Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по аудированию и чтению в 7 классе 1 раздел

Контрольная работа по аудированию и чтению в 7 классе 1 раздел

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The 7th form



Listen and choose the right answer.

  1. Where is the conversation taking place?

Jack is...
  1. a friend of Linda’s friend.

  1. Linda’s close friend.

  1. The speaker CAN’T use his computer because...

The poetry competition is going to take place... Reading.

EXERCISE 1. Read the short texts (A—F). For questions 1—6, choose the information from the texts A—E. In which text can you find the information about

1) the typical holiday presents?

2) the holiday food tradition ?

3) the history of the main symbol?

4) the colours of the holiday?

5) a celebration in the countryside?

6) a cookery sports competition?

A.We often associate orange and black with Hallowe’en. Usually, orange, brown and gold remind us of autumn. Black is a symbol of darkness and death. They are often used in Hallowe’en celebrations because a long time ago it was a holiday that marked the line between life and death.

B.Nowadays it is impossible to imagine the holiday without a nicely decorated Christmas tree. According to the legend, it happened in the 16th century. Martin Luther, the famous Protestant reformer, was greatly impressed by the stars shining between the branches of a fir tree. He decided to show this wonderful image to his family. So he brought home a green tree and decorated it with candles.

C.They are held in England every spring. Each participant receives a hot frying pan with a pancake. According to rules they have to run, throwing the pancake into the air several times. It is not easy at all to reach the finishing line without dropping the pancake. Sometimes participants dress up in fancy dress costumes.

D.On Valentine’s Day, people exchange gifts to express their feelings. Flowers, chocolates and teddy bears are the usual gifts for this winter holiday. Many years ago, Valentine’s cards and gifts were sent anonymously. Nowadays people usually mite their names on their cards and gifts. Just in case.

E.May Day is a traditional spring festival. It is held in many English country towns and villages. People celebrate May Day as it was celebrated in pre-Roman times. Greeting warm and sunny summer they dance around the maypole and choose a May Queen. At the end of the green party they arrange a huge bonfire.

F.One of the most famous British holi- day dishes is figgy pudding, also known as Christmas pudding. It is a bit richer than the usual pudding. Figgy pudding includes fruit, nuts, spices and black treacle. It is usually topped with liqueur. According to tradition, all members of the family take part in making the pudding. One by one they stir the the pudding and make wishes. Sometimes the wishes come true.

EXERCISE 2. Read the text and fill in the form.

A:Good morning! It’s the education centre. Monika Lasota speaking.

B:Hi! I’m Andrew Pitt.

A:Yes, Andrew. How can I help you?

B:I just want to find out about the competition for school students.

A:Right. We are holding two competitions next month. The Geographical Competition and the Competition for Young Mathematicians. Are you interested in both?

B:No. Only the first one. The Geographical Competition.

A:Fine. It’s meant for students between 13 and 15.

B:I’m turning 14 in three months.

A:Well, it’s right for you then. To register as a participant you need to fill in the form. You can do it either in our office or just complete the registration form on our site.

B:The on-line registration is more convenient. I live pretty far from you. In Basildon.

A:Oh, yes, Basildon. It takes more than half an hour by train to get to London from there, doesn’t it?

B:Something around that.

A:Well, if you have any difficulty in filling in the registration form, call us for help any time.

B:Fine. Thanks. In fact, I’m on your site at the moment. What does the line the day of the week mean?

A:Oh, the competition is going to be held as a written competition. We arrange it in three streams: on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. You can choose the day that is more convenient for you.

B:Monday, then. I play football on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Don’t want to miss the games.

A:Sure. Write Monday. And please do not forget to fill in the line with your contact information. Write either your email address or your phone number so that we can contact you if we need some more details…



Where you live (city / town)____________________

The name of the competition you want to take part in_______________________

The day of the week____________________________

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