Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыМатериалы к дифференцированному зачету по английскому языку

Материалы к дифференцированному зачету по английскому языку

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Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Вологодской области 

«Тотемский политехнический колледж»




Заместитель директора по научно-методической и инновационной деятельности

______________/И.А. Кузнецова/


«___» ____________ 2018 года













Материалы к  дифференцированному зачету

за  7  семестр 2018 – 2019 учебного года

по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык» (английский язык),

специальность  44.02.02 Преподавание в начальных классах

4 курс, группа ПНК 402

Преподаватель:  Ю.Л. Малыгина





Рассмотрено на заседании предметной (цикловой) комиссии общеобразовательных, общих гуманитарных

 и  социально-экономических дисциплин

« _____» __________ 2018 г.

Протокол № ______

Председатель ___________Л.А. Рычкова


















Тотьма, 2018

Пояснительная записка

Цель дифференцированного зачета -  проверка  уровня усвоения знаний, сформированности умений  и  навыков по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский)

 Форма дифференцированного зачета– устный опрос. Опрос включает работу с текстами профессиональной направленности. По каждому тексту обучающиеся должны выполнить 4задания: прочитать вслух выделенный отрывок текста, перевести выделенный отрывок текста, ответить на вопросы к тексту, выполнить грамматическое задание.

Обучающиеся должны знать:

1..лексический минимум, обслуживающий темы профессионально ориентированного 2.содержания программы учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» общего

гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла основной профессиональной образовательной программы;

3.структуру английского предложения; видовременные формы английского глагола, типы вопросов и другой грамматический материал, необходимый для выполнения заданий.

Обучающиеся должны уметь

1.владеть техникой чтения; читать и переводить тексты со словарем (умение изучающего чтения); отвечать на вопросы к тексту (умение поискового чтения);

2.владеть тематикой общения, использовать языковые явления и речевые средства.

Разделы учебной дисциплины, выносимые на дифференцированный зачет

Речевые умения

Предметное содержание речи

раздел 1 «Профессия учителя. Образование и воспитание»

 раздел 2 «Система образования в России и за рубежом»

Виды речевой деятельности

Говорение: монологическая и диалогическая речь, основы общения на иностранном языке.


изучающее чтение, просмотровое (поисковое) чтение, техника перевода (со словарем)

профессионально-ориентированных текстов.

Языковые знания и навыки .Произносительная сторона речи, техника чтения. Лексическая сторона речи, профессиональная лексика. Грамматическая сторона речи

Критерии и нормы оценки: каждое задание оценивается отдельно и выводится средняя оценка за дифференцированный зачет.









(поисковое) чтение




Оценка за

диф. зачет










Оценка «5» правильное выполнение заданий к тексту (допускаются незначительные ошибки в одном из заданий).

Оценка «4» - незначительные ошибки в заданиях к тексту.

Оценка «3» - ошибки в заданиях к тексту или задания выполнены не полностью.

Оценка «2» - задания не выполнены или выполнены неверно.






Тексты профессиональной направленности по темам:


1. Система образования в России

2. Начальное образование в Великобритании

3. Среднее и высшее образование в Великобритании.

4. Профессия педагога

5 Спорт и здоровый образ жизни

6. Система образования в США

7. Иностранный  язык в моей жизни

8.Реформыв системе среднего образования

9. Характер учителя.

10. Конвенция о правах ребенка

11. Школьные правила.

























Текст 1

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1        Is education in Russia right or duty?

          2. What kind of schools are there in Russia?

3. What are the possible ways to continue education after the finishing of the secondary school?

       4. What are the main types of educational institutions in our country?

5.      When children begin your education?


          Задание 4.  Определите часть речи выделенного слова.



People in our country have the right for education. It is our Constitutional right. But it is not only a right, it is a duty, too. Every boy and every girl in Russia must go to school, that is, they must get a full secondary educa­tion. So, when they are 6 or 7 years old they begin to go to school. There are thousands of schools in Russia. There are schools of general education, where the pupils study Russian (or a native language), Literature, Mathemat­ics, History, Biology, Music, Arts, Foreign Languages. There is also a number of specialised schools, where the pupils get deep knowledge of foreign languages, or Maths, or Physics.

After finishing 9 classes of secondary school young people can continue their education at different kinds of vocational or technical schools or colleges. They not only learn general subjects, but receive a speciality there. Having finished a secondary school, a technical school or a college young people can start working, or they may ,  enter an Institute or a University. Professional training makes it easier to get higher education. As for high schools, there are a lot of them in our country. Some of them train teachers, others — doctors, engineers, archi­tects, actors and so on. Many institutes have evening and extra-mural departments. That gives the students an opportunity to study at an institute without leaving their jobs.










