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Контрольная работа за 1полугодие по Английскому языкув 8 классе.

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Контрольная работа за 1полугодие в 8 классе. 1 Вариант

1.Fill in: uniform, protruding, freelancer, tight-fitting, scruffy, desk job, full-time, deadlines, overtime, salary.

1 Danny hides her ---ears behind her long hair.

2 Does your brother have to wear  ---at work?

3 Bob has to travel a lot. A --- isn’t for him.

4 My father works as a - -- from home.

5 You look very classy in this --- dress.

6 Does your father often work --- ?

7 His --- is $40,000 a year.

8 My mum has a  ---  job as a teacher.

9 Are you wearing those --- old jeans to the party?

10 Me brother works hard because he has to meet tough --- .

2. Fill in the gaps with either Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

1 I….…(wait) at the cinema for an hour before Kim finally showed up.

2 Grandma.…(go) to the supermarket before they got home from school.

3 They……(play) football all day so they were very tired in the evening.

4 ………….. (he/finish) making the lunch when the guests arrived?

5 I….….…(look) for a new bike for two months before I found one.

6 A teacher was angry because Sue….. (not/ finish) her work.

3. Fill in the gaps with a/an/the / -- .

1.        Randy plays ...... violin, and Mark plays ..... hockey.

2.        On our journey to ........ France, we crossed ........ Atlantic Ocean.

3.        …. Smiths go to …….Bolshoi Theatre once a year.

4.        ......... Andes are in ............ South America.

5.        In ……. Paris we went on a boat trip down…...River Seine.

4.  Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.

1.   Unfortunately children are -----                                    PATIENT

2.   Don’t play cards with him. He is ---                             HONEST

3.   I --- eggs. I can’t stand the way they smell.                  LIKE

4.   There are a lot of --- of travelling by ship.                   ADVANTAGE

5.   There is always --- between children and parents.       UNDERSTAND

5. Fill in:   back, in, out, round, up, with, without.

1.     He was brought --- by her aunt.

2.     The smell of flowers brings --- wonderful memories of holidays.

3.     The sales of his paintings brought --- a lot of money last months.

4.     It is possible to go --- food for a few days.

5.     Do you think this shirt will go ----the skirt I bought?

6. Match to form exchange.

1 How are you finding your new job?

2 What does your father do for a living?

3 What’s the pay like?

4 What does your job involve?

5 I got a scholarship.

A It’s quite easy.

B Not very good. I only get € 850 a month.

C He works as a graphic designer.

D That’s fantastic!

E I serve customers and take payments.

7.  Match the headings (A to F) to the paragraphs (1 to 5). There is one extra heading.

A)___ Kinds of chocolate

B)___A romantic present

C)___A sweet award

D)___A drink for the rich

E)___The product used as money

F) ___A healthy product


1. Chocolate is very popular around the world. Chocolate which is made from cocoa beans was a spicy drink before becoming a food. The first people to drink it were the people of Central America and Mexico thousands of years ago. They also used cocoa beans as money. For example, you could buy a rabbit for ten cocoa beans and a slave for 100.

2. Spanish explorers brought cocoa beans to Europe in the 16th century, but only rich people could drink chocolate because it was expensive to import the cocoa beans and sugar. People didn’t start to eat chocolate until about 150 years ago.

3. Nowadays chocolate isn’t only for rich people, but for everyone. Europeans are the biggest lovers of chocolate. Too much chocolate is unhealthy because it contains a lot of sugar and fat, but scientists say that eating a little dark chocolate once or twice a week can help you to stay healthy.

4. The best news for chocolate lovers is that every year a chocolate company in the United States has a competition and the prize is a chocolate hotel room! Everything in the room is made of chocolate: the walls, the pictures and even the furniture. The lucky winner can eat as much chocolate as he/she likes!

5.  How can you show the girl that you fell in love with her? A bunch of flowers and a bar of chocolate will help you! Chocolate is a popular romantic gift in many parts of the world.


Контрольная работа за 1полугодие в 8 классе. 2 Вариант

1.Fill in: frizzy, shift, salary, deadlines, full-time, join, overweight, pay rise, suits, crooked.

