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Методическая копилка "Некоторые приемы при обучении лексике"

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В материале приведены лексические упражнения к учебнику Дворецкой О.Б. и др. «New Millennium English 8»(«Английский язык нового тысячелетия: учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждении»)


Objectives: to develop language (vocabulary), listening, reading, speaking skills.

There are two parts in each lesson. The first part is devoted to vocabulary practice. Students should memorize words quite well. The second part is devoted to developing listening, reading, speaking skills.



To revise vocabulary on the theme “Holiday time”

A game “Field of Wonders”

The teacher splits class into two teams, asks students to guess the meaning of the words. Which team can guess the words quicker? Teacher gives out the students handouts with words from a students’ course book 6th grade on the theme “Holiday time”, and suggests students to do the crossword. The students should fill in the words.


To swim

Строить песочные замки

To make sandcastles

Читать книги

To read books

Есть мороженое

To eat ice cream


To travel

Навещать бабулю

To visit granny


To go climbing

Кататься на велосипеде

To ride a bicycle


To sunbathe

Играть в футбол

To play football


Answer the question about  “Holiday time”

How did you and your families spend free time in summer?

How to do the exercise

See table 1 on page 37

Find odd word

Do ex.1 page 3 workbook. Find odd word. (I scooter bike sunbathing etc.)

“Find a word”

Find a word. Students are united into 3 teams










Answer the question

what kind of holiday activities does your family like? Students answer about their family’s preferences. For example: My father does jigsaw puzzles in the evening, etc.

do ex.1b on page 4 Course Book

Secret  words. Group Work

A teacher  unites students into 4 groups. Each group gets cards with secret words and sentences. After reading sentences students should guess the meaning of word – combinations.

 Card 1 (sunbathe)

You go to the beach every summer. And there you put a big towel on the sand. You put off your clothes and then you lie under the sun. Can you guess the word?



Card 2 (ride a scooter)

If you want to feel a large spead, you can sit on a motorcycle and ride, ride, ride…Motorcycle is a synonym of this word.


Card 3 (go roller skating)

It looks like figure skating.




Card 4 (do jigsaw puzzle)

If you like doing it, you buy a box with many pieces of different pictures. You sit at the table with your friend or alone and gather these pieces into a big picture.


Card 5 (Watch a show at a water park)

We often watch TV show at a home. Where else can we watch a show? What can we watch at a water park?


Card 6 (go on an activity holiday)

On what kind of holiday do you go if you take care about your healthy style of life?


Card 7 (go scuba diving)

If you want to do it, you put on diving – suit and dive into the water.


Card 8 (go on rollercoasters)

If you like extreme life, you go to the attraction, may be in the park…


Card 9 (go camping)

If you like healthy lifestyle, you go to countryside on weekend. You go there by foot. There you can have an active weekend.

Game “Clap your hands”

Students should clap their hands and tell words they learnt at this lesson. The more, the better. Then the teacher tells students to create a crossword with new words of this lesson at home.

Listening task

Do ex.3c, p.5

Answer the questions

Did you sunbathe in summer?

If a student agrees, the teacher can ask him:

How did you sunbathe in summer? (A student can answer: I sunbathed lazily, etc.)


To write a letter about “  How I spent summer holidays” using new words.




Students learn the names of the fingers (index fingers, the thumbs… etc.

Do ex.1a, p.7


T – St. Students show the verbs with help of fingers. Students remember verbs: show, push, clean, wash, open, close, etc.

Do ex. 1b, p.7


Do ex.2a, p.7 – 8 ; ex.5, p.4 Workbook.

Do ex.2c, p.8; ex.3a, b, p.9 Course book.

The teacher would like to add next exercise for using these words in speech practice.


Answer the questions

1.      Do you like to truant from school?

2.      Do you truant from home?

3.      Why do teens truant from somebody who looks after them (parents, grandparents…etc.)?

4.      Are you a  player? What player are you?

5.      Are you a computer game player?

6.      Are you an addicted player?

7.      Do you know teens addicted to playing computer games?

8.      Why do teens play on computer games for more than 30 hours a week?

Advantages of playing video or computer games

Disadvantages of playing video or computer games






The teacher suggests the students to do ex. 1a, p.10, then do ex.2a, p.11 and then return to do ex. 1b, p.10 (Exercises 2a and 2b help students to understand the meanings of unfamiliar words in the text (ex.1b, p.10))

How to do the exercise

See table 2

A game “Who knows the words better?”

Students are united into two teams. A student from each team goes ahead step by step and tells a word. If he does not know a word, a student from other team tells a word and does a step ahead.


Do ex. 1b, p.10

Students read sentences with words in bold and translate them into Russian (“weak” students translate words and “strong” students check them).



Do ex.2a,b, p.13. These exercises prepare students to listening tasks.

