Инфоурок Другое Другие методич. материалыМетодические рекомендации по МДК Разработка и проведение экскурсий на иностранном языке для студентов СПО "Туризм" (разработка)

Методические рекомендации по МДК Разработка и проведение экскурсий на иностранном языке для студентов СПО "Туризм" (разработка)

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Е.В. Лыкова











Preparing and conducting

a successful tour

Министерство образования и науки Республики Бурятия

Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное

учреждение Республики Бурятия

«Республиканский многоуровневый колледж»

















Методические рекомендации


по разработке и проведению экскурсий на иностранном языке

для студентов специальности 43.02.10 «Туризм»

























Утверждено к печати научно-методическим советом

ГАПОУ РБ «Республиканский многоуровневый колледж»










Фото обложки: Геннадий Лосев https://vk.com/losev60






Лыкова Е.В.

Методические рекомендации по МДК «Разработка и проведение экскурсий на иностранном языке» для подготовки к сдаче экзамена квалификационного для студентов специальности «Туризм»




Данные методические рекомендации помогут студентам подготовиться к сдаче экзамена квалификационного по профессиональному модулю ПМ 05. «Предоставление экскурсионных услуг» в части разработки экскурсии на английском языке.  В книге представлена рекомендованная структура оформления индивидуальной экскурсии, советы по подготовке и выступлению, примеры готовых экскурсий. Пособие будет также полезно конкурсантам при подготовке к чемпионату WorldSkills по компетенции R58. Организация экскурсионных услуг.

Для студентов, получающих среднее профессиональное образование по специальности 43.02.10 «Туризм».



Пояснительная записка


Методические рекомендации составлены с целью разъяснения студентам специальности «Туризм» особенностей подготовки к сдаче экзамена квалификационного по профессиональному модулю ПМ 05 «Предоставление экскурсионных услуг» в части МДК «Разработка и проведение экскурсий на иностранном языке».

Рекомендации составлены как часть Рабочей программы профессионального модуля в соответствии с ФГОС по специальности СПО 43.02.10 Туризм углубленной подготовки, в части освоения основного вида профессиональной деятельности (ВПД): Предоставление экскурсионных услуг с учетом профессионального стандарта Экскурсовод (Гид) и WSSS.

Данные рекомендации раскрывают рекомендованную структуру оформления индивидуальной экскурсии, советы по подготовке и выступлению, примеры готовых экскурсий.

Настоящие рекомендации могут быть использованы при подготовке студентов к экзамену квалификационному, в ходе разработки индивидуальной экскурсии. Пособие будет также полезно конкурсантам при подготовке к чемпионату WorldSkills по компетенции R58 Организация экскурсионных услуг.







Пояснительная записка. 4

Введение. 6

Описание структуры WorldSkills Standart Specification по компетенции «Организация экскурсионных услуг» в рамках экзамена квалификационного. 7

Рекомендации по разработке экскурсии (Модуль C, D) 8

Оформление технологической карты экскурсии №1 (Модуль С) 10

Подготовка индивидуального текста экскурсии (Модуль D) 11

Разработка аудиогида (Модуль В) 13

Решение проблемной ситуации на английском языке (Модуль F) 13

Памятка по представлению экскурсии. 14

Заключение. 15

Список использованной литературы.. 15



























Одной из ключевых форм деятельности в развитии и совершенствовании сфер культуры и туризма в современных условиях является экскурсионная деятельность. Экскурсионные услуги, оказываемые исполнителем, должны соответствовать требованиям, установленным федеральными законами и нормативными документами, действующими в Российской Федерации.

Организатор экскурсий – специалист, осуществляющий деятельность по разработке форм и методов проведения экскурсий, планирующий экскурсионные программы и экскурсионные маршруты, а также обеспечивающий экскурсионное сопровождение, организацию и контроль экскурсионного обслуживания.

