Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонтрольная работа к разделу Some facts about the English-speaking world

Контрольная работа к разделу Some facts about the English-speaking world

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Сontrol Work «Some facts about the English-speaking world»

I Variant

I.                   Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the box.

             on(2),  at(3),  back,  up,   to(2),  out,  of,  in,  with

1.      The USA borders ___ Canada in the north.

2.      The room was full ___ people.

3.      We are surprised ___ the news.

4.      I always give the books ___ to the library.

5.      Have you done this work ___ your own?

6.      He was standing ___ the back ___ us.

II.                Use the definite article with the geographical names where necessary.


1.        ____ Sidney

2.        ­­­­____ Uluru Rock

3.        ____ Alaska

4.        ____ Pacific Ocean

5.        ____ Potomac River

6.        ____ Mexico

7.        ____ Great Lakes

8.        ____ Dead Sea

9.        ____ Tasmania

10.    ____Washington, D.C.


III.             Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words from the right.

1.              There are a lot of modern tall ______s in Sidney.

2.              A lot of _____ flowers grew in her garden.

3.              Mark Twain is one of the most popular ______ writers.

4.              After Columbus discovered America many Europeans moved to the land of  _____ plains and _____ mountains.

5.              Dustin is a good ______.





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IV.             Choose the right form to complete the sentences.

1.             When (have you given /did you give) _____ the book back to your teacher?

2.             They (have written/wrote) _____ some text lately.

3.             The day before yesterday we (have visited/visited) _____ the Niagara Falls.

4.             It’s the first time Mark (has driven/drove) ____ such a wonderful car.

5.             The other day we (have bought/bought) ____ very fashionable clothes.

V.                Answer the questions.

1.      What countries does the USA border on?

2.      What mountain chains in the USA do you know?

3.      Where are the Great Lakes situated?

4.      How many lakes do they have?

5.      What is the name of the famous waterfall in the USA?

6.      What is the largest river in the country?

7.      What is Death Valley famous for?

8.      Where is Lake Badwater situated?

9.      What river flows through the Grand Canyon?

10.  What is the capital of the USA?


Сontrol Work «Some facts about the English-speaking world»

II Variant

I.                   Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the box.

             on(2),  at(3),  back,  up,   to(2),  out,  of,  in,  with

1.      The secret room was situated ___ the back of the room.

2.      You shouldn’t give ___ football, I know you like the game very much.

3.      Little children should travel only ___ the back of the car.

4.      We laughed ___the story he told us yesterday.

5.      I took out the key but ___ my surprise the door was open.

6.      Our teacher gave ___ some pictures and asked to describe them.

II.      Use the definite article with the geographical names where necessary

1.           ____ USA

2.            ____ North America

3.            ____ Death Valley

4.            ____ Grand Canyon

5.            ____ Australia

6.         ____ Great Barrier Reef

7.         ____ Appalachians

8.         ____ Mississippi

9.         ____ Lake Badwater

10.     ____ Niagara Fall

III.   Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words from the right.

1        In fact my visit to his family was rather ____

2        Doing sport makes a _____ body and gives a lot of energy.

3        Have you ever tried real _____tea?

4        That day Anna looked _____ in her new dress.

5        There are a lot of modern tall ______s in Sidney.






IV   Choose the right form to complete the sentences.

1.    (Have you done/Did you do) ____the exercise yet?

2.    Miss Philips (has never laughed/never laughed) ____ at her pupils in her whole life.

3.    I (have met/met) ____ Linda just now.

4.    My friend (has sent/sent) ____ me several e-mails today.

5.    Mike (has just had/just had) ____ lunch, he isn’t hungry any more.

V.  Answer the questions.

1.        What river does it stand on?

2.        Can you name two places of interest in Washington, D.C.?

3.        What is the biggest city in the USA?

4.        What is the name of the country, which is the biggest island and the smallest continent at the same time?

5.        Who were the first people to live on the continent of Australia?

6.        What is the capital of Australia?

7.         Can you name 2-3 big cities in Australia?

8.        In what part of Australia do most people live?

9.        What is unusual about the seasons in Australia?

10.    What names of Australian animals and birds do you remember?


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