Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыЛексико-грамматический тест для 8 класса с ключами.

Лексико-грамматический тест для 8 класса с ключами.

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Лексико-грамматический тест для 8 класса с ключами.

I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

A London girl was spending her holiday in the country for the first time. One day she complained to the farmer that the bull had been running after her. She was very much frightened because she had never seen bulls before. "Well," said the farmer, "the bull was running after you because of the red blouse you were wearing." — "Dear me," said the girl, "of course, I understand that this blouse is awfully out of fashion. But I didn't know the bull would notice it."


1. The girl didn't understand why the bull had been running after her, did she?

2. How did the farmer explain the bull's behaviour?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

A London girl was spending her holiday in the country.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.


In the 18th century the Russian Government (1 — send) Vitus Bering to explore the lands behind Russia. One day Bering (2 — discover) the strait which (3 — separate) North America from Asia. It (4 — name) after the discoverer. On a later voyage Bering (5 — see) the mainland of North America. This discovery (6 — give) Russia its right to Alaska. Bering (7 — die) before he (8 — can) take the good news back to Russia. But Chirikov and some other men of Bering's expedition (9 — come) back.

The Russians (10 — explore) the North American continent as far north as the Arctic Ocean. Others (11 — make) settlements or (12 — build) trading posts as far south as Northern California. Not long before G. Washington (13 — become) President of the US, the Russians (14— make) a settlement in Alaska. For more than a hundred years trade (15 — carry) on between Russia and Alaska. During this time people from the US (16 — become) interested in this far northern territory. Some American ships (17 — sail) to the Arctic Ocean to fish. Others (18 — trade) with Russian settlements. In 1867 the USA (19 — buy) Alaska. It (20 — sell) for a little more than seven million dollars.

Alaska (21 — be) the largest of all the states of the USA. It (22 — be) rich in minerals. There (23 — be) large forests, many animals and much fish there.


Elephants can (1 — be) a danger to themselves. In one game park they (2 — grow) in number so fast that soon there (3 — be) too many of them. They (4 — destroy) everything as they (5 — look) for food and drink. Very soon they (6 — start) to ruin the countryside (7 — belong) to farmers outside the park. So a big hunt had to (8 — organize) to reduce their number.

Not long ago in Africa elephants (9 — live) in great numbers. Big-game hunters (10— kill) many of them. Today elephants (11 — have) to live in game parks because people (12 — want) more and more land. But the elephants (13 — be) not safe in these parks either. Hunters (14 — kill) them because they (15 — have) something very valuable: ivory. If some measures not (16 — take), our children and grandchildren (17 — can) to see elephants only in the Zoo.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. It's so kind ... you to call me.

a) for, b) with, c) of, d) on.

2. If my advice ... , I'll be happy.

a) help, b) helps, c) will help, d) have helped.

3. I have never seen ... interesting film.

a) so a, b) so an, c) such a, d) such an.

4. Her husband is twice as ... as she is.

a) old, b) older, c) elder, d) the oldest.

5. You ... to come here again.

a) must, b) may, c) should, d) have.

6. ... raining when you went out?

a) Was there, b) Was it, c) Is there, d) Is it.

7. The noise of the broken glass made me ... .

a) woke up, b) have woken up, c) to wake up, d) wake up.

8. Can you come on Monday evening? — Sorry, I'd love to but I ... volleyball.

a) was playing, b) played, c) am playing, d) have played.

9. Are you interested ... working for us?

a) at, b) in, c) of, d) for.

10. There wasn't... in the garden.

a) some people, b) anybody, c) any people, d) no people.

11. ... in my class knows him.

a) All, b) All pupils, c) All the pupils, d) Everyone.

12. His hands are dirty. He ... the car.

a) repaired, b) repairs, c) has been repairing, d) will repair.

13. By the time I came she ... a cake.

a) cooked, b) cooks, c) will cook, d) had cooked.

14. They ... us to do the room.

a) said, b) told, c) spoke, d) talked.

15. He doesn't know this rule. Tom doesn't know it ... .

a) too, b) either, c) also, d) neither.

16. ... tea is grown in many parts of Asia.

a) The, b) — , c) A, d) An.

17. If he ... in Moscow, he'll visit us.

a) is, b) will be, c) would be, d) were.

18. I don't like apples; ... ?

a) you do, b) don't you, c) you don't, d) do you.

19. We all ... mistakes when we are in a hurry.

a) do, b) make, c) did, d) made.

20. I haven't been home ... yesterday.

a) for, b) since, c) after, d) before.

V. Переведите иа авглхйошй язык.

1. Ты не знаешь, где она живет?

2. — Ты сделала пятое упражнение? — Нет еще, я его сей­час делаю.

3. На столе была ваза с цветами и фрукты,

4. Статья была опубликована в «Москоу Тайме».

5. Эту пьесу стоит посмотреть.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. What is the most ancient monument in Great Britain?

a) the Lower West Gate, b) Stonehenge, c) Hadrian's Wall, d) the Tower Gate.

2. What is M. Thatcher by profession?

a) an engineer, b) a doctor, c) a chemist, d) a teacher.

3. Who is the head of the government in the UK?

a) Prime Minister, b) Queen, c) Speaker, d) Chancellor.

4. Where is the Bank of England situated?

a) in the West End, b) in the East End, c) in the City, d) in the South.

5. What is English marmalade?

a) apple jam, b) orange jam, c) sweets, d) a cake.

                                 Ключ  к тесту


1. No, she didn't.

2. He explained that the bull had been running after her red blouse.

II.  What was the girl doing in the country?


a)  1 — sent, 2 — discovered, 3 — separated, 4 — was named, 5 — saw, 6 gave, 7— died, 8— could, 9— came, 10— explored, 11— made, 12-. built, 13— became, 14— made, 15— was carried, 16— became, 17--sailed, 18 — traded, 19 — bought, 20 — was sold, 21 — is, 22 — is, 23 — are.

b)   1 — be, 2 — grew, 3 — were, 4 — destroyed, 5 — looked, 6 — started, 7— belonging, 8— be organized, 9— lived, 10— killed, 11— have, 12— want, 13 — are, 14 — kill, 15 — have, 16 — are taken, 17 — will be able.

IV.    1 - с, 2-b, 3- d, 4- а, 5- d, 6- b, 7- d, 8- с, 9- b, 10-b, 11- d, 12- с, 13- d, 14- b, 15- b, 16 - b, 17- а, 18- d, 19-b, 20 - b.

V.   1. Do you know where she lives?

2. Have you done Exercise 5? — Not yet. I'm doing it.

3. There was a vase with flowers and some fruit on the table.

4. The article was published (has been published) in the Moscow Times.

5. This play is worth seeing.

VI.  1 — b, 2 — с, 3 — а, 4 — с, 5 — b.


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