Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыMy native country is Kazakhstan

My native country is Kazakhstan

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My Motherland is Kazakhstan

Балсеитова А. К.

Преподаватель английского языка

Строительный колледж г. Петропавловска

The aims of the lessons:

Educational: 1) Revise already studied materials on the theme «Kazakhstan»

2) Mastering of new lexical materials and their use in speech.

Developing: To develop memory, logical thinking.

Bringing up: 1) To make an interest to the subject, to teach to work creatively, in group.

2) To teach the students to be patriots, and to know our Kazakhstan.

The visual aids of the lesson: a computer classroom with the interactive board, video, diagrams, slides, cards.

Type: a competition

The plan of the lesson

1. Organization moment.

Good morning! Today I am very glad to see you.

What date is it today?  

Who is absent today?     

Where do you live?   

What is the capital of our country?

Where are you from?

What is the population of Kazakhstan? What countries does it border on?

Thank you!

We live in Kazakhstan. We have to take care of each other and to live in peace and friendship.

Let us see our country. The video about Kazakhstan.

How do you think what we will speak in our English lesson about? 

Today we will speak about Kazakhstan. Today we will revise the theme «Kazakhstan» We have seen the video. Do you like your country?

2. Introduction with rules of the competition.

Today we shall have a competition of two teams. There are two teams in our classroom.

1.     The first task for our teams is to introduce their teams.


2.The second task for our teams is to complete the diagram.  What associations have you got when you hear the word «Kazakhstan»?

Радиальная диаграмма

3. The third task for our teams is to collect the proverbs.  You have to read it for us and translate from English into Kazakh and Russian.

        The 1 st   group

1.     my, is, house, castle, my

2.     is, home, no, like, there, place

The 2nd group

1.     or, home, east, west, best, is

2.     need, friend, a, in, indeed, is, a, friend


4. The fourth task for our teams is to match English verbs with Kazakh verbs.

        The 1st group.

         Country     Дәстүр

        Peace         Тарих

        Nature        Отан

        Capital      Халық

        Tradition   Мемлекет

        State         Бейбітшілік

        History      Табиғат

        President    Елбасы

        Population   Астана

        Motherland   Ел


       The 2nd group

      Mother                     Халықаралық

      Rich                         Ана

     Flowers                   Гүлдер

     International            Көпұлтты

     Multinational            Бай

    Friendship                Тәуелсіз

   Independent              Әдемі

   City                           Жолдас

   Friend                        Қала

   Beautiful                    Достық


5. Slides «The cities of our country» (Working with an interactive blackboard)

The 5th task for our teams is to make up the dialogues about our cities.

6. The 6th task for our teams is to listen the texts. You should reproduce these texts.

1. Kazakhstan is an independent Republic. We live in Kazakhstan. Our republic is very big. It is situated in central Asia. Kazakhstan has got its flag and national emblem. The capital of our country is Astana. It stands on the Ishim river. The city is very beautiful. There are many big cities in our Republic. They are Almaty, Shymkent, Aktau , Semei,  Atyrau and others. The most ancient city is Taraz. Taraz is situated in the south of Kazakhstan. Our people live in peace and friendship. There many nations in Kazakhstan. The official language is Kazakhs. The president of our Republic is Nursultan Nazarbayev. We are proud of our country.

2. Kazakhstan is a sovereign state. In December 1991 Kazakhstan declared its independence. Kazak government pursues the policy of friendship and national accord. Historically Kazakhstan has developed as a multinational state. According to the constitution adopted in 1995 every nationality can develop its culture in Kazakhstan. All people of Kazakhstan have equal rights and duties. Both industry and agriculture are developing here. Nowadays many private firms and joint ventures appear. Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations with seventy countries of the world. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is highly respected not only in this country but abroad as well because he is an honest and intelligent statesman.

3. Summary of the lesson.

The lesson was interesting. You worked very hard.

The result  of a lesson.








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