Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока "Успешная карьера", 9 класс

Конспект урока "Успешная карьера", 9 класс

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Конспект урока по теме «Successful сareer» , 9 класс

Учебник: Звёздный английский «Starlight 9», для школ с углублённым изучением английского языка.

I.                  Разминка (Warm up).

T: Good morning everyone! Today we are going to learn how to write an essay, to be precise, arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’. For this purpose, we’ll watch two short videos. Now we have some questions to discuss:

·        Have you ever thought of your future career?

·        What is your dream career?

·        What would you do if you did not have to work?  

·        Would you like to be a model, a photographer, a fashion designer, an actor, or start up your business and be a successful entrepreneur?

S: Students’ own answers.

T: asks for class feedback and encourages students to share their ideas and writes some of the ideas on the board.

1. Discuss with your partner. Which of the words/phrases in the box below do you associate with the following jobs, and why?

·     a photographer



highly paid








hard work 





·     a model

·     a fashion designer


     T: asks for class feedback and encourages students to share their ideas.

2. Lindsay Pressdee (the fashion designer in the third photo) has been running her own business since 1996. Listen to Lindsay and put the things she mentions in the correct order.  She does NOT mention one thing.

o   ___  do a degree in fashion

o   ___  set up business on her own

o   ___  carry a notebook around

o   ___  have lots of Saturday jobs

o   ___  show her designs at a trade show

o   ___  have a glamorous lifestyle

o   ___  earn less money than her friends

o   ___  deal directly with large department stores

o   ___  make clothes for her Cindy dolls

                 S: Students’ own answers.

T: Look at the slide and check your answers. Good job! Well done!

3. Watch the film extract again. What are the seven challenges of starting up your own business that Lindsay mentions?  Put   √.  

q It’s a hard business to break into

q Be prepared to work hard, it’s actually really hard work

q I had lots of Saturday jobs

q I end up spending four days a week on my own in the studio 

q It actually can get quite lonely

q I take risks investing money 

q I earn less money than my friends

q It requires loads of self-motivation

q I can suffer the failure

T: Look at the slide and check your answers.

I think, you are ready to name the cons of being self-employed.


·     What are the disadvantages of being self-employed?


T: The teacher asks for class feedback and encourages students to share their ideas and writes some of the ideas on the board.

S: Students’ own answers.

T: Now it’s time to work with a composition planner. Your task is to write two arguments ‘against’ in the composition planner.

T: Well done! We’ve discussed the negative sides of being self-employed. Now, it’s time to discuss the positive sides.

·     What are the advantages of being self-employed?


·     Do you know a person who has a dream career and who is successful?


·     What do you think are the secrets of succeeding in business?


T: The teacher encourages students to share their ideas and writes some of the ideas on the board.


S: Students’ own answers.

T: Now, seven successful people are ready to tell us their secrets of success.

II. Секреты успеха ‘The Secrets of Success’

1. Which of the jobs in the box below are presented in the photos?

a milliner                a web consultant                 a card maker                      a quantity surveyor


street performers               an Indian takeaway owner             an Internet entrepreneur


S: If necessary, students read through the statements before watching.

    Students’ own answers.

2. You are going to hear seven people talking about their success in business. Watch the film and identify who says the advice below.






You will find your own skill one day and you will do well.




My advice to you is ‘know your customer’.




Choose your business partners very carefully!




A good business is a good idea.




Always remember you don’t have to work for someone else.



Find a professional body that deals with start up businesses who will help you put your ideas into action.




I’m already financially successful … I love what I do



T: Look at the slide and check your answers. Splendid! Marvelous!






You will find your own skill one day and you will do well.

an Internet entrepreneur



My advice to you is ‘know your customer’.

an Indian takeaway owner



Choose your business partners very carefully!

street performers



A good business is a good idea.

a card maker



Always remember you don’t have to work for someone else.

a quantity surveyor


Find a professional body that deals with start up businesses who will help you put your ideas into action.

a web consultant



I’m already financially successful … I love what I do

a milliner 



3. Watch the video and number the following quotes in the order you hear them.

S: Students read through the statements before watching.

I did some market research on it.


I’ve an annual turnover of £70,000.


Always believe in yourself.


I’m very passionate about my work.


Last year I decided to set up my own business.


We’ve been very lucky and very successful.


We’ve been going for two and a half years now.



     S: Students’ own answers.

T: Look at the screen and check your answers. You did great!

I did some market research on it.


I’ve an annual turnover of £70,000.


Always believe in yourself.


I’m very passionate about my work.


Last year I decided to set up my own business.


We’ve been very lucky and very successful.


We’ve been going for two and a half years now.



4. Can you name the seven secrets of success?

1. Stay …………………………………………………………………………...

2. Get some ……………………………………………………..………………

3. Be your own ………………………………….…………………….………

4. Have a good ………………………………………..………………………

5. Choose your …………………………………………………………………

6. Know your ……………………………………………………………………

7. Don’t ………………………………………………………………..………..

  S: Students’ own answers.

            T: Look at the slide and check your answers.

T: Now it’s time to fill in the essay planner.

    Your task is to write arguments ‘for’ and against in the essay planner.


S: Students’ own answers.

T: We’ve discussed the advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed and you have filled most of your essay planner. It will be of great help in doing your homework. Remember the rules of writing a for-and-against essay and use the planner. Thank you for your cooperation!


5. Suggested homework: write a for-and-against essay (Starlight 9, Module 1, p. WB (Writing Bank).

‘You have had a class discussion about young people who prefer to work for themselves or own a business rather than working for someone else. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay based on the following statement: “There are both advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed.”

Write your essay (120-180 words).

