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Конспект урока по теме "Buying and Selling"

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Разработка по технологии «Целостное обучение»

Тема: Buying and Selling

Учитель: Серова Н.С.




Задачи урока:



-Развивать оперативную память, долговременную память, логическое мышление, воображение, антиципацию, развивать языковую догадку опираясь на связь с родным языком

-Развивать способность к анализу, сравнению, обобщению, связному  выражению своего мнения, формулировать выводы

-Развитие умения интерактивного чтения


- Совершенствовать навыки произношения новых слов

- Совершенствовать навыки  употребления новых слов, словосочетаний, структур на уровне СФЕ

- Развивать умения МР (монолог-рассуждение на уровне СФЕ)

- Развивать умение чтения (с полным извлечением информации, частичным извлечением информации); письма (записи по тексту, заполнение формы, составление текста)


- Познакомиться с известным творческим коллективом  Британии

- Выяснить особенности жизни и творчества известных  людей


- Воспитывать умения работать самостоятельно и в группе

- Воспитывать толерантность к мнению собеседников

- Воспитывать интерес и уважение к культуре.






Street Markets around the World.



1. Создание мотивации, введение

Good Morning, children!

You know yesterday I visited our central market I’m sure you all have visited it. What do you usually buy there? .

- Fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, clothes, etc Why do you prefer street market to a trading centre?

I’ll help, look at the blackboard, there are some quotations, there are some quotations by ordinary people about their preferences.

(A mother of a big family: ”It’s better to buy everything at one place”.

 A customer near the central market says: “If  you think there’s no good about it – just look around: you are shopping in the open air”.

A seller in the butcher’s says: “Note: it’s cheaper!” etc)

-                   I think….

-                   Well, market is…

                what do you think they are all about – what do you think about them?

And where do you buy goods?

-                   At the market, of course…

-                   I adore only big shopping centres…

-                   Etc

1.                                   Do you  know that markets are the most ancient places for  trading?

2.                 Do you believe that some markets in Oriental Countries are open every day of every year? (y/n)

3.                                    Do you believe that the most beautiful square in the world that is in Belgium is the home of a colourful flower market? (y/n)

Пузырек для мыслей: облако:     Clothes
All right. Let’s make a cluster . It will help us. We’ll begin like this:

Звезда: 4 точки: MarketsПузырек для мыслей: облако: Greengrocer’s

Звезда: 4 точки: Internet

Звезда: 4 точки: Trading    
Звезда: 4 точки:   Mail







Now that we have gathered info that we already know  lets fill in the first graph of the table


Prior Knowledge About. . .

New Knowledge About. . .








Words, connected with the topic  $Market$ – please tick those, which are unknown for you


New words

Known Words

































Now let’s see what words you know & what not. Who can explain what does ‘kitsch’ mean? If nobody can I’ll give a definition & you try to guess what it is. … In case someone knows the word he explains it to the rest.


ü  Kitsch – a cheap thing

ü  Consumer – a person who buys and uses goods and services

ü  Junk – useless things

ü  Commodity – goods (syn.)

ü  Purchase – a thing that is bought

ü  Up-market – expensive (syn.)

ü  Customer – a person who goes shopping



I’m sure that you know all the words, but let’s pronounce them once again, repeat after me, pay attention to the word stress.






Could you please think of the possible titles for each  part and think of how to make a united complete story. By now don’t pay attention to the gaps in the text. (work in groups)


Reading, sharing the ideas about the titles, combining the parts into one text


Street Markets Around the World


Do you want to buy a new pair of sunglasses? The latest CD? Or something for your dinner this evening? Nowadays, you can shop by telephone, by post or through your home computer: but for many people, the most exciting way to shop is also the most traditional – at a street market. You can find markets anywhere in the world. Here are five of them…

Every weekend, thousands of people from all over London travel to Camden Market in an attractive area in the north of the city – it’s the place to go for 1_________, 2__________ , CDs and tapes…but many people just go for lively atmosphere!

There are many  3_________in Asia; perhaps the most famous is in Thailand, at a place called Damnoen Saduak, 100 km from the capital city, Bangkok. From six in the morning to midday, every day, people sell fresh 4_________from their boats.

The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, Turkey, is more than 500 years old and it has more than four thousand shops under one roof!!! You can buy almost anything, but the most popular items for tourists are the beautiful rugs and carpets. It’s open all day every day!

Many Belgians say that the Grand Place – in the centre of the capital city, Brussels, is the most beautiful square in the world. It is the home of  5__________– open every day except Monday. On Monday, instead of flowers, there’s 6_________!

One of the world’s most unusual markets is in Mexico City: at the Sonora Market. As well as toys and birds, you can buy  7_________which (they say) can help with anything – from problems at work to problems with your marriage! It’s open every day from early in the morning till late at night.


Now, let’s see how competent you are to fill in the gaps. Use the words given.


‘floating markets’, street fashion, jewellery, tropical fruit and vegetables, a colourful flower market, a wonderful bird market, herbs and natural medicines


READING STRATEGIES: Completing texts with sentence gaps

• Read the text to get the general idea.

• Read a paragraph with a sentence gap and identify the topic, e.g. beginning of the career.

• Read the sentences before and after the gap and look for clues about the missing sentence, e.g. is it an example of what is mentioned before?

• Certain words may help you: time references (then), pronoun references (it, that), linking words (however).

• Decide which sentence goes in the gap. Check that it fits the sentences before and after it.

Now use the strategies to complete the gaps in the text (1-6) with these sentences (a-g). There is one extra sentence you don’t need.


Let’s verify what you’ve understood for this fill in the table (true, false, not given).






The most exciting way to shop is also the most traditional – at a street market.




There are many “floating markets” in Belgium.




There are internet markets as well as internet shops.




On Monday, instead of flowers, in Bangkok you can buy magic herbs and natural medicines which (they say) can help with anything.




The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, Turkey, is more than 500 years old.




The market in Mexico City has more than four thousand shops under one roof.






Now, I want you to make up cluster, which can depict the essence of what we have learnt





Let’s check what new info have you learnt. Pretty much I think. Put it down into your knowledge charts.

It’s obvious you are good experts of the problem about the markets in different countries. Imagine you are a journalist of one of the newspapers & you need to make a report about their favourite places to buy goods. Remember about the aim of your report, negative & positive comments, conclusion & recommendations.

The following linking words will help you:

Firstly.., finally, furthermore, in addition, moreover, however, on the other hand, although, despite, e.g., in this way, such as, particularly, as a result, what this means is, to sum up, all things considered.

Think it over for some time & in 3 or 5 minutes you’ll present your reports. You may work in pairs if you want.

Your reports were really splendid & thought-provoking, & you managed to support your ideas. Lets arrange a small discussion on the problem of  buying things.

Here is what I offer to discuss


-                   What are the names of the five markets?

-                   Where are the markets?

-                   What can you buy at each different market?

-                   When is each market open?

-                   Where do you personally buy things?

-                   What is the most frequent prejudice about “price-quality” at a market?

-                   What is the difference between markets in our country and abroad? (culture of communication and trade)


Ø Imagine you are a  seller – how would you advertise your goods and where do you choose a place for your shop: in a trading centre or at the market. Give your arguments for and against.


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