1. Tina wants to --- a gym and lose some weight.

2. John is ---. He must get on a diet.

3. Bethy doesn’t like her --- nose.

4. I can’t stand my hair. It’s too ---.

5. How about this dress? It --- you perfectly.

6. My --- is $ 1850 a month.

7. Working the night --- must be tiring for you.

8. Tom’s mother has just got a ---. Now she’s on £1700 a month.

9. Mary works Monday to Friday, 9 to 5. It’s a --- job.

10. They often meet tough --- but they manage.

2. Fill in the gaps with either Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Steve left work after he --- (write) the reports.

2. Chris --- (study) French for three years before she moved to Paris.

3. He --- (wait) at the cinema for an hour before Ann finally showed up.

4. Elisa looked happy because she --- (get) her driving license.

5. Lisa was exhausted yesterday, she --- (study) for a history exam all day.

6. --- ( she/ finish) making the lunch when the guests arrived?

3. Вставьте артикль a/an/the, если требуется.

1.   ……River Thames is situated in ……England.

2. ….  Browns left for their holiday to --- USA.

3. ……Gary likes playing …… football .

4. Nick is..... teacher at ….. Moscow University.

5. Ben moved to ….. Netherlands last ……April.

4.  Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.

1.    Some young people are rude and … their elders.         RESPECT

2.    Dad can’t find my glasses. I think he has --- them.       PLACE

3.    What are the  --- of buying from a flea markets?          ADVANTAGE

4.    I --- fish. I can’t stand the way it smells.                       LIKE

5.    There is always --- between children and parents.        UNDERSTAND

5. Fill in:   back, out, up, with, round, off.

1.      The milk's gone  ---.

2.      The prices have gone --- .

3.      The nurse brought the patient ---by using cold water.

4.       Looking at these photographs brings --- so many happy memories.

5.       Eminem will bring --- a new album next month.

6. Match to form exchange.

1 Is it part-time?

2 What does he do for a living?

3 What’s the pay like?

4 Why don’t you wear this dress?

5 How about those trousers?

A  They fit you perfectly.

B  I  get 1500 euros a month.

C He works as a sales assistant.

D No, I work 8-5 Monday to Friday!

E The colour doesn’t suit me.

7.  Match the headings (A to F) to the paragraphs (1 to 5). There is one extra heading.

A)  a sporting event.

B) an opening event.

C) a royal event.

D) an event in the native language.

E) an international event.

F) an event to protect the Nature.

1) The Notting Hill Carnival takes place in London on the last weekend in August. It is a huge multicultural arts festival and is the largest street festival in Europe. Groups come from all over the world to take part. There’s music, dancing, street theatre and decorated floats. Up to 1.5 million people come to the festival.

2) In June Glastonbury hosts a huge contemporary music and environmental festival. Glastonbury Festival is the largest ‘greenfield’  festival in the world. Lots of celebrities, who want to see our planet clean and safe for people and animals, take part in this festival. There are also displays of environmentally friendly products and techniques.

3) Eisteddfod, a celebration of Welsh music and poetry, is the biggest cultural festival in Wales and it takes place in the first week of August. There are competitions for all the best singers, choirs and poets who speak Welsh. All the events are in Welsh, but there are headphones with English-language translations for anyone who doesn’t understand Welsh.

4) The beginning of a new session of Parliament usually starts in. The Queen travels from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament in the Stage Coach. She then takes her place on the throne of the House of Lords and reads the  ‘Queen’s speech’. This ceremony is the part of the UK’s history.

5) Scotland’s Highland  Games are organized  in spring and summer. The  Highland  games are for those people who  want to take part in the national Scottish  sports competitions.  Every year lots of tourists come to Scotland to watch the traditional Scottish sports which are also known as ‘heavy events’.   


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Краткое описание документа:

Данная контрольная работа по английскому языку предназначена для проверки навыков чтения, лексики и грамматики по темам первого полугодия в 8 классе. Разработана на основе УМК "Английский в фокусе", Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.. Состоит из двух вариантов. Включает в себя 7 заданий: Задание 1 – употребление тематической лексики в соответствии с заданной ситуацией. Задание 2 – употребление Прошедшего Завершенного и Прошедшего Завершенного Продолженного времён. Задание 3 - употребление артиклей. Задание 4 - словообразование. Задание 5 - употребление фразовых глаголов. Задание 6 - применение речевых клише в ситуациях общения. Задание 7 - чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания.

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