В работе современного экскурсовода одной из важных компетенций является владение профессиональным английским языком. Опыт зарубежных коллег в экскурсоведении отличается от российского, систематизированных учебных комплексов по «Разработке и проведению экскурсий на иностранном языке» в данный момент не существует, поэтому возникла потребность в пособии, которое поможет студенту в подготовке к экзамену квалификационному по ПМ 05 «Предоставление экскурсионных услуг».

Данное пособие является результатом обобщения практического опыта, полученного составителем при работе со студентами СПО специальности «Туризм», а также в ходе чемпионатной практики по  компетенции WorldSkills R58 Организация экскурсионных услуг. Компетенция является Российской, но может выйти на мировой уровень, и потому курс равнения на стандарты WS считаем основополагающим.

В ходе первого чемпионата WorldSkills по данной компетенции, проходившего в Республике Бурятия в 2019 году мы пришли к выводу, что необходимо внедрять модули Ворлдскиллс в учебную деятельность при изучении студентами ПМ 05. Предоставление экскурсионных услуг.

Первый модуль, который был нами внедрен – модуль B «Организация экскурсий» (создание аудиогида). Этот модуль мы стали применять на экзамене квалификационном на английском языке, заменив им устную презентацию своей экскурсии. Также в рамках этого экзамена мы стали включать элементы модуля F, заменив им стандартные экзаменационные билеты.

Модули А, С, D и Е частично внедрены и продолжают внедряться в учебный процесс.

В ходе прохождения обучения мастеров производственного обучения по данной компетенции, мы пришли к выводу, что необходимо внедрять стандарты спецификации движения Ворлдскиллс (WSSS) в модуль ПМ 05. Предоставление экскурсионных услуг, наравне с ФГОС и профессиональными стандартами.


Описание структуры WorldSkills Standart Specification по компетенции «Организация экскурсионных услуг» в рамках экзамена квалификационного


№ п/п

Модуль WS

Разделы спецификации стандартов, в которых перечисленные знания и умения подлежат оцениванию по критерию


B. Организация экскурсий


Раздел №2. Организационное обеспечение экскурсионных услуг

Раздел №3. Разработка экскурсионных программ обслуживания

Раздел №4. Разработка экскурсий

Раздел №5. Проведение экскурсий

Раздел №6. Базовые знания и умения


C. Разработка экскурсионных программ обслуживания / экскурсий

Раздел №2. Организационное обеспечение экскурсионных услуг

Раздел №3. Разработка экскурсионных программ обслуживания

Раздел №4. Разработка экскурсий

Раздел №6. Базовые знания и умения


D. Проведение экскурсий


Раздел №3. Разработка экскурсионных программ обслуживания

Раздел №4. Разработка экскурсий

Раздел №5. Проведение экскурсий

Раздел №6. Базовые знания и умения


F. Решение проблемной ситуации

Раздел №1. Вспомогательная деятельность по реализации экскурсионных услуг

Раздел №2. Организационное обеспечение экскурсионных услуг

Раздел №3. Разработка экскурсионных программ обслуживания

Раздел №5. Проведение экскурсий

Раздел №6. Базовые знания и умения



Рекомендации по разработке экскурсии (Модуль C, D)


Ознакомьтесь со статьей о подготовительном этапе экскурсии.


5 Pre-Tour Must-Do's for a Great Tour Guide

(read an original at http://www.solimarinternational.com/resources-page/blog/item/154-5-pre-tour-must-do-s-for-a-great-tour-guide )


Written by Natalie Clark


Every tourist can tell stories of that time when his or her tour guide was the person who made the trip special but also the times in which the tour guide was a waste of money and time. Much of what makes a good tour guide and a good tour experience is preparation. Here are five must-do guide training tips that will help you to become a great tour guide even before the tour begins!

