Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа №1 Spotlight 6

Контрольная работа №1 Spotlight 6

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I.                  Look at John’s family tree. Who is/are…?

1.     Walter is Edith’s ________.  2. Wendy is Edward’s ________.

3. Diana is Edward’s _______.   4. July is Harold and Maund’s ___.

5. Jimmy is John’s _________ .   6. Harold is Fred’s ________.

7. Ned and Dot are July’s ____.   8. Wendy is John’s ________.


II.               Write the countries and the nationalities.

1.B……  2. B……   3.G….    4. J…….   5.P…..   6. R…..    7.S……

III.           Write down the correct word.

1. Dan has got a new flat. His/ their flat is big.

2. This camera isn’t my/mine. It’s her/she/ hers.

3. Is this Rose’s/ Roses card? Yes, it’s hers/ her.

4. What’s your/ yours telephone number?

5. My /Mine name is Sarah. What is your/yours name?

6. The books are Tom/ Tom’s. I’m not sure; I think they’re Bill/Bill’s.

7. This is our / we little puppy. Its/ Its name is Bobby.

8. Tina and Lena are my/we best friends.

IV.            Write the right answer into your copybook.

capital    twins   slim  credit    nationality   wavy    driving   deserts

1. What ________ is she? She is French. Shi is from Madrid.

2. Dina is tall and ______ with long, dark hair.

3. Madrid is the _______ city of Spain.

4. Paul has got two brothers. They are ________.

5. Sally’s hair is long and ________.

6. Tim has got a car, but he hasn’t got a ___________ licence.

7. In Africa there are a lot of ___________.

8. I’ve got 1000 rubles on my _________ card.


V.               Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs

to be, to have.

1.     _______ Sam got a skateboard? Yes, he __________.

2.     _______ Dina and Laura got bicycles? No, they _____, but they _______ skateboards.

3.     ______ your mother Polish? No, she _________. She ____ Russian.

4.     _____ Bred got a computer? No, he _______ got a tablet. _____ his tablet red? No, It ______. It _____ black.


VI.            Read the text and write T (True), F (False)

Hi, Tom!

How are you? This is my family. My parents’ names are Emily and Pete. My dad is tall with short straight hair. My mum is tall and slim. Her hair is short and curly. My sister Karen is eight years old. She has got long dark hair. My brother Mike is ten years old. He has got short, fair hair and big green eyes.

Well, that’s all about my family.

Bye for now.


1. There are four people in Daniel’s family.      2. Karen is 8/9 years old.

3. Peter is Daniel’s dad.                                     4. Emily is Daniel’s mum.

5. Daniel’s mum is tall and slim.                        6. Mikes eyes are big, green eyes.

VII.        Look at John’s family tree. Who is/are…?

2.     Walter is Edith’s ________.  2. Wendy is Edward’s ________.

3. Diana is Edward’s _______.   4. July is Harold and Maund’s ___.

5. Jimmy is John’s _________ .   6. Harold is Fred’s ________.

7. Ned and Dot are July’s ____.   8. Wendy is John’s ________.


VIII.    Write the countries and the nationalities.

1.B……  2. B……   3.G….    4. J…….   5.P…..   6. R…..    7.S……

IX.            Write down the correct word.

1. Dan has got a new flat. His/ their flat is big.

2. This camera isn’t my/mine. It’s her/she/ hers.

3. Is this Rose’s/ Roses card? Yes, it’s hers/ her.

4. What’s your/ yours telephone number?

5. My /Mine name is Sarah. What is your/yours name?

6. The books are Tom/ Tom’s. I’m not sure; I think they’re Bill/Bill’s.

7. This is our / we little puppy. Its/ Its name is Bobby.

8. Tina and Lena are my/we best friends.

X.               Write the right answer into your copybook.

capital    twins   slim  credit    nationality   wavy    driving   deserts

1. What ________ is she? She is French. Shi is from Madrid.

2. Dina is tall and ______ with long, dark hair.

3. Madrid is the _______ city of Spain.

4. Paul has got two brothers. They are ________.

5. Sally’s hair is long and ________.

6. Tim has got a car, but he hasn’t got a ___________ licence.

7. In Africa there are a lot of ___________.

8. I’ve got 1000 rubles on my _________ card.


XI.            Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs

to be, to have.

5.     _______ Sam got a skateboard? Yes, he __________.

6.     _______ Dina and Laura got bicycles? No, they _____, but they _______ skateboards.

7.     ______ your mother Polish? No, she _________. She ____ Russian.

8.     _____ Bred got a computer? No, he _______ got a tablet. _____ his tablet red? No, It ______. It _____ black.


XII.        Read the text and write T (True), F (False)

Hi, Tom!

How are you? This is my family. My parents’ names are Emily and Pete. My dad is tall with short straight hair. My mum is tall and slim. Her hair is short and curly. My sister Karen is eight years old. She has got long dark hair. My brother Mike is ten years old. He has got short, fair hair and big green eyes.

Well, that’s all about my family.

Bye for now.


1. There are four people in Daniel’s family.      2. Karen is 8/9 years old.

3. Peter is Daniel’s dad.                                     4. Emily is Daniel’s mum.

5. Daniel’s mum is tall and slim.                        6. Mikes eyes are big, green eyes.


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