Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКраткосрочное планирование по английскому языку по теме "Животные" (1 класс)

Краткосрочное планирование по английскому языку по теме "Животные" (1 класс)

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Краткосрочное планирование

по английскому языку

в 1 «Б» классе

по теме «Animals»

Учитель английского языка: Беймурзинова А.К.







Жана-аул, 2016-2017 уч.год

Class: 1

Subject of the lesson: Animals like

Aims: Учащиеся будут:

-знать лексический материал  по теме «My animals» и  образование и употребление утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формы  настоящего простого времени.

-понимать иноязычную речь по изученной теме «My animals»

-применить изученный лексический и грамматический материал в своей устной и в письменной речи

-анализировать употребления вспомогательного глагола Do/Does в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях в Present Simple

-формировать навыки самостоятельного структурирования предложений в Present Simple и отвечать на вопросы

-оценивать свою и работу других

Result: Ученик сможет составить диалог по теме урока, используя изученный лексический и грамматический материал по теме “Present SimpleandMy animals”, спеть песню о животных «What do you see?», “Animals like”.

Type of the lesson: Revision

Method of the lesson: critical thinking

Visual aids: interactive board, books, audio-video materials, posters, cards, pictures, bob tree

Literature: Smiles, Expressing Publishing 2016( Jenny Dooley- Virginia Evans, Series Consultant: Bob Obee)

Plan of the lesson


Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Pupil’s activity




I. Preteaching

a) Greetings

Teacher greets students. Students respond to getting and take their places.

Hello, children! How are you?





b) Watching video «Все в твоих руках» \ФЛИПЧАРТ № 1\

How do you think what is about these video?

Молодцы, ребята. Все в ваших руках.

Pupils greet with teacher.

Good morning, good morning.

Good morning to you.

Good morning, dear teacher. We are glad to see you. Ученики после просмотра видео ролика «Все в твоих руках» высказывают свои мнения.



Critical thinking





II. Teaching

a) Warm up

(выход на тему урока через песню)

Look at the picture and repeat after me.

What do you see?

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a rabbit. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a monkey. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a zebra. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a tiger. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a snake. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a hippo. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a lizard. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a lion. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a giraffe. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see an elephant. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a kangaroo. (2 times)

What do you see? (2 times)

I see a crocodile. (2 times)

Pupils repeat a song after me.

Pupils sing a song.


Pupils define the subject of the lesson through the song.

Pupils determine own level at the beginning of lesson.

Приложение 3

Pupils tell the home work.






















Приложение 1



“What do you see?”

b) Play a game “Bring me a letter”

Students play a game “Bring me a letter”

Pupils produce some approval/disapproval sounds and name words of food and animals.


Teacher distributes English letters to pupils and name any letter, the pupil who has this letter has to place his\her letter on the letter board and name next letter. Pupils name also a word: d-for dog.

Pupils name a letter and word with these letter.











Critical thinking

с) A play “BINGO”

Teacher follows BINGO Instructions:

Print out different BINGO cards with pictures of animals’ food for each child plus a call sheet. Cut out the call sheet and put the squares into a hat or bowl.

Hand out one BINGO card to each child (each card should be different).

The caller should pull out one imagine, describe it and show it to the children.

The children will then place paper squares on the called image if it is on their card.

Once a predetermined patterns is made on a card, the child with that card calls out BINGO.

 (Рефлексия после данного этапа)

Pupils play a game “BINGO”.






Cards with pictures of grass, fish, bananas, milk, leaves, bugs.

Critical thinking

d)Physical exercise

Are you tired? So, let’s have a rest.

Animals like

Stomp like elephants.

Let’s go to the zoo.

When stomp like elephant, too.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And stomp like elephants, too.


Jump like kangaroos.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And jump like the kangaroos, too.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And jump like the kangaroos, too.


Swing like monkeys.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And swing like the monkeys, too.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And swing like the monkeys, too.


Waddle like penguins.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And waddle like the penguins, too.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And waddle like the penguins, too.


Slither like snakes.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And slither like the snakes, too.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And slither like the snakes, too.


Swim like polar bears.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And swim like polar bears, too.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And swim like polar bears, too.
Thank you, take your seat.

Pupils stand up, sing a song and do actions according to the physical education.



Видео ролик

“Animals like action song”


e) Listening

Formative Assessment

Teacher demonstrates what learners have to do with a model question. Teacher then reads out each question about animal’s food. E.g. Do cats like milk? Do cows eat eggs? Repeating each question twice and learners answer YES or NO their answer sheet. Teacher encourages learners to answer YES, they do.\No, they don’t.

Task:  Listen out each question about animals' food e.g. Do cats like milk? Do cows eat eggs? and answer yes or no on the answer sheet.







Do dogs like grass?                          



Do horses eat birds?




Do cats like milk?                   




Do bears like bugs?



Do cows eat eggs?                           



Do mice like cheese?




Do cows eat grass?                          



Do boys & girls like ice-cream?




Do monkeys eat bananas?               



Do rabbits eat leaves?




Pupils listen the questions and answer  YES or NO.






Pupils call the aim of the task.





Formative Assessment


Evaluation of the lesson by means of oral feedback from students-thumbs up or down and why.

Teacher asks questions to less able students such as:

-Can you name animals?

-Can you name the food?





III. The end of the lesson

Reflection Now I will give you stickers and you should paste their on the tree.

По окончании урока ученики прилепляют на дереве листья, цветы, плоды.

ПЛОДЫ -дело прошло полезно, плодотворно.

ЦВЕТОК- довольно неплохо.

ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ ЛИСТИК -не совсем понравилось.


Now you should determine your level of mastering topics at the end of our lesson.

Thank for you! Have a rest. Good bye!

Pupils paste stickers.

Pupils determine their level of mastering topics at the end of the lesson.

Приложение 3















Critical thinking




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