Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа 1 вариант 5 класс 3 четверть

Контрольная работа 1 вариант 5 класс 3 четверть

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Progress Test                                                        Form 5

Variant 1

I. Listening.                                               QUESTIONS 21-25

You will hear some tourist information about a town called Langley.

Listen and complete questions 21 – 25.

You will hear information twice.


                   Tourists stop here for                  00   3 hours

Town Hall      Look at the:                         21 _______________

              Cost of ticket:                      22 _______________ pence

Langley Park Café is rear (позади):          23 _______________

Tour of town  Meet guide in:                     24 _______________ Street

     Leave Langley at:               25 _______________ p.m.


II Reading.                                      HOLLYWOOD

         Hollywood, in California in America, is the film centre of the world. You can visit the film studios there, and see the houses of famous film stars. They look fantastic among the palm-trees.

       In Hollywood in the 1900s the first films were interesting adventures (приключения), funny comedies and love stories. Were they different from the films of today? Yes – they were black and white, and there was no sound! These films were very popular and many people went to the cinema. Charlie Chaplin was a very famous film star of those times and today we keep smiling and laughing when he is on the screen.

      In the 1920s film directors started to make “talking” films and the cinema became more popular. The first news films (кинохроника) and documentaries were interesting and people liked them a lot. At those times cowboy films became very popular too. Lots of American boys and girls loved the characters of the cowboy films because all cowboys and cowgirls could ride horses, fire the guns (ружья), they were very brave and strong.

      In Hollywood today directors make many different kinds of films. The most popular films now are cartoons and science fiction films. When directors make these films, they can use many special effects. For example, in the film “Who framed (подставил) Roger Rabbit?” there was a cartoon rabbit and a real actor. With special effects the films are more exciting (волнующие, захватывающие) and sometimes more frightening (страшные). Today directors make cartoons with the help of computers. They are new and children watch them with great interest. For example, “Flick” and “Ants”.

Choose the right sentence (according to the text).

1. a) Hollywood is in the United States of America.                                    

    b) There is a film studio in Hollywood and many film stars live there.    

    c) The winters are very cold in Hollywood and it often snows.

    d) They started to make the first films two hundred years ago.

2. a) The first films in Hollywood were cartoons. 

    b) Hollywood never made love stories.   

    c) The first films didn’t differ from the films of today.        

    d) There were no colour films about one hundred years ago.

3. a) The characters of the first films spoke and sang songs in the first films and  today we enjoy their singing.          

    b) Charlie Chaplin was a very famous Russian film star of those times in the first Hollywood films.

    c) We always laugh at Charlie Chaplin’s jokes.

    d) The first Hollywood films were not popular because there was no sound in them.

4. a) In the 1920s film directors started to make the first films in Hollywood. 

     b) The first Hollywood films were news films.

     c) When the first “talking ” films were started the cinema became more popular.

     d) Many American children wanted to look like Charlie Chaplin – a strong and brave cowboy from the Hollywood films.

5. a) In Hollywood today directors make many black and white films without sound.

     b) Today cartoons are not as popular as science fiction films.

     c) Directors don’t have computers in their studios and they have to draw all characters for their cartoons in pencil.

     d) Sometimes cartoon characters and real actors meet in one film.

6. a) Hollywood directors don’t make cartoons today.

    b) Today the audience likes science fiction films made in Hollywood very much.

    c) Special effects make the films less interesting because with special effects the films don’t look real.

    d) With special effects the films are always very frightening.


III Grammar Test.

1. _______ animals can live in Antarctica. It is too cold for ______.

   a) Many, they    b) Little, it   c) Few, them                  d) Less, their

2. – How ______ money have you got? – I’ve got _____ money.

    a) a few, any     b) few, some                  c) many, no          d) much, a lot of

3. _________ you got ________ friends?

     a) Have, much  b) Did, less c) Do, a lot of                 d) Have, many

4. I’d ______ to buy _________ English books.

    a) care, a little   b) want, much                c) like, some                  d) like, less

5. My mother ______ German ________ and she can help me with my German homework.

   a) knows, a little b) speak, little                c) could speak, many               d) love, very much

6. Look ________ ! She’s got ______ apples than me!

   a) at her, more    b) at she, less                 c) on her, much     d) up she, some

7. He always ______ his father ________ he goes.

   a) say, to      b) tells, where   c) speaks, whatever                 d) says, wherever

8. – _______ Walt Disney born? – In California.

    a) When did      b) Wherever is      c) Where was                 d) Where has

9. I _______ like to _______TV.

    a) though, watch        b) also, watch                c) too, look           d) besides, see

10. I ________ care _______ happens.

    a) am, for          b) will, it     c) was, of    d) don’t, what


IV Progress Quiz

1. a) Hotel is a nice place to stay at when you travel.

    b) Planes arrive at railway stations.

    c) If something is cheap you have to pay a lot of money if you want to buy it.

    d) Weekend is a period of free time in summer. It lasts seven days.

2. a) When English people meet at work on Monday morning they usually say, 'Have a nice weekend!'

    b) Airport is a place where people always go to buy tickets for London trains.

    c) There are fast planes that fly fast and slow planes that fly slowly.

    d) Ticket is just a piece of paper but if you don't have it you can't travel by air.

3. a) If someone tells you to go straight, first you have to turn to the left, then to the right.

    b) You can't take as much luggage as you want on board the ship.

    c) Ugly people never have sweet voices.

    d) Happy people always speak in sad voices.

4. a) When you are ill you always feel fine.

    b) Horses are stronger than elephants.

    c) It's 11.45 in the morning. It's nearly midnight.

    d) Rich people have got silver plates.

5. a) A voyage is a journey by horse.

    b) Many big ships arrive at the railway station.

    c) A journey is a long trip.

    d) When there is no wind you can't travel by plane.

6. a) If you take a through train, you will have to change.

    b) When people miss their trains or buses, they always come in time.

    c) When people take buses, first they get out of them and then they get into them.

    d) If you take my picture, you will have my photo.

7. a) William the Conqueror came to England from Russia.

    b) After the Great Fire people began to build houses of wood.

    c) The British Prime Minister lives in Buckingham Palace.

    d) London is the capital of Great Britain.

8. a) In many English; schools pupils don't wear uniforms.

    b) All infant pupils wear uniforms at English schools.

    c) In junior schools English pupils don't draw or sing.

    d) In infant English schools swimming, PE and Religion are on the timetable.

9. a) All traditional English houses have only one bathroom.

    b) Bedrooms are usually on the first floor in a traditional English house.

    c) The biggest room in a traditional English house is usually the sitting-room.

    d) The sitting-room is in the bathroom of a traditional English house.

10. a) Russian people built the first skyscrapers.

      b) Americans put the first man on the Moon.

      c) The people of the USA are in fact people only from England.

      d) Only Americans celebrate Halloween.

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