Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа Interesting lives

Контрольная работа Interesting lives

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Test 1 (V.1)

1 Complete the headlines with a verb from the box. Use the present simple.

go win make score win write




1.    Jackson Holt_________ the 100-metres race and Olympic gold

2.              Nora O'Neill__________ a new novel about life in Ireland

3.              Wayne Owen__________ three goals in World Cup match

4.              Professor Anna_________ Moore an important scientific discovery

   5.  Jack Erskine_______ on an expedition to Antarctica

   6. Brad Lowe__________ an Oscar for his performance in Lost Weekend.


2 Read the headlines in exercise 1 and complete the descriptions with a word from the box.

scientist    actor    footballer    athlete    explorer    novelist



1. Jackson Holt is an______

2.  Nora O'Neill is a _______

3.  Wayne Owen is a _______

4. Anna Moore is a ________

5. Jack Erskine is an _______

6. Brad Lowe is an _________


3 Write the opposite of the words in bold.


1. Mark isn't generous. He never gives me any money. He's _________

2. Joanne isn't a confident person. She doesn't like talking to people she doesn't know. She's very ___________

3. Paul isn't an easy-going person. He always feels_______ when he has a lot of work to do.

4. Adam isn't selfish. He thinks about other people all the time. He's very_____________


4 Circle the correct alternatives.

1. Sam is playing golf at the moment / every day.

2. Jenny isn't liking / doesn't like sport.

3. Where are you going / go?

4. We aren't / not are listening to this music.

5. Do you watch / Are you watching TV every day?


5 Complete using the present simple or the present continuous of the words in brackets.

Sarah Denzil is an athlete. She (1)______ (usually / live) in Scotland, but, at the moment, she (2)_______ (prepare) for the Olympics, so she (3) __________(stay) in a training camp in a hot country. Paula (4)________ (often / travel) all over the world because she (5)____________ (want) to win races and medals. Of course, she (6)_________ (not / always / win). Paula (7)_____ (go) running almost every day, but not today. Today, she (8)_________ (not / run) because she (9)______ (do) an interview for TV. She (10)_______ (not enjoy) interviews, but it's something that all important athletes have to do.


6 Complete the sentences with negative forms of be, can or have got.

1. John and Anna are friends with Tim, so why______ they at his party?

2.Jim is terrible at sport. He_______ swim or play tennis.

3.Unfortunately, there ________ a good film on TV today

4.Peter________ a ticket for the concert, so now he_______ go.

5.Sean Connery _________American.

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

A lot of people think that Andy Murray, the famous tennis player, is English. But he isn't. He was born in Glasgow, a large industrial city in Scotland, in May 1987, and he is very proud of being Scottish. When he was young, he was good at all sports, especially football, but he was also a natural tennis player. He was confident and hard-working, and happy to leave home to study at the Sanchez-Casal tennis academy in Barcelona when he was only 14. It was a great opportunity for him to train with and to play against other top young players, like Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. He was so successful that, at the age of 17, he was junior US Open champion. That was in 2004. Four years later, he was the winner of the Cincinnatti Masters in the USA, his first senior masters championship.

Andy isn't the only tennis player in his family. His mother is a tennis coach, and his older brother, Jamie, is a professional tennis player for Great Britain. In fact, when he was young, Jamie was the number 3 junior tennis player in the world behind Rafael Nadal and Richard Gasquet, but now he usually plays doubles. He was Wimbledon Mixed Doubles champion in 2007.

Andy travels all over the world playing tennis. He spends a lot of time in the United States these days, but still lives in his small home town, Dunblane in Scotland. He often plays in major tournaments, such as Wimbledon and the French Open. At the moment, he's playing a tournament in the United States. And next week he's back in Europe for another tournament.