1.     Plan in Advance.

Even the best tour guide shouldn’t just wing his or her tour. If you’re new to the tour route or industry, be sure to prepare by completing a through inventory of the site or trail that your tour will cover. You should know your tour route completely and know what amenities are available to tourists, such as restrooms, cafes, and gift shops. Even if you’re experienced at giving tours, you can always learn more. Conduct in-depth research of your tour material. Learn all there is to know regarding the tour; your tourists will look to you as the expert. Lastly, practice, practice, practice. Nothing will calm your nerves and prepare you like practicing your tour dialogue for an audience. Ask family or friends to listen to your tour and pepper you with difficult questions. If you will be conducting the tour in a non-native language, it will be beneficial to practice speaking and to pay close attention to pronunciation.

2.     Provide Necessary Information.

Your tourists will likely be unfamiliar with the area and excited for your guided tour. Help them to prepare appropriately by providing logistics and rules in advance of the tour. Be sure that the location, time, and length of the tour are clearly communicated to all participants. Let them know what clothing is appropriate for the trip, keeping in mind any cultural and safety considerations, as well as what they should bring (such as money, jackets, sunscreen, bug spray, water bottles, cameras) and what they should not. Make sure that you emphasize any park or site rules in advance (such as no photos or no picnics).

3.     Have a “Message”.€

Wrap your tour around a single, simple message. This is the main point that you hope to get across to visitors. It may cover the history, wildlife, architecture, ghost stories, cuisine, or many other themes of your city, site, or park. Be sure that the message is original and keep it one simple full sentence. By structuring your tour around one theme, your tour will be easier to follow for visitors, and the content will be more cohesive. All the material covered in your tour should revolve around or relate to the visitors’ understanding of this message.

4.     Prepare a Structure.

Plan the structure of your tour in advance by formulating a written outline for your tour. Begin by brainstorming a catchy introduction. Next plan the stops on your tour; be sure that each stop has scenic views, interesting history, or contributes to your message. Figure out what you will say at each stop. Be sure to consider whether your stop is shaded, has benches, and other comfort factors for tourists. Prepare a short conclusion that wraps up the “message” of the tour and thanks your tourists for joining you.

5.     Carry Appropriate Equipment.

A key component to preparing for your tour is to carry all appropriate equipment with you. While planning your tour, make a list of all of the items that might be useful to communicating your message or would make the tour more comfortable or enjoyable for visitors. In terms of communication, if you have a large tour group, a wireless microphone or headsets may be needed. Be sure that you are carrying a phone or walkie-talkies to make sure that visitors have a way to contact you both before and during the tour. For comfort, perhaps your visitors would appreciate printed itineraries of the sites they will visit, or, if the weather will be hot and sunny, water bottles and a bottle of emergency sunscreen may be wise. It is also wise to keep basic first-aid equipment on hand. Consider the logistics of what equipment you can reasonably carry throughout the tour, as you can certainly bring more if you will be traveling by truck rather than on foot for instance. Carrying the appropriate equipment will improve your tour communication and your visitors’ comfort, ensuring a better tour!

By preparing in advance, providing necessary information to tourists, composing a “message” for your tour, keeping a clear tour structure, and carrying basic equipment, your tour will be off to a good start even before it begins!







Оформление технологической карты экскурсии №1 (Модуль С)


Перед вами  шаблон технологической карты №1, который вам необходимо заполнить, исходя из особенностей вашей индивидуальной экскурсии. С примерами технологических карт готовых экскурсий вы можете ознакомиться в приложении.


Technological card №1

Name of the excursion




By the content:

By the composition and the number of participants:

By the form:

By the location:

By the method of movement:

By the duration:



Заполняя графу “Tasks”, используйте глаголы в неопределенной форме с частицей to, например: to study, to prepare, to show, to give, to form, etc.

Заполняя графу “Itinerary”, перечислите все ваши объекты показа, разделив их между собой знаком тире.



Подготовка индивидуального текста экскурсии (Модуль D)


Индивидуальный текст экскурсии должна отличать живость речи и взаимодействие с экскурсантами, поэтому хороший экскурсовод должен обязательно уметь пользоваться специальными вводными словами и фразами-клише. Поработайте со списком наиболее употребляемых фраз экскурсовода и не забудьте применить их в своем индивидуальном тексте.