Текст 2

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1) When does the compulsory education begin in Eng­land?

2) What are «3R's» of the infant school?

3) When lessons begin?

         4)What is a system of education aimed to?

           5)When does the pre-school education in England begin?


          Задание 4.  Определите часть речи выделенного слова.



The system of education in any country is aimed at developing a personality for the good of the individual and society as a whole.

Pre-school education in England begins at the age of 3 or 4. Around half of the children at this age attend nursery schools or playgroups mostly organised by parents. Chil­dren of this age need care as well as education. That's why kids play a lot, learn to listen attentively and to behave.

Compulsory primary education begins at the age of five in England, Wales and Scotland and at four in North­ern Ireland. Children start their school career in an in fant school. Lessons start at 9 a.m. and are over at 4 p.m. They are taught «3 R's»: Reading» wRiting, aRithme-tic. Pupils have a lot of fun at school, drawing, reading, dancing or singing.

When they are 7 pupils move to a junior school, which lasts four years till they are 11. They study a lot of sub­jects: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geogra­phy along with Technology, Music, Art and Physical ed­ucation

Most of children (over 90 per cent) go to state schools where education is free. Only a small proportion of them attend private (Public) or independent schools. Parents have to pay for the education at these schools. The fees are high and only some families can afford it. So such schools are for the representatives of the high class of England. The most notable Public schools are Eton, Har­row, Winchester, Rugby.









Текст 3

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. When Secondary education begins?

2. What are Grammar schools?

3. What are Modern schools?

4. What is the British government aimed to?

5. What exams must be taken to enter the University?



          Задание 4.  Определите часть речи выделенного слова.


Secondary and higher education in UK

Secondary education begins at 11. The majority of secondary schools are Comprehensive schools where boys and girls study together. Besides, parents can take their sons and daughters to Grammar schools or Secondary Modem Schools.

Grammar schools provide an academic course from 11 to 18. They prepare pupils for colleges and universities.

Many children of working class families go to Modern schools. They give a very limited education. Pupils get instruction in woodwork, metalwork, sewing, shorthand, typing and cooking. After finishing such a school a pu­pil becomes an unskilled worker.

Every pupil has to choose a set of subjects to learn. If he takes up Art he will study English Literature, Music, Art, Drama and foreign languages. If he is good at exact and natural sciences, he will learn Science: Mathemat­ics, Physics, Chemistry. Biology. Geography, Econom­ics and Technical Drawing.

The British government encourages careers education in the country. That's why secondary schools try to break down the barriers between education and business. They set up close links with firms to allow their students to take part in business activities.

At around 16 years old teenagers take some exams and coursework to get General Certificate of Education. Those who choose to stay on at school usually study for two further years to pass A level (Advanced level) exams. These exams will give them a chance to enter the university.






Текст 4

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1.     What good teacher must know?

2.     Are teachers good friends of their pupils?

3.     What organize  good teacher?

4.     What means a «good teacher»?

5.     Is it profession teacher a very difficult job?


 Задание 4.  Определите часть речи выделенного слова.




It is known that teaching is a very difficult job of great responsibility and most specific character. There is a wide variety of work in teaching. A good teacher is not only a communicator of knowledge but a model of competence. He forms attitudes to his subject and attitudes to learning, becoming himself a symbol of educational process, a person who is teaching as well as learning.


A good teacher always regards capacities his pupils have, trying to temper his teaching methods to children’s abilities and aptitudes.

A good teacher must know the general aims of education, must know his own subject perfectly well, should plan carefully his or her work, assess pupils’ proficiency correctly, work hard to remain up-to-date in his or her subject, use a lot of different materials, equipment and teaching methods, do the best to make his or her lessons interesting, keep in contact with the pupils’ parents, help children to live in the community. School becomes a place of learning and living, of work and play.

Teachers are good friends of their pupils. They want to see them competent, skilled, honest, kind and well-bred. Teachers help them to organize meetings, to hold pleasure parties, conferences and excursions. They organize hobby groups, sports activity, subject Olympiads (competitions).


Some people say that a good teacher has some of the qualities of a good actor. May be they are right. But a teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play: they ask and answer questions. A teacher cannot learn his part by heart, but invent it as he goes along. There are many teachers who are fine actors in class, but are unable to take part in a stage-play.






Текст 5

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1.When american children start attending elementary schools?

2        What  most famous American universities  do you know?

3.Where young people get higher education?

4. Are parents free to choose any public school for their children?

5.When  school year  starts  and ends ?

 Задание 4.  Определите часть речи выделенного слова

The system of education in the USA.

