредством иностранного языка.


·         воспитание уважения, толерантности к культуре и людям разных стран;

·         прививать любовь и желание изучать иностранный язык через разные формы работы.

Технологии: технология сотрудничества, технология коммуникативного обучения, проектно-исследовательские технологии.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности - фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая.

Виды речевой деятельности: аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо.

Оборудование: учебник “English 8” (Кузовлев В.П.), презентация, карточки с планом для монологического высказывания.


Ход урока.

I.                   Организационный момент.


Teacher: I`m glad to see you. So let`s start our lesson.

Listen to me and try to guess what I'm talking about. Most people love it. Usually people do it in summer, but some of them like doing it any time of the year. This gives us the opportunity to explore new places, other cultures, traditions. As for me, I really like to do it, especially in the summer, when I have a vacation. Did you guess? What am I talking about?

Of course, our topic is travel. We keep talking about travel. Our world is huge and beautiful, there are so many countries and cities in it, so many interesting things that we would like to see with our own eyes.

Let's imagine that during the winter holidays you could go to any country or city. I suggest you fantasize and make your choice. I think   you will choose the best place for your holidays and learn everything you need to get to this place. This plan, which you had to fill out during the lesson, will help you. At the end of the lesson you will try to tell us about your choice. (Приложение)

So let's call our lesson "My Perfect Journey"


II.                Повторение и активизация материала по теме «Путешествие».


Teacher:   First, let’s discuss why do people like to travel. People like to travel, because…

they can visit many different countries; see many beautiful places; visit friends, relatives; can try foreign food;  practice foreign languages; learn other people’s culture and traditions; can visit tourist attractions;  make friends; buy souvenirs; get unforgettable impressions.

Teacher:   if you have already chosen the country or the city, you can start filling out your tables and write the reason for the trip.

How can we travel? We need transportation to travel, don’t we?  What ways of traveling do you know? We can travel by…

(plane, train, car, ship, on foot…)    



III.             Развитие лексических навыков.


(Слайд 1) Teacher: now look at the screen. Choose the word that best completes the sentences from the list below. Two words are extra. You have 3-4 minutes for the task.


by sea   on foot  expensive  by plane   walking tours   cars relax business trips   by car   pleasure journeys   anywhere you wish  tourists  


1. Travelling _______ is the fastest way to get somewhere.

2. You can easily get there _______.

3. The most pleasant but the most _______ way to travel to Solovki is ______.

4. Travelling ______ has one big advantage: you can stop ______ and make an ordinary meal a picnic.

5. In the last decade, ecotourism has developed in Russia. Almost every region can offer you _______ in the protected corners of nature.

6. _______ are better to take by plane or train, and ______ – by sea or _____.

(Solovki are  islands in the White Sea, in Karelia. They are surrounded by water)

(Keys: by air; on foot; expensive, by sea; by car, anywhere; walking tours; business trips, pleasure journeys, cars)


Teacher: What is your favourite way of travelling? Why?


Примерные ответы: my favourite way of travelling is of travelling by plane, because it is comfortable and

I can get to my destination very fast. By train, because it is comfortable. I can relax and sleep there and it is not expensive. I like looking at villages, forests through the window. I like to travel by car, because I can go as fast or slowly as I like, I can stop when and where I want and I don’t need to think about tickets.

(As for me, I prefer to travel by car because I can stop anywhere I wish and enjoy nature for example. We are all drivers in my family, so we can change each other at the wheel and not make long stops to rest)


Teacher: Don’t forget about your plans. You can specify which transport you would use.


IV. Обучение аудированию.


Teacher: Now open your textbooks, on page 80, lesson 5, ex. 1. (прочитать задание к упражнению 1 часть и обсудить с учащимися слова).  Lets check your assumptions. (включить запись, 2 часть задания выбрать фото). The last part of exercise, part 3. (Дать пояснения словам со звездочкой перед прослушиванием диалога второй раз: Gatwick is the second largest airport in London; British Airways - the largest airline in Britain) (Keys: F; F; T; N/s).


V. Развитие грамматических навыков.

Teacher: The next  task is for you. You will work in groups. The students of the first row will write the leaflet for Russian tourists who want to go abroad on winter holidays and the students of the second row -  for tourists who go to Russia on winter holidays. Give them 5 tips.

(Слайд 2) Use the modal verbs  you can see on the slide. You work in a group and can discuss your tips. You have 4-5 minutes.

(на слайде: модальные глаголы)

Who wants to go first? Which group? One student from the group will read us tips.

(слушаю советы каждой группы)


VI. Обучение говорению

Teacher: Now it’s time to get back to your plans. I hope that you have chosen a place to travel, thought about how to get there and what you need to travel. Tell us about your ideal journey. Are you ready to share your dreams with us?

(слушаем сообщения учащихся)



 VII. Подведение итогов урока

Well, students, New Year is just round the corner. I think it’s high time to decide where to go. In a few days, you’ll have winter holidays and you won’t miss a chance to travel. There is a proverb (слайд 3)  “The world is a book, and who don’t travel, read only one page”.

Summing up our lesson let’s make a travel cluster. What is a journey for you?  (на доске лист с надписью A journey for me…) I give you these colourful suitcases and backpacks, where you write only one word or phrase that most accurately expresses you attitude to travel. I’ll start. Traveling for me is an unforgettable experience. Who is the next? (выходят к доске и прикрепляют свои «чемоданы»).

Look at what a collage we have turned out. It's like a journey, just as bright and colorful. Our lesson is over. Thank you for you work. You did well. Good bye!




























Country (city, town)



Reasons for visiting



Things and documents to take with






"My Perfect Journey"

I’d like to go to…     on winter holidays, because …

Besides, this country (city, town)….

beautiful, has many tourist attractions, I have never been there…

I must/mustn’t (should/shouldn’t, ought to/don’t ought to, need/needn’t):

get a visa, take a passport, buy a ticket, read the travel leaflets, fill in the customs declaration, take a suitcase or a bag…

I would go by (car, plane, train, bike), because it is (I can)…

comfortable, get to my destination very fast, relax and sleep, not expensive, can stop when and where I want, don’t need to think about tickets…




Country (city, town)



Reasons for visiting



Things and documents to take with






"My Perfect Journey"

I’d like to go to…     on winter holidays, because …

Besides, this country (city, town)….

beautiful, has many tourist attractions, I have never been there…

I must/mustn’t (should/shouldn’t, ought to/don’t ought to, need/needn’t):

get a visa, take a passport, buy a ticket, read the travel leaflets, fill in the customs declaration, take a suitcase or a bag…

I would go by (car, plane, train, bike), because it is (I can)…

comfortable, get to my destination very fast, relax and sleep, not expensive, can stop when and where I want, don’t need to think about tickets…













Tips for travelers


Tips for travelers


If you travel to Russia



If you go abroad




Овал: Travelling 
for me…

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