 1. Welcoming tourists and introducing yourself

Good morning. My name is ........... and I will be your guide for this tour.

Hello everyone. I’m ........., your guide for this tour.

On behalf of ... I would like to welcome you all to ... (e.g Buryatia)

Dear guests; let me introduce myself. My name is ........ and I’m your guide.


2. While conducting a tour you can show and talk about an interesting place in the following way using some useful phrases:


Introduce a place (give its name)

We are now standing in front of .........

As you can see, ...

In front of you there is ...


Give key information (give general information about a place)

It is the most important ....

It is a very good/superb example of ...

This is one of the best examples of ...

This is one of the most famous ...


Give detailed information (history, architect, etc.)

It was built by ....

It was founded by ...

The palace/church/building was designed by ...

It was completed in ...

It was restored ...






Point out specific details

What is interesting is that ...

If you will look up you will notice ...

Take a good look at ...

Please notice ...


Invite questions (optional, depends on a group)

Have you got any questions?

Are there any questions?

Get ready to move on

If you are ready, let’s go inside.

Follow me, please.

Let’s go.


3. During a coach trip you can use some of these phrases

On your right/left you can see ...

On your right/left hand side you will see ...

In a few minutes we’ll be pasing ...

Our next stop is ...

Please be back at the bus at ...

The bus will be leaving at ... sharp.

Please keep your seatbelt fastened at all times.

Please remain seated untill we come to a full stop.

The bus ride will take ...   

The bus ride to the hotel/stadium/beach will take about ...

Now I’d like to familiarise you with the area.

In a few minutes we will be pulling up to the hotel.


4. Phrases used to desribe rules and safety

It is forbidden to ...

No ....... is allowed ...

You mustn’t ...

You can’t ...

Please realise that it is against the law to ...

Please do not ....

Make sure that ...

Please be careful of ...

Look after your ...

I do not recommend ...

I suggest ...

For your own safety ...

Please stay with your group

Please stay on a marked path

Please take my advice and ...


Разработка аудиогида (Модуль В)      

Раздел в разработке

Решение проблемной ситуации на английском языке (Модуль F)

Раздел в разработке

























Памятка по представлению экскурсии


Уважаемые студенты! Вот и наступил момент представления экскурсии. Для того чтобы успешно пройти этот этап, Вам необходимо:

1. Распечатать технологическую карту№1на английском языке;

2. Распечатать индивидуальный текст экскурсии на английском языке;

3. Распечатать титульный лист на английском языке (см. прил.1)

4. Скрепить распечатанные материалы любым способом: в брошюраторе, в пластиковый скоросшиватель, на крайний случай, просто степлером.

5. A) Защита в форме презентации Power Point

Презентация вашей экскурсии должна быть наглядная: минимум текстовки, максимум объектов показа. Не забудьте вставить схему маршрута экскурсии.

Подготовьте текст для защиты, сократив индивидуальный текст под себя. Вам должно быть легко его рассказывать. Не забудьте про регламент рассказа 3-5 минут. Не затягивайте, ваш рассказ должен быть интересным! Не забудьте соотнести слайды презентации с вашим текстом для защиты, ведь вы сами будете переключать слайды по ходу своего рассказа.

Не забудьте, что в презентации, технологической карте №1 и индивидуальном тексте, т.е. во всех частях вашего проекта,  должно быть единообразие перевода.

5. B) Защита в форме представления аудиогида izi.travel


Успешной защиты!







Раздел в разработке

Список использованной литературы


Раздел в разработке




















ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1. Оформление титульного листа проекта




Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Buryatia

State Autonomous professional educational institution of the

Republic of Buryatia


Excursion project

Faculty of Physical education and Tourism





Project work

Architectural city excursion (указать свою тему по-английски)*

Specialty: 43.02.01 Tourism

Year: 2 (указать курс)*

Group: 651 (указать группу)*

Student: Stepanova Tamara (указать фамилию/имя)*








2020 (указать год)*

*  - после заполнения своих сведений, информацию, написанную в скобках курсивом, убрать!

