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Контролные для 3 класса

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  тSummative Assessment for the cross curricular unit «Healthy World»


Learning objectives Understand the main points of short supported talk on an

increasing range of general and some curricular topics Use common simple present forms, including short answer forms and contractions, to give personal information and talk about habitual actions, facts and future timetabled events; continue to use common past simple forms [regular and irregular] to describe actions and feelings and narrate simple events including short answer forms and contractions Use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always, never to indicate when and how often; begin to use simple adverbs of manner e.g. well, badly; use common –ly manner adverbs to describe actions e.g. slowly, quickly


Assessment criteria      •           Identify the main points of a short simple text using contextual clues

•           Write the most familiar high-frequency words accurately

•           Use imperative forms (positive and negative) to give short instructions

Level of thinking skills            Knowledge and comprehension

Duration           20 minutes


Task 1. Listen or watch the story and put the sentences in order. The 1st sentence is done for you as an example.

Teacher uses the link https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/angel-look-out .


                         Angel wants to play with Turtle.

                         They see a dangerous cone shell.

                         Grandpa is tired.

                         Doug takes them home.

                         They see a dangerous octopus.

                         They see a dangerous sea snake.

                         They see a dangerous fish.

                         They see a box jellyfish.



Angel and his grandpa live on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Grandpa is tired.

‘I’m going to sleep now, Angel. Be good, and don’t go past the coral! There are lots of dangerous animals out there.’

‘Hi, Angel. What are you doing?’ ‘I’m bored. Grandpa is asleep.’

‘Do you want to come and play?’ ‘Yes, let’s go!’ ‘Look, Turtle! A ball!’

‘Look out! That isn’t a ball! It’s a dangerous octopus! Swim!’

‘Angel! Look out! There’s a dangerous fish behind you! Angel, you must be careful here. You’ve got to stay with me!’

‘I’m sorry, Turtle. Look! I’ve got a present for you.’

‘Aargh! This is a dangerous cone shell! Drop it quickly, Angel!’ ‘I’m tired, Turtle. Can we rest here?’

‘Don’t sit here, Angel! There’s a dangerous sea snake! Quick! Swim!’ ‘Where are we?’

‘I don’t know. I think we’re lost. Look out, Angel! That’s a box jellyfish! Swim!’ ‘Look out, Turtle! A dangerous animal is behind you!’

‘That’s not a dangerous animal. It’s Doug. He’s my friend.’ ‘Hello, Doug. We’re lost. Can you help us?’

‘Yes, I can help you. I’ll take you home.’ ‘Hello, Angel.’

‘Hello, Grandpa.’

‘Oh, you’ve been a very good fish, Angel. Here’s a present for you.’ ‘Thanks, Grandpa!’



Task 2. Talk to a partner about habitual actions, facts. Tell about actions and feelings from your experience. Use the words and ideas from the table.


Example: Usually I get up at 7 o’clock, but when I was younger, I got up at 8 o’clock.

I didn’t run quickly last year. Now I can run fast.

Present Simple                            Past Simple

Usually, every day, every Sunday       Last year/week, yesterday sometimes, often, always, never, well, badly, slowly, quickly


















1.    Aim of the Summative Assessment for term

Summative assessment is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term.

Summative assessment checks the achievement of learning objectives for the term planned in the Subject Programme.


2.  The document defining the content of the Summative Assessment for term

The Subject Programme for «The English language» for 1-4 grades of primary education on the updated content.


3.  Review of the Summative Assessment for term 3

3.1     Duration - 40 minutes.

Speaking task is conducted separately.

Total marks 18


3.2. The structure of the summative assessment

Different types of tasks are used in the summative assessment for term.

This sample of summative assessment consists of 4 tasks. Gap filling tasks require learners to put words/ phrases in the sentences. True / False tasks are aimed at identifying the correct ideas or sentences according to the text. Open-ended tasks require learners to describe pictures and give their own ideas, answer questions in sentences.

Characteristic of tasks for summative assessment for term 3


Cross curricular unit


Learning objective

Task №

Task description

Total marks

Hot and Cold


Healthy World

Listening Recognise words that are spelt out from a limited range of general and curriculum topics






Gap filling task is developed on the materials of the unit “Hot and cold”. Learners listen to the talk on weather forecast twice. Teacher works with learners before the recording starts. Teacher says 4 words: windy, lightning, snowy, cloudy and learners spell them. Learners should not see the words. Then learners listen to the talk,

identify the appropriate word and fill in the gap.






Reading Understand the main points of short simple texts on a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues.




True / False task is developed on the material of the unit “Healthy World”.

Learners read the text to identify the main points in it. They write True and False near the sentences.




Writing Link with some support sentences using basic coordinating connectors Use conjunctions and, or, but, because to link words and phrases




Matching task is developed on the material of the cross curricular unit “Hot and Cold”. Learners use the parts of the sentences and match them to make up a sentence with

the correct conjunction.





4.S6 Take turns when speaking with others in a growing range of short, basic exchanges



Open ended task is developed on the material of the cross curricular unit “Healthy World”. Learners

talk to each other, share ideas, ask and answer the questions.






                              Tasks for the Summative Assessment for Term 3



Task 1. Listen to the conversation carefully and complete the sentences. You will listen to the recording twice.

Go to the following link to listen information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2ZAYPGz7bs


The teacher with learners spell the words aloud before listening task performance. Don’t show these words to the learners.






