Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку "Hello Nico" (1 класс)

конспект урока по английскому языку "Hello Nico" (1 класс)

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Theme: Me and you. Hello!

Aims: 1) To teach the children how to listen to the CD

           2) To teach Hello.

           3)To teach the names of Anna, Bella, Eddie, Lee, Mrs Pop, Let’s go.


I Introduction

Say children Good morning

II Warm up

Hello, Hello                                Allow time for the children to look through the book/

Hello to you                                Children find their favourite pictures.Ask them if they

Hello, Hello                                know any English words already.

How are you.

III Presentation.

Pupil’s book p4,5

Ex-1 (10 min)1) Saying hello(children to say hello to you and to the other children)

2) Introduce the children to the four main characters. Show vocabulary card of Anna. MT ask the children to find Anna in the picture. Say the name Anna.Children repeat.

3) Listen to the recording . Listen and repeat. Listen and point.

4) Look at the voc-ry cards and repeat the names.

Ex2 listen and point (10 min)

(children repeat your name ) and encourage the child to say Hello, +your name)

Chilkdren to find Mrs Pop in the picture, play the recording again.

Act out a dialogue pair work

MrsPop : Hellow Eddie

Eddie: Hellow Mrs Pop

Mrs Pop: Hello Anna

Anna: Hello Mrs Pop

Mrs Pop: Hello Lee

Lee: Hello Mrs Pop

Mrs РОР: Hello Bella

Bella: Hello Mrs Pop

Ex3 sing a song ( 10 min)

Ex4 play a game 5 min

“Say Hello”



V Production

a)      Words (new)

b)      Structure : Say Hello, Let’s go, Listen, Listen and point

VI Evaluation.




















Aims:1) To revise the names of Anna, Bella, Eddie, Lee.

          2) To teach the names of Nico, Mrs Martin

          3) To teach My names …

What you need:

Cds and Voc-ry cards,a mask


I Introduction

Introduce yourself to the class by saying My name’s…(+ your name)

Say this several times. Then invite some of the children to say My name’s…(+their name) to the class

II Warm up:

Hello, Hello                                Allow time for the children to look through the book/

Hello to you                                Children find their favourite pictures.Ask them if they

Hello, Hello                                know any English words already.

How are you.

III Presentation:

Q-n: What ‘s your name?

Mrs Martin , Nico, Children, Yes, No, Sing


Group work. In groups children introduce themselves. Listen and help.

Pair work Dialogue:

Mrs Martin:Hello My name’s Mrs Martin

Children:Hello, Mrs Martin

Mrs Martin:Hello. My name’s Mrs Martin

Mrs Martin: Hello Anna

Bella: Hello Mrs Martin. My name’s Bella.

Mrs Martin: Hello Bella.

Eddie: Hello Mrs Martin. My name’s Eddie

Mrs Martin: Hello, Eddie

Lee: Hello , Mrs Martin . My name’s Lee/

Mrs Martin: Hello Lee.

Mrs Martin:Hello, children / My name’s Mrs Martin

Listen and point (10 min)

Group work/ pair work You: Hello . What’s your name? Nico: Hello,…(+your name)

Listen and repeat the dialoge

1 Eddie:Hello.What’s your name?

 Nico:Hello, Eddie.My name’s Nico?

 Eddie: Hello Nico

2 Bella: Hello. What’s your name?

  Nico: Hello Bella. My name’s Nico

Bella:Hello , Nico

Sing a song(10 min)

Revise/ Teach sing

Play game (5-10 min)

V Production

a)new words

b)My name’s +his/her name and waves at the children remaining in the room

VI Evaluation.









