Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку на тему " Лондонский зоопарк" ( 5-6 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему " Лондонский зоопарк" ( 5-6 класс)

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6 form «The London Zoo»

Цели и задачи урока: Создание условий для развития внутреннего потенциала ребенка, раскрывая себя в отношениях с окружающим; формирование умения участвовать в коллективной беседе, слушать одноклассников, соблюдать основные правила общения на уроке; развивать умения и навыки аудирования, говорения и чтения. Учить вести диалог. Развитие коммуникативной деятельности.

-личностные: Формирование первоначального опыта участия в учебной деятельности по овладению английским языком и осознание её значимости для личности учащегося.

-метапредметные: Коммуникативные: Запрашивать и давать информацию. Использовать в речи лексические единицы, обслуживающие ситуацию общения

Регулятивные: Принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности, находить средства её осуществления.

Познавательные: Пользоваться наглядными средствами предъявления материала и  находить необходимую информацию в тексте.

-предметные: Научиться называть животных и место их жительства. Научиться запрашивать информацию и отвечать на вопросы. Ученик получит возможность употребить в речи предложение сослагательного наклонения II типа.

План урока

1.    Организационный момент. 3 мин

2.    Речевая зарядка, отгадать загадки. Guess. Работа в парах. 3мин

3.    Определение темы урока. Постановка цели и задач урока. 3мин

4.    Активизация изученной лексики. Сопоставить части предложения с продолжением. Упр10, стр106. (group) работа в группе.

5.    Активизация навыков диалогической речи. Работа в парах. Упр6, стр105

6.    Физ. Минутка, 1мин.

7.    Формирование навыков монологической речи. Упр12, стр107

8.    Обобщение и контроль знаний. Do the project about it. (group), (3 мин)

9.    Подведение итогов, рефлексия.3 мин.

Ход урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика


1.Организационный момент.


Good morning, children.

My name is LB

I  am glad to see you. What date is today? What date will be tomorrow? Do you like winter?



How are you? What picture do you prefer?

Are you ready for the lesson?

Now, look at the pictures, from left to right, up and down. What can you see?


Good morning.


The 30th of November, last day of autumn. Tomorrow will be the first day of winter. Yes, I do.


I’m fine. Thank you.


Yes, we are.



We can see animals.



2.Речевая зарядка. Guess

Работа в парах

Now, read the riddles and guess them. You will work in a pair, I’ll give you 2 min.



Have you done your task?

For the correct answer I’ll give you a sign. (An elephant, a crocodile, a lion, a giraffe, a frog)


You have guessed animals.







Where do they live?





Where can you see the wild animals?


1.      I am very big and I am grey. I live in the jungle, in Africa or in India, I am very strong, and I can lift a ton.

2.      It is green and big, it lives in the water and likes meat.

3.      It looks like a big cat, it lives in Africa, it can run very fast and it has a very long tail.

4.      It has a long neck and long legs and eats leaves from the trees.

5.      I live in the river. I am not a fish. I jump in the field. I have a green coat. What am I?

Ученики имеют возможность отгадать загадки, аудировать, понять содержание услышанного.

They live in the zoo. Only in the zoo.



3.Определение темы урока.

Постановка цели и задач урока.

What  do you think the topic of our lesson is?

What shall we do?

Yes, today we will speak about animals, where they live, about the London Zoo.

The London Zoo.


We will speak about zoo, the London Zoo



4.Активизация изученной лексики. Сопоставить части предложения с продолжением.          Упр10,стр106. (group)работа в группе


So, you will work in a group. Match the parts of the sentences, your time is 2 min.

The animals lived in the Tower of   London in a special place.

The bear liked to go fishing in the Thames at the end of a long rope.

Five hundred years later, Queen Charlotte was given the first zebra to come to Britain.

Curious people came there to see it.

Giraffes have been an attraction at London Zoo since four of them arrived in 1839.

Today there are many thousands of exotic animals at London Zoo.


Your time is up. Let’s check. Read your sentences.

Look at the blackboard. Put plus for each right sentences.

 Have you got a mistake?

How many pluses have you got? Well done.


What have you learnt from this task?


Matching game, continue the sentences

1.      The animals lived in the Tower of 

… London in a special place.

2.      The bear liked to go fishing in …the Thames at the end of a long rope.

3.      Five hundred years later, Queen Charlotte was …given the first zebra to come to Britain.

4.      Curious people… came there to see it.

5.      Giraffes have been an attraction at London …Zoo since four of them arrived in 1839.

6.      Today there are many thousands of …exotic animals at London Zoo.

No, we haven’t.



5.Активизация навыков диалогической речи.

Работа в парах.

Упр 6 стр 105


The zoo has received letters from children all over the world. Look at them and try to answer some of the questions asked in those letters. Take turns. First read the question aloud.















Your answers are right. You would work at the zoo.

Look at the letters the zoo has received from children all over the world. Try to answer some of the questions asked in those letters. Take turns. First read the question aloud.

 What kind of animals can we see at the zoo?


I like monkeys very much. Can I see them at your zoo?


Are there any big animals at your zoo?


Can I take my dog in the zoo?


Can we feed the animals? 


