Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыModule 5 Spotlight 9 Tests

Module 5 Spotlight 9 Tests

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Spotlight 9   Test 5 Variant 1


1. Fill in:plot, anonymous, spray, all-star, miniature, artistic, action, difficulties, box office, special.

1.       There is an interesting ……………………….. in this film.

2.       This film has an ………………………. cast.

3.       That artist had learning ……………when he was a young student, and only felt happy when he was painting.

4.       The Harry Potter films were a ……………………. success.

5.       Graffiti artists use ……………………. paint.

6.       His ……………………..sculptures include a cat on an eyelash.

7.       Tom shows a lot of ………………….. creativity; he should think about becoming a professional photographer.

8.       Some graffiti artists want to remain ……………………….. .

9.       Armageddon is a(n) ……………………. -packed  film.

10.    Teenager s  love  films with great ……………………. effects.


2. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets.

1. What’s ………………………………… (expensive) thing you’ve ever bought?

2. I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s ………………………………….. (comfortable).

3. Amy and Ben have three daughters. ……………………………… (old) is 14 years old.

4. The meteor was moving closer and ……………………………… (close) to the Earth.

5. Don’t tell him anything. The …………………. (little) he knows, the ………………….. (well).

6. Chemistry is not as ………………………. (easy) as Maths for me.

7. She was …………………………… (amusing) girl I have ever met.

8. She was …………………………... (practical) of the family.

9. What do you think of my ………………………….. (late) films?

10. He turned out to be  ……………………………. (angry) than I had expected.

11. This juice is …………………………. (good) I ever tasted.


3. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition: of, in, for, to, of , out

1. It is very nice _________ you to invite me and my family for lunch.

2. Who stars ___________ The Hobbit films ?

3. The second youngest billionaire of the world Mark Zuckerberg is famous _________ creating Facebook.

4. I think, high quality special effects add value _________ the Harry Potter films.

5. What sort _________ music does your friend like ?


4. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle: into, out of, through, away, over,

1.       He’s upset because his cat got run __________ yesterday.

2.       The actors ran _________ the scene once more.

3.       The film is about a boy who runs _________ from home.

4.       I’ve run _________ of white paint. Can you buy me some?

5.       Jack ran _________ an old school friend in the park.


5. Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-.

1.       My parents usually ……………………………... about which film to go and see. (agree)

2.       They …………………………. us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back.(charge)

3.       The foreigners are difficult to understand because they …………………. many Russian words.(pronounce)

4.       You should …………………….... your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)

5.       We were sorry to realize that we ………………………  in the shop. (pay)



6. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.


A The Class

The Class is about a young teacher who works at a school in a poor area of Paris and his difficult students. The story was originally a book written by Frangois Begaudeau. The film tells the sad story of how a teacher tries to teach his class of teenage students but fails, because the students don’t respect education or teachers, and because they have no desire to learn. Everyone who stars in the film (including Begaudeau, who plays himself) is a non-professional. People expect The Class to be boring because the teacher-student theme has appeared in films many times before, but it isn’t. It is an absolutely brilliant film and no one should miss it.


B Slumdog Millionaire

Director Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal, a poor boy in India, who goes on the TV show ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’. The story was originally a prize-winning novel by Indian author VikasSwarup. Jamal wins the TV show. But before he does, they take him to a police station because the police think that he is cheating. While the police ask Jamal questions, we see events from Jamal’s life which explain why he knows the answers.

At one point, the creators of Slumdog Millionaire had decided not to show it in film theatres, and just make it into a DVD. Luckily, they changed their minds, because this film is now an international hit!


C American Teen

American Teen is a documentary film by director Nanette Burstein. Burnstein filmed the lives of five teenagers, who go to a school in Indiana, USA. She followed the students filming their everyday lives for a year, because she wanted to show what it is like to be a teenager in America today.

American Teen is an enjoyable documentary, but sometimes it doesn't feel true to life. In fact, some film critics think that Burstein gave the teens lines to learn. But in interviews, the teenagers have always said that the film is 100% real-life and no one is acting.

Whether real-life or not, American Teen is an entertaining look at young people today.


Which film (A, B, or C) ...

1. was not going to play in cinemas at first?

2. does not seem realistic to some people?

3. is interesting even though the plot is not original?

4. is extremely popular all over the world?

5. is about someone trying but not succeeding?

6. was first a very successful book?