Theme:Good bye


1)To teach Good bye/

2)To revise the names of characters

What you need:

CDs  and player.Voc-ry cards


I Introduction:

1 Say Hello each children

2Sing a song”Hello”

II Warm up

1.Children look at the picture. Show the voc-ry card of Mrs Martin . Say Hello. Mrs Martin.Than say good bye Mrs Martin ( 15 min)

Repeat all of these cards say Hello, and good bye! To teach characters

Good bye + name

2.pair work

Children work in pairs . Children stand up turns away from each other , say Good bye + name

3. Listen to the dialodue .Repeat

- Hello Mrs Martin  - Good bye Mrs Mrtin

Hello Bella   -  Good bye Lee

4. Listen to the dialogue and repeat

5. Game: Sit down

                Stand up

III Presentation

a)      Count from 1-5 on your  fingers ( 10 min)

b)      Game: Bingo  Write numbers in the squares in any order they like (group work)













c)      Pair work – children to say a number while the order child points to it on the page.

d)      Listen and repeat the dialogue.

IV Practice:

a)      Pair work – Act out the dialogue

b)      Listen and repeat the dialogue.

V Production:

a)      New words (1-5)

b)      Structure: Hello, Good bye, names characters

IV Evaluation.


















Theme: Nico and I can make…


1)      To teach the numbers 1-5

2)      Develop pupil’s dialogues habits

3)      Bring up pupil’s interest to the language.


I Introduction

II Warm up

Learn the poem

Hello, hello, hello to you

Hello, hello, how are you?


Good morning , good morning, good morning to you

Good morning , good morning we are glad to see you

III Presentation

a)      Count from 1-5 on your fingers

b)      Game”Bingo” write numbers in the squares in any order they like




5       3       2


1       4       3


2       5       4


IV Practice

a)      Pair work – children say a number and ask them to point to it.

b)      Listen and repeat the dialogue/Say listen and point. Play the recording.

Children listen and point to the correct picture.

c)      Children write numbers from 1 to5 on a large piece of paper.

d)      Play a game

e)      Pair work Compose the dialogue.

f)       Game: Hello, Hi

g)      Sing a song

V Production


b) Structure: Hello, Good bye, My name…, Hi

VI Evaluation.





















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Aims:1) To revise the names of Anna, Bella, Eddie, Lee.

          2) To teach the names of Nico, Mrs Martin

          3) To teach My names …

What you need:

Cds and Voc-ry cards,a mask


I Introduction

Introduce yourself to the class by saying My name’s…(+ your name)

Say this several times. Then invite some of the children to say My name’s…(+their name) to the class

II Warm up:

Hello, Hello                                Allow time for the children to look through the book/

Hello to you                                Children find their favourite pictures.Ask them if they

Hello, Hello                                know any English words already.

How are you.

III Presentation:

Q-n: What ‘s your name?

Mrs Martin , Nico, Children, Yes, No, Sing


Group work. In groups children introduce themselves. Listen and help.

Pair work Dialogue:

Mrs Martin:Hello My name’s Mrs Martin

Children:Hello, Mrs Martin

Mrs Martin:Hello. My name’s Mrs Martin

Mrs Martin: Hello Anna

Bella: Hello Mrs Martin. My name’s Bella.

Mrs Martin: Hello Bella.

Eddie: Hello Mrs Martin. My name’s Eddie

Mrs Martin: Hello, Eddie

Lee: Hello , Mrs Martin . My name’s Lee/

Mrs Martin: Hello Lee.

Mrs Martin:Hello, children / My name’s Mrs Martin

Listen and point (10 min)

Group work/ pair work You: Hello . What’s your name? Nico: Hello,…(+your name)

Listen and repeat the dialoge

1 Eddie:Hello.What’s your name?

 Nico:Hello, Eddie.My name’s Nico?

 Eddie: Hello Nico

2 Bella: Hello. What’s your name?

  Nico: Hello Bella. My name’s Nico

Bella:Hello , Nico

Sing a song(10 min)

Revise/ Teach sing

Play game (5-10 min)

V Production

a)new words

b)My name’s +his/her name and waves at the children remaining in the room

VI Evaluation.









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