Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыLesson plan: "What's your favourite food?"

Lesson plan: "What's your favourite food?"

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Lesson plan

Student’s Book:  Spotlight 2 by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Nadezhda Bykova, Marina Pospelova

Form: 2nd

Topic: Revision of the theme “What is your favourite food?”

Aims: to revise the material about food

To practise:

Vocabulary: food items

Grammar structures: I like…\I don’t like….\My friend likes…\How many..?

Crafts: doing the projects “Pizza making set”

Integrated skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing

Lesson’s equipment: flashcards, pizza-making set, Power Point Presentation, evaluation cards


I.                   GREETING

Hello, children! How are you today?

(Hello, teacher! I am fine, thanks!)

Vanya and Alina, how are you today?

(We are fine, thanks)

NOTE: To ask students about their mood is a good idea to practise the verb “To be” in the present forms.

II.                THEME OF THE LESSON

The teacher asks the students to look at the screen and name the words:

chicken, horse, orange, cheese, one, lamp, ant, table, eggs.



After that, the teacher asks the students to build a word, using the first letters of words and guess the topic of the lesson.

(Correct answer: CHOCOLATE)

III.             Setting the goals for the lesson

      The teacher asks the students to look at the pictures and suggest the ideas for the lesson’s activities.



The students name the verbs “Listen”, “Sing and Dance”, “Speak”, “Do Projects\Create”

The teacher asks his students to use the evaluation cards during the lesson.

NOTE: I regularly use the evaluation cards at me English lessons to track the students’ progress. In addition, I suppose that “can do cards” help the teacher to mark the students at the end of the lesson. (Table 1)


Table 1. NOW I CAN

While doing tasks, evaluate yourself!

You have done the task correctly, put a tick, if you have some mistakes,

put a cross.


1. Read and Write English words



2.Speak about favourite food.



3.Listen to Larry and Lulu.



4.Sing “I don’t like tea…”.



5.Project “My favourite pizza”



5  - very good

4  - good

3  - sat


I.                   Vocabulary Revision


Learning material: cards with pictures and food words

The students work in pairs and match pictures with words to find pairs.


After checking the answers the students rea the words by chain.

NOTE: It is a good idea to use different voice tones (loud and whisper) while pronouncing the words. It makes students excited and motivate them.

II.                Grammar Revision

The teacher asks his students to look at the screen and answer the questions: How many bananas can you see?

NOTE: to repeat the plural form of the nouns

III.             Listening Activity

Learning material: audio

The teacher asks the students to open their workbook at page 30 (the number is written on the whiteboard).

The students are listening a short recording about Lulu’s and Larry’s favourite food.

To discuss the food preferences, the teacher reminds the students the usage of the ending “s” at the end of the verb “LIKE” when talking about Larry and Lulu.

IV.             Speaking Activity

Learning material: speaking activity worksheet

The teacher and the students talk about students’ favourite food.

The students share their pinions by using the visual support on the screen.

After the discussion, the teacher wants the students to work in pairs to fill in the table about their classmates’ favourite food.

The example of the activity:

What about your classmate? What is his favourite food and drinks?

Write four more question and put tick or cross. Then tell your class.


1.    Do you like milk?












V.               SONG TIME!

The teacher and the students sing a song “I don’t like tea, I don’t like coffee...”

The reference to the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOgjmzUfB3Y&ab_channel=detiee

NOTE: This chant is a suitable variant to revise all the drinks that students learnt at the previous English lessons and to practise the grammatical structures “I like…\I don’t like…” Moreover, while singing a song, the students dance, that means they have a physical activity to overcome stress and tiredness at the lesson.

VI.           PROJECT TIME!

All children enjoy doing crafts. The teacher and the students are making pizza, by using the prepared pizza making set, which consists of a circle and food pictures. The students decide on the ingredients, cut, and paste the pictures. The students show their pizzas and tell the class: My favourite pizza is…


The teacher and the students sum up the lesson by filling the evaluation cards and talking about the “cans” and “cants”



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