Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть (9 класс)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть (9 класс)

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к.р. 1 четверть 9 класс.doc 087 - Test, Unit 1, Test 1, Part 1.mp3

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I.                   LISTENING

   Listen to three people talking about their holidays and complete the sentences below with one of the otions:

camping, eating lots of fruit, fishing, working in the garden, working in the garage, swimming and diving, cycling

A)    The best thing about a summer holiday for Speaker 1 is …………………………………….

B)    The best thing about a summer holiday for Speaker 2 is …………………………………….

C)    The best thing about a summer holiday for Speaker 3 is …………………………………….


Listen to the recording for the second time and mark the sentences below as true or false

1)      Speaker 1 is a good sportsman and is getting ready for a competition.

2)      Speaker 2 doesn’t mind getting up early in summer.

3)      Speaker 3 feels a little bit lonely in summer.


II.                READING

Read the advertisement and answer some questions. Write “+” if there is an answer to the question in the text; write “-“ if there isn’t no information on the point.

Join Us For a Camping Holiday!

   If you want to have a good time and enjoy nature, you can take part in our camping holiday. Everyone is welcome! The meeting point is the central railway station, Saturday, at 7 a.m. Don't be late! You'll find us easily — you'll never miss a crowd of cheerful people with huge rucksacks! Just come up and say "hello".

We plan to be back to the city at 10 p.m. on Sunday.

If this is going to be your first camping holiday, please read the following instructions carefully:

1.      Take food for two days. The food should be simple and not very heavy. Make sure that the food can be kept without fridge. Take drinking water with you. Don't take sweet or fizzy drinks. Pure water is the best choice.

2.   Take warm clothes with you — a sweater or a coat. It's recommended to wear jeans, not shorts or skirts. Your footwear should be comfortable and suitable for a long walk.

3. Take some medicine with you, just in case something goes wrong.

4.  No rubbish (paper, glass, or polyethylene packages) can be left at the camping site. You'll have to carry everything to special containers.

We are very strict about that.

If you follow our recommendations, you'll enjoy your holiday and will make new friends.


1     If  I want to join the campers, where can I meet them?   …………………….……………..

2     When will I be back in the city? ……………………………………………….………..

3     Should I take any food with me? ………………………………………………………

4     What should I wear and what clothes should I take with me? ……………………………….

5     Should I have any money on me? …………………………………………………..……..

6     Should I take matches to make a fire? …………………………………………….………

7     Who will collect the rubbish, if there is any? ………………………………………………




III.             GRAMMAR

Choose the right form of the verbs be and have. Write the correct letter for each gap.

1) I know that place very well — I…….. there last summer.

2) - Do you know that a new entertainment park has been built right opposite your house? -Yeah, I………. there — nothing interesting at all.

3) - Our train leaves at 9.30. Please don't be late!     - Don't worry, I ……on time.

4) The weather forecast says that it …….. very warm in October.

5) - Hello! I……….. really very glad to see you again!

6) I was at the seaside a couple of weeks ago. I…….. a wonderful holiday.

7) It's very hot and stuffy here. I think I ………… a short walk before going to bed.

8) I'm not hungry. I ………… lunch not long ago.

9) He ……………….. many jobs before he became a jockey.

10) Please don't disturb me. I ……… a very important telephone conversation.

1 a) is

b) was


c) have been

d) had been

2 a) has been

b) have been

c) was

d) will be

3 a) am


c) was


d) 'll be


4 a) ‘ll be


c) is

d) ‘s been

5 a) is

b) 're

c) ‘ve been

d) 'm


6 a) have

b) have had

c) had had

d) had


7 a) have

b) 'll have

c) had

d) have had

8 a) have

b) had

c) have had

d) 'll have

9 a) have

b) has

c) has have

d) ‘d had


10 a) have

b) 'm having


c) had

d) ‘ve had

IV. WRITING                                                                                                  

Write an essay about a camping holiday (a picnic, a horse-riding holiday, a mountain –climbing holiday, a seaside holiday, a sightseeing holiday etc.). Write about the following:

-         when you went there

-         with whom you went there

-         what you were wearing

-         what you did there

-         when you returned home

You should write at least 80 words.



Choose the statement you agree with. Say how you feel about a camping holiday. Say at least 8 sentences. Use some phrases from the following:

to enjoy fishing,  to hate fishing, very boring, a waste of time, to protect from the rain, smell of the grass, snakes in the grass, clean air, swimming in the morning,  cold and wet mornings, baking potatoes, playing the guitar, lots of mosquitoes, to depend on the weather


Statement № 1: “I enjoy camping. To me it’s the best idea of a holiday in summer.”

Statement № 2: “Camping is not my idea of a good holiday.”