7. is about daily life experiences?











































Spotlight 9   Test 5 Variant 2


1.  Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

designing, artistic, still, portray, starring, stunts, spray, private, set, miniature, plots, remain

1. ………………………….. pieces of art are called micro sculptures.

2. You can’t imagine adventure films and blockbusters without any …………………………… .

3. Some people choose to ……………………... anonymous because they are afraid of being in the spotlight.

4. The film is …………………………. in medieval times.

5. While the photographer was taking our picture we stayed perfectly …………………………… .

6. Crime novels always have interesting and mysterious … ………………………...

7. What do his paintings …………………………..?

8. …………………………… creativity is an essential part of life of humans.

9. That house is his ……………………….. property.       


2. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative/superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. She was ………………………………. (amusing) girl I have ever met.

2. He's a far …………………………... (intelligent) person than my brother.

3. She was ……………………………. (practical) of the family.

4. He felt ……………………………… (bad) yesterday than the day before.

5. I wasn’t feeling well yesterday, but I feel a bit ………………………………….. (good) today.

6. What do you think of my ………………………………… (late) films?

7. Andy is getting ………………………. and ………………………... (good) at playing chess.

8. He turned out to be  ………………………….... (angry) than I had expected.

9. Today I'm no ………………………………... (wise) than yesterday.

10. What’s ……………………………….. (quick) way to get to the station?

11. This juice is ……………………………... (good) I ever tasted.

12. Jack is the …………………………….. (clever) of three brothers.



3.Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition: for,  of, with, out, at, of

1. Giacomo Puccini is famous _________ his operas .

2. Mozart is one of the best composers __________ all time.

3. The Transformers film is very popular __________ the young people.

4. The Dali became the most expensive Surrealist lot sold __________ auction last month.

5. Yesterday afternoon two thieves stole some painting __________Rembrandt from the Boston Museum.


4. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle: into, out of, through, away, over

1. When I was a kid I got angry with my parents one day and ran ___________from home.

2. Melissa ran ____________ Bill yesterday at the cinema.

3. We’ve run ____________ milk. Could you get some, please?

4. After I’ve written the speech, could we run _________ it together so you can let me know what you think.

5. I ran _____________ the dog while driving here and I can’t stop thinking about it.


5. Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-.

1. My parents usually ……………………... about which film to go and see. (agree)

2. They ………………….. us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back.(charge)

3. The foreigners are difficult to understand because they ……………. many Russian words.(pronounce)

4. You should ………………………. your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)

5. We were sorry to realize that we ………………………...  in the shop. (pay)



6. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.


A The Tale of Despereaux

Those who liked reading Kate DiCamillo’s The Tale of  Despereaux will certainly enjoy the film. It’s about Despereaux, a likeable mouse with big ears who falls in love with a human princess called Pea. A servant girl, who wants to become the princess, kidnaps Pea with the help of Roscuro, an evil rat. It is up to Despereaux to defeat his opponents and rescue Pea. Although it is an American film, The Tale of Despereaux has an interesting European feel to it. It features a great cast of voice actors, with Mathew Broderick starring as Despereaux. It might not do well at the box office, because it is more artistic than action-packed, but it is sure to be a significant film for true film lovers.

B  Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Indy is back! After years of waiting, enthusiasts of the adventurous archaeologist Indiana Jones, once again played by Harrison Ford, can enjoy their favouritecharacter as he’s off to uncover more mysteries of the ancient world. Everything we expect from an Indiana Jones film is there: the action, the special effects, the excitement, and the clever dialogues. Yet, those of us who have been following Indy’s career since its start will feel like we’ve seen it all before. Predictable or not, though, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is still an excellent film for those who enjoy a light-hearted adventure, and it’s also among this year’s greatest box office hits.

C  The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

The magical world of Narnia is opening its doors one more time. The four Pevensie children enter the wardrobe once again, this time to help Prince Caspian get his kingdom back from the villain, the evil King Miraz. Prince Caspian has all the fascinating elements that made the first film in the series. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, a success and continues to entertain the audience with its intriguing characters. One problem with it, though, is its runtime: parents might find it challenging to keep their young children still and quiet for almost two and a half hours!


Which film (A, B, or C) ...

1. is a romantic tale? …

2. is rather long? ...

3. includes historical elements? ...

4. is an animated film? …

5. will probably disappoint fans of the main character? ...

6. will probably sell the most cinema tickets? ...

7. takes its plot from a book? ...


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