Table 1


“Weak” students with low skills

“Strong” students with high skills


Match the words

Go roller skating                  решать кроссворды

Do jigsaw puzzles                ехать на роликах

Watch a show at a water park      ехать на мотоцикле

Go on an activity holiday         ходить в поход

Sunbathe         смотреть шоу в водном парке

Go on roller coasters        активно отдыхать

Go scuba diving 

заниматься подводным плаванием

Go camping     ходить на американские горки

 Do ex. 1a, p.4 Course book

Matching exercise with pictures



Table 2


“Weak” students with low skills

“Strong” students with high skills


Find a meaning of the word in the dictionary

Guess the meaning of the words through the context.

Connection – mobile connection

Behavior – some students disorder the lesson, because of their bad behavior

Develop – people should exercise their brains, they should develop their brains

Guess the meaning of these words through synonyms, for example: reasoning or a thinking process (teacher shows on her head), judgement or opinion or a view


Match the words

Reasoning         поведение

Judgement         мышление

Develop             связь

Connection        развивать

Behavior            суждение

Do ex.2b, p.11

Create your own sentences with these words


 Create word – combinations with these words




Table 3


“Weak” students with low skills

“Strong” students with high skills


Choose the right translation for the words in bold

A word “to pretend” has two meanings притворяться, решаться  to decide, to determine

Check them and say in English


the second meaning of the word


Choose a variant «притворяться»

Say in English «решаться»  to decide, to determine


Do ex. 2b,p.13

Create their own sentences with these words, try to pantomime these sentences


Table 4


“Weak” students with low skills

“Strong” students with high skills


Do ex.3a, p.18

Create own sentences with these words and one by one (as a chain) tell these sentences to the teacher


Match the words

To spend             беспокоиться о

To be tired of       изза

To judge by          уставать

Because of            судить по

To go out              тратить на

To be on a diet      выходить

To worry about      быть на диете

 Check them


Table 5


“Weak” students with low skills

“Strong” students with high skills


Create a story using words from Unit 1 (any lesson)

Create a story using words from Unit 1 Lessons 1 – 6


How to do the exercise

See table 3 on p. 37


·         When I don’t want to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning, I pretend to sleep. (A student shows a picture “7 o’clock in the morning”, another student pantomimes how he pretends to sleep”. Weak students guess the meaning of the word.)

·         You see a crying girl. You touch her hand and tell her: “Don’t get upset…” (A student touches girl’s hand and another student comments: “You see a crying girl. You touch her hand and tell… Weak students guess the word – combination to get upset.)

A game “Which team knows these words better?

Students are united into two teams. Two students from different teams stand opposite a teacher near the wall. They must go to the teacher step by step and say any word in other version. The rest students tell them words in English or in Russian. If a student translates this word in the right way he makes a step to the teacher. If a student does not know a right translation a student from other team can do it. After that a teacher can suggest students to guess new expressions. Teacher unites students in some groups and gives them word cards and students dramatize them using gestures and mimes. Other groups guess new expressions after students’acting.

WORD CARDS: to avoid, to recognize, to connect with, to make sure, to feel happy



Exercises help students to do reading tasks. Teacher introduces mew words: to spend on, to be tired of, to judge by, to go out, to be on a diet, to worry about, because of.

Teacher gives students an opportunity to understand the meaning of the words guessing from the context, using synonyms and through the dictionary.

·         To spend on – “Your mother goes to the shop and buy food or clothes. She buys food in the shop or she spends money on food in the shop.”

·         To worry about – “Your father does not come home on time. And your mother starts thinking about why he does not come. She worries about him.”

·         To judge by – “Students understand the meaning of the verb with help of noun “judgement” or through the context: People should not judge people by their clothes.”

·         To be on a diet – The synonym of this word is “not to eat everything”

·         To go out – A teacher tells students: “Look at me. I am here. I am going out…”

·         To be tired of – A person likes doing nothing. And then he was tired of being lazy.”

·         Because of – “Sometimes parents do not understand their children because of their differences in age”/

How to do the exercise

See table 4

A game “Clap your hands”

Students should clap their hands and tell words they learnt at this lesson. The more, the better.


Answer the questions using the new words

1.      Om what do you like to spend  your money?

2.      Do you worry about your family’s health?

3.      Many people say we should not judge people by their clothes

4.      What do you think about this?

5.      Are you on a diet? Have you ever been on a diet?

6.      Are you tired of homework?


Ex.2a, p.17. Do reading tasks from the Course book.


Creating a story

The teacher splits students into some groups. See table 5.

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  • «Английский язык», О.Б. Дворецкая, Н.Ю. Казырбаева, Н.И. Кузеванова, М.Л. Мичурина, Н.В. Новикова, Л.В. Талзи, Е.Ю. Шалимова.

    «Английский язык», О.Б. Дворецкая, Н.Ю. Казырбаева, Н.И. Кузеванова, М.Л. Мичурина, Н.В. Новикова, Л.В. Талзи, Е.Ю. Шалимова.


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