Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыЛексико- грамматический тест по английскому языку для 6 класса.

Лексико- грамматический тест по английскому языку для 6 класса.

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1. Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски соответствующими словами и фразами из приведенного списка (a-h). Две фразы или слова- лишние.


Clever parents


Jimmy brought home his composition, which was a very bad one. His parents were 1)____ with him.

“Look at your friend Bob Smith”, said his father,  “2)____ clever he is. He is younger 3)____ you, but he is always 4)___ in your class, and you are always 5)____.”

Jimmy didn’t like his father’s words and he looked from his father to his mother and 6)___ back again.

“You forget, Daddy,” he said, “that Bob Smith has very clever parents.”


a)     the worst

b)    than

c)     very happy

d)    then

e)     the best

f)      how

g)    not pleased

h)    what


2. Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски соответствующими по смыслу словами.


I’m angry with you


Once Mark Twain was travelling in France 1)___ train. He wanted to go to 2)___ small town near Paris.

It was very late at night, he was very tired and wanted 3)___ sleep. He asked the conductor to wake him up when they got the town, and went to sleep. It was early morning when he woke up, and the train 4)___ already in Paris.

Mark Twain ran up to the conductor and cried, “I asked you to wake me up. Why didn’t you 5)___ it? I am very angry with you.”

The conductor looked 6)___ him for a moment and said, “You may be very angry, sir, but not so angry as the American whom I put off the train instead of you.”



3. Прочитай текст.  Выбери ответы (a-d) по смыслу.


The golden apple


Once there was a king who said, “Who tells me the 1)____ lie (ложь) will get a golden apple.”

Many people came to him and told him lies, but the king always said “That’s all very good, but it 2) ___ true.”

One day a man came to the king and said, “Oh, King, give me back my gold which you took from me last week.”

“I 3) ___ take any gold from you. It’s a lie!” cried the king.

“If it’s a lie, then give me the golden apple,’ said the man.

The king said, ‘Oh, yes, I remember now. You gave me 4) ___ gold a week 5) ___.”

“Very good, then give me back my gold,” said the man.

The king could do 6) ___ . He gave the clever man the golden apple.


1.a) big             b) bigger             c) biggest       d) most big

2. a) can be       b) can to be        c) was be        d) be

3. a) don’t         b) am not           c) was not       d)didn’t

4. a) some         b) any                c) no               d) a

5. a) back          b) last                c) ago             d) again

6. a) nothing     b) no                  c) some          d) any



1. Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски соответствующими словами и фразами из приведенного списка (a-h). Две фразы или слова- лишние.


Clever parents


Jimmy brought home his composition, which was a very bad one. His parents were 1)____ with him.

“Look at your friend Bob Smith”, said his father,  “2)____ clever he is. He is younger 3)____ you, but he is always 4)___ in your class, and you are always 5)____.”

Jimmy didn’t like his father’s words and he looked from his father to his mother and 6)___ back again.

“You forget, Daddy,” he said, “that Bob Smith has very clever parents.”


a)     the worst

b)    than

c)     very happy

d)    then

e)     the best

f)      how

g)    not pleased

h)    what


2. Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски соответствующими по смыслу словами.

I’m angry with you


Once Mark Twain was travelling in France 1)___ train. He wanted to go to 2)___ small town near Paris.

It was very late at night, he was very tired and wanted 3)___ sleep. He asked the conductor to wake him up when they got the town, and went to sleep. It was early morning when he woke up, and the train 4)___ already in Paris.

Mark Twain ran up to the conductor and cried, “I asked you to wake me up. Why didn’t you 5)___ it? I am very angry with you.”

The conductor looked 6)___ him for a moment and said, “You may be very angry, sir, but not so angry as the American whom I put off the train instead of you.”



3. Прочитай текст.  Выбери ответы (a-d) по смыслу.


The golden apple


Once there was a king who said, “Who tells me the 1)____ lie (ложь) will get a golden apple.”

Many people came to him and told him lies, but the king always said “That’s all very good, but it 2) ___ true.”

One day a man came to the king and said, “Oh, King, give me back my gold which you took from me last week.”

“I 3) ___ take any gold from you. It’s a lie!” cried the king.

“If it’s a lie, then give me the golden apple,’ said the man.

The king said, ‘Jh, yes, I remember now. You gave me 4) ___ gold a week 5) ___.”

“Very good, then give me back my gold,” said the man.

The king could do 6) ___ . He gave the clever man the golden apple.


1.a) big             b) bigger             c) biggest       d) most big

2. a) can be       b) can to be        c) was be        d) be

3. a) don’t         b) am not           c) was not       d)didn’t

4. a) some         b) any                c) no               d) a

5. a) back          b) last                c) ago             d) again

6. a) nothing     b) no                  c) some          d) any












not pleased



the best

the worst



















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