Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыМатериал для урока по теме "География Великобритании"

Материал для урока по теме "География Великобритании"

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Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку в 10 классе (12 учебный взвод)

Цели урока:

1.     Формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения

2.     Тренировка новой лексики

Задачи урока:

1.     Практиковать учащихся в аудировании

2.     Тренировать учащихся в работе в группах

3.     Повторить виды вопросительных предложений, предлоги и артикли


1.     Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Дежурный: Взвод!Ровняйсь! Смирно! Товарищ преподаватель, 12 учебный взвод в составе 27 человек к уроку английского языка готов, отсутствующих нет! Дежурный по взводу Свар Светлана!

Учитель: Здравствуйте, товарищи курсанты!

Взвод: Здравия желаю, товарищ преподаватель!

Учитель: Sit down, please! The plan for our lesson: at first we are going to repeat our new words (it was your homework) and write a dictation, then we are going to work with our text “Great Britain”. We are going to repeat questions, prepositions and articles. At last I am going to give you a test and discuss your next homework. So, let us start our lesson!


2.     Фонетическая зарядка.

Учитель: Listen to the record and repeat the words:

“t” – coast, vast, mountain, mountainous, state, industry, Parliament

“d” – island, deep, united, Ireland

“ r” – country, great, Great Britain, area, separate, Prime-minister, rule

“w” – western, while, which, warm waters, washed, what, where, whose, who



3.     Проверка домашнего задания.

Now we are going to check up your homework. Repeat our new words, you have got 3 minutes. Are you ready? We have 2 groups as usual.

1 V: 1) омывать                            2 V: 1) влиять

        2) климат                                      2) поверхность

             3) население                                  3) равнина

        4) Северное море                         4) пролив Ла-Манш

         5) Британские острова                5) Эдинбург                                                                                                                                                                 

        6) глубокий                                   6) мягкий

        7) река                                           7) монархия

        8) текстиль                                    8) судостроение

        9) руководящий                            9)важный

       10) королева                                 10) премьер-министр

       11) столица                                   11) гора

       12) юг                                            12) север

    13) долина                                      13) парламент

    14) политический                          14) состоять из

    15)   закон                                       15) партия

Учитель: Give me your words! Thank you!


4. Речевая зарядка.

Учитель: Agree or disagree with me!

1) The British Isles consist of 2 large islands.

Каюков: That is right. The British Isles consist of 2 large islands.

     2)The capital of the UK is Cardiff.

Смыслов: That is wrong. The capital of the UK is London.

3) The surface of the British Isles does not vary very much.

Тарасов: That is wrong. The surface of the British Isles   varies very much.

4) The north of Scotland is mountainous.

 Угодина: That is right. The north of Scotland is mountainous

5) The north of Scotland is called the Lowlands.

Митекин: That is wrong. The north of Scotland is called the Highlands.

6) There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain.

Свар: That is right. There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain.

7) The rivers in Great Britain are very long.

Сабиров: That is wrong. The rivers in Great Britain are not very long.

8) The UK is a highly developed industrial country.

Меркушев: That is right. The UK is a highly developed industrial country.

9) The Queen reigns and rules.

Погосян: That is wrong. The Queen reigns, but does not rule.

10) The British Parliament consists of 2 chambers.

Яковлева: That is right. The British Parliament consists of 2 chambers.

Учитель: Thank you!


5.Работа с текстом (вопросы)

Учитель: You have prepared questions to our text “Great Britain” at home. We are going to ask these questions each other. We work in groups as usual.

Кузоятов: Where  is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated?

Окомашенко: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.

Федотов: What is the capital of the UK?

Токмачев:  The capital of the UK is London.

Нуризянов: What mountain is the highest in Scotland?

Курбанов: The highest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis.

Насыров: Is Severn the longest river in Great Britain?

Коваль: Yes, it is. Severn is the longest river in Great Britain.

Справчикова: What river is the deepest in Great Britain?

Христенко: Thames is the deepest river in Great Britain.

Волков: Is the UK a large country?

Иванов: No, the UK is one of the worlds smaller country.

Игошкин: What is one of the chief industries of the country?

Кулдубаев: One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.

Меркушев: Does the Queen rules?

Митекин: In practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule.

Учитель: I think, that is enough.


6. Работа с интерактивной доской. Вставка предлогов и артиклей.  

Учитель:  Look at the blackboard. You can see sentences on it. You have to fill the gaps. Яковлева Даша и Смыслов Игорь, go to the blackboard! You have got 3 minutes. We have to watch and correct mistakes.



1.     The United Kingdom … Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated … the British Isles.

2.     The warm waters … Gulf Stream influence the climate … the British Isles.

3.     The country is ruled … the elected parliament.

4.     … 80% … population is urban.

5. One … the chief industries … the country is shipbuilding.



1.     There are a lot of  … rivers in… Great Britain.

2.     … British Isles are separated from … European continent  by … North Sea and … English Channel.

3.     … UK is … highly developed industrial…  country.

4.     …Severn is … longest river in… Great Britain.

5.     … South has … beautiful plains and … valleys and is called … Lowlands.


7. Учитель: Now we are going to write a test. You have to choose one answer, which is right. You have got 7 minutes.

1. The capital of Wales is …

    a) London                                c) Edinburgh

b) Cardiff                                d) Belfast

2. The longest river in Great Britain is …

a) the Severn                          c) the Ural  

b) the Thames                        d) the Volga

3. One of the chief industries of the country is…

a) machinery                           c) aircraft

b) textile                                  d) shipbuilding

4. The British Parliament consists of … chambers.

a) 2                                           c) 4

b) 3                                           d) 5

5. The Head of State is …

a) the Prime Minister               c) the Queen

b) people                                   d) the president

6. The British Isles consist of 2 large islands:

a) Great Britain and Ireland     c) Bermudas and Cyprus

b) Ireland and Iceland              d) Hebrides and Orkney

7. The UK is …

a) a republic                             c) a constitutional monarchy

b) an absolute monarchy          d) socialistic State

8. The highest mountain is …

a) the Alps                                c) Ural

b) Ben Nevis                             d) Etna

9. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on …

a) the British Isles                       c) Kuril Islands

b) the Aleutian Isles                    d) Crete

10) The capital of the UK is …

a) Cardiff                                     c) London

b) Belfast                                     d) Edinburgh


8.  Объяснение домашнего задания. Учитель:Your time is over. Give me your tests and write your homework: tell about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. You can use this plan:

1.Geographical  position

2. The surface of the British Isles

3. The UK is a highly developed industrial country.

4. Political organization.


9. Выставление оценок. Подведение итогов.

Учитель:Your marks today are:Смыслов, Яковлева, Митекин,  Меркушев – your marks are “good”. Other get marks after I correct your tests. Our lesson is over!

Дежурный: Взвод! Ровняйсь! Смирно! Товарищ преподаватель, Разрешите закончить урок!

Учитель: Урок окончен! Our lesson is over! До свидания! Good-bye!




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