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2. Примеры оформления технологических карт №1


Technological card №1

“Merkit fortress through the legends”


Theme: History and natural features of the Merkit fortress

Aim: The purpose of the excursion is to acquaint the tourists with the legends of the Merkit fortress


1.                 To select objects to study

2.                 To prepare a technological card

3.                 To study the legends of the Merkit fortress

4.                 To acquaint tourists with the legends of the Merkit fortress

By the content: thematic, local-history

By the composition and the number of participants: for adults, for incoming tourists, for groups

By the location: countryside

By the method of movement: combined

By the form: walk-tour

By the duration: 2.5 hours

Length: 10 kilometers

Itinerary: Root of a mountain of the Merkit Fortress – Apricot grove – Sacred tree – Merkit caves – Humming stones


Technological card №1

"Monuments of our city"


Theme: City sightseeing tour                

Aim: To acquaint tourists with sights of a city of Ulan-Ude.


1. To collect the information about objects of excursion;

2. To prepare a portfolio of the guide;

3. To prepare a technological card;

4. To familiarize with the sights.

By the content:   overview excursion

By the composition and the number of participants: for the organized groups

By the form: sightseeing excursion

By the method of movement: on foot

By the location: urban

By the duration: 2-2.5 hours

Itinerary: Monument to V.I. Lenin – a sculpture the Beauty Angara – Triumphal arch “Imperial gate”– Monument to the Merchant – Mercury’s Wand and Cornucopia – The Arabian beauties – Monument “Two seagulls” – Trading yards – Dari’s Heart – the Tree of life.


ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 3. Пример индивидуального текста экскурсии


Individual text

Hello dear sightseers! My name is Marina, and I will be your guide today. We are very glad to see you this sunny and warm day! In a few minutes we will go to the shore of Lake Baikal, where you will have the opportunity not only to get acquainted with its nature, but also to capture the magnificent landscapes of the sacred lake for many years to come. Please take your seats on the bus.

During the trip you must follow certain rules:

Do not go far from the group;

Do not walk while the bus is moving.

Please fasten your seat belts.

The road awaits us for a long time, so your attention will be provided with a video about Lake Baikal ("Around Baikal for 10 days", "Baikal without borders", "Lake Baikal, Legends of the Great Lake"). Enjoy watching.

Please draw your attention to the fact that we are in the Pribaikalsky district.The Pribaikalsky region is not only a remarkable, rich ancient history, witnessed in the amazing monuments of antiquity, which today acquire a second life and are attracted by their spirituality and grandeur. The Baikal region is the high mountain ranges of Ulan-Bourgas, these are thousands of square kilometers of the taiga, it is the Itantsinsky valley with many streams, these are wonderful recreation areas with sandy beaches in the Gremyachinsk and Goryachinsk regions, the high-water Selenga River and the Trans-Siberian Railway, these are Goryachinsk and Baikal Bor, this is the richest in the world Cheremshanskoe deposit of quartzite and a lot of logging enterprises, It is a boundless taiga, occupying almost 80% of the area. These forests are rich not only in wood, but also in many ecologically clean gifts of nature - pine nuts, all sorts of berries, mushrooms and medicinal herbs. This is a truly rich land for lovers of hunting and fishing, fans of winter sports and just those who are bored with noisy urban rest areas that do not give peace of mind and forgotten feelings of being in a pristine world. The Baikal region is a region with developed infrastructure, an extensive network of roads and railways, and waterways. Today's Baikal region is also the Special Economic Zone of the Tourist-recreational type "Baikal Harbor", which becomes the locomotive of the further development of the region. I want to wish you unforgettable sensations from the meeting with the beautiful Baikal nature and the hospitable owners of the district!

Very soon we will come, but for now keep watching the movie.

We arrived. We leave the bus.

After a long trip all hungry, I suggest you go to a cafe. After the meal, we will gather here. Bon Appetit!