Remember the rules of writing essays, mind the style and use the planner.

Thank you for your cooperation! You did great! You can be proud of yourself!

The lesson is over. Have a nice day!

Оборудование: интерактивная доска или проектор, ноутбук, колонки, печатные раздаточные материалы по количеству обучающихся (см. приложение).

Список литературы:

1.     Starlight 9, Student’s Book, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Ksenia Baranova, Victoria Kopylova, Radislav Millrood, Express Publishing, 2019.

2.     Total English, upper intermediate, Students’ Book, DVD film bank, Richard Acklam, Araminta Grace, Pearson Longman, 2006,

2. Total English, upper intermediate, Teacher’s Resource Book, DVD film bank, Araminta Grace, Pearson Longman, 2006

3. www.longman.com/totalenglish



          Раздаточный материал «A for-and-against essay planner»




There are both advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed.


An introduction in which you present the topic generally, without giving your opinion.

These day it is very common for young people to …



present the first idea

(topic sentence outlining the main idea of the paragraph)


In my opinion, the main advantage …



give arguments for

give justifications and examples


Firstly, one of the main issues …            

One of the main benefits is that …

For example …,


give arguments against,

give justifications and examples

However, arguments can arise about how to …

Some people are in favour of this, as it means that …

For instance …,


present the second idea (topic sentence outlining the main idea of the paragraph)

Some people are in favour of / against …

give arguments for

give justifications and examples

To begin with,   Furthermore,

give arguments against,

give justifications and examples

On the one hand,


present the third idea (topic sentence outlining the main idea of the paragraph)

In addition to this, … / Another downside is that …


give arguments for

give justifications and examples




give arguments against,

give justifications and examples

On the other hand,…


As a result, …


a conclusion in which you give your opinion

In conclusion, While there are many advantages to …, there are a few disadvantages, too.

a balanced summery of the topic

On the whole, though, … it can be a valuable experience at a certain point in everyone’s life.


Task 1. Discuss with your partner and share your ideas with the group.

Have you ever thought of your future career? _______________________________________________________________

What is your dream career? _______________________________________________________________

What would you do if you do NOT have to work? _______________________________________________________________

Would you like to be a model, a photographer, a fashion designer, an actor?                                                                   _______________________________________________________________

Would you like to start up your business and be a successful entrepreneur? Why? Why not?                                                                   _______________________________________________________________


Task 2.  Discuss with your partner and share your ideas with the group.

Which of the words/phrases in the box below do you associate with the following jobs, and why?

·     a photographer



highly paid








hard work 





·     a model

·     a fashion designer


Task 3. Lindsay Pressdee (the fashion designer in the third photo) has been running her own business since 1996. Listen to Lindsay and put the things she mentions in the correct order.  She does NOT mention one thing.

o  ___  do a degree in fashion

o  ___  set up business on her own

o  ___  carry a notebook around

o  ___  have lots of Saturday jobs

o  ___  show her designs at a trade show

o  ___  have a glamorous lifestyle

o  ___  earn less money than her friends

o  ___  deal directly with large department stores

o  ___  make clothes for her Cindy dolls

          Which thing does she NOT mention? ___________________________


Task 4. Watch the video again. What are the seven challenges of starting up your own business that Lindsay mentions?  Put a tick «».  

q It’s a hard business to break into

q Be prepared to work hard, it’s actually really hard work

q I had lots of Saturday jobs

q I end up spending four days a week on my own in the studio 

q It actually can get quite lonely

q I take risks investing money 

q I earn less money than my friends

q It requires loads of self-motivation

q I can suffer the failure


Task 5.  Discuss with your partner and share your ideas with the group.

·     What are the advantages of being self-employed?



·     Do you know a person who has a dream career and who is successful?



·     What do you think are the secrets of succeeding in business?




II. ‘The Secrets of Success’

Task 6. Which of the jobs in the box below are presented in the photos?



a milliner     a web consultant          a card maker          a quantity surveyor


street performers     an Indian takeaway owner     an Internet entrepreneur


Task 7. You are going to hear seven people talking about their success in business. Watch the video and identify who says the advice below.





You will find your own skill one day and you will do well.




My advice to you is ‘know your customer’.




Choose your business partners very carefully!




A good business is a good idea.




Always remember you don’t have to work for someone else.



Find a professional body that deals with start up businesses who’ll help you put your ideas into action.




I’m already financially successful … I love what I do



Task 8. Watch the video again and number the following quotes in the order you hear them.

I did some market research on it.


I’ve an annual turnover of £70,000.


Always believe in yourself.


I’m very passionate about my work.


Last year I decided to set up my own business.


We’ve been very lucky and very successful.


We’ve been going for two and a half years now.




Task 9. Can you name the seven secrets of success?

1. Stay …………………………………………………………………………...

2. Get some ……………………………………………………..………………

3. Be your own ………………………………….…………………….………

4. Have a good ………………………………………..………………………

5. Choose your …………………………………………………………………

6. Know your ……………………………………………………………………

7. Don’t ………………………………………………………………..………..


Homework: Write a for-and-against essay.

‘You have had a class discussion about young people who prefer to work for themselves or own a business rather than working for someone else. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay based on the following statement:There are both advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed.”

Write your essay (120-180) words.

Remember the rules of essay writing, mind the style and use the planner.

Use the following plan:

Ø make an introduction

Ø express your first idea and give arguments for and against, support your arguments with justifications and examples;

Ø express your second idea and give arguments for and against, support your arguments with justifications and examples;

Ø express your third idea and give arguments for and against, support your arguments with justifications and examples;

Ø make a conclusion: give your opinion or a balanced summery of the topic.

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