I.                   LISTENING

   Послушай диалог трёх собеседников о каникулах и дополни предложения ниже необходимыми выражениями:

camping, eating lots of fruit, fishing, working in the garden, working in the garage, swimming and diving, cycling

A) The  best thing about a summer holiday for Speaker 1 is …………………………………….

B)   The best thing about a summer holiday for Speaker 2 is …………………………………….

C)   The best thing about a summer holiday for Speaker 3 is …………………………………….


Послушай запись второй раз и отметь соответствующие и несоответствующие предложения ниже

1)    Speaker 1 is a good sportsman and is getting ready for a competition.

2)    Speaker 2 doesn’t mind getting up early in summer.

3)    Speaker 3 feels a little bit lonely in summer.


II.                READING

Прочитай рекламное объявление и ответь на вопросы. Поставь знак «+» в том случае, если ответ есть в тексте, и знак «-», если ответа нет.

Join Us For a Camping Holiday!

   If you want to have a good time and enjoy nature, you can take part in our camping holiday. Everyone is welcome! The meeting point is the central railway station, Saturday, at 7 a.m. Don't be late! You'll find us easily — you'll never miss a crowd of cheerful people with huge rucksacks! Just come up and say "hello".

We plan to be back to the city at 10 p.m. on Sunday.

If this is going to be your first camping holiday, please read the following instructions carefully:

1.     Take food for two days. The food should be simple and not very heavy. Make sure that the food can be kept without fridge. Take drinking water with you. Don't take sweet or fizzy drinks. Pure water is the best choice.

2.  Take warm clothes with you — a sweater or a coat. It's recommended to wear jeans, not shorts or skirts. Your footwear should be comfortable and suitable for a long walk.

3. Take some medicine with you, just in case something goes wrong.

4.  No rubbish (paper, glass, or polyethylene packages) can be left at the camping site. You'll have to carry everything to special containers.

We are very strict about that.

If you follow our recommendations, you'll enjoy your holiday and will make new friends.


1     If  I want to join the campers, where can I meet them?   …………………..

2     When will I be back in the city? ……………………..

3     Should I take any food with me? ……………………

4     What should I wear and what clothes should I take with me? …………………….

5     Should I have any money on me? ………………………..

6     Should I take matches to make a fire? ………………………

7     Who will collect the rubbish, if there is any? ………………………………


III.             GRAMMAR

Выбери правильную форму глаголов be и have. Укажи букву правильного ответа для каждого пропуска.


1) I know that place very well — I…….. there last summer.

2) - Do you know that a new entertainment park has been built right opposite your house? -Yeah, I………. there — nothing interesting at all.

3) - Our train leaves at 9.30. Please don't be late!     - Don't worry, I ……on time.

4) The weather forecast says that it …….. very warm in October.

5) - Hello! I……….. really very glad to see you again!

6) I was at the seaside a couple of weeks ago. I…….. a wonderful holiday.

7) It's very hot and stuffy here. I think I ………… a short walk before going to bed.

8) I'm not hungry. I ………… lunch not long ago.

9) He ……………….. many jobs before he became a jockey.

10) Please don't disturb me. I ……… a very important telephone conversation.

1 a) is

b) was


c) have been

d) had been

2 a) has been

b) have been

c) was

d) will be

3 a) am


c) was


d) 'll be


4 a) ‘ll be


c) is

d) ‘s been

5 a) is

b) 're

c) ‘ve been

d) 'm


6 a) have

b) have had

c) had had

d) had


7 a) have

b) 'll have

c) had

d) have had

8 a) have

b) had

c) have had

d) 'll have

9 a) have

b) has

c) has have

d) ‘d had


10 a) have

b) 'm having

c) had

d) ‘ve had

IV. WRITING                                                                                                  

Напиши сочинение  о своём  отдыхе в лагере, (пикнике, конном походе, горном походе, отдыхе на море, путешествии в другой город или страну и т.д.). Не забудь сообщить следующее:

                    - when you went there

- with whom you went there

- what you were wearing

- what you did there

- when you returned home

Объём сочинения не менее 80 слов.


V.         SPEAKING

Выбери ниже высказывание с которым ты согласен. Сообщи своё мнение об отдыхе в лагере. Объём высказывания не менее 8 предложений. Используй следующие фразы.

 to enjoy fishing,  to hate fishing, very boring, a waste of time, to protect from the rain, smell of the grass, snakes in the grass, clean air, swimming in the morning,  cold and wet mornings, baking potatoes, playing the guitar, lots of mosquitoes, to depend on the weather


Statement № 1: “I enjoy camping. To me it’s the best idea of a holiday in summer.”

Statement № 2: “Camping is not my idea of a good holiday.”



   Напиши письмо своему другу по переписке и расскажи ему или ей о самых интересных выходных которые ты провёл с семьёй или друзьями. Не забудь следовать правилам правильного письма


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