The system of education in the USA varies greatly from state to state. School education in so called state public schools is free. Parents are free to choose any public school for their children. Although there are a lot of private schools, mainly religious, and parents have to pay for them. A school year starts in September and ends in June. It is divided into three terms or four quarters. 

American children start attending elementary schools at the age of 6. They continue their studies for eight years there .Their basic subjects in the curriculum at this stage are English, Arithmetic, Natural Science, History, Geography, Foreign Language and some others. After that pupils may enter a Senior high school or if they go to a 5- or 6-year elementary school, they then attend a 3- or 4-year Junior high school, and then enter a Senior high school. Pupils graduate from high schools at the age of 18. The high schools (also known as secondary schools) are generally larger and accommodate teenagers from four or five elementary schools. During the school year the students study four or five selective subjects according to their professional interests. They must complete a certain number of courses to receive a high school diploma or a certificate of school graduation.

At American colleges and universities young people get higher education. They study for 4 years and get a Bachelor's degree in arts or science. If a student wants to get a Master's degree he must study for two more years and do a research work. Students who want to advance their education even further in a specific field can pursue a Doctor degree. The most famous American universities are Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale, Columbia Universities.






Текст 6

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1What  most popular team sports for teenagers?

2.Are physical exercises also perfect way for emotional release?

3        What kind winter sports prefer youngsters ?

4        What perfect way for emotional release?

5        What means «over weight»?

 Задание 4.   Определите часть речи выделенного слова

Sports and healthy lifestyle

Sport plays an important role in the life of teenagers. Those people who go in for sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow a diet and control their weight tend to be more cheerful and are less susceptible to diseases. On the other hand, those people who don't participate in any physical activity and prefer junk food tend to be subjected to obesity and are at risk of heart and vascular diseases.

As a matter of fact, the problem of obesity is one of the most pressing in the modern world. Today more and more teenagers are becoming overweight. One solution that can be put forward is doing sports, which can help teens not only to lose excessive weight and to stay fit, but also to feel more vigorous and spirited throughout the day. Physical exercises are also the perfect way for emotional release. To improve school performance it is essential for school children to balance mental stimulation and physical activity. Besides, it is necessary to mention that supporters of healthy life style are also at much less risk of getting involved in drinking alcohol, taking drugs and other bad habits than those who are addicted to computer games, instead. In addition, sports develop the will for victory, as well as caseharden the constitution and the spirit. Sports also create opportunities to find congenial souls with common interests and values. That feeling that you are a part of the team can help to develop your leadership skills and to boost your self-esteem.

The most popular team sports for teenagers are football, volleyball, basketball and tennis. However, some youngsters prefer winter sports, such as figure-skating, ice-hockey and skiing, while others are fond of summer sports, including diving, swimming, yachting and rafting.







Текст 7

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1.     Is learning  foreign language  easy thing?

2.     How many people speak in mother tongue?

3.     What countries speak in English?

4.     Who said, "He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one."?

5.     What English poet do you know?

 Задание 4.  Определите часть речи выделенного слова

Foreign Languages in Our Life

Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign writers in the original, which makes your outlook wider. It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well-educated people are polyglots.

 I study English. Nowadays English has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South Africa Republic. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technology. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. The English language is a wonderful language. It is the language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens. The great German poet Goethe once said, "He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one." That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign languages.






Текст 8

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1.     How many per cent of school-leavers absolutely healthy today?

2.     How many per cent of school-leavers have various health problems?

 3.Is school shows tendencies of further development?

     4.What Modem industry needs?

     5 Is General secondary education extended to eleven years?

Задание 4.  Определите часть речи выделенного слова


Reform in the System of Secondary Education in Russia.


School is one of the most important institutions of the society. School

reflects the condition of the society and shows tendencies of further

development. Being one of the most important social institutions, it influences the life of the country as a whole. Much attention should be paid to education of children to ensure stability and progress in the country.

At the same time, the changes in the social and economic life present new demands in the respect of new vision in the upbringing and development of the new generation. It is generally stated that the system of education in Russia has the urgent need in deep   alterations nowadays.

In the beginning of the twenty-first century the system of education faces several problems. On the one hand, changes taking place in information technologies and industry highlight the main objectives in education. Modem industry needs qualified, highly professional specialists in many spheres. On the other hand, the overflow of information may become even dangerous for children: the statistics says that only 10 per cent of school-leavers can be considered absolutely healthy today, the other 90 per cent having various health problems. Therefore, it has been decided to extend the period of obligatory secondary education to nine years instead of eight. General secondary education is extended to eleven years.










Текст 9

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What young teacher must do every day?