1.  Which country does Andy Murray come from?

2. What was Andy like when he was 14?

3. When was Andy Cincinnatti Masters champion?

4. What does Andy's brother do?

5. Where does Andy live?





Test № 1 (V.2))

1 Complete the headlines with a verb from the box. Use the present simple.

go  win   make   score   win   write




1.       Jackson Holt_________ the 100-metres race and Olympic gold

2.    Nora O'Neill__________ a new novel about life in Ireland

3.    Wayne Owen__________ three goals in World Cup match

4.    Professor Anna_________ Moore an important scientific discovery

   5.  Jack Erskine_______ on an expedition to Antarctica

   6. Brad Lowe__________ an Oscar for his performance in Lost Weekend.


2 Read the headlines in exercise 1 and complete the descriptions with a word from the box.

scientist    actor    footballer    athlete    explorer    novelist



1. Jackson Holt is an______

2.  Nora O'Neill is a _______

3.  Wayne Owen is a _______

4. Anna Moore is a ________

5. Jack Erskine is an _______

6. Brad Lowe is an _________


3 Write the opposite of the words in bold.


1. Mark isn't generous. He never gives me any money. He's _________

2. Joanne isn't a confident person. She doesn't like talking to people she doesn't know. She's very ___________

3. Paul isn't an easy-going person. He always feels_______ when he has a lot of work to do.

4. Adam isn't selfish. He thinks about other people all the time. He's very_____________


4 Circle the correct alternatives.

1. Sam is playing golf at the moment / every day.

2. Jenny isn't liking / doesn't like sport.

3. Where are you going / go?

4. We aren't / not are listening to this music.

5. Do you watch / Are you watching TV every day?


5 Complete using the present simple or the present continuous of the words in brackets.

Sarah Denzil is an athlete. She (1)______ (usually / live) in Scotland, but, at the moment, she (2)_______ (prepare) for the Olympics, so she (3) __________(stay) in a training camp in a hot country. Paula (4)________ (often / travel) all over the world because she (5)____________ (want) to win races and medals. Of course, she (6)_________ (not / always / win). Paula (7)_____ (go) running almost every day, but not today. Today, she (8)_________ (not / run) because she (9)______ (do) an interview for TV. She (10)_______ (not enjoy) interviews, but it's something that all important athletes have to do.


6 Complete the sentences with negative forms of be, can or have got.

1. John and Anna are friends with Tim, so why______ they at his party?

2.Jim is terrible at sport. He_______ swim or play tennis.

3.Unfortunately, there ________ a good film on TV today

4.Peter________ a ticket for the concert, so now he_______ go.

5.Sean Connery _________American.

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

A lot of people think that Andy Murray, the famous tennis player, is English. But he isn't. He was born in Glasgow, a large industrial city in Scotland, in May 1987, and he is very proud of being Scottish. When he was young, he was good at all sports, especially football, but he was also a natural tennis player. He was confident and hard-working, and happy to leave home to study at the Sanchez-Casal tennis academy in Barcelona when he was only 14. It was a great opportunity for him to train with and to play against other top young players, like Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. He was so successful that, at the age of 17, he was junior US Open champion. That was in 2004. Four years later, he was the winner of the Cincinnatti Masters in the USA, his first senior masters championship.

Andy isn't the only tennis player in his family. His mother is a tennis coach, and his older brother, Jamie, is a professional tennis player for Great Britain. In fact, when he was young, Jamie was the number 3 junior tennis player in the world behind Rafael Nadal and Richard Gasquet, but now he usually plays doubles. He was Wimbledon Mixed Doubles champion in 2007.

Andy travels all over the world playing tennis. He spends a lot of time in the United States these days, but still lives in his small home town, Dunblane in Scotland. He often plays in major tournaments, such as Wimbledon and the French Open. At the moment, he's playing a tournament in the United States. And next week he's back in Europe for another tournament.

1.  Which country does Andy Murray come from?

2. What was Andy like when he was 14?

3. When was Andy Cincinnatti Masters champion?

4. What does Andy's brother do?

5. Where does Andy live?


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