Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыLesson Plan TEFL TESOL

Lesson Plan TEFL TESOL

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Date: 19.06.2023

Teacher: Natalia Savelyeva

Focus: Present Continuous (PC) tense with focus on listening, writing and speaking.

Time length: 60 Minutes  


Class Level: A2


Number of students: 17 ADULTS 




-          To introduce the present continuous (PC) with its function to talk about an action in progress at the time of speaking and comparing it to the present simple.

-          To introduce the affirmative and negative form of the present continuous.

-          To introduce SPELLING RULES for PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

-          To provide students with controlled and semi-controlled practice in speaking, listening and freer practice in writing in the context of reporting about actions at the moment using the present continuous.

Potential Student Misunderstandings:  

-          Students may want to use the present simple which would be incorrect here.

-          Spelling forms of the verb could be a problem (e.g. meet + ing, but not ‘shine + ing’).

-          Some verbs rarely if ever take the -ing form (e.g. know, hear, like).

-          Students might be confused by the alternative negative forms (e.g. you aren’t / you’re not). -             Confusion with other use of same tense.

-          Some languages have a single tense covering uses of both simple and progressive in English (first language interference might be an issue with most of these language points).



-          picture with a lot of detail (for warm up)

-          worksheets (all links are provided at the end of plan)

-          computer with projector to play videos

-          A4 papers



5 minutes

Warm-up - «Describe The Picture» Description of the activity:



Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities


Good morning everyone! I’m glad to see you.

How are you today? Let’s start our class. Warm-up - «Describe The Picture»

The class is divided into pairs. Since we have an odd number of students, there will be three people in one group. Show one person in each pair a picture with a lot of detail in it. Then the student has to describe the picture to their partner in 30 seconds. Their partner has to draw the picture based on the description. The team with the closest matching picture wins.

These warmer activities will get the class on the right foot and set the tone for an enjoyable English class


Monitor student discussions while they are in

The students greet the teacher, ask how he/she is doing and start working in pairs after explanations. 




pairs. Do not interrupt, but make notes of any mistakes I hear.







Introduce the objective:

Teacher:Today we are going to learn:

-  the present continuous with its function to talk about an action in progress at the time of speaking and comparing it to the present simple,

-  the affirmative and negative form of the present continuous,

-  spelling rules for present continuous’

Finally you will practice in speaking, listening and freer practice in writing in the context of reporting about actions at the moment using the present continuous.








Direct Instructions


Modeling & Think-Alouds:



PC affirmative




ing‘. After the song, nd write them on the

So, the best and easiest way to demonstrate this to erb as you are saying it. For example, pick up


Play the song and ask students to listen for all the words ending with ‘ ask students what present continuous words they can remember a board. 

Next, put these words in context. The present continuous tense describes actions that are taking place at the time of speaking. students is to act out the present continuous v a book and pretend to read it and say ‘I am reading

Do the same with the other present continuous verbs from the song. As you are saying and acting out the sentences, ask the students to do the same. After that present the formula on the board:


+ to be + V-ing +


We usually use the Present Continuous with words that indicate that the action is happening right at the moment of speaking:


       at the moment

       this minute


       right now


2) Comparing PC to the present simple.

Play the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeaaaMx-Wec






Negative form of PC



Explain how to form negative form then ask students to change the sentence above into


the negative form.




Spelling rules for PC






Ask students what spelling rules they remember from this video and write down the


answers on the board.




Guided practice Structured Activity: 

This present continuous exercise worksheet asks students to fill in the blank spaces with the correct verb form. All sentences on this worksheet include the present continuous tense in the positive form.



Do it with the whole-class, check the answers together


Semi-structured Activity:  

To complete this worksheet students should read the sentence and imagine that the sentence is describing now. Then they should imagine what they would be doing in that situation and answer the question ‘What are you doing?’ while using the present continuous tense. https://games4esl.com/wp-content/uploads/Present-Continuous-Worksheets-4-Questionand-Answer.pdf


This present continuous worksheet asks students to change the sentence into the negative form. 


Teacher monitors groups and checks their discussions.


Checks for Understanding:

Before move on, teacher discusses all the mistakes students have made during guided practice. Explain one more time if necessary.




Independent practice Unstructured Activity: 

Teacher offers students a pair work. As we have 17 students, three students will work together the rest will work in pairs.


This is an ‘information gap’ activity worksheet. There are 2 different pages. One for Student A and one for Student B. The students should ask and answer questions in the present continuous form to complete the table. For example, Student A’s worksheet does not show what Sally is doing, so Student A would ask ‘What’s Sally doing?‘. Then Student B would look at their worksheet and answer. 



Teacher does not stop monitoring the work, listen to all groups and make notes of all mistakes.



Describe the End-of-Lesson Assessment:

Ask students to write the answers on the A4 papers and hold them above their heads so you could see them all.

1.       Please write the formula for PC tense.

2.       Please write down the words that indicate that the action is happening right at the moment of speaking.

3.       Please make the negative sentence of «He is reading a book now».

4.       Please add the ending – ‘ing’ to the following verbs: dance, help, hit, live, play, fly, study, kiss, die, etc.


Students perform the task, teacher makes notes of mistakes and corrects them actively involving the students in this process.



Explain the homework task: Teacher distributes the worksheets 


This present continuous worksheet asks students to look at the present tense verb and connect it to the correct present progressive word.


The teacher thanks the students for their work and says goodbye.



It is possible that in the lesson there will be a problem with a lack of time to complete all the tasks. In this case, the teacher must adjust the lesson plan in real time.








https://games4esl.com/wp-content/uploads/Present-Continuous-Exercise-Worksheet-1-Positive.pdf https://games4esl.com/wp-content/uploads/Present-Continuous-Exercise-Worksheet-2-Negative.pdf

https://games4esl.com/wp-content/uploads/Present-Continuous-Worksheets-3-Information-GapActivity.pdf https://games4esl.com/wp-content/uploads/Present-Continuous-Worksheets-5-Connect-The-Dots.pdf



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