Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса

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КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ работа по английскому языку 7 класс



Exercise 1. 

Reading – Comprehension

Super Salesman

One nice summer morning in 1923, Arthur Ferguson was walking near Trafalgar Square in London when he saw a well-dressed man. That young American was standing in front of Nelson’s column and looking at the monument to England’s greatest admiral very carefully.

Suddenly a brilliant idea came to Arthur’s mind. Arthur went to the young man and said “Can I help you? I’m the keeper of this ancient monument. In the month there will be no column in Trafalgar Square. That’s a pity! Great Britain had a lot of problems and the British Parliament wanted to sell (продать) the column, the statue, the lions and the fountains to get money. And, you know, all for $6,000. Only a very important, clever and great person will get it. We have already got thirty people to buy it.”

The American man couldn’t say a word. He wanted to get the column and the lions and the statue and the fountains. “I’ll put them near my house, in the middle of my home town in America! Can you help me? I’d like to buy it right now!”

‘I’m sorry, I can’t give you an answer now, I must telephone my boss’, said Arthur. He went to the phone and was back in a few minutes. ‘It wasn’t very easy. But you are lucky. Britain can get your money right now. Can you write down the name and the address of the company? It will help you to transport Nelson’s column to America”.

The American man gave Ferguson all the money and went to his hotel very happy. After the celebration lunch, he telephoned the company but they were very surprised. They didn’t know what to say! The American man called the police. The policemen were not surprised but the American man got very angry because he learnt that one rich American called the police and said that he had paid $10,000 for Big Ben. 


I.                   Mark the statements below as “True” (T) or “False” (F).


1.      The story happened in New York in 1923.

2.      In 1923 the British Parliament wanted to sell Nelson’s column.

3.      Nelson was Britain’s greatest admiral.

4.      The American wanted to buy the monument and take it to America.

5.      The American lived in a London hotel.

6.      The American paid $ 16000 for Nelson’s column.

7.      The transport company was surprised when the American called them.


Exercise 2. 


Put verbs in  brackets in the right form/Use Present  Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Present Perfect


1.) Listen! Pat (to play) the piano.
2.) Margaret (not/to go) to work yesterday.
3.) Next year he (to be) 25.
4.) Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks I already (to read) it.
5.) William Shakespeare (to die) in 1616.
6.) I am a teacher, I (to teach) Maths to young people.
7.) The concert last night (to start) at 7.30 and (to finish) at 10 p.m.
8.) Look! Somebody (to swim) in the river.
9.) It's Kate's birthday tomorrow and I (not to buy) her a present yet.
10.) Mozart (to live) from 1756 to 1791.
11.) She is very clever. She (to speak) four languages.
12.) Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You (not to sleep).
13.) I can't open the door. I (to lose) a key.
14.) When I was a child I (to want) to be a doctor.
15.) The City Museum (to close) at 5 o'clock every evening.

16.) I can't talk to you at the moment. I (to work).
17.) I (to clean) my teeth three times yesterday.
18.) Are they still having dinner? No, they (to finish).
19.) When ... you (to go) to London.
20.) Where are the children? They (to play) in the garden.
21.) Peter (to wash) his hair twice a week.
22.) George (not/to be) at work last week because he (to be) ill.
23.) I can't find my umbrella. Somebody (to take) it.
24.) Phone me tomorrow. 1 (to be) at home.
25.) How often ... you (to watch) TV?

26.) George went to the cinema, but he (not to enjoy) the film much.

27.) you ever (to have) any serious illness?

28.) I (to come) to school without glasses. I can't read the text.

29.) Who (to eat) all the apples?

30.) So far we (to have) no troubles.

31.) Jane (to move) to a new flat a month ago.

32.) We (to wonder, often) where he gets his money.

33.) Do you know that they (to be born) on the same day?

34)How often you (to fall) in love?

35) I'm delighted to tell you that you (to pass) your exam.


Exercise 3

Give singular and plural


             1. a mouse - …

             2.    … - fish

             3. a man - …

             4 . potato - …

             5.   … - feet

             6. a goose - …

             7. a thief - …

             8. a party - …

             9. a  boy-…

            10. …- children


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Контрольная работа для 7 класса по английскому языку содержит три раздела: чтение, грамматика, лексика. Данная контрольная работа может быть выдана учащимся как годовая итоговая контрольная работа. В грамматическом разделе представлен материал по временам английского глагола (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect), в лексике - множественное число существительных с исключениями.

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Повышение мотивации и эффективности обучения иностранному языку с помощью интерактивных тренажеров (на примере английского языка)

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