1.    There is thunder and                                            now in America.                        [1]

2.    In Northern Canada the weather is cold and                                   .                      [1]

3.    The weather in Europe is                                             .                                         [1]

4.    The weather in Asia is _                         and warm.                                               [1]





Task 2. Read the text. Identify True and False sentences.


Похожее изображениеTom is an animal lover. He admires all animals. When he was a kid, Tom read many books about animals. The most exciting thing for him was going to the Zoo. He could spend hours watching the animals walk around, sit, or even sleep. When Tom was older he went on a safari to Tanzania. He saw animals in wild nature. Now Tom thinks about the future of animals. Some of his favourite animals are dying out. Tom thinks that people need to save wild nature. Children must have the chance of seeing animals in the wild in future.


Write True or False next to the sentences.


1.  Tom doesn’t love animals.

2.  Tom liked to go to the Zoo very much.                                                                              

3.  When Tom was a kid, he went on a safari to Tanzania.                                                    

4.  He saw wild animals in cages in a safari park.                                                                 

5.  People must save wild nature.                                                                                           





Task 3. Link the sentences. Fill in the gaps with connectors so, or, because, and. Use each connector only once.


1.  When it is raining people wear raincoats                         take an umbrella.                            [1]

2.  We put on warm coats and mittens                         we are going to make a snowman.         [1]

3.  It is very hot today                           we are wearing T-shirts, shorts and sandals.                 [1]

4.  It is cool and wet in autumn                           sometimes it can be windy and foggy.            [1]


 V [4]



Task 4. Work in pairs. Choose ONE picture. Look at the picture and talk to your classmate about it. Describe the picture, ask and answer questions.



Student 1: -What can you see in the picture? Student 2: - I can see a Zoo in the picture.

Student 1: - Do you like to go to the Zoo?

Student 2: - I like to go to the zoo to watch animals and birds. Student 1: - What animals are there in the Zoo?

Student 2: - There are many different animals there.


Student 2: - Do you like to visit zoos?

Student 1: - Yes, very much. Sometimes I go to the Zoo with my family. Student 2: - What can you do there?

Student 1: - We can feed animals there. Student 2: - What animals do you like? Student 1: - I like all animals.



Похожее изображение

Похожее изображение


Картинки по запросу pics for kids children are doing sports

I Картинки по запросу pics for kids children are helping the planet



Total marks        /18

Mark scheme


Task №



Additional information






2. snowy


4. windy


5. cloudy




1. False



2. True


3. False


4. False


5. True



1. When it is raining people wear raincoats or

take an umbrella.


The learners



should write


2. We put on warm coats and mittens because we




are going to make a snowman.


conjunctions to match two halves of the sentence.

3. It is very hot today so we are wearing T-shirts,

shorts and sandals.


4. It is cool and wet in autumn and sometimes it



can be windy and foggy.



Total marks




Mark scheme for Speaking




Additional information

The learner describes the picture. He/ She can express ideas in 3-4 short sentences, ask and answer 2-3 questions correctly. The speaker understands the questions and gives meaningful answers.




The learner describes the picture in short. He/ She can express ideas in 2 -3 short sentences, asks and answers 1-2 questions correctly. The speaker is not confident and sometimes misunderstands the questions, gives short answer.




The learner has problems to describe the picture. He/ She can’t express ideas without help, can ask and answer 1 question correctly. The speaker makes mistakes, says only 1 or 2 sentences or even phrases.





Transcript for listening task


-         Mom do you think it's going to be rainy tonight?

-         Yes, sweetie. I think it will because there is thunder and lightning.

-         What do you think, honey?

-           Well, I guess so, because it was foggy this morning and it's humid.

-           I think we should watch the world weather forecast.

-           That's a great idea.

-         Good evening. Welcome to the world weather forecast. Let's take a look at the weather now. It is cold and snowy today. In northern Canada people are staying in their homes for a

long winter day. While in South America the weather is hot and sunny. Everybody is enjoying their summer holidays. In some parts of Europe the temperature is cool. It will be very windy. It's like fall but today in Asia the weather is cloudy and warm. Everybody wants spring. Tonight in America the weather is overcast and rain is possible. And that's the world weather forecast for tonight. Brian Landers reporting.

-           All right, sweetie. Have you heard the news?

-           Yes, mom.

-           Well tonight it might rain. Let's go to bed early.

-         Are you sleeping now, honey?

-           No, not really.

-         I am just scared of thunder and lightning.

-           All right.

-           Let's go to bed then.


5.  Administration rules

During the Assessment cover all visual materials like, diagram, schemes, posters and maps that can serve as prompts for the learners.

At the beginning of the Assessment read out the instructions and inform the learners about the assessment duration. Remind learners that they are not allowed to talk with each other during the Summative Assessment. After the instructions, make sure they have understood given instructions and ask if they have any questions before the start of the assessment.

Ensure that the learners are working individually and not helping each other. During the Summative Assessment learners should not have any access to additional recourses that can help them, for example, dictionary (excluding the cases when it is allowed in specification)

Recommend learners to cross the wrong answers instead of using an eraser.

During the assessment you can answer learners’ questions, regarding the instructions and the assessment duration. You should not spell, paraphrase or provide any information that could give the learner an advantage.

Always tell the learners that they have 5 minutes left before the end of the Summative Assessment.

Tell the learners to stop writing and put down their pens/pencils on the desks at the end of the Summative Assessment.


6.  Moderation and marking

All teachers use the same version of the mark scheme. During the moderation process it is necessary to check learner sample papers with the marks awarded to ensure there are no deviations from the standardised mark scheme.


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