We are waiting for everyone to get together.

Our tour begins with the Turka village.

Where the Turka River flows into Baikal, the settlement of the same name is located, which is the second on the way from Ulan-Ude along the Barguzinsky tract, where you can stay for tourists. If earlier it was an ordinary village on the shore of Lake Baikal, today Turka entered the special economic zone "Baikal Harbor". On the territory of the "Baikal Harbor" is planned a massive construction of various resorts and the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable stay.

At the moment, construction began only in Turka: now near the village there is a huge embankment where you can not only walk in the evenings, but also visit various activities that are rare, but are held here. Also the village was enriched by the port, which became the first modern port on the east coast. While all this looks, of course, beautiful, but here it is always empty and deserted. Perhaps in a few years we will observe the formation of the Turka as a modern recreation center on Lake Baikal, but today it is a small village with a large embankment, on which no one walks.

I'm glad that you managed to visit Turka, because even a stop or walk here will leave a lot of impressions about Lake Baikal. The entrance to the territory is free, even if you are not afraid of a large fence, which encloses the entire embankment area. The lighthouse also has the opportunity to go up for 100 rubles: it's enough to call the lighthouse guard – Uncle Pasha.

As you can see, beautiful views are opened along the Turka River, where the village continues and where there are also guest houses. The undoubted advantage is that the water in the river is warmer than in the open Baikal and you can swim as much as you wish.

Pay attention, that there are not so many tourists in Turka: despite the fact that there is an excellent sandy beach – look, it's almost deserted. Firstly, because from the village itself you can walk to the embankment and the beach for 20 minutes, and, secondly, while the Turka is still not such an untwisted and attractive place for rest.

Rest in Turka is worth planning if you are coming here for a quiet, measured rest, or if you want to enjoy nature: since the village is located at the confluence of the Turka River in Baikal, here you will find excellent fishing. Many guest houses organize fishing trips with local residents who will be able to teach everything and tell everything, as well as various extreme sports, such as rafting on the river. Not far from here there is an amazing natural monument – Boulder Turtle, where we can walk on foot. Beautiful mountains, rich in berries and grass forests, clean air and boundless sandy beaches will not let you get bored.

From the entertainment there are also available: a sauna (for example, in the guest house "Pestov’s" ("U Pestovykh") there is a water slide directly from the bath, along which you slide down to the Turka river immediately), a volleyball court, billiards, fishing, boat rides, rafting along the Turka River, table tennis, as well as various excursions to neighboring places on Lake Baikal. Most entertainment is offered directly by the hotel where you stay.

In the village there is a wide selection of grocery stores, where you can buy everything you need. You can eat like in one of the cafe in the village (the best are "Province" and "Goldfish"), and in guest houses, some of which work as a canteen. You can also order 3 meals a day, which is very affordable: from 750 to 1000 rubles. Many tourist centers have common kitchens, where you can cook independently for economy. Problems with ATMs also do not exist: they can be found both in the settlement and at the gas station.

Let's go further.

The main attraction of the Turka is the Baikal harbor. This is a special economic zone of tourist-recreational type, located on the coast of Lake Baikal in the Pribaikalsky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 110-170 km from Ulan-Ude. It was established on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2007.

The tourist zone from the south adjoins the valley of the river Khaim. The length of the Baikal coast is 60 km – from the settlement Gremyachinsk to the cape Katkov. On the territory of the "Baikal Harbor" is Lake Kotokel, 20 km south of the mountain Bull, with a peak height of 1771 m.

I would like to say a few words about the history of development.

In July 2009, the first stone was laid in the construction of the "Baikal Harbor". The ceremony was attended by the Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, the President of Buryatia Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, the head of the Federal Agency for Special Economic Zones (RusSEZ) Andrey Alpatov, the head of the resident companies of the tourist zone.

At the end of 2010, the first phase of the infrastructure of the special economic zone was put into operation: power supply facilities, in-site water supply networks, domestic sewerage, and embankment. In February 2011, treatment facilities and an electrical substation began operating.

