Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонтрольная работа по учебнику "Information Technology", book 2 (units 8-15) для студентов СПО

Контрольная работа по учебнику "Information Technology", book 2 (units 8-15) для студентов СПО

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Final Test

1.     Read the text and answer the questions:

Robotics and robot generations

Robotics is the art and science of the creation and use of robots, i. e., in other words, robot technology. Today practically all sectors of the economy and industry are looking forward to introducing industrial robots. But robot building is not simple and certainly not cheap. If every sector begins to build its own robots, it will be impossible to avoid unnecessary duplication of research and development, and large sums will be wasted. Therefore the need is to concentrate all efforts in robot technology in one pair of hands, in a powerful intersectoral scientific and technical organization. Only in this way it is possible to ensure the maximum standardization of production of industrial robots and multipurpose automatic manipulators. There are two rational ways in the field of robotics.

The first one is to build standardized modules - unified elements on the basis of which t will be easy to assemble, in different combinations, robots for the most varied purposes. The second way is to create an intersectoral exchange fund of robots so that research and development of designers in different technical fields should be within the reach of all interested organizations and enterprises.

The robots are divided into three generations: programmed, adaptive and intellectual. Characteristic of the first generation – the programmed robots - is that their control system acts according to a rigid oft-repeated programme all the time. But the programmed robots are easily returned to various action programmes.

The adaptive robots, robots of the second generation, have been ready worked out and will be widely applied in production at the close of this and the beginning of the next decade. Their fundamental difference from the first robot generation is the appearance of artificial sensors, which give the adaptive robots the ability to see, to hear and feel. The possibilities of them are immeasurably greater than the robots of the first generation.

The third generation - intellectual robots - will be able to perform intricate selective operations, and carry out practically autonomous work not depending on the operator. Robots with artificial intelligence will be able to identify objects in a pile, select the objects in the appropriate sequence and assemble them into a unit. And then we shall be able to speak, about a robot revolution in the economy, about a many-fold increase of labour productivity, and the advent of a new age of industrial production — the age fully automated enterprises and, maybe, whole branches of industry.

1. What is Robotics?

2. How is it possible to ensure the maximum standardization of industrial robots production?

3. What are two rational ways in the field of robotics according to the text?

4. What 3 generations are the robots divided into?

5. Can you characterize them?

2.     Vocabulary.

Choose the best variant for each sentence.

1)      A file sent with an email

a.       Attachment

b.      Text

c.       Instant message

2)      A code that identifies types of items

a.       UPC

b.      EPC

c.       DPI

3)      A real time conversation

a.       Email

b.      Text

c.       Instant messaging

4)      To read a barcode

a.       Spam

b.      Scan

c.       Calculate

5)      Jack created an image in a computer game that represents a person.

a.       MMORPG

b.      Link

c.       Avatar

6)      Put your email on your webpage with personal or identifying information.

a.       Profile

b.      Forum

c.       Link

7)      Click on that word or set of words on a website or document

a.       Feed

b.      Link

c.       Virtual world

8)      Create a name that a person uses to access an account

a.       Handle

b.      Forum

c.       Blog

9)      Ask someone on the website where people can discuss topics

a.       Virtual world

b.      Post

c.       Forum

10)  New games create an online environment

a.       Avatar

b.      Virtual world

c.       Link

11)   Read this website with posts about personal activities and interests

a.       Handle

b.      Blog

c.       Feed

12)   Please leave a message on a website

a.       Post

b.      MMORPG

c.       Handle

13)   The practice of mapmaking

a.       Latitude

b.      Cartography

c.       Integrity

14)   Location relative to the Equator

a.       Elevation

b.      Latitude

c.       Accuracy

15)   Location expressed by numbers

a.       Cartography

b.      Integrity

c.       Coordinates

16)   Illegal actions to access money that is not yours

a.       Bank fraud

b.      Bill pay

c.       Online banking

17)   A service provided by banks that allows customers to automatically pay bills online

