Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыНаучная работа "Умный доход"

Научная работа "Умный доход"

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Project on: Smart Income

Problem: Teenagers' lack of awareness of online income

project type: social

duration: long term

research subject: investment,money

object of research: economics

Hypothesis: if teenagers have knowledge about money and investments, they will be able to manage and multiply them wisely

Researchmethods: Analysisofnecessaryinformation, survey, comparison.

Goal: 1.Formation of social and financial literacy in the field of investment 2.Expansion of knowledge of adolescents in this area 3.Improvement of the standard of living of the younger generation


1) Consider opportunities for schoolchildren to earn money.

2) Conduct a survey of students.

1) Analyze the information obtained in the survey

3) To reveal the concepts: investments, cryptocurrencies, broker.

4) To examine the opportunities for income through investments.

5) To cultivate a responsible attitude to financial activity.

6) To make a guide for teenagers on income in the field of investing

Relevance of the research: In today's world almost every teenager wants to have his own earned pocket money. Therefore, given the current situation in the world, quite a relevant topic is earning through the purchase and sale of investments. In addition, this topic is promising not only for teenagers, but also for adults.

Possible part-time jobs for schoolchildren.

It used to be that teenagers earned their first money by turning in waste paper or bottles. Nowadays, modern students have much more opportunities, including earning money offline or on the Internet. More often than not, young people have a number of advantages: they show more activity and initiative, and quickly adapt to new conditions. Employers mostly understand this, so it is quite realistic for a teenager to find a job if they want to.

Here are some income options for teens:

- Promoter

- Courier

- Animator

- Dog walker

- Cleaner

- Fast food outlets

- Tutor


Naturally, working offline is not the easiest thing. It is much more tiring and complicated than working online (on the Internet).

If we talk about work on the Internet, here are the most popular directions:


- Copywriting - writing texts and articles to order

- Transcription - transcription of audio and video files into text

- Writing reviews and comments

- Blogging on social networks

- Rewriting - processing and correcting texts already given

- Currency

- Writing programs or creating websites (work for teenagers involved in programming).


Most of today's teenagers are already trained in all of the above. Therefore, this kind of earnings is not only promising and profitable, but also will not take you much time.



A survey was conducted among schoolchildren 14-17 years old and the following results were obtained:

Teens who are self-employed are about 35% of those surveyed. Teenagers who do not work part-time are many times more, about 65% of the number of respondents.

The second question in this survey, was: "If you work, how: online or offline?"

The following result was obtained:

We conclude that the majority of part-time schoolchildren, make a profit through the Internet, as it is more convenient. That is why this project is relevant.


Disclosure of concepts.

Money is the intermediary asset that makes our economic and commercial relations simple.

Investment is the placement of capital for the purpose of making a profit.

Cryptocurrency is any type of currency in digital or virtual form.

Broker - a legal entity that acts as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer.


Investment income opportunities.

Adolescence is exactly the age when you need to learn how to properly allocate your budget, that is, manage your money, and also try to make money. According to statistics, people earn the most money between the ages of 35-45. But if teenagers from school age start to get financial literacy, learn how to build their budget and earn, this age can go down to 25 years, which will improve the standard of living in our country.



Benefit Items:

1) If you want to earn in this way, you must be 14 years old and your parents' consent is required.

2) So, to begin with, you need to open an online brokerage account. To do this, you need knowledge. You can get them from free courses at your chosen broker. All existing brokers are reliable intermediaries

3) Next, decide on a source of profit: currency, stocks, bonds, lots, etc.

4) Transfer the desired amount of money to the account (the plus is that you can deposit any amount).

5) Make a test transaction on the exchange

6) Make the first transaction with the exchange

7) Watch the rise or fall, of the stocks/currencies you buy.

8) Any investment of funds has varying levels of risk. Learn to calculate them and learn ways to reduce them (e.g., making a diversified investment portfolio - a case where you invest in several different instruments). Simply put, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

9) Sell what you buy at the peak of price value.

10) Monitor the events of the companies whose stock you buy.

11) Multiplyyourincome.

Note: areas that are not worth investing in, as such an investment is essentially just a purchase and will not bring any added value, and in some cases will also incur costs.серийныеювелирныеукрашения

- cars (not collectibles)

- technology - almost no comment: it becomes obsolete in less than a year;

- virtual things: tanks, game mana, bitcoins, cryptocurrencies, etc. You just shouldn't buy virtual stuff with real money, the risk of loss and legislative risk is too great.

- Gambling




Thus, I want to say that if you are interested in gaining economic knowledge and multiplying your income you can start investing now by investing your pocket or accumulated money. You must have a clear idea of how your money will work, at what expense and in what time frame the income is formed, what risks you can incur. Even if the first one was not the most successful. Analyze your mistakes, assess the new opportunities, consult your broker and try again. If you have decided to invest in currency, it is better to use the broker's services in order to benefit from exchange rate differences, to make transactions at the right moment and not to overpay the bank.

So, to paraphrase the famous lines, do not let the money be lazy. Work for results.

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