Can I take any the baby animals home with me?



6. Физ. минутка


Stand up, please. Fly as a bird, swim as a fish, jump as a frog, climb as a monkey, sit down, please.


The children fly, swim, jump.


7.Формирование навыков монологической речи

       Упр12 стр 107




Work in group. Imagine that you are the directors of different zoos. Discuss the problems of zoos. What would you do as the director?

Example: If I were the director of the zoo, I would buy a new tiger for my zoo.

Use: to feed the animals well, to buy new animals, to repair the animals’ cages, to create a wild animal’s park, to move the zoo to the country, to close the zoo.





Well done, thanks. You would be a good director.

Example: If I were the director of the zoo, I would buy a new tiger for my zoo.

If I were the director of the zoo, I would feed the animals well.

If I were the director of the zoo, I would buy new animals.

If I were the director of the zoo, I would repair the animals’ cages.

If I were the director of the zoo, I would create a wild animal’s park.

If I were the director of the zoo, I would move the zoo to the country.



8.Обобщение и контроль знаний.

Do the project about it. (group)


If I were the director of the zoo, I would buy a new animal for my zoo. Read my idea, try to guess it. Complete the sentences, then do your project about it, choosing any of the animals ( an elephant, a penguin, a dolphin, a tiger, a camel, a whale, a lion, a giraffe) (group)


Where does it live?

What does it look like?

What does it eat?


Will you tell us your project?

Have you got any questions?


Children complete the sentences, do the project about the animals in a group. Use the plan. Where does it live?

What does it look like?

What does it eat?




9. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.







Complete the box                          


I think the lesson is…



At the lesson I was/wasn’t…


My mood has become…


The topic of the lesson ..




At the lesson…


Easy/ difficult








I have understood/ I have not understood


I enjoy my work/ I don’t enjoy my work

Our lesson is over. Good buy.

                 Thank you for lesson

Учащиеся заполняют анкету, выражая самоанализ и самооценку собственной деятельности, то есть самого себя как субъекта.



Оснащение: УМК  «Enjoy English» авторов: Биболетова М.З. – Обнинск,  «Титул», 2014: учебник, рабочая тетрадь.

Илюшина А.В. Изучаем английский легко и весело. Санкт-Петербург 2014. Мультимедийное сопровождение, презентация, раздаточный материал.

1.   I am very big and I am grey. I live in the jungle, in Africa or in India, I am very strong, and I can lift a ton.

2.   It is green and big, it lives in the water and likes meat.

3.   It looks like a big cat, it lives in Africa, it can run very fast and it has a very long tail.

4.   It has a long neck and long legs and eats leaves from the trees.

5.   I live in the river. I am not a fish. I jump in the field. I have a green coat. What am I?

Work in group. Imagine that you are the directors of different zoos. Discuss the problems of zoos. What would you do as the director?

Example: If I were the director of the zoo, I would buy a new tiger for my zoo.

Use: to feed the animals well, to buy new animals, to repair the animals’ cages, to create a wild animal’s park, to move the zoo to the country, to close the zoo.

The animals lived in the Tower…

of  London in a special place.

The bear liked to go fishing in…

the Thames at the end of a long rope.

Five hundred years later, Queen Charlotte was given

the first zebra to come to Britain.

Curious people came

 there to see it…

Giraffes have been an attraction at London Zoo…

since four of them arrived in 1839.

Today there are many thousands of…

exotic animals at London Zoo.

Match  questions with the following answers. Сопоставить вопросы с предложениями

1.When does the Zoo open?

¨ 2. What will visitors see ?

¨ 3. Why has Jim taken any photos of swans?

¨ 4. Where did the children play with koala bears?

¨ 5. How many animals are there in the Zoo?

¨ 6. How can visitors get to the park?


¨ A)Visitors  can get to the wildlife park by bus.

¨ B)The Zoo opens at 9 a. m.

¨ C) They played with koala bears in the Zoo.

¨ D) Next summer, visitors will see a new dolphin show.

¨ E) Jim has taken some photos of swans because he is going to do a project on the birds.

¨ F) There are 6,000 animals in the Zoo.

Look at the letters the zoo has received from children all over the world. Try to answer some of the questions asked in those letters. Take turn. First read the question aloud.

 What kind of animals can we see at the zoo?

I like monkeys very much, Can I see them at your zoo?

Are there any big animals at your zoo?

Look at the letters the zoo has received from children all over the world. Try to answer some of the questions asked in those letters. Take turn. First read the question aloud.

Can I take my dog in the zoo?

Can we feed the animals?

Can I take any the baby animals home with me?



I think the lesson is…



At the lesson I was/wasn’t…


My mood has become…


The topic of the lesson ..



At the lesson…


Easy/ difficult






I have understood/ I have not understood


I enjoy my work/ I don’t enjoy my work






Complete the sentences.


It is  from Africa.

It has got big .


It is big and strong.

It likes      and  .

  It doesn’t eat  .

It can carry things, people and water the

Come to the   and see me.

It  is…



Choose any of the animals (an elephant, a penguin, a dolphin, a tiger, a camel, a whale, a lion, a giraffe) do the project about it.


Where does it live?

What does it look like?

What does it eat?



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