2. When young people choose the profession of a teacher?

3. What means «good teacher»?

4. What teacher mustn’t forget doing?

5. Is classroom climate depends  on the relations between a teacher and a pupil?

 Задание 4.  Определите часть речи выделенного слова


Teacher’s сharacter.

When young people choose the profession of a teacher, it is always necessary to bear in mind that teaching is a very difficult job. It implies great responsibility and a lot of activities of different kind both in class and at home. There are always a lot of copybooks to be corrected, plans to be written, and problems to be discussed. In fact, there are no days off for a teacher: he or she is constantly occupied with thoughts about school, lessons and pupils. This is why it is often said that teacher’s job is very specific.

On the one hand, a good teacher does not only give knowledge but also serves a model of  behaviour for his or her pupils, especially the young ones. He or she forms the pupils’ attitude to the subject. The manner in which he or she teaches matters a lot. On the other hand, a teacher mustn’t forget that he or she must study from the pupils. Studying is a constant process for a teacher. If one stops studying, learning something new every day, both in the sphere of his or her professional

interest and in people’s relations, this means that it is time to stop  teaching. Classroom climate depends a lot on the relations between a teacher and a pupil. A teacher takes an active part in shaping a child’s character, fostering honesty, kindness, and cooperation












Текст 10

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1.     What named the document about right of the child?

2. Has the Convention become the most widely accepted human rights treaty ever?

3 What the Convention protects?


Задание 4.   Определите часть речи выделенного слова


The Convention on the Rights of the Child

The human rights of children and the standards to which all governments must aspire in realizing these rights for all children, are formulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention is the most universally accepted human rights instrument in history — it has

been ratified by every country in the world except two. By ratifying this

instrument, national governments have committed themselves to protecting

and ensuring children's rights.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was carefully drafted

over the course of 10 years (1979-1989) with the input of representatives

from all societies, all religions and all cultures. The Convention has become the most widely accepted human rights treaty ever.

Every right spelled out in the Convention is inherent to the human dignity and harmonious development of every child. The Convention protects children’s rights by setting standards in health care, education and legal, civil and social services. These standards are bench marks against which progress can be assessed. States that are party to the Convention are obliged to develop and undertake all actions and policies in the light of the best interests of the child.    

The Convention on the Rights of the Child confirms that children have a right to express their views and to have their views taken seriously and given due weight — but it does not state that children’s views are the only ones to be considered. The Convention also states that children have a responsibility to respect the rights of others, especially those of parents.









Текст 11

Задание 1. Прочитайте вслух выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 2. Переведите выделенный отрывок текста.

          Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1.     Where  every day brings us new emotions and new experience?

2.     When  pupils must come to school?

3.     What pupils must say their classmates?

4.     Have schools an uniform?

5.     What pupils must do during the lesson?


Задание 4.  Определите часть речи выделенного слова

School Rules

School is the place where we meet almost all our future friends, where every day brings new emotions and new experience. It gives us the opportunity to gain knowledge, to communicate with friends, to explore the world. Finally, school is where every weekday children spend even more time than at home – from early morning till evening. There are certain rules to be followed by all pupils and teachers at school. These rules make the life at school pleasant and comfortable for everyone involved. For example, it is a good idea to come to school 10-15 minutes before the start of the lesson.

         Then you have some time to say hello to your classmates and to discuss with them the latest news in order not to do it during the lesson. What’s more, you should prepare for the lessons, doing your homework in advance. Then, you should turn off your mobile phone during the lessons so it does not interfere with listening to the teacher carefully. And also try not to talk with other children during the lessons. That would prevent both of you from studying.

         Nowadays many schools have school uniform. It is believed that school uniform makes children more disciplined and removes social inequality because both rich and poor children wear the same clothes. Nevertheless, wearing school uniform is a must for all pupils. To sum up, whether you like it or not school rules are to follow for of all children at school. They help to avoid unpleasant and awkward.







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    Малыгина Юлия Леонидовна
    Малыгина Юлия Леонидовна
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    • Всего просмотров: 9357
    • Всего материалов: 4

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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки



500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Английский для специальных целей (ESP)

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 118 человек из 51 региона
  • Этот курс уже прошли 463 человека

Курс повышения квалификации

Письмо: методика подготовки учащихся к ОГЭ по английскому языку

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 73 человека из 31 региона
  • Этот курс уже прошли 248 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 1550 человек из 85 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 4 473 человека


Библиотечная трансформация: от классики до современности с акцентом на эффективное общение и организацию событий

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 21 человек из 15 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 35 человек


Психология личности

5 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 36 человек из 23 регионов


Маркетинг в сфере услуг: от управления до рекламы

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 29 человек из 14 регионов