Well, the "hit of the construction" is, of course, a beautiful, proudly, but lonely upward lighthouse. Let's go to the lighthouse.

Meet, this is that Uncle Peter – the caretaker of the lighthouse, about whom I told you. We rise to the lighthouse.

Its construction was started in 2014. It was built in six months. 56 steps up, and you are at the height of a bird's flight. An unforgettable view opens from the observation platform: the hills of the Turka valley, the eastern coast of the horizon, the snow-capped peaks of the Saint Nose (Svyatoy Nos) peninsula, the mountains of the Baikal ridge, and the majestic island of Olkhon. Just breathtaking! Screaming seagulls, fresh wind, extraordinarily pure and transparent air add emotions, and you, as if, break away from reality ....

Take photos. You have 20 minutes for this. After that get down and get on the bus, we are waiting for a lot of interesting things.

We drive up to Goryachinsk. I ask everyone to get off the bus and line up in 2 rows.

We are located near the oldest and at the same time the youngest all-season resort on Lake Baikal. The oldest, because the hydropathic resort in Goryachinsk operates since the beginning of the XIX century. It is the same age as the resorts in the Caucasian mineral waters. And the newest one, because in 2009 the first stone of the new resort "Baikal Harbor" was laid here. By the end of 2012, construction of communications was completed and an embankment was built.

Goryachinsk is an excellent place for rest and recuperation. Here, coniferous forest, sand and fresh air. And local mineral springs and therapeutic mud successfully treat diseases of the spine, nervous system, skin, respiratory organs, etc. Not far from here is a picturesque lake in the northern part of the Ulan-Bourgasy Ridge. Nearby is the Bychka River, which feeds the lake in an unconsolidated summer. During the drought, the stream dries up. Let's go further.

In front of  you there is the mountain Bull – one of the tops of the Khaim loaches (1771 meters) already today becomes a place for mountain skiing. Now it is available only for fans of freeride and mountain tourism. The upper part of the mountain (above 1200 meters to the very top) has a wide choice of slopes of different difficulty levels. Differences in heights is 450-600 meters. These are untouched and amazing places: wild nature, cranberries and blueberries directly from the bush, insane panoramas of mountain peaks with a view of Baikal! And in winter – up to 4 meters of plump snow and descents with a difference in altitude – up to 600 meters. The transfer is made on a snowmobile or helicopter.

And this is the Sacred River Khaim. There is a legend that the river and the locality are named after the Jew Khaim, who saved some revolutionaries. It was invented in Soviet times by the Buryat writer African Balburov. In fact, the name is more ancient. Khaim – from Evenki translates as warm water. The river is fed by warm streams, so it does not freeze and there winter more fish. It is an hour's drive from the resort "Baikal Harbor".

In the vicinity of Gremyachinsk in the south of the Baikal harbor several warm lakes: Wild – suitable for swimming, it is shallow, with a sandy bottom. Small and Large Wind – to observe the birds that fly here for the summer.

Just ask to pay attention to the monument to air travelers. It is located where, in 2007, a balloon landed on which bold balloonists crossed Baikal from the west bank to the east. The uniqueness of this flight was that extremely difficult meteorological conditions over Baikal.

And finally, in front of you is the "Baikal Harbor" resort – a world-class resort. According to plans, the construction of a congress center with a concert hall, a shopping and entertainment complex and a marina for small ships and a lighthouse is planned in Turka. In Sands - hotels and entertainment centers are built. In the Bay of Nameless – a center for families, adventurers and water sports on the shore of Lake Baikal.

So our excursion to the sights of Lake Baikal has come to an end. I hope you will have good memories of this day. We have come a long way; we can praise ourselves for it. You will have great photos with the sceneries of Lake Baikal, thanks to which this tour will remain with you forever. And now take the bus; soon we will arrive at the end point of our excursion – the city of Ulan-Ude.

It was nice to work with you. Thank you all for your attention. See you!РРРе

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