a.       PIN

b.      Electronic fund transfer

c.       Bill pay

18)   The arm of a robot

a.       Manipulator

b.      End-effector

c.       Pendant

19)   A device used to control and guide a robot’s movements

a.       Joint

b.      Pendant

c.       End-effector

20)   The energy that makes a robot move

a.       Joint

b.      Actuator

c.       Manipulator

21)   Check the book inventory to see if the book is available

a.       Ebook

b.      Media

c.       Catalog

22)  The library subscribes to that online periodical

a.       Media

b.      Catalog

c.       Ejournal

23)  The process of classifying objects by appearance

a.       Algorithm

b.      Pattern recognition

c.       Consciousness

24)  A person who studies how the mind works

a.       Robot

b.      Avatar

c.       Cognitive scientist

25)  A robot that consists of a single series of joints linked together

a.       Serial robot

b.      Autonomous

c.       operator








1.     Reading

1)    Robotics is the art and science of the creation and use of robots, i. e., in other words, robot technology.

2)    To concentrate all efforts in robot technology in one pair of hands, in a powerful intersectoral scientific and technical organization.

3)    The first one is to build standardized modules - unified elements on the basis of which t will be easy to assemble, in different combinations, robots for the most varied purposes. The second way is to create an intersectoral exchange fund of robots so that research and development of designers in different technical fields should be within the reach of all interested organizations and enterprises.

4)    The robots are divided into three generations: programmed, adaptive and intellectual.

5)    The programmed robots - is that their control system acts according to a rigid oft-repeated programme all the time. The adaptive robots, have been ready worked out and will be widely applied in production at the close of this and the beginning of the next decade. Their fundamental difference from the first robot generation is the appearance of artificial sensors, which give the adaptive robots the ability to see, to hear and feel. Intellectual robots - will be able to perform intricate selective operations, and carry out practically autonomous work not depending on the operator. Robots with artificial intelligence will be able to identify objects in a pile, select the objects in the appropriate sequence and assemble them into a unit.

3.     Vocabulary.

Choose the best variant for each sentence.

26)  A file sent with an email

d.      Attachment

e.       Text

f.        Instant message

27)  A code that identifies types of items

d.      UPC

e.       EPC

f.        DPI

28)  A real time conversation

d.      Email

e.       Text

f.        Instant messaging

29)  To read a barcode

d.      Spam

e.       Scan

f.        Calculate

30)  Jack created an image in a computer game that represents a person.

d.      MMORPG

e.       Link

f.        Avatar

31)  Put your email on your webpage with personal or identifying information.

d.      Profile

e.       Forum

f.        Link

32)  Click on that word or set of words on a website or document

d.      Feed

e.       Link

f.        Virtual world

33)  Create a name that a person uses to access an account

d.      Handle

e.       Forum

f.        Blog

34)  Ask someone on the website where people can discuss topics

d.      Virtual world

e.       Post

f.        Forum

35)  New games create an online environment

d.      Avatar

e.       Virtual world

f.        Link

36)   Read this website with posts about personal activities and interests

d.      Handle

e.       Blog

f.        Feed

37)   Please leave a message on a website

d.      Post

e.       MMORPG

f.        Handle

38)   The practice of mapmaking

d.      Latitude

e.       Cartography

f.        Integrity

39)   Location relative to the Equator

d.      Elevation

e.       Latitude

f.        Accuracy

40)   Location expressed by numbers

d.      Cartography

e.       Integrity

f.        Coordinates

41)   Illegal actions to access money that is not yours

d.      Bank fraud

e.       Bill pay

f.        Online banking

42)   A service provided by banks that allows customers to automatically pay bills online

d.      PIN

e.       Electronic fund transfer

f.        Bill pay

43)   The arm of a robot

d.      Manipulator

e.       End-effector

f.        Pendant

44)   A device used to control and guide a robot’s movements

d.      Joint

e.       Pendant

f.        End-effector

45)   The energy that makes a robot move

d.      Joint

e.       Actuator

f.        Manipulator

46)   Check the book inventory to see if the book is available

d.      Ebook

e.       Media

f.        Catalog

47)  The library subscribes to that online periodical

d.      Media

e.       Catalog

f.        Ejournal

48)  The process of classifying objects by appearance

d.      Algorithm

e.       Pattern recognition

f.        Consciousness

49)  A person who studies how the mind works

d.      Robot

e.       Avatar

f.        Cognitive scientist

50)  A robot that consists of a single series of joints linked together

d.      Serial robot

e.       Autonomous

f.        operator






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