Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть (10 класс)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть (10 класс)

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I.                    LISTENING

Listen and tick the advice that Natalie, a personal coach, gives Marcus.

a.       Mention your successes and achievements very often

b.      Be yourself

c.       Always introduce yourself first

d.      Pay compliments as often as you can

e.       Smile a lot

f.        Sound confident

g.      Speak with an educated accent

h.      Tell jokes very often

i.        Keep up-to-date with the latest films and music

j.        Try to remember people’s name and other details

k.      Wear fashionable clothes

l.        Use long, complicated words

Study Speak Out. Then listen and complete Natalie’s sentences with phrases from a box.

1.      When you meet somebody for the first time _______________ introduce yourself first.

2.      ____________________ trying to memorise at least one detail about them.

3.      ____________________ make notes on little cards.

4.      __________________ make more of an effort to keep up-to-date with what’s going on.

5.      ____________________ start reading a few films reviews at least.

6.      ____________________ smile a lot and speak … .

7.      ____________________ just be yourself ?


II.                 GRAMMAR

Open the brackets using the types of  Conditional  1_2_3.

1.      If we lived in a well-built house, we __________________(not/be) in danger.                        

2.      The car ______________(not/roll) back as long as you put the brake on.

3.      If I ___________________(know) that you were ill last week, I’d have gone to see you.            

4.      I’d have sent you a post card , If I _______________(have) your address.

5.      Tom __________________(not/enter) for the examination, If he had known it would  be so difficult.                                                                                                               

6.      It’s good that Ann remind me about Tom’s birthday. I ___________(forget)  if she hadn’t remind me.

7.      If I ________________(know) her number, I would phone her.                                             

8.      I ___________________(not/buy)that coat if I were you.

9.      If computer had outdated, new technology ________________(take) its place.              

10.  If students _________________(rely) on computers, they wouldn’t have jogged their  brains. 

Change the sentence from active to passive.

1.      The hotel doesn’t accept credit cards_____________________________________________________

2.      Someone saw a mouse in the kitchen ____________________________________________________

3.      We didn’t clean the bedrooms yesterday__________________________________________________

4.      We aren’ filling the pool until July______________________________________________________

5.      We take breakfast to the guests’ room____________________________________________________



III.              READING

Read the text and match items A-G to the gaps 1-6. There is one item you do not need to use.


There are many different kinds of activities for us to enjoy nowadays. In fact, there is something for all personality types.

If you are the brave, adventurous kind, you can try skydiving or white-water rafting. Many people are crazy about sports like these 1_____ . Today we live in the “extreme” sport world. We seek adventure instead of 2_____ .

If you are the quieter type, you may enjoy gardening or fishing. These activities are more relaxing 3_____ . Seeds sewn in the spring result in beautiful flowers that can brighten up your mood; fishing with friends can strengthen the relationship you have, or may just be a relaxing day out with a tasty supper at the end!

The imaginative may take up art classes or learn sculpture. In today’s fast-paced world we all appreciate the opportunity to express ourselves and take it easy 4_____ . Solitary activities like knitting or stamp collecting, once considered to be old-fashioned, are becoming popular again.

Traditional team sports like football or basketball are great for developing team spirit and a sense of national pride. However, shy, reserved types prefer to watch them from the comfort of their couches rather than practice the sport itself. It is a pity, 5______ .

Today’s pastimes are often linked to technology and may encourage us to be lazy. Surfing the Net or chatting online is a popular pastime for many but more sociable types prefer to go to the cinema or go to an exhibition 6_____ .

Whatever we like to do in our free time the main thing is to find something that we enjoy doing and be open to new experiences.


A as sports like these have the ability to make us fit and strong

B and they bring many rewards

C because some people would rather go snowboarding

D where they can be in direct contact with people

E because of the adrenaline rush they get from them

F after a hard day at the office

G staying at home and playing cards or board games


IV. WRITING                                                                                                                               

Read the essay starters. Choose the opinion you share. Find the arguments for it and write an essay.

1. I think that more people should try to do extreme sports.

2. I’m absolutely positive that extreme sports like cliff jumping or skateboarding should be prohibited.

3. I think that everyone has the right to do any sport he or she likes but only if it doesn’t do any harm to other people.

You should write at least 80 words.



Choose two topics and talk about a time when you:


1.      fulfilled a dream

2.      missed an opportunity to do something

3.      messed up something badly

4.      made the most of an opportunity

5.